Guided Meditation Script And Its Role In The Meditation Process

There are a lot of varied methods used for guided meditation as different practitioners have different goals for initiating the meditation practice. You can achieve these goals with the help of different programs and a really effective guided meditation script. In order to arrive at a deep meditative state, a person has to follow certain steps. A majority of these steps entail attaining a relaxed and clear state of mind. This is easier said than done, as a beginner can get distracted quite easily.

People who face problems in clearing their minds and focusing usually turn to a guided meditation script for achieving a tranquil state. Guided meditation can be very effective in getting a person in touch with his inner self instead of feeling lost in the meditation and failing to keep his focus.

How to start your meditation

Although there may be a number of ways to achieve a deep meditative state, almost all of them start with the practitioner sitting in a position that is comfortable for him/her. The choice of surroundings also plays an important role as any sound or distraction can disrupt the focus. 

The process of guided meditation requires the practitioner to quiet down and clear the mind. The practitioner can listen to a prerecorded audiotape or yoga DVD for this purpose.

Another way to quiet the mind is with Breath Awareness Meditation.  When focusing on the breath, the mind quiets down.  As you focus on the breath, thoughts will arise.  Acknowledge the thoughts without judgment, and just let the thoughts float away like clouds, bringing the awareness back to the breath. 

Some people also use Mantra Meditation.  Silently repeating “Om,” the universal sound and symbol for God and supreme consciousness, is used for this purpose.

The purpose of meditation

The purpose of guided meditation sessions is to accomplish a clear state of mind that is devoid of any worldly thoughts.

The meditating person is able to experience calmness throughout the body, mind and soul and this feeling of tranquility helps in dealing with the everyday stress of life.

Role of a guided meditation script

Since many people face difficulty in maintaining their focus during meditation, they opt to use scripts for meditation.  These scripts can also be soothing sounds of music or natural phenomenon, like rain or wind, to help in eliminating excessive thoughts that clutter the mind.

The average time spent per day in a meditative state is around 15 minutes, although advanced practitioners may feel that a more significant amount of time, perhaps 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening, can be much more beneficial to further the process of enlightenment.

Giselle Toner, E-RYT 500, is the Webmaster of and
the Director of Eternity Yoga’s Power Fusion Teacher Training, a 200
hr. Yoga Alliance Course. For more information on yoga DVD, and guided meditation script and to get a
free copy of an e-book called The Yoga 3 Step Blueprint, please visit

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Enhance your meditation efforts with the guided meditation mp3

A lot of people have given up the guided meditation earlier due to several reasons. But most of these reasons are no longer valid. The main reason can of course be termed as the guided meditation mp3. With the help of this new invention, people no longer need to attend the weekly or the regular classes of meditation and neither do they need to spend hours in front of the TV or computer. Instead they can now use this form of meditation in any place of their convenience and as long and as often as they wish and fulfil their meditation commitment. It is as simple as that.

The main aim of any meditation is to make your mind free of any negative thoughts and then stimulate the mind and motivate it again for positivity so that it becomes more productive and efficient. All these help in leading a more relaxed and stress free life for an individual. Sometimes it can be rather difficult to focus your mind to a particular thing. This happens especially when you are new into the meditation techniques. In such cases, the guided meditation mp3 can really help you in keeping the mind relaxes and thus focus with concentration at the task in hand.

Most often, the mp3 uses music, sounds of wind, sea shore etc that combines with a calm and a soothing voice that enables you to relax all the while giving you instruction and guidance about the techniques and processes of meditation. This helps you in gaining a rhythm in your breathing and also helps your body muscles to relax in a certain manner.

In fact the usage of music in the guided meditation mp3 is a perfect way to enhance your process of meditation.

Instead of spending unlimited long hours trying to concentrate and focus on a certain object, it is a much simpler way of relaxing your mind with some good music. It can really help you in relaxing and soothing your mind thus helping it in becoming more efficient, calm and productive in the process. Once you are able to achieve a state of relaxation via meditation process, you can be sure to get a lot more efficient both in terms of your personal as well as professional life. And it is imperative to say that your life will become free of stress and tension eventually with the help of meditation.

This Article on guided meditation mp3 is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

Guided Meditation – A Free Mind Power Technique For a Better Life : free guided meditation

Many online sites offer free mind power techniques that allow people to concentrate better and improve their meditation. Thankfully enough, meditation has become a widely accepted method of relaxing the mind and the body. And why shouldn’t it be? Meditation is a blessed sanctuary when the rest of the modern world is barging in on your life. It is also a means of harnessing the powers of your mind to take the reins of your life and lead it to where you want to go.

One simple technique is the nature scene. Find yourself a peaceful and quiet place to stay where no rowdy children or nosy co-workers can disturb you. A nice, little nook at home or a cubicle in your office restroom should work just fine. Sit down in that corner, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Never mind the sound of the ice cream truck or the chatter of office girls as they enter the restroom. You are in your private little world. This will be difficult to begin with, but will become easier as you meditate more and more everyday.

Count backwards, starting from 100, and continue breathing deeply as you reach zero. By the time you finish counting, you will feel your mind and body slipping gently into a very relaxed state. Now, imagine yourself standing on a strip of soft, warm sand, looking out over a deep blue ocean with sea gulls swirling above. Continue breathing deeply as you hear the roar of the ocean as the waves come crashing. Feel the cold water swishing through your toes as the waves hit the shore. Smell the salty sea breeze as the wind ruffles up your hair.

Then sit or lie down on your back and let your body absorb the soothing rays of the golden sun. Let the power of the sun, wind, and water overwhelm you, invigorate your senses, refresh every single cell that exists in your body.

This will be your own little corner of the world. This is where all things are good, and you are safe and free from everything else that worries you. When you are beset with worries, simply take up this free mind power technique to give you the mental relaxation you much deserve. Of course you can re-invent the nature technique and re-create your own scene to suit your tastes. If you know a particular spot of nature that has left you with pleasant memories, you may use that scene, too.

You can also modify the first part of this meditation technique by visualizing the colors of the rainbow instead of counting backwards. Only, you have to make sure that you can actually see the colors in your mind’s eye. If you are having difficulty doing so, visualize objects of each color, such as a red apple, an orange t-shirt, a yellow star, and so on.

Now, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Imagine a light, each having the colors of the rainbow, emanating from your feet, passing through your abdomen, and ending up on the top part of your head. Start with the color violet, then indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. When you have visualized the red light on your head, lead your mind to your nature scene and bask in your private moments there. When you are ready to leave, visualize the rainbow-colored lights moving through your body again, this time starting with red and ending with violet. You will feel better and more relaxed when you open your eyes.

The nature scene is a free mind power technique well-known to many and known to be an effective way of reaching the mind’s alpha state and improving mind power.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Power to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at

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Meditation As Medication Medication Meditation : free guided meditation

Take a deep breath…
Inhale deeply and feel the air filling your lungs, expanding your abdomen…
Let your exhale be relaxed and slow…

How did that feel? If you noticed your shoulders dropping or your face muscles releasing, you’ve already started to reap the fruits of meditation.
We all know that sitting down, being silent, and breathing deeply can calm the mind. However, research shows that meditation can also powerfully enhance physical health. In a West Virginia University study on “mindfulness” – the meditative practice of bringing attention to the present moment – participants experienced an average 54 percent drop in psychological distress, and a 46 percent decrease in medical symptoms. Meditation can increase blood flow, slow heart rate, normalize blood pressure, improve sleep, and boost immunity. It’s even been shown to increase serotonin levels (which relieve depression), and to slow the progression of HIV. How is this possible? What exactly is happening in a body that meditates?
In meditation, healthy breathing is both a means and an end.
Many of us hold our breath or breathe shallowly when we’re stressed. Breath-holding deprives us of oxygen, a key player in the body’s production of ATP energy – the fuel we need to function in daily life. Without enough oxygen, we physically can’t produce energy.
Breathing also feeds our muscles and clears out carbon dioxide. Simply by resting our awareness on breathing, a meditator can regulate and slow the respiratory rate and give cells a plentiful supply of the air they need. As it calms the body and mind, meditation helps de-activate the sympathetic, “fight or flight” nervous system. The sympathetic mode is triggered by danger or stress. It doesn’t care if we’re being chased by a tiger or rushing to meet a deadline; it literally gets us ready to run. It pumps out adrenaline, speeds heart rate and breathing, raises blood pressure, and shuts down digestion and reproduction.
Because of our stress, many of us are stuck in perpetual fight-or-flight overdrive – making ourselves candidates for adrenal exhaustion, insomnia, infertility, stroke, and heart attack.
Meditation gives us a break from stress and allows the parasympathetic, “rest and digest” system to take its turn. Meditation also has the power to alter brain chemistry. Neuroscientist Richard Davidson conducted brain scan tests on Tibetan monks who were long-term meditators, and found “unusually powerful gamma waves” associated with higher levels of focus, memory and learning ability. “Longtime practitioners (of meditation) showed brain activation on a scale we have never seen before,” said Davidson, who detected a high level of activity in the monks’ left prefrontal cortex – the brain region associated with happiness and positive emotions. “Their mental practice is having an effect on the brain in the same way golf or tennis practice will enhance performance… the trained mind, or brain, is physically different from the untrained one.
Meditation shines a light on the body and its sensations.
“The goal of mindfulness is for you to be more aware, more in touch with life and whatever is happening in your own body and mind at the time it is happening – that is, the present moment,” explains psychologist Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center. Meditators are more likely to notice what’s happening in their bodies and more aware of illness as soon as it appears. Over time, meditation also helps to ease the fears and anxieties that tend to feed on disease, so a meditator may be able to handle illness and aging with more stability and calm. Whether our meditation rests on awareness of breathing, yogic movement, or visualizations of golden light, we are making an investment in our physical well-being. So take another deep breath. Consider it a deposit into your long-term health savings!

Joanne & Laurence Wright at Meditation As Medication offer an alternative to conventional means of self medication.
Meditation can literally be used as Medication for wide range of physical, emotional and spiritual problems. If you would like to learn to meditate but don’t know where to start? then …
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A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

The purpose of meditation is to relax and calm the mind and relax the body.  Choose a quiet time when you would not be disturbed at all, at least for 5 to 10 minutes. The idea behind keeping the time a little less, in the beginning, is to let you get comfortable with the principles of meditation- silence and concentration. The mind is so used to wandering and flitting about, that getting it to remain still needs some practice.  While it is possible to meditate while standing or walking, to begin with sit in a comfortable posture, keeping your eyes partially closed, so as to avoid getting distracted by your surroundings. If you are more comfortable keeping your eyes open, then try and focus on a single point in front of you, because if you keep looking around, you wouldn’t be able to calm the mind. Don’t be too conscious about your posture. Choose a place where you would feel relaxed and undisturbed. If you can, choose to meditate outdoors but indoors, too is good as long as the place is free of clutter. Try to make your meditation a ritual by lighting a candle, burning some incense, playing some soft, or soothing music and then begin.

Take in a deep breathe, fill your lungs with fresh, pure air and observe the passage of air through your body. Then exhale softly and again, focus on the passage of air leaving your lungs. You may choose a sound to focus on or simply, concentrate on the passage of your breath or play some music to focus on.  Continue this for 5-10 minutes, whatever is comfortable for you, and at the end of the session, rub your palms together and place them lightly on your eyes.

Open your eyes and smile gently as you get ready to face the world around you. Try and meditate at least once a day to begin with and gradually, you could meditate even twice and experience greater benefits.

Fedora is a natural health and beauty specialist. To read more of her tips and advice visit her at .

Some Popular Guided Meditation Techniques : free guided meditation

Meditation is not just about relaxation and total relief from stress. It is a form of wholesome exercise not just for the mind but for the whole body and if meditation is done the scientific way using the proper techniques, it can result in total well being of both your mind and body. There are numerous techniques of meditation some of which are different from the usual techniques. These techniques of used well can result in both psychological and physiological well being.

Color Meditation:

Colors are not just beautiful to behold. In fact colors have been associated with mental well being and each day of the week is coupled with a certain color as per Feng Shui, Buddhist tradition and the Vedas. The color based meditation aims at wholesome spiritual healing by incorporating deep breathing and meditation exercises for each day based on the color of the day. Seven key colors are used one for each day of the week and then the healing effects of these colors are used to cleanse your body almost like a meditative bath. To infuse deep meditation music therapy can also be used in tandem with colors to increase the healing effect.

Insomnia Guided Meditation:

Insomnia is a sleep disorder indicated by continual difficulty to fall asleep. Many times doctors attribute insomnia to a stressed mind and mental tension and what better method to beat stress than meditation. Meditation will help you relax and unwind and focus your strengths to attain harmony within yourself. This technique is usually employed during bedtime making you more relaxed improving your chance towards a more deep and restful sleeps. When you make meditation a part of your daily bedtime routine it will reduce chances of s disturbed sleep and cures insomnia. The insomnia guided meditation technique send signals to the brain indicating that it is time for it to rest and hence acts as along term remedy for insomnia and other sleep related disorders that is inherent to an over active or stressful mind.

Beach guided meditation:

The world top spas and wellness centers are located in beach resorts and anybody who has to recuperate from a serious illness is immediately advised to go to the sea from days immemorial. This is because the serenity that a beach can give will result in total mental relaxation and lead to physical and spiritual bliss. This is what a beach guided meditation can do to your mind and body. The beach guided meditation technique aims at creating an environment similar to a beach with the sound of waves and the sound of the wind which will slowly lull you a state wherein you are neither awake nor asleep. Just the though of it relaxes me so much that I almost feel like I am in that state now. So imagine what actually being there will do.

Space guided meditation.

This technique involves concentrating to attain harmony between two different sound tracks. The two ears are made it listen to two different sound tracks wherein the conscious mind tries to mingle the two moving slowly into meditative state letting the subconscious mind take over. Once your subconscious mind takes charge you will listen to the same track which will be combination of the two separate ones.

So if you just crave to be one with yourself and attain spiritual bliss a mental peace them meditation is undoubtedly the way to go and trust me it is not a difficult technique to master.

Miles is a staff at He strives to help the public on guided meditation techniques through, meditation books, free meditation mp3 and cd downloads. Visit the site to take advantage of his expertise at

Use Free Online Guided Meditations For Communicating With God and to Attract More Support From Life : free guided meditation

Use Free Online Guided Meditations For Communicating With God and to Attract More Support From Life  : free guided meditation

Integrating your divinity into your everyday life means that you bring into wholeness all aspects of your Being. Using meditation helps you with communicating with God within because meditation helps you to clear mental clutter, release emotional baggage and balance and heal energy blocks.

The process of integrating your mind, body and spirit begins when you start the journey of paying more attention to your inner Guidance from your Divine, Soul Self instead of listening to and living from your mind’s constant chatter.

This process of learning to trust your inner Guidance cannot be rushed because you have learned to pay more attention to the outer and to be more mind-centered than Soul-directed.

Every problem experienced by you in your daily life and every problem faced by humanity in its evolution of how life is organised on Earth can be addressed by the Divinity that exists within all of Life.  If you choose to allow full integration of your Divine Self, you allow in Grace and benefit from solutions that would otherwise elude you.

This quotation from Deepak Chopra says it all:

Every person is a God in embryo. Its only desire is to be born.

Your choice today and for the rest of your life is to allow yourself to hold the hand of your Soul Self and to consciously build an effective and complete partnership. Your Cosmic Soul Self is your best friend that is tuned into and fully aligned with the support of Life Itself. Aligning with your Soul’s Guidance on a daily basis ushers in Life’s support in a new, vaster and more predictable way.

Will you allow and fully embrace the birth and complete integration of your God Self within?  If your answer is ‘Yes’, you can use online guided meditations to help you proceed more smoothly on this life changing journey.  You do not have to travel this new road alone – getting help from others who are fully committed to the integration of divinity process is smart and a powerful way to speed your own personal development journey.

And to practice Being tuned in to your Inner Guidance and Life Itself, join me in my monthly Communicating With God Inner Power Hour. Access and experience a FREE 1-hour LIVE recorded IPH Tele-Healing Circle here:

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Your Guide To Meditation

Meditation is a method of relaxation, but those who meditate regularly say that it has more benefits than just mere relaxation. For many people, it is the best way to relieve stress and get better sleep. Meditation is more than just a means of relaxation. It is also a means to better health. This is why many people want to learn how to meditate. Some people think the process is difficult, but it actually isn’t. This life-transforming relaxation method can be done in simple steps, and it is also a key to understand yourself more and help you fine-tune your body and mind.

The first thing to do is find an appropriate environment. The key to success in meditation often rests in the kind of environment you have. The right place is one that is quiet and free from distractions, as these can ruin a meditation moment. You need at least 15 minutes of silence for meditation to be successful. You need this length of time to just sit down and relax. There is no need to sit on the floor with your legs crossed. If you feel like meditating in a chair with your feet resting on the floor, you are free to do so.
Posture is important in meditation, so make sure that you keep the right curvature of your back to avoid slouching.

Proper breathing is essential as well. Take slow, deep breaths with your eyes closed. The relaxation process is possible by inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. This should not include laborious breathing, as you must let your breaths happen naturally. You can start by taking a few shallow breaths, but gradually increasing the amount of air you take each time. Later on, you can start taking bigger, deeper breaths.
As you breathe deeply, you will feel a sense of calmness.

This is a sign that you are doing the steps right. Bring your attention towards your breathing. Focusing your attention on a task at hand is one of the hardest things to remember, but you will get used to this as you repeat the process again and again. However, do not get frustrated if the first attempt is tough.

Meditation is done with eyes shut. This way, you can get more focus. When you are about to end the session, open your eyes, but do not resume to your normal activities just yet. Instead, get up slowly and do some stretching exercises. Then, you can go back to your normal routine.
This relaxation technique can be facilitated by an instructor if you wish. A guided meditation can get you to a better relaxed mode. Aside from seeking an instructor, you can also have the benefit of brainwave entrainment techniques and meditation CDs. These audio guided relaxation tools come with step-by-step directions for proper meditation.
Do not hesitate to ask advice from people who have had several experiences in meditation, because they can provide helpful approaches that will make your session easier.

Proper meditation can improve your wellbeing, improve your sleep, and reduce stress levels. It is a key to good health, and also helps you manage your emotions better and it frees your mind from unwanted thoughts. Many disorders can be eased through this method.

For more information about how to meditate and brainwave entrainment visit our website