Regain the control of your life with Mindfulness Meditation and Guided Mindfulness Meditation

It is very difficult to cope up with the fast pace of the world and most of the time people has to handle a lot of stressful situations. Meditation is one of the best ways to handle the stress so that one can lead a hale and hearty life. There are many types of techniques that are involved with meditation. Mindfulness Meditation is one of them. This technique is not difficult at all. One can easily practice this by following some simple steps. Mindfulness meditation CD is easily available in the market. With the help of the CD one can learn the right techniques and can practice them without any hassles. This is a very old technique of meditation and has been followed since a very long time. It is said to be taught by Gautam Buddha. In Mindfulness Meditation the main object on which a person has to concentrate can be his own breath. When a person learns how to observe breathing he will experience a tranquil and peaceful state of mind. One can find inner peace with the help of Mindfulness Meditation. The steps ate also very easy. It mainly includes sitting an erect position and concentrating on breathing. There is no need to manipulate the thoughts that are coming in the mind. A person should accept whatever thought that comes to his mind.

There is no need to practice rigorous meditation techniques if you are just a beginner. For beginners there are simple steps that they can follow to start with. Guided Mindfulness Meditation is a kind of meditation technique that can be easily practiced by beginners. For practicing Guided Mindfulness Meditation one just needs to learn the basic steps. In Guided mindfulness meditation one needs to learn to experience life and whatever it throws in on the path of life.

Guided Mindfulness Meditation helps you to change your relationship with your fears, problems, stress and pains. Meditation does not teach to ignore or to run away from your problems instead it teaches us to face them with greater clarity. With the help of guided meditation one can develop insight in embracing and facing all the experiences that life gives you.

Simon Lee writes informative and unique articles about Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation. One thing that separates Simon Lee from others is the passion he puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

Buddhist tours in India

The great Indian dynasties- Maurya, Sunga, Kushana,Gupta, Pala and Sena contributed a lot in propagation of this religion. Besides just being mystic monuments, the art and sculptures depicting the Buddhist religion, principles, teachings and culture are a visual delight
Buddhist artifacts by Mauryas
The great Emperor Ashoka was one of the great proponents of Buddhism. The teachings and principles of Buddhism turned him into a peace- loving King. The three Buddhist stupas erected under the kingship of Emperor Ashoka located at Sanchi, Bharhut and Amrarawati played a significant role in the spread of Buddhism at that time. Buddhist tours in India also provide a chance to visit this stone art portraying animals and other important entities. The principles inscribed on these stupas are in Pali, Aramaic and other languages.
Buddhist artifacts by Sanghas
The Brahmin dynasty followed by Brahmical traditions also contributed a large to the Buddhist culture. The well famed Buddhist monasteries in India, the Bharhut and Amarawati and Great stupas of Sanchi all were built during this time. The gateways and railings beautifully decorated with the stone art are well famed among the tourists and an important part of Buddhist tours in India.
Buddhist artifacts during Andhra period
The stupa created during this period was enclosed with two panels of Goddess Lakshmi.

The Buddhism was denoted by a Saal tree and an empty throne with a wheel known as dhammachakkapravartina.
Ajanta Caves
The UNESCO World Heritage Site ‘Ajanta Caves’ renowned for its lively frescos portraying Buddhism is a vital part of Buddhist tours in India. These caves are more a tourist spot than a pilgrimage. The famous Ajanta Caves drag thousands of tourists from across the world for the architectural magnificence.
In short, Buddhism along has given this land marvelous architectural monuments and cultural heritages. A Buddhist tour in India to Bodhgaya and Sarnath when complemented by the above mentioned destinations especially Ajanta Caves give a glimpse of the architectural skills of Buddhists. Make a Buddhist tour to India and explore the vibrant sculptures of depicting Buddhism.

Ritika Joshi is a budding journalist presently working with a travel portal. Graduated in Mass Communication she deals with the travel and tourism related topics.She has written several articles related to travel & tourism like Tajmahal tours Kerla Tour and Golden Traingle India

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Meditation As A Supplemental Healing Practice

Researchers say that even in prehistoric times, humans did things akin to what we know now as meditation. Hunters and gatherers are believed to have discovered altered states of consciousness brought on my meditation while staring at fire. Thousands of years later, it developed into an organized practice when various religions incorporated it into their teachings. The earliest mention of meditation in text was documented 5,000 years ago in Indian scriptures also known as tantras.

Medical experts saythat meditation offsets the negative effects of the sympathetic nervous system to the human body. The sympathetic nervous system reacts to external stimuli, causing a person to fight or flee in conflict situations. During meditation, however, the blood flow is directed to the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system triggers relaxation. Hence, meditation results in relief from stress, anxiety and emotional instability.

Many people attest to the positive effects of meditation. It boosts the immune system, lessens muscular and body pains, and prevents chronic diseases from worsening. Meditation also improves airflow in the respiratory tract. It is also beneficial for people who are suffering from hypertension because it lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Those who frequently practice meditation also look younger and healthier.

Nowadays, there are psychotherapists who use meditation to treat patients. Brain activity lessensduring meditation, making a person feel relaxed and peaceful. From the normal 13 to 30 cycles per second, the EEG of brain waves drops to 1.4 cycles per second. Cure from a psychological trauma occurs at the Theta healing stage.Because of this, meditation is also used to treat drug, cigarette and alcohol addiction, as well as premenstrual syndrome.

Mediation results infocused attention, which helps in leading a balancedlife. Experts also say that it developscreativity, memory, and intelligence. Those who frequently meditate have a better capacity for organizing their thoughts. It also leads to emotional health. As a result of emotional restoration in the Theta healing stage, a person becomes interested in healing broken relationships with family and friends. It also enhances a persons self-esteem.

There are various alternative medicine systems that employ meditation techniques, such as Thetahealing. The medical world recognizes meditation as a supplemental healing technique to modern medical prescription, but meditation should not be used as a sole treatment for diseases.

If you have questions, please visit us at for complete details and answers.

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Relaxation Techniques – Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, Yoga, Meditation : yoga meditation

There are several different relaxation techniques you can use to induce a state of relaxation. These relaxation techniques can be used to produce a psychological change or increase the bodies well being through mild exercise. You can also use these relaxation techniques just to unwind at the end of a busy, hectic day. Relaxation techniques are synonymous with stress management, as you relax you reduce stress along with all the health benefits associated with it.

Hypnosis – Hypnosis is an easy and effective way to place yourself in a relaxed state. Basically all that is required is a quality hypnosis recording and a little time by yourself to listen. Hypnosis is also a learned skill that will induce a more relaxed state, the more you listen to the recording. An added side benefit of hypnosis is you can work on issues and problems in your life while getting the full benefits of this relaxation technique. Hypnosis is also considered safe for pregnant women and people with other medical conditions.

Meditation – Meditation is a well know relaxation technique with countless volumes written on the subject. There are several different methods and practices that can be used to achieve relaxation. One simple relaxation technique known as progressive muscle relaxation is where the practitioner will sit comfortably in a quiet room. They then tense a set of muscles such as there calves and hold for 20 seconds. They then release and exhale at the same time. It can also be helpful to say mentally that all stress is flowing from the body and they are becoming more and more relaxed. This can be repeated throughout the entire body using different muscle groups. With a little practice a person can become very good at this. They will also be able to use this simple meditation technique will driving a car or sitting at the desk in the office.

A slightly more advanced meditation relaxation technique is the use of a mantra. One can also concentrate on the breath or chant silently. This meditation relaxation technique will take a little practice, but is an extremely effective way for reducing stress and relaxing. If you use a mantra, silently say the word over and over in your mind while giving complete attention to the word. Do not worry, your mind will wonder, just bring it gentle back to the mantra and continue. A period of 15 – 20 minutes can be very effective. When practicing meditation it is best to sit with the spine straight, not rigid in a comfortable position.

Yoga – The practice of yoga involves postures (asanas) and specific breathing exercises. The yoga asanas are designed to release the flow of energy (prana) in the body while strengthening the muscles and creating flexibility. Yoga is concerned with the total organism which includes body, mind and spirit. The practice of the asanas tends to be a little more difficult then they look. These asanas can be mastered with tremendous benefits if consistent steady practice is used.

Binaural beats – Binaural beats are another effective way of producing a state of relaxation. Binaural beats are also simple to use, only requiring a set of headphones and something to play the recording on. What binaural beats do is create a certain frequency in the brain that corresponds to delta or alpha range. The listener is gentle brought to this frequency range where the body and mind can relax.

Research – There is overwhelming evidence from controlled, randomized trials that show these relaxation techniques have incredible health benefits. They are known to reduce anxiety, stress levels, help with insomnia, pain control, asthma, IBS and a host of other problems.

Whatever relaxation technique or combination of relaxation techniques you decide to use for relaxation, you will receive tremendous benefits. With regular use and practice stress levels will fall and your overall health will improve.

A trained hypnotherapist for 13 years, practicing meditation since 1994. A trained yoga and meditation teacher, living on the road traveling the world since 2008.
View original article – Relaxation Techniques.
More information – Relaxation Tapes

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Reiki Healing and Reiki Courses Compliment Holistic Therapies : Reiki meditation

Complementary therapists and energy healers involved in other forms of holistic healing frequently attend my Reiki courses. These holistic therapists come from the fields of yoga, tai chi, meditation, massage, reflexology and bio energy.

Likewise, the general public who receive holistic therapies such as massage or reflexology often prefer to attend a holistic practitioner who integrates Reiki into the treatment.

Why Holistic Practitioners are attracted to Reiki

The feedback I receive from complementary practitioners who attend my Reiki classes is very encouraging. One of the main reasons such people attend a Reiki 1 course is to learn how to give themselves energy on a daily basis.

Having a massage is heaven, but it is difficult to give yourself a massage. Reflexology works on many levels, but again, it is difficult to administer this technique to oneself. Bio energy is a credible method of energy healing, but many bio energy therapists attending my Reiki training courses say they get depleted doing their work.

The reason holistic practitioners are attracted to Reiki is that they can boost their own energy levels on a daily basis by giving themselves a self Reiki treatment. Reiki energy also helps to sustain them as they do their work.

Reiki energy relaxes both mind and body

Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and mentally as well as physically as a consequence of their work.

The great advantage with Reiki is that Reiki practitioners do not get depleted as they administer Reiki to others. They are like channels for universal energy and do not use their own energy in their work.

Reiki energy works on all levels of our being. Using Reiki healing energy on oneself can boost and enhance energy levels after a long day.

What people are saying about using Reiki with Tai Chi and Meditation

Reiki is a wonderful compliment to other relaxation techniques and to the martial arts.
Those who complete my Reiki trainings who also practice Tai Chi report noticeable differences in their energy fields following Reiki.

People who like to meditate have told me that they find it easier to enter a space of deep relaxation as a consequence of doing continuous self Reiki.

Reiki empowers the use of other Natural healing techniques

Many complementary practitioners use a variety of techniques in their work.
The feedback from massage therapists and reflexologists is that when they use Reiki during a session the client seems to go to a deeper level of relaxation. I have also received interesting accounts from acupuncturists who have attended Reiki classes with me. They have used Reiki on clients when the needles are in, and they say using Reiki empowers the session.

To find out more about Reiki training in Ireland, Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master courses visit

Know The Benefits Of Yoga : benefits of Yoga

Yoga is likely one of the the majority primary must retain system stricken and fit. That is likewise extreme and potent treatment to different eternal illnesses. Performing yoga with standard groundwork is rated to rejuvenate overall fantastic thing about figure. Plenty yoga performers have outstanding wellbeing and fitness enhancement principally with regards to removal in quite a few ailments which dont own hard medical answer. There are many infirmities which dont experience everlasting therapy in medicinal answer, however through yoga, they may be cured effectively.

Yoga is definitely such an crucial supply of care that supports marry thoughts, physique along with the spirit attention. A few yoga experts say that the correct yoga cure to mind and body can have potent result to them. it will develop the relation to each other. A few critical conditions such as cancers that will as yet dont experience medical solution is said to be curable by way of working towards yoga. More, this can be the yoga that helps you wait focused on your bodys frame of mind, situation and model using change. Yoga works body grow to be bendy and relaxed of stress-stricken nature. Applying yoga, in all its spirit can make physique repaired, energetic, contented and soothing.

Yoga is often a technologies which happens to be professionally recognized as an essential therapeutic having realistic medicinal solution to several conditions. The technology with yoga is founded on thesis, values and observation that will in concert focus on mind and body and their own reference to one another well. It is exactly medically validated that yoga carries most health benefits and different poses of yoga provides it really is main value to giving health benefits to physique. Yoga makes sure ultimate equilibrium within mind and body. Distinct yoga poses has some health benefits placed on psychological, psychological and biochemical fronts.

Yoga leads to great flexibility to joints with physique which includes those which will be in no way comforted although performing many practice. This task offers utmost lubrication to joints, ligaments and tendons in the physical. To induce versatility to whole parts of the body is definitely one of the best suitable virtues associated with yoga. Its been observed that with carrying out yoga, parts of body feel supreme versatility including many issues which have certainly not been acted about. Additionally, yoga could be the ultimate basis that massages whole body such as domestic glands and body systems. Yoga backs more desirable overall performance associated with organs and glands that for this reason enhance their own immune method.

The negative effect in performing yoga have corresponding outcomes about wellbeing and fitness as to numerous blood amount to total perhaps the body system. The numerous blood course for this reason achievements flushing out toxic substances out of system thereby presenting it then finished nutritional consumption. This subsequently rewards physical with regards to delayed ageing, clear blood, grit and revitalized force in every parts of whole body. More, this can be the yoga that helps matching from the muscular tissues. Muscles which have emerge as flimsy and sagging might efficiently just be bettered by way of constant practice in yoga.

As said before, in case yoga is finished via meditation, it d cause harmony that will help thoughts set up reference to system. Afterward, the whole system occurences stress free and revived ardor for all times. Lastly, also there have been several physical effects by means of yoga that happen to be blessing on show.

Yoga can cure almost everything and when you talk about yoga you can cant forget Baba Ramdev Yoga and Bikram Yoga. There are most popular yoga.

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Reiki spiritual healing : Reiki meditation

Reiki spiritual healing therapy is one of the most pleasant and gentle ways that people came across in healing but within this pleasant and soothing system there is a powerful healing method working on. This type of Japanese therapy offers you several benefits. Firstly, this type of spiritual healing helps in stress reduction. With reiki you can enter a deep state of relaxation and whit this there is no controversy even in the cynical community as the method involves a specific form of meditation. You probably know that meditation used with specific relaxation method can prove to be quite effective in reducing stress. Most of the physical health ailments that people suffer from basically have their origin deeply rooted in psychological stress from the current and the past events.

The Reiki therapy or spiritual healing mainly acts on positive energy which only works for good without any side effects. Even if the beneficiary whether or not intentionally blocks the positive energy they would still not have any negative effects. Reiki, similar to other methods of spiritual healing like mind body connection and guided imagery can work together pleasantly with the modern medicine methods. This therapy can even be applied to anyone regardless of their beliefs and faiths. Faith and religion do not have any effect on the methods of reiki in any way even though some religious practitioners might experience some type of close to God feeling.

Moreover this therapy can even be applied to plants and animals.

The reiki session or method for most animals might need nearly 30 minutes depending on the nature of problem in the animal. Usually a single type of treatment could be enough but further treatments might also be required depending on the situation. Reiki spiritual healing method can be slightly different from other types of treatments. Some of the therapists also make user of the torch when healing the patient but others might just need to hover their hands slightly above the patient’s body. The healing session of reiki begins with creating a relax situation for the patient. It is necessary that they rest comfortably first before the therapists can start the healing process. The therapist would then open the aura and position their hands above the patient and stay in the same position before changing to another position.

The treatment and healing also depends on the patient’s body area that needs treatment. The hand placement may stay on one region for the entire healing session or in different places and last there as long as it takes for the universal energies to transfer through the reiki chakras. During this healing period it is necessary that the patient feels relaxed and comfortable but the therapists should also watch as they might often sleep or even sleep off during the session. These are just a few benefits and healing properties of reiki treatment but there are some online websites that can help you with more and précised informant about the same. You can even learn reiki spiritual healing from some online website.

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.

Learn How to Meditate and Relax : How to Meditate

In the face paced life of today it is good to take time out and relax. Many people find this quite difficult and as a result turn to meditation to help them. Here for anyone who would like to meditate are some simple steps for anyone to learn how to meditate.

Firstly set aside some time to meditate. You can’t do this productively unless you have enough time. Choose a place to meditate where you will not be disturbed. Turn off all distractions (although some people like to put restful music on quietly in the background) and relax. Sit on the ground, if this feels uncomfortable sit on a cushion.

Don’t close your eyes. Try to keep them half closed and don’t focus directly at anything as this will only break your concentration. Start to take slow, deep breaths – do this from your abdomen and not your chest. Try making each intake of breath last for a 3 count and each exhale last for a 6 count. Do this for up to 15 minutes for the best results, although you might wish to continue for longer.

Relax every single part of your body, including the muscles. This might take some time but don’t be tempted to rush this step. Try to clear your mind of thoughts by not focusing on anything. This can be hard to achieve at first but with practice it comes. Try repeating a mantra or word such as ‘aum’ over and over as this will help to clear your mind.

The final step is achieving total meditation. This can take some time to perfect. It happens when you are able to fully clear your mind of any thoughts or worries. When this happens you are at the peak of meditation. Now you know how to meditate try it out and relax a little.

Find out more about how to meditate and discover the best meditation method for you.