How Does Chakra Meditation Music Work?

Meditation has been around for 2000 years, helping achieving heightened relaxation, improved health and spiritual awareness.  One of the benefits of continuous meditation is the eventual development of chakra centers.  Chakras are power centers located in seven areas throughout our body.  Opening and stimulating these centers lead to energy being released.  This energy flow bring many benefits, including cleansing of both physical and spiritual impurities, improved relaxation and a sense of balance between the mind and the body. And when it comes to chakra mediation, using specific chakra meditation music is a big help in stimulating these energy points faster and easier.


Stimulating and balancing chakra points can take a lifetime to accomplish, but chakra meditation music can make it a lot easier for you.  It makes use of binaural beats, a method that involves the brain combining two different tones from each ear to create a new tone.  This can efficiently target the seven chakra centers by inducing a variation of sound frequencies.  But each of the seven chakras needs a different type of frequency to be activated, and one frequency that works for a certain center may not work for the other six.  Binaural beats method is advantageous in this situation because you can easily adjust the tone frequency in one or both ears to tune and balance chakra activation.


But once all are stimulated, these centers can open up quickly and work into distributing energy in an efficient, immense flow.  Many users have commented that on their own, stimulating the chakra centers was slow and required years of practice in order to get a feeling of good energy flow.  Using chakra meditation music has not only made them feel a strong difference in chakra energy distribution, but also helped them feel relaxed faster.


So whether you are new to chakra meditation or an experienced practitioner aiming to improve, starting on chakra meditation music in your spiritual practice is something worth trying out.

It has no side effects, and the binaural beats can help make your mediation feel much deeper and more fulfilling, and finding the right balance for your chakra centers will no longer need to take a lifetime for you to achieve!



If you are looking for more information on how brainwave entrainment, binaural beats, monaural beats or isochronic tones can help you relax, get to sleep, have better dreams or just feel less stressed then please have a look at this great resource. There is a free sample download on the site too featuring a powerful brainwave entrainment, meditation music and videos

A free download is available at! !

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Depression & Meditation

One of the more interesting ways of relaxing the mind is through a process that is known as meditation. Meditation has been used for thousands of years in natural medicine in order to help individuals to overcome a variety of different problems that they are experiencing. One thing that meditation may be most effective in treating, however, is a condition that is known as clinical depression. This is good news for those of us that have had to suffer with it for many years and by meditating properly, we may actually be able to deal successfully with the depression that most people said we would never be able to get rid of.

The first thing that we need to discuss, however, is the fact that not all meditation is beneficial for use in overcoming depression. Some people consider meditation to be the emptying of one’s mind of all thought when in actuality, it is simply a way of relaxing the mind in order to calm an individual effectively. If you allow your mind to simply wander whenever you’re meditating, it will no doubt go to something that will end up triggering a more depressive response. That is why it is necessary for you to make sure that you’re meditating properly whenever you’re dealing with depression.

One of the best things that you can possibly do in order to use meditation to overcome depression is to focus on something positive. This can either be something that is very relaxing in your mind, such as a favorite place or perhaps an enjoyable activity but it may also be something that stimulates amusement on our part. Being able to effectively hold your mind on one of these thoughts can really do a lot to lift your mood and to push it in the proper direction.

Overcoming depression with meditation does take a little bit of practice but most people find that they are able to feel a little bit better even after their first session.

Even if you are dealing with a busy life, you can still take a little bit of time every day and schedule it so that you will be able to meditate in this way. By doing so, you will find that you are able to cope with the depression that you have or perhaps even to remove it to a certain extent. Hopefully, this atricle has helped you.

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On this website you will find non-denominational information on various guided meditation methods, transpersonal psychology, consciousness studies, Zen, Christian meditation, Buddhist contemplation, vipassana, japa, kundalini awakening, yoga, chakra balancing, mantra, comparative religion and the common stages of spiritual progress. Our specialty includes Zen and Buddhist meditation methods, yoga practices, and various secret, esoteric or yogic techniques in general. There are free articles on our site for you to read and share with others, or reprint on your own site (please do!). Sometimes you’ll even find entire books on transcendental spiritual stages to help you make spiritual progress. No one lese offers this information … most of it is FREE!
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Before you start exploring, you should know that we also send out a free newsletter that covers various spiritual topics and how to meditate using various transcendental techniques from both the East and the West. It also has a natural health focus on holistic medicine, peak human performance, metaphysical topics and spiritual cultivation. Zen meditation, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian meditation practice, yoga techniques, kundalini awakening, japa and mantra practice… they’re all covered. New Age fads that aren’t genuine cultivation teachings are ignored. To get this newsletter, just fill in the box and click the “>> Start the Sharing! >>” button. Do it right now!

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