About Ashtanga Yoga

gateway, directing this energy so the effect is achieved. Tremendous inner strength and a strong mind is the result. Their cultivation is essential to progress in the different limbs. Mula bandha, the root itself, when strong and operational, is immediate concentration and mind control. A strong force is felt within.How to practice

One should learn from a competent teacher, who has gone through the practice themselves and understands its effect and challenges that arise. This is logical as on any journey one wants a responsible and experienced guide. Thus the teacher has invested much time in learning and practice. And it requires time. Initially one will be led through the first set of poses of the primary series. However, the student is required to then learn this sequence. This builds more strength through less dependence. At the same time the teacher will direct the student in the correct breathing method, where to focus the gaze and how to work the power center at the base. After a certain period of time it all starts to fuse together harmoniously. When the vinyasa is done correctly then the appropriate breath is done for a move in or out of the asana, breathing is strong, the mind is focused and change can then begin. Best results are found when one learns and progresses one asana at a time. Again the quality of patience comes in. Though an asana may appear easy there is an adaptation and learning time. When done competently the teacher will add on the next asana for the student, guiding them in the correct manner. Both strength and flexibility are developed. Hence, balance. When the student has a lot of difficulty in the asana the teacher will adjust them to help them get it. In essence, they are helping the body learn it. New neural messages to the brain have begun. This is the point in the series the student practices up to. One could always go on but you will find that asana will never be properly learnt. So working to here the student overcomes this obstacle, creating the needed change within, and justifiably moves on. As previously stated, the asanas are arranged in a scientific manner, so progression through the series builds the student on all levels. Of course, you can analyse and reason it as much as you want but you’ll find it a waste of your time. The only answer is experience through practice. And this shows as the mind becomes clearer and stronger.The benefits

One can experience the positive results straight away. Yet at the same time there will be many new experiences, some of them being “pain” in the body. These are actually a positive sign that changes are in process. Patience and perseverance are required. Initially one finds a more open and strong body. In fact, the physical shape itself gets transformed. The body operates more efficiently and throws off any unnecessary waste. This will be in the form of fat, toxins, etc. Not just the outer appearance but more importantly the inner health and vitality is improved. All the asanas work deep on the inner organs. A balance of both strength and flexibility develops. Through the power of the vinyasa the respiratory and circulatory systems are developed. If there is stiffness or disease in the body it will be accompanied by a lack or block of the circulation. The movement between asanas really maximizes circulation, flushing out old blood and toxins and allowing fresh, oxygenated blood to pour in. Within time greater health is achieved. From this base one is equipped to go deeper within. As circulation increases with the breath, the nervous system strengthens. This means it can carry a greater current. Similar to upgrading your electrical lines at home to handle greater voltage or moving from a dial-up internet connection to high-speed cable. Lightness and space is felt within. As these systems function better so does the activity of the brain. The ability to concentrate and get tasks done increases. This leads to less of a mental load and greater clarity. It then leaves you with a greater sense of peace and calm of mind. To be able to switch from activity to stillness. But these are benefits that take many years of devoted practice. Fortunately the practice engenders a love within and the desire to practice increases along with the regularity of doing it. There will be dirt along the way, the stuff within us that has to come out. But it is worth it yet hard.

Ashtanga yoga is a comprehensive approach to practice. Many do asana and think that is all ashtanga is. This is only the beginning of the journey. As one practices, all the elements are cultivated so one goes deeper and starts to understand what Patanjali is talking about. It is a system to work with. It is true and has definite positive results. The problems that come up for us are a reflection of our inner state. To blame the practice is a weak way out. We must learn to look within us and see what is not functioning right. This is then yama and niyama in action. As these clear up and strengthen all the limbs start to come together.To conclude

In conclusion, ashtanga vinyasa gives the practitioner a practical key or tool to work with daily to allow the changes to occur within. The initial start point is physical. It is up to the individual how deep it will go. Patanjali states one must practice for a long time, continually, no stop-start, and with complete sincerity for the practices to bear fruit. The level of intensity is also up to us. If you plant a seed and really care for it, it will grow. And eventually it blossoms and bears fruit. As Pattabhi Jois says, “practice and all is coming”. Couldn’t be more true. Experience it for yourself. Practice!!

About the Author

Paul is a senior teacher of Pranayama, Asana and the meditative art and science of Yoga. He has been a dedicated student for over a decade of both Sri O.P.Tiwari, one of the few remaining classical yogis and masters of Pranayama, and the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in ashtanga vinyasa. In this article he gives in indepth overview on Ashtanga Yoga