Meditation For Healing Using the Chakras

We feel balanced, whole and healthy when the body, mind, and spirit are working harmoniously together. Healing meditations can help to reprogram any negative emotions, memories or thoughts that are festering in the subconscious and cause illness.

One of the easiest ways of using meditation to heal illness is with the Chakra System. Your body has 7 major chakras or energy centers which run from the base of your spine and up to the crown of your head. Your chakras are like energetic connections to your spiritual essence and subconscious.

Your Energy Centers
Every single chakra or energy center corresponds to a unique part of your being. The chakras can be likened to energy vortexes or funnels and each of them has a distinct color. When these energy centers get sluggish, you feel sluggish as well and over time, can develop illness. By meditating on the Chakras, you can re-energize these vortexes and restore your health.

Visualize One Chakra at a Time
As with many other forms of meditation, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and take a few deep cleansing breaths. Bring your attention to your root chakra which is at the base of your spine and is the color red. Visualize the color becoming brighter and its clockwise rotation becoming stronger. Spend a few minutes with this chakra before moving on to the next. Follow this process for each chakra moving from the base of your spine to the top of your head. The next chakra is located at you lower abdomen and its color is orange. Next is your solar plexus which is represented by the color yellow. Then green is your heart chakra, followed by blue for your throat chakra, indigo for your third eye chakra and finally, violet for your crown chakra.

Try this Meditation for Healing
Try this healing meditation to see if helps you to relieve your illness.

Many people have reported remarkable progress with their afflictions using this technique. But to obtain successful results, you may need to practice this type of meditation several times before noticing any significant results. Keep at it, the worst that can happen is that you will begin to feel better!

Learn more about meditation at Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.

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Sleep Meditation ? A Brilliant Technique to Sleep Tight

Beginner meditation is not at all difficult as you simply need to follow the correct techniques. Sleep meditation is another superb option in fetching you considerable sleep. Meditation is a must for the human body. Whether you are working in corporate houses or engaged in the teaching profession, you need to meditate almost on a daily basis. Relaxation is one of the essential factors that gears up our health conditions to get going for the following day. There are many people who take so much stress that their sleep gets affected to a good extent. In fact, a tight nap is crucial to keep us physically and mentally strong. Therefore, sleep meditation can be a brilliant way out to provide you a tight slumber. However, there are several sleep meditation techniques that can keep you miles from getting recurrent nightmares.

Sleep meditation is one of the common meditation techniques recommended by health specialist. Here are some ways to master it:

Simply lay down calmly just like in a sleep position. Try to be relaxed and cool.
Just concentrate by recalling some good moments and this will gradually wash all your stresses away.
Try to keep every part of your body relaxed. Be it your feet, legs or head, try to ease each and every part of your body so that you can gain a calmness of mind.
In the process of sleep meditation, there should not be any sort of hurrying. Instead, you have to be patient as much as possible.
After correctly performing the above steps, you can utter to yourself that you are going into a meditative state of slumber and that sleep meditation can rightly affect your sleeping pattern.
Now, it’s time to focus on your breath. During this process, if any thought comes to bother you, try to let it go. If the thoughts capture you, you will never be able to concentrate and the entire process might turn into a mess.
Try focusing on the breath and let yourself pass into a deep meditative state almost in close proximity to trance. Continue it till you pass into trance or fall asleep.

The benefits of sleep meditation are wide and extensive. It certainly relaxes your body and helps you wash off all worries and anxieties. For short tempered people, meditation is a must because it works effectively in relieving you of depression and feelings of anger. Since meditation might seem a bit difficult for beginners, it’s better to kick off with simple steps.

So, one of the initial steps of beginner meditation is to choose a quiet spot. Of course, the children playroom is not the correct place to meditate. Therefore, you can always choose your bedroom to do the same. A park in the early morning will certainly be a great option.

In a Meditation for beginners, when you sit to meditate, make sure that your back is straight. Remember, posture is one of the crucial aspects of meditation. Wrong postures might affect your body parts. So, your posture must be correct so that you get the best results. Try to keep your legs crossed together and make your palms face each other. To know more about beginner and meditation for sleep, browse the sites.

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on Meditation for beginners & meditation for sleep. For more information he always recommends to visit

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