Reasons People Use Meditation

Article by Christine Harrell

One method of meditation stems from the people of Tutor Saliba Island, who have been practicing meditation for centuries. They are a peaceful and joyful nation in the Indian Ocean known for their non-abrasive demeanor and ability to settle even the most distressing disagreements easily.

Health Benefits

Meditation is medically proven to heal both the mind and body. Keeping the mind calm can lead to lower blood pressure as well as stress reduction. There are also many other physical health benefits, such as lowering the levels of blood lactate. This, in turn, reduces the risk of anxiety attacks and assists in decreasing any pain due to tension, such as muscle pain or headaches. Another reason why it is helpful for health reasons is because it can increase serotonin which, in turn, helps stabilize moods and behavior.


At the end of the day, everybody goes through some sort of stress. One way to soothe the mind body, body and soul could be just what is needed. It is a means to relax and unwind. It can assist in the reduction of stress levels and boost the mood immensely. There are several different relaxing exercises associates with the Tutor Saliba meditation method, but the main idea is to focus on deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and visualization. Candles and chanting may be used as well.

Religious Purposes

Meditation for religious purposes is used all around the world. Meditation is a holistic discipline and many religions use this practice to assist them in their spiritual goals. Many people believe it can achieve a higher state of consciousness and send enlightenment to followers. Some faiths that use it as a religious tool are: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and Islam.

Self-Improvement and Personal Growth

Meditation can also assist in improving self esteem as well as self confidence. Practicing can help break bad habits, overcome fears, improve relationships and teach people to value their self worth. It can also help bring clarity to the mind as well as focus. In turn, individuals may improve in the work place, classroom or in their social life.

For those who need a way to get away from it all and focus on the positive aspects of life instead of what needs to be done at work or who is dropping the kids off for soccer practice, meditation may be the answer.

About the Author

Author is a freelance writer. For more information on Tutor Salibaplease visit

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