The Benefits of Reiki : Reiki meditation

Reiki is the Japanese form of meditation technique that was popularized in Japan in the early 20th Century. The Reiki technique is completely dependent on the Energy that is available in this universe. Reiki is based on the principle of Chi, which means universal energy.

Reiki is a relaxation technique that is very similar to yoga and meditation techniques that originated from India. In this technique, the person giving the treatment will place their hands on various points of the person’s body who is receiving the treatment.  When placing their hands the person giving the Reiki Treatment passes some energy to the person receiving the treatment. This is very much similar to acupuncture in which the practitioners use a needle to activate energy points in the body. The person receiving the treatment will actually feel tingling sensations at certain points where the person giving the treatment touches with their hand.

The people receiving the treatment will often get to experience three important things. The first thing that they will experience is deep relaxation. The person’s mind will completely become at peace after nearly half an hour of this treatment. At this stage the person can actually feel their breathing process very intensely inside them. The next thing the person feels is the extreme heat that gets generated at the points where the Reiki specialist touches. This extreme heat is nothing but energy that is being released from the certain blocked points in the body. While the heating process continues, the person’s mind continues to be in a silent state and sometimes some people may even go into sleep. Such is the relaxation effect of this Reiki treatment.

The third thing the user experiences is the presence of colors in front of their eyes. While they continue to receive the treatment, they often see some rainbow-like colors in front of their eyes.

After receiving the treatment, the person feels completely calm and will be in a relaxed frame of mind. Once they get into this relaxed frame of mind, they can think with more clarity and act correctly in response to various situations. Another important benefit is their positive outlook. The person begins to have a positive outlook on the various aspects of life. They will be able to handle pressure situations better than ever before. Stressful situations will not bother them and they will be able to handle those situations with a calm mentality.

We recommend CM International Body & Soul Healing for Reiki Bristol and Reiki courses Bristol

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Healing meditation ? Help your body heal in natural way

Healing meditation ? Help your body heal in natural way

Healing meditation, just as the name suggests, help heal your body in a natural way.

This type of healing actually helps you heal up in a better way and you feel relaxed as well. Before the process of healing meditation actually starts you will be helped to relax and each of your body part will get relaxed as you listen to the pre recorded music and the narrator’s voice. It will calm down your nerves and muscles from top to toe and you will find that you have not been relaxed completely in past many years.


In fact, the process of healing meditation is based on the reality that people are over stressed these days and majority of the diseases are just because of the anxiety and unnecessary pressure on mind and body. However, natural healing is always there no matter whether you go to the doctor and get your treatment done. The doctor operates or lines up the bones even in a severe bone breakage, but the actual healing is done by the body itself. So, natural healing cannot be questioned.


People today do not believe in this because the development in science and technology make them believe in apparent proofs first. But they forget that even after an operation or setting the bone, doctor asks to wait and there is a recovery time for every treatment. This is when the natural healing takes part. The busy lifestyle and high paced life has left us drained both physically and mentally. Counseling spiritual experts helps you get connected to yourself and makes you realize what exactly you have with you and what you have achieved.


Counseling spiritual gurus are contacted usually for problems related to workplace, career, relationship and such everyday life problems. This is because the stress and the pressure that both men and women are facing cannot be calmed down without extra effort. Here counseling spiritual expert is of great help and will get you relief and mental peace. In reality counseling spiritual experts simply gets you connected to your inner self and makes you realize about the things you can do besides the complications of your life.

Youilluminated offers sincere counseling spiritual and advise revealing the pure truth, by experiencing with the spiritual coach you can feel personal growth, healing meditation, spiritual healing and happiness.

Chakra Activation & Healing Meditation

This Chakra Meditation can be downloaded FREE @: For More Great Brainwave Entrainme…
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Deep Zen Meditation – Harness Emotions

I’ve discussed the relationship of physical well being and mental well being to Deep Zen Meditation. Last, I want to discuss how meditation can control your emotions.

What the heck are emotions and how can meditation control your emotions?

In simplest terms, emotions are strong feelings that result in a behavior change.

How many times have we been in a situation where our emotions control us and we do something totally irrational? Examples that I can think of are athletes, coaches, and fans. Oh, and the classic example is the out-of-control hockey mom.

After the moment is over, how many times do we wish we reacted differently to the situation. Almost all the time regret sets in and we are left with the embarrassment and the consequences of the out-of-control moment.

On the other hand, it is a thing of beauty to watch someone handle a difficult situation with their emotions totally in control. I think about coaches and players that are interviewed after a losing effort.

So I ask myself, why does one person act calm and cool, and another person spiral out-of-control?

I know it must have something to do with controlling your emotions and I know meditation can control a number of mental and physical processes. Therefore, it makes sense to me that Deep Zen Meditation can have an impact on controlling your emotions.

How does one go about meditating to control emotions? Is there a special way to meditate to that will control emotions? Is there a way to turn emotions on and off effectively through meditation?

Meditation is really an experiment with your brain. It sharpens your will power, focus, and reactions.

These benefits have a direct correlation to controlling your emotion.

Let your mind wander for a minute and ask yourself what life would be like if I could control my emotions during highly charged events? Or even this, how would your life be different today had you been able to control your emotions in the past.

Deep Zen Meditation interjects discipline into our emotional process. It gives you the ability to turn emotions on and off. If meditation can do that, essentially we have controlled our emotions.

Deep Zen Meditation is a great way to refresh our bodies and minds.By using your imagination, you can meditate anywhere. For more information about Deep Zen Meditation, click on the links here.

Dave Leffler

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History of Meditation

Perhaps as ancient as the Bible itself, the history of meditation has been recorded going back thousands of years. While no accurate data exists on its origination, many speculate on its roots.

The Buddha has been long recognized as an icon in the history of meditation; dating back to 500 B.C. After living a luxurious life in his early years with his father, Siddhartha became familiar with the realities of life outside of his upbringing. He determined that life was mired with sorrow and suffering, and declared abstinence from worldly pleasures to pursue more spiritual goals. Upon discovering that the opposite end of the scale he chose was not the answer to end life’s suffering, he instead traversed to the middle ground between luxury and asceticism. Siddhartha was 30 years old when he found “enlightenment”, or Nirvana; a heightened level of awareness attained through meditation. He spent the remainder of his lifetime teaching his methods to many people, gaining a following of thousands of individuals.

Teachings from the Buddha spread through the Eastern world in many different forms. Since there was no formal set of guidelines, the adoption of the teachings in diverse areas branched out to form many doctrines over the next 400 years. Even so, several thousands of years still passed before the Western world learned of the history of meditation and all of its principles.

Researchers who have spent years studying the history of meditation have also learned that its practice was documented by Indians, although called Tantra by these people. Historical theories include that meditation and varying states of consciousness were achieved by ancestral people who would focus on flames in campfires, transcending their thoughts into ideals and plans of action.

Meditation as it exists today also takes many forms; likely through its loose formation and development in early years after the Buddha’s teachings ceased. Each variation is as valuable and effective for its followers as the next, serving to balance emotional and physical energies of the body and mind. The history of meditation has evolved into a technique that can help people sleep, overcome depression, eliminate stress and anxiety and achieve overall peace of mind. It has also been essential in assisting individuals in conquering illnesses such as smoking, weight, drug issues and alcoholism. For many, meditation is a means of dealing with the everyday pressures that the world imposes; centering them and helping them to regain composure and joy in their life.

While it is true that no one knows how far back the history of meditation extends, it is known that the art has developed over time into one of the most practiced techniques in the world. Books, lectures, seminars and classes that teach the methods of meditation are available to all who seek inner peace; the same goal sought by millions throughout the history of meditation.

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