A simple meditation

Article by Martin Nicholson

Did You Know?The word meditate stems from the Latin root meditatum, i.e. to ponder

There are many explanations of mediation but to sum it up Meditation can be defined as:

continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature; “the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge”

So What is meditation?

Meditation has become widely popular in the western world today. With more and more people turning to alternative and holistic medicines rather than taking pills, meditation has become widely recognised as a way to help combat many of the modern day ailments like stress, anxiety and high blood pressure.

So who can meditate?Meditation is for young and old alike, having many health benefits like lowered levels of cortisol and lactate-two chemicals associated with stress, decreased high blood pressure, lower heart rate and reduced work load of the heart and finally improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing. Which has been very helpful to asthma patients.

Types of meditation.

There are many different types of meditation each with there own particular teachings and theories. The best way to find out which is right for you though is to simply try them! It