Article by Mark
The Master in Peking mentally imagined his assistant and – like a bat oriented by the reflection of its own produced ultrasound – started to locate the assistant emitting his Qi at him and accepting its reflection, he managed to repeat the movements seen by his mental vision. The scientists were staggered by the exactitude of the Master’s movements. But the most shocking was the fact that after the end of the experiment the Master fetched out of his pants pocket… several chestnuts…
There are no secrets in Qigong. Only a daily meditation practice.
If some people due to their misbelieve or greed think that the more “sophisticated” movements they do the better effect it would bring… or the more energy channels they know and practice the better it would be for them… the better stretching, the higher jumps, the more… the more… the more… – what can I do! This comes from not knowing the core… and an incredible greed…
If there are people who believe in exertion but not relaxation, if there are people who do not know the tremendous scope of meditation in mastering the body, mind and soul,- it is not new. It does not mean that the phenomenon of meditation does not correspond to everything written here. There always have been the majority of those who do not believe in practicing silence, and no explanations of Buddha, Lao Tsu or Jesus Christ can help them… When the greatest Teachers advocated meditation these people most often laughed at it demanding a “miracle” or “proof”, or they even condemned those saints and prophets who came to them with Truth… in case some of them finally accepted the Teaching, 99 of a hundred failing to get the clue fell into formalism, worshipping the external and paying no heed to the main, and got interested in the issues of minor importance like how long you must sleep to solve your problems, when and what must a person eat… what is there in a large intestine and how it has to be cleared by some special techniques… whether there are some top secret (because of their “extra power”) exercises to cause “supernatural” states… and so on… and so on… and so forth… This explains why for all the history of humanity there have been only few of the True Masters, and much more of “gymnasts” and “mechanics”, people practicing some rituals or gymnastic exercises with no purpose or sense, following some half-clear and half-forgotten rules of behavior or celebrating some religious holidays…
I will repeat myself: there are no secret techniques and no secrets at all. There are no special conditions. There are no any restrictions to place, time of day, to diet or religion… It is all so simple. And all makes sense.
I personally know useful, safe and effective exercises on meditation. I am practicing them, my colleagues are practicing them and we have positive effect and good results. I can assure you, practicing meditation not with books but with the guidance of full-blooded method and in proper fashion,is not only a safe activity; moreover, it is without a doubt a useful practice, it is the core of practice, and it is what person should be doing for good health and personal growth. The methods of achieving the State of Silence may turn out to be different, depending on a practitioner,- but it’s entirely different matter…
Of course, I have no intention and no desire to describe all the schools and physical training systems. I simply use an opportunity to share my personal experience, and it happens to be connected with the method of WCZ Qigong System practice. I do not doubt meditation in general sense, also I am sure there are many schools where meditation is taught successfully and competently… but I have a right to speak only about what I know personally and, looking back to the way I and like-minded people have come, I can recommend the methods of WCZ Qigong System.
There is the second objection. They say there is a “feedback”.Practicing some physical forms, some magic “body geometries”, apparently you can cause psychophysical states appropriate to these forms; they say, it is possible to come to the State only through exercising, for instance, through Hatha-Yoga physical exercise…
For such “adepts” I would recommend to consult the greatest Yogin Sri Aurobindo. Let him disillusion the misbelievers, for he possesses the greater authority than I do.
About me I will say the following: I am not looking for some “super-extra-cool” workouts. It is very useful and very pleasant to take care about the Body and all these physical aspects. Not to have any motion and movement is, of course, wrong. But I do not accept extremes. Zhong Yuan Qigong is the Middle Path.
You may go to the swimming-pool or gym, jog in the morning, if you wish…It is useful and pleasant, not better and not worse then Hatha-Yoga or Tai-Chi.Besides, some physical fatigue contributes to the further deep relaxation and helps when practicing The State.
Qigong masters recommend: “If you practice meditation for a long time and have a sedentary life-style as well, you have to add some dynamic training or sport activity. Tai-Chi or other Kung fu style will do. Hatha-Yoga may also be added”…
Once, Patanjali came to me during my meditation.
He said: “Relax! There is no “super workouts”! All of them are the same and all have no relation to what you and me need… When I made the description of my Yoga, it used to have only Lotus Position… no other asana or exercise… But… you see… Lotus will come to you… some day… when something changes in your Mind… Those know-alls decided to stretch and show off… invented three thousand asana. I am telling you: all these asana are coming from the greed and misunderstanding… that means from the Evil One. Where there is the Evil One there is no you. Where there is no you nothing helps. Where you appear nothing else is required! Practice meditation. There is no sense in relieving the tension in your body if the tensed mind governs it. When you dethrone the power of Mind, the New Reign of Relaxation will come then. And Lotus will come. If you still need it!… Your Sharpened in meditation and Liberated Mind will mold your body in any required form, shape and state!.. My Yoga and Qigong of your Teacher are just the same, You have all in you. Want to practice asana – go ahead. If not asana but Taola (Ushu movements) – let it be… But do remember Sisyphus, who was left with nothing every night. This “feedback” of theirs is so slow!.. it may give a beginner some benefit, some knowledge of what is worth being longing for… But when they come back home from the training and quarrel with the wives… slam the door and lock themselves in their rooms… they resemble Sisyphus to me… because the stone again is in the starting point… and the tension comes back…».
All the great systems teach one and the same.Simple things are so difficult to understand without practicing the State.
Hinduism unites Atman and Brahman.Christianity unites God-Father, God-Son and Holy Spirit.
What does it mean?
For two millennia the Christians have been waiting for Christ to come back.For five millennia the Krishnaits have been waiting for the promised return of Krishna.For three millennia the American Indians have been waiting for Ketsalcoattle.
Who will come and when?
They all, Great Teachers, were speaking about self-transformation and the State of Meditation in allegory of models, parables and relative concepts.
They told us that going the way of spiritual development during meditations, when we become Bigger and Wiser due to reinstatement of the Great Brain and our Being, when we are able to transform ourselves out of the terrestrial human into the True Cosmic Being… when we first become God-Son, then we will comprehend the Absolute… Atman will unite with Brahman.
When, during the deepest State, everything what is not true us, gets quiet, we will have a chance to hear glorious music and the Voice of our Real Nature out of the settled Silence.
Quietly following this Voice and being straight and enabled, you may see the light. There, in this light, you will find yourself and so the transformation, for the sake of which this incarnate world was created, will be complete.
This way Buddha, Christ, Krishna and Ketsalcoattle will enter this word again…
The Second Advent comes from Within! All the Teachers and the Holy Texts try to tell us about this. This is so simple – they have shown the Way, have given us the Method.
There is a clever (no joking!) objection of reflective intellectuals. They are those who believe no event is possible to be urged, those who do not believe in the existence of methods and the use of any systems, they suppose that everything is unique, individual and any action can only postpone the result, they say there is no way to achieve Enlightenment, It comes on its own, suddenly and spontaneously…
My opinion is: there are very many conditions in the Universe that must fit into a Planet Parade to trigger one certain Realization or the Great Encounter.
But if you are practicing the State of Silence, you will have good chances, for you will always be on the spot of this possible Encounter. And that is all that can de done and needs to be done.
About the Author
Mark Freeman.Wu Chan Zhong Qigong
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