Reiki and spiritual energy healing. Hidden dangers!

pleasure from any process that happens in this person’s life. This means that the more the person feels positive emotions in his or her lives, the bigger this person’s emotional shell becomes (the shell becomes bigger in size). Emotional shell’s main function is to collect flat-parallel cosmic rays (on the picture – the wavy lines on the top) on the crown of a person’s head. These rays that are collected by the emotional shell feed the energy shell (aura) of a person. As you probably already know, (if you were studing some kind of spiritual healing techniques before or were attending reiki classes or trainings), the state of the energy shell (aura) has a direct effect on the organs and systems of our body functions.So, you probably also know (this is even proven by independent research done by psychologists and physiologists) that people with optimistic worldview and those who often feel joy in their life, as a rule, have a lot less chance to get cold or get sick with any other virus type diseases. However, those who are constantly in the state of depression or in a bad mood get sick more often! The unhappy ones just don’t have enough “air” in their emotional shell or it is missing altogether. If this is the case, the energy shell is not getting the needed amount of energy from above and becomes smaller in size. The energy shell stops protecting the physical body from the programming influences of different types of viruses. This layer of energy shell that protects our body can be compared to the atmosphere of the Planet Earth that protects us from the sun radiation and meteorites.

Picture 4. Deformations of the emotional shell of person depending on his or her state. Optimism / pessimism.

Now, lets look at this problem through the eyes of Reiki masters and spiritual healers: if a person is lacking energy (which results in being tired all the time, chronic fatigue syndrome CFS, catching a cold or flue and so on) then you have to raise the energy level of this person by filling his or her energy shell with “pure” cosmic energy that goes through the hands of the spiritual healer. That is the principle of Karuna and Usui Reiki and many other spiritual energy healing schools. This method is called “hands on healing”! You might also hear a recommendation to use the techniques that activate your Kundalini energy in the schools of Kundnalini Reiki.And now, from everything that was said above, can you tell what is wrong? What happens to be Anti-Natural? From the standpoint of Nature any given sickness that a person gets is caused simply from his or her incorrect, or to be more precise “pessimistic” or even aggressive, view on life! This way Nature urges a person to just change his or her worldview. Nature is just trying to show the person that he or she is doing something wrong, simply because this person stopped to enjoy the life and feel positive emotions. One just needs to start to be joyful, look for the positive side, change your attitude to something that you don’t like, just stop talking to those people or simply change your place of work! You just have to be joyful! Generate positive emotions … and you will be healthy again!Energy help from an external source that is provided by the Reiki healing techniques through the Reiki spiritual healer or therapist is not better than a pill that helps to eliminate the resulted sickness. It does not try to find the cause of the sickness. By getting better from the outside energy stimulant that is received during the Reiki healing session, the person does not solve his or her main problems that are connected with the worldview. The patient does not pass the exam that Nature created for him or her. That person will be sent for the penalty round simply because the energy stimulant, that was received in an anti-natural way, will be quickly wasted since the person does no the way to independently replenish the energy of cosmos. So as soon as the energy potential of such a person drops down to the level he or she had before, this person starts to have the same problems and sicknesses! What should be the way out? You should turn on you brains! The main problem is in them!

Picture 5. Concentration of flat-parallel Cosmic rays on the head crown of a person by the emotional shell, that plays the role of a lens.

Video: Emotional shell of a human!What feeds our aura and energy**

About the Author

Scientist, business-expert, trainer- consultant, coach, author of the “Intuitive Intellect” theory. Researcher of scientific developments in the field of bioenergyinformational interactions since 1990, business consultant since 1993. Associated member of International Acmeology Academy.