Psychological and Physical Benefits of Meditation

Article by Conrad Raw

Much research has gone into meditation and what it can do for the mind body connection. It has been found that one of the most important benefits derived from meditation is relaxation basically due to balance in brainwave activity. Meditation brings the brainwave to an alpha state, a level that is deeply relaxing and is associated with promoting healing.

In an alpha state, you will experience a lower metabolic rate, heart rate, lower blood pressure, improved breathing and even a drop in cholesterol levels. The Menninger Foundation’s psychophysiology clinic in Topeka, Kan, use meditative techniques to enhance the immune functioning in cancer, AIDS and autoimmune patients, according to Patricia Norris, Ph.D. and Director of the Biofeedback and Psychophysiology Clinic. Biofeedback is also used to treat those with alcohol and drug addiction.

It wasn’t too long ago when meditation was thought of as a new age thing and couldn’t offer any benefits. Science has proved them wrong as physicians now more than ever are seeing relevance between the body and mind. Major magazines and learned medical reports have extolled the virtues of meditation and relaxation.

Meditation is valuable in preventive medicine. We are able, through meditation to lower our blood pressure, which could lead to strokes, we can relax better so we reduce our stress levels and we sleep better which gives us more energy and are better able to deal with minor irritations on a day to day basis. We all need to pay attention to our health before it gets out of hand. Meditation helps us become more aware of our bodies, how it operates and know when there is something wrong.

Being human, we always disregard the numerous signs of stress, we overdue it constantly by eating wrong, because we need to grab a quick bite to drive kids to soccer practice or start on a list of ‘to-dos’ that need to be done before you can go to bed, to get up early and go to work. We do this at least five or six times a week and are generally ‘working’ at something on weekends instead of relaxing or meditating.

Meditation is easy to do, it just takes a little bit of time, time that you should get around to doing because it is something just for you. It is clear that by practicing meditation will help maintain top functioning levels every day, keep our blood pressure under control and because you are relaxing your muscles when meditating, you will get much needed, restful and restorative sleep.

When relaxed, we are able to breath better, unclench our teeth or fists more often, have less pain and digest our food better. For these reasons alone, meditation is something you want to look into.

About the Author

Conrad Raw is an expert in practical techniques for personal and spiritual development. He is the author of “Forbidden Secrets of Personal and Energetic Development.” He travels the world to learn and teach and is the founder of, a website devoted to bringing you easy to learn techniques to increase your human evolution. Visit his website for a free newsletter filled with tons of great tips and advice.

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