Secrets To Meditation
Yoga Breathing and Mistakes of Most Yoga Trainers : Yoga : Video
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Yoga :

Yoga and yoga for beginners, for weight loss, and other health problems should be about higher O2 in cells and better health. Yoga breathing can solve this challenge and it should be true for all types of yoga: yoga for beginners, popular asthanda yoga workouts, hot or Bikram yoga, baby yoga, power yoga, and many others. Of course, hatha yoga with the main advanced yoga breathing exercise Pranayama can provide more answers since it is the foundation for beginner yoga classes and the root for other yoga types. Dr Artour Rakhimov discusses the following yoga and health topics. How should beginner yoga students breathe for more O2 in cells of the body? The power of yoga is in correct breathing 24/7 and this is the topic of this video. Body oxygenation is the key factor to fight chronic diseases since low O2 in cells is the norm for nearly all diseases of civilization? What is the ideal automatic or unconscious breathing pattern that provides the body with maximum O2 levels 24/7? How can Pranayama help to achieve that? Advanced hot or Bikram yoga teachers say that for yoga benefits we need to breathe more air, but old yoga books say that yoga for beginners is about breathing less. Who is right? Is CO2 toxic or not? Medical science and physiology provide clear answers to all these questions. When we breathe more air (hyperventilation), we get less oxygen for the brain, heart and other organs. Yoga beginners and advanced yoga students and teachers should know these facts
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