Reiki : Música para relajación y meditación. Music for relaxation and meditation. विश्रांति और ध्यान के लिए संगीत. الموسيقى للاسترخاء والتأ…
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Yoga perform | yoga performance : Yoga

Yoga has changed people’s outlook towards both physical and mental health. Yoga exercises are known all over the world for the multiple health benefits provided by them. Yoga strongly supports the fact that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. All the yoga poses are so designed that they focus on and treat particular body parts and, at the same time, relax the body and bring mental tranquility. In other words, yoga exercises not only keep the body fit, but also provide calmness and freshness to the mind. No wonder people’s interest in yoga is on rise. The enrollment of individuals in yoga classes is increasing day by day. Attending classes is the best and the safest way to learn yoga as you must start with the right technique and be aware of the minute details of the poses you are performing. It is always recommendable to learn yoga under the supervision of a trained professional, also known as the guru.

Yoga Resources: If you are someone who wants to join yoga classes but does not have enough time or there is no coaching center in your vicinity, no need to worry at all. Beginning yoga at home is a feasible option because of the plethora of yoga DVD’s, journals, and free online yoga guidance available today. You can get yoga DVD’s from video libraries. DVD’s have videos with voiceovers. You can purchase one and use it to teach yourself. Many yoga websites give complete and detailed information about different yoga exercises, along with the way to perform the asanas, the health benefits they have, and the precautions that must be taken.

The asanas must be done correctly. This carries a lot of significance in order to derive benefits from yoga.

Posing incorrectly, for a long period of time, can result in ill-effects. Therefore, you need to be highly careful while performing yoga poses, also known as asanas. You’ll learn all this and much more with the help of videos. These videos are accompanied by voiceovers. You can download such free online yoga videos and watch them wherever, whenever time permits. The free online yoga websites also give links to a number of yoga poses.

Travelling Meditation : trascendental meditation

Travelling on the Northern Line into the City is possibly one of the most stressful commutes one could have.  But, using meditation, I often made my journey so positive and joyful that I was sad to get off the train.  You can use many other meditations here, most of them, even a gong meditation if you have an iPod would be fine.  But there is a little extra “trick” to improving any meditation you undertake while travelling.  Some people say that you shouldn’t meditate while driving, however a little gentle mental exercise can be very helpful if you are stuck in traffic or having trouble with another road user (although don’t close your eyes!)


Breathe in gently through your nose and out through the mouth.


Focus on the people around you.  The tube or bus passengers or the other drivers.  Feel how you are all united in your shared objective, that you are all on the same journey, that you are all in this together.  Relax, knowing that despite the seeming competition, who gets off the train first, or who goes first at the lights, you are all travelling together, and a few minutes don’t really matter in the big scheme of things.


Relax and let go, enjoying the calm and peace.


You can choose to feel the energy of the people on your journey, feel all of their hopes and fears.  Send them love, and breathe in their love and energy.


You can choose to look at the people around you, each one and repeat silently “I love you” to each one.


You can choose to relax and let them go first, smile as you say “After you”, share your calmness and peace.  You could even choose to stand up and let someone else take your seat, enjoying the gift you are able to give.


If you feel that someone is pushing or trying to jump ahead of you, let them, maybe they do need to be somewhere faster.  If there is nowhere for you to go, turn and look them in the eye and just say calmly “Sorry, but we have to wait for the people in front to get off.” with a smile.


Enjoy your journey, knowing that you are not racing against everyone else, but travelling together.


As you leave the train, or as others leave, silently send your fellow passengers love and wish them a great day.


About the author:

Pearl Howie ( runs Pearl Escapes a website devoted to finding safe, easy and affordable escapes – holidays, spa treatments, days out, etc. and providing great advice at every step of your journey.


In order to give the best possible information Pearl only includes things that she has actually tried – whether it is a spa, hotel or flight.


For more about meditation visit her meditation section and read the original article in context


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How to Meditate Effectively

Learning to meditate is a required skill in today’s busy world. Many people are stressed and over-worked with their mental physical and emotional health at risk as a result. Meditation has been proven to help reduce cortisol levels (the hormone released during stressful periods) resulting in a overall feeling of happiness and well-being. Some other benefits of meditation include enhanced creativity and problem solving ability. There are different styles of meditation practiced throughout the world and all of them produce peaceful results.

Using a Mantra in Meditation
You are probably most familiar with the use of a mantra during meditation. Many yogis are pictured chanting “Om” while they sit cross legged with their eyes closed in deep relaxation. This meditation technique is used to focus a wandering mind and is ideal for the beginning meditator. Choose a simple to repeat word and repeat it over and over while allowing your mind and body to totally relax. The word you choose for your mantra should be a positive word or one that has no meaning for you. You don’t need to repeat your mantra out loud but you can if you wish.

Breath Awareness Meditation
Another form of relaxing meditation is to simply become aware of your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes and without trying to change your breathing, just notice it. That’s right; just notice the sensation of your breathing and how it feels moving in and out of your nostrils, your lungs and how it travels down to your abdomen. Take note of how your breathing sounds and if a distracting thought comes to mind, gently acknowledge the thought and return your attention to your breathing.

Loving Kindness Meditation
The loving kindness meditation uses the expression of gratitude as the focus.

While sitting in meditation, we remember all the wonderful people, animals, places and things that have helped along our journey. We express our gratitude and love for them and offer them our blessings. What is important here is to get into the space of deep appreciation and gratitude for all who have touched our lives.

Learn more about meditation at Discover Four Different Meditation Positions.

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