Meditation Breathing :

In this part 2 Bhante Vimalaramsi explains the difference between how the breathing meditation is taught in the Suttas and how it is taught by Vipassana and other teachers. How does the Relax step function to make your progress so much faster. And how only by practicing in this way Craving is destroyed and the Hindrances are let go of rather than suppressed as they are in One Point Concentration/Absorption. He also tells a story about a man who was a long time practicer of Vipassana taught by Mahasi Sayadaw who succeeded at that meditation and progressed through the various 16 knowledges or but started doing the meditation with Bhante’s guidance and had amazing breathroughs into insights and states never before experienced. And all without needing to do a retreat but just with a daily practice. The experiences are exactly as written about in the Majjhima Nikaya or Samyutta Nikaya -NOT the Visuddhi Magga which is now see to be a commentary not written or spoken by the Buddha but re-interpreted by scholar monks who did no meditation and were influenced by Hindu Practices. Information Full Video -See day5 MN10
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