Meditation Secrets

Archive for the ‘Trascendental Meditation’ Category

Meditation Johannesburg : trascendental meditation

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Meditation is not only one of the best ways to train one’s body to relax, but it also helps us to teach our minds to focus on a certain part of our lives, whatever that may be. In today’s rushed lifestyle it is not always easy to find time to relax and concentrate on the […]

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Depression & Meditation

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One of the more interesting ways of relaxing the mind is through a process that is known as meditation. Meditation has been used for thousands of years in natural medicine in order to help individuals to overcome a variety of different problems that they are experiencing. One thing that meditation may be most effective in […]

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Walking Meditation

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Exercise Workout – Walking Meditation For A Healthier Life  The art of meditation has continuously been connected that have isolation, calm, as well as bodily sluggishness. As soon as single discussion of the art of meditation, probably you may usually come up with a scenario during which a person finds a out-of-the-way space, closes his eyes […]

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Why Meditation?

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Meditation is good for you. It can lessen anxiety, stress, depression, promotes concentration and there has even been studies that it reduces symptoms of blocked arteries. So why don’t people do it more? To many practitioners, the purpose of meditation is beyond purpose, just to be. But until many peoples minds get to that point […]


Energy meditation

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Meditation should be incorporated in our life. Our busy schedule and life does not give us time to relax our mind and body. We get rid of the body strain or exertion but it does not relax your body and soul completely. Thus, meditation is necessary for inner relaxation of your body and mind and […]

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On Meditation : trascendental meditation

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There is a preponderance of meditation books on the market, and many VCDs on Meditation to choose from. What is it about the meditation materials available from the Tej Gyan Foundation that sets them apart from the others? Firstly, they are written and produced by Sirshree, the enlightened guru of the Tej Gyan Foundation. Sirshree’s […]

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Travelling Meditation : trascendental meditation

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Travelling on the Northern Line into the City is possibly one of the most stressful commutes one could have.  But, using meditation, I often made my journey so positive and joyful that I was sad to get off the train.  You can use many other meditations here, most of them, even a gong meditation if […]

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Meditation And Meditation Benefits

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Broadly speaking meditation can be defined as a self induced change of state of mind for the purpose of heightening certain awareness or attention, or for emotional well being. However, the narrower definitions vary according to the beliefs surrounding them.  As beliefs differ among different people, so the understanding and practice of meditation differ just […]

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