Secrets To Meditation
Meditation and Qigong, Part 3
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Article by Mark

But some things of the other sort, especially connected with exacerbations and mental disorders, ambitious people sometimes prefer to flaunt in public as some kind of achievement.

One girl, for instance, complains that no one in her town is able to explain to her what has happened to her. She apparently saw herself from some distance, she was hanging under the ceiling and then had some strange visions through the third eye… she saw a dream that she would become the brightest and the most gifted student of the Greatest Teacher… and then on a Web she saw the portrait of the Teacher… and what an odd coincidence! – “It was the Master So-And -So!.. That’s why I came to School Such-And Such! But my instructor seems to have no qualification. And he does not let me go to Shaolin! But I need it, I need it desperately! I must become his personal student!..”.

There are two ways…

The first one is called spiritual development.It is carried out through the start of the basic fundamental WCZ Qigong exercises regularly practice (it not necessarily to be Wu Chan Zhong Qigong, there are other good systems), through nourishing your spirit, rearing and developing it paying no attention to some side effects and not bothering oneself with some accompanying “boos” and visions, and through being occupied with an interesting job, family, friends…

One day you will understand it all yourself.The mind development through the intellect upgrading, discourses, arguments, reading, has no relation to spiritual development.The Being growing within is not a mind or logic chains in your brain neurons…This Being is different energy and information substance…

It simply takes time…

Imagine a newborn wolf-cub in a den…It is born blind… It has no muscles on his legs yet… It needs to develop… It has long way to go. But the development has already started and goes according to the Decree of Nature. And it demands it to start crowling and searching… Wolf-cub crowls and comes upon something warm, something wet… something tasty… Or it is not tasty? Got to try… It fumbles for this warm thing with its nose… feels it with its not yet strong organs of sense… it seems to little cub that this Is… and it seems that this Is Not… And so, – “seems to be, seems not to be” – baby wolf starts to suck milk out of his mothers teats… Now tell me, what books or disputes can substitute THIS?!

The time goes quickly and soon the wolf-cub starts to see something… some spots… but what is it? Is it worth wasting the effort and staring into the darkness? Baby should just feed and grow… Just grow and wait. And it will come, it will come its natural way. If this little silly-billy wolf-cob suddenly got the eyes of an adult wolf, it would have its little face split! The eye is something more then simply an eye… it is bunch of nerve fibres coming from an eye to the little immature brain. This little brain will simply die of not being prepared to such an untimely information and to development of alien physiological tissues…And there would be simply no room in that little skull for all the new, foreign, adult toolbox and apparatus… No, no… The face will definitely split, no doubt!

The wolf-cub should just keep sucking… And it will grow stronger one day…One day, it will timidly crawl out of the den following its mother who would watch baby’s first steps… And then… we know what happens then. We are not the first and not the last. Yesterday’s wolf-cub turns into an adult wolf and it has been going on this way for millions of years…

Everything in this world goes on this way, including spiritual development.When your little Being starts growing, the same story happens. Feed it, take care of it, help it develop… If you suddenly see some spots, some dots and obscure motion… Just ignore it… When you really come into the light, there won’t be any silly questions like: What has it been? Why no one is able to explain?

If these questions arise, then nothing has happened yet! Do not hurry to consider yourself unique and grown up… There is yet nothing that can leave your body yet. Was it a hallucination or was it sudden flow of some inadequate part of energy and information system? It makes no difference… If we get caught in an endless loop discussing IT over and over again, wasting our time and efforts analyzing IT – then we find ourselves following the second (and the most wide-spread) way which I call spiritual jerk-off.


Osho Rajneesh clearly said about this: “…There are persons who come to me. I can see that I am in front of them and they cannot see me. But they say they have visions, spiritual visions. Beautiful colours float in their minds. Kundalini arises, the snake-power, the serpent-power. It rushes towards the last chakra.

I am in front of them and I can see they are blind; they can’t see me. Their kundalini is arising, and they have tremendous light in their third eye. And they have come, so that I can confirm: ‘Yes, that’s so.’

If I say: ‘Yes, that’s so,’ they are very happy and fulfilled. If I say: ‘No,’ they are very angry. They become my enemies. And they cannot see me – but they can count the legs of the ants crawling on the moon. They are stone-blind. To hide their blindness, they create many fictions around themselves.

A man came to me. He said: ‘Just as it happened in Mohammed’s life, it is happening in my life. I receive messages in the night. God Himself, Allah – He gives me messages. But the trouble is that in the morning, I always forget what the message was.’ It happened in Ahmedabad.

I told him: ‘Do one thing. Keep a pad and a pencil just near your bed, and while you go to sleep,continuously go on remembering that whenever God reveals anything, your sleep will be immediately broken, and you will be able to write. And write it, whatsoever it is.’

He said: ‘These messages are tremendous truths. They can transform the whole world. The trouble is – I always forget in the morning.’

So I said: ‘You do it – and whatsoever it is, you bring it.’

Next day he came. He was very much worried and sad, and depressed, and frustrated. I said: ‘What happened?’ He said: ‘I cannot believe what happened. Whatsoever you have said, I have followed.I went on remembering while I was falling asleep that whenever the message is delivered, I will be able to get up immediately and write the message down. And it happened as you said.’

‘But then,’ I said,’why are you so sad?’

He said: ‘But the message makes me very sad.’

‘What was the message?’

He was feeling a little embarrassed. The message was: ‘Live a little hot. Sip a Gold Spot.’ The advertisement board was just in front OF his house. He must have been passing and…

So he said: ‘Please don’t say this to anybody, because I am very much frustrated. How did it happen? Is it some kind of joke God is playing on me?’

Your dreams are bound to be your dreams: ‘Live a little hot. Sip a Gold Spot.’ They cannot go beyond it! Your visions are your visions; they cannot be more than you. Your experiences are your experiences. They are bound to be below you; they cannot be beyond you. Your kundalini is going to be your kundalini; it cannot be a Buddha’s kundalini.

Ninety-nine percent is the possibility that you have been imagining. Man is so poor, he imagines in millions of ways to convince himself: ‘I am rich.’

If you have not been able to attain to the worldly things, then you start attaining to the non-worldly things. If you don’t have a bank balance here on the earth, then you have a bank balance there in heaven – but you have a bank balance.

Remember always: your mind is stupid. Mind as such is tupidity. Mind cannot be intelligence.Intelligence happens only when the mind has gone. Intelligence is not the function of the mind; it is the function of the whole. Mind is stupid, repetitive. It cannot know the unknown, it can only go on repeating the known – ‘Live a little hot. Sip a Gold Spot.’ Continuously looking at the advertisement board, it has become settled.

If you are born a Hindu, your kundalini will rise. If you are born a Jain, never – because Jain scriptures don’t advertise for kundalini. If you are a Christian, you will see Christ and the cross. But if you are a Hindu, Christ never bothers to come on your path. And the cross – never. You will see Krishna playing on the flute, because Krishna is advertised and Christ is not advertised.

All your spiritual experiences are nothing but conditionings that the society has given to you. Don’t rely too much on them, because death will force you to realize the fact that you lived a fictitious life – the opportunity lost.

Become aware that you have nothing. Once you feel that you have nothing, fear disappears, because fear is always part of the feeling that you possess something which can be lost – hence fear.

When you realize the fact that you don’t know anything, that you are blind, that you cannot see….

All that you have been seeing is your own projection. You create it and you see it. You are the director in the drama that you call your life. And you are the story-writer also. And you are the actor. And you are all that is happening. And you are the audience. There is nobody else. You are looking at it. You are creating it. You are directing it. You are playing a role in it.

Once this is seen – and this can be seen in a flash of light, just by listening to me rightly, it can be seen – then the whole drama disappears. This is what Hindus call MAYA, the world that you have created around yourself, which is not real, which is not there – your own creation.

When it drops, then for the first time, you are not blind; your eyes open. Then you

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