Secrets To Meditation
Enjoying Reiki
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Article by Mark Gregory

Reiki is a relaxation technique that has existed for many centuries. It is a very effective natural therapy that involves healing with the hands. A Reiki practitioner helps an individual to call upon his or her own natural healing powers to become whole and well and stay whole and well. Reiki is a natural technique that is easy for any person to learn to perform and use for the benefit of self and others.

Reiki got its name in fairly recent history. A Japanese monk and physician named Mikao Usui resurrected the practice. It had fallen from use for quite some time, but after hearing handed-down stories regarding the benefits of this hands-on form of natural healing, Usui decided to develop it again and give it the name, Reiki, which means “universal life force”.

It is believed that Reiki helps the patient access the spark of life that dwells within every living thing. Today, Reiki is very popular around the world. It is well-known as a method of unifying body, mind and spirit and bringing peace and harmony to the afflicted. As such, it is a perfect companion for yoga practice, which also assists in working toward this unification. The belief behind Reiki is that one can access the spirit or spark of life via this unity. It is akin to prayer, meditation or contacting the “god within”. It is believed that attaining unity of the body, mind and spirit will help an individual to gain overall good health. The reason for this is that stress is very hard on the immune system.

The practice of Reiki relieves stress and benefits the immune system. It is well-known that unhappiness and depression can lead to serious physical illness. Using Reiki lifts the spirits and helps a person ward off illness naturally. When a person is suffering an imbalance such as overwhelming negativity, the use of Reiki can help that person come in contact with the positive spark of life buried deep within. This is the divine energy and power that is present in every living being. Accessing this spark brings joy and an experience of pure love and energy.

People of every age and from all backgrounds have reported positive responses to Reiki. Regardless of how it works, Reiki has been proven to work. The benefits a person can gain from human contact, as well as from rest and relaxation, are well-documented, and the disciplined, meditative and peaceful practice of Reiki is a natural and positive way to deliver these benefits to people suffering from injury or distress.

About the Author

Mark Gregory is writing on behalf of Christi Reiki, who is a Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher who offers Reiki in Bristol and massage Bristol services.

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