Christian Meditation and Hearing God’s Voice : christian meditation

One of the number one questions Christians ask today is, “How do we hear God’s voice? How do we know when God is speaking to us or when it’s just our own thinking?” Christians desperately want to hear from God and know Him in an intimate and personal way. They want to know His voice from amongst their own mental clanging and clutter. Some believers get discouraged and believe that God has nothing to say to them which makes them feel unloved or inferior.

The good news is that God does speak to His children. He did throughout the Old Testament, the New Testament, and He does today. How do we know this for sure? Because the scriptures tell us that God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. However, as the years progress it appears that God’s voice has become more subtle. Rarely do you hear people saying that God spoke to them in an audible voice, like he did with Noah and Moses. We don’t seem to have as many anointed prophets that impart God’s heart to use as with Samuel, Elisha, and Elijah.

For these days and times, God generally speaks to his children through the Holy Spirit deep inside the intricate parts of their heart. Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice. If you have ever been to a sheep farm, you can see the sheep grazing quietly as they move from one spot to the next.

Yes, God does talk to us but the real problem is that many of us are hard of hearing. We can’t hear God because our own mental chatter, mindset, and incessant thinking crowds out what God may be trying to say to us. If our minds are filled up with mental mind stuff, is there any room for the quiet yearnings of God.

Therefore the first step to hearing God more clearly is to quiet our minds and the only way to do this is through practicing some form of meditation.

Now don’t stop reading or get scared because meditation is just a tool used to quiet our minds and Christian meditation fills our quiet minds with God.

Whenever God spoke to his people, it was generally through a still small voice or a whisper. In fact, when God speaks, people say it’s often like a knowing in your heart and mind. It’s not always words. I believe it’s through the unity of the spirit that we connect with God in a personal way. Jesus said, I only do what I hear the Father telling me to do. That means there was a constant fellowshipping going on between Jesus and the Father.

God wants us to have that constant communication as well, but first we must learn to become still and quiet our minds so we can hear God speaking to us. It’s generally not going to happen during the hustle and bustle of daily living. We must make an effort to stop and spend some time regularly just hanging out with the Lord.

The more control you get over your own thoughts, the more you will be able to differentiate them from God’s. Also, God’s thoughts will always line up with is Word so it is equally important to spend time reading the scriptures. Little by little begin to act upon the unctions in your heart. If your heart tells you to do something good or that will bless someone and then a few seconds later you try and talk yourself out of it, that’s you talking. Often, it is the first thought that seems to come out of nowhere that is God speaking to us. After that, we begin to rationalize our way out of being obedient or responding.

Practicing Christ-centered or Biblical meditation can help you to bring stillness to your thoughts so you can begin to discern God’s voice more clearly.

Rhonda Jones is the author of a series of Christian meditation and relaxation CDs that encourages listeners to relax, spend more quality time with God, and learn to live more consciously and in the present. Please visit her website at for additional information.

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Healing Through Meditation

Having a full breakfast every day is a good health habit. Research proves that eating a full breakfast every morning can help people take in more vitamins and minerals which are needed by the body. A full meal with carbohydrates and protein can enhance alertness and performance and help you be more energized for the days activities.

In some parts of the world, people have different self-healing remedies that help them maintain good health. These healing options support the natural healing process of the body and strengthen the immune system. The most common self-healing method is through meditation.Meditation brings the body, mind and soul together. It is a holistic discipline that requires you to use the power of your mind to realize some benefit.

Meditation has to be done regularly in order for it to be effective. It requires self-discipline and self-control. There are different kinds of meditation that are suited to different kinds of people. Some of the most common are Yoga, Zen, Sufi, Gurdjief, and Transcendental.

Thetahealing, which is another method of self-healing, also requires practitioners to meditate to establish internal connections of the mind, emotion, body and the spirit. In this method, the power of the mind can only have its control over the body if it has achieved a deep level of relaxation. When your mind and body is in the state of trance, the alpha waves in your brain will have the full capacity to control your body.

The Theta healing method takes advantage of the symbiosis of the mind and body. Their interdependence to one another plus the power of prayer are very crucial to the self-healing process which is good for your body and soul. This kind of healing teaches your brain to visualize yourself with a healthy body and mind.

The positive energies within the body can be harnessed through Thetahealing techniques.They convert the energies into higher sources of healing power that can boost the bodys immune system. This healing approach proves that self-healing is possible and that the power of your mind has the capacity to cure your body and rid it of diseases.

If you have questions, please visit us at for complete details and answers.

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Sleep Meditation: Sleep Well Medication : sleep meditation

Increased level of stress leads to deteriorating heart conditions, which ultimately reduces the years of your life. Tension and trouble are self-invited parasites that vacant your health from inside. Meditation is a way in which the individuals get a chance to prevent their body from these harmful mental fleas. When you wake up in the morning, if you are fresh, it’s a good day for you otherwise even if everything goes alright, you are unwell. Sleep meditation is a technique through which the individuals can enjoy a sound sleep to feel fresh the next morning. For the novices, however, various beginner meditation techniques are there to help them practice it in an appropriate manner.

A tension can either be personal or professional. Sometimes, you might desire to fulfill your wish, but due to some difficulties, you have to suppress your desire. This too is a kind of worry, where the suppressed wish in your sub-conscious mind does not allow you to sleep tight at night. The techniques for sleep meditation enable a person to overcome his troubles while sleeping because of the suppression of desires. You will find many people saying that the process of meditation does not seem to be effective enough for them. Meditation is completely a natural process and therefore it is effective for all. The only thing that determines its success is the proper practice of the sleep meditation techniques.

The problems pertaining to sleeping are many. Some individuals are unable to sleep at all, while few of them sleep, but find it to be incomplete, whereas some of the individuals remain devoid of a sound sleep. With sleep meditation, everyone gets an opportunity to experience a tight sleep without facing any trouble. In fact, even if nightmares haunt you, practicing meditation can help. If you have never practiced meditation before, beginner meditation techniques are there to help you know about the proper way of practicing it.

To have a relaxed mind is a necessity for a dreamless night. Sleep meditation gives the individuals a chance to provide significant peace to its chaotic mind, thereby making it peaceful. A peaceful mental status makes an individual free of all kinds of tensions, helping him to take a nap. If you visit a doctor with your sleeping problem, he will give you some high or low power pills, according to your needs. Taking the pills in might result in side-effect which is not the case when it comes to meditation. Without any side-effects, sleep meditation offers a sound sleep with a relaxed mind to an individual.

A proper sleep freshens an individual up and hence enables him to give his hundred percent to whatever he does. Sleep meditation is a natural process without any negative impact on the body and hence it needs o be practiced regularly. If you are irregular, don’t expect to get positive results. For fast results, regular practice is necessary. To help you know the basic aspects related to the process and the proper way of practicing it, beginner meditation guides are there which can surely help.

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on beginner meditation &sleep meditation. For more information he always recommends to visit

Yoga and Meditation : yoga meditation

Different Styles of Meditation

Nothing is impervious to change and so is not meditation. While the fundamental focus of meditation has not shifted from what it had started with, there have been several other changes that have led to different styles being followed at different places of the earth over different periods. It helps to know what styles are in practice today so that you can make an informed choice when you plan to undertake meditation yourself.

Watching Your Breathing

One of the very basic forms of meditation is to just control the way you breathe. All you are supposed to do is to sit in an upright position, close your eyes and just concentrate on the way you breathe. While this sounds pretty simple and is actually not that hard to practice, it can make a world of difference. During our day-to-day life we hardly have the time to settle down for a few minutes. That means irregular breathing. Allowing our body some time to actually stay calm and carry on the processes quietly can make a significant difference to how our body performs. With more fresh air in our lungs the heart performs at its best and our body feels rejuvenated.

Watching Your Thoughts

This is one of the tougher practices of meditation. Though physically not that demanding, it is an emotional challenge. The idea is to clear your mind of any thoughts and just let it be. You can sit in the normal upright posture and with your legs crossed. But the trick is to let go of your mind, because, at least initially, the more you will try this, the harder will it get.

Walking Meditation

One of the more innovative versions of meditation, this not only helps you at the level of the mind but you also get some exercise as you pace up and down.

You can practice this in a room or outdoors, as long as there are no distractions. Don’t try it in a room where the television is on or in a park with children playing. Again the process is to maintain a relatively brisk pace as you focus on your breathing and walking. Concentrate only on these two things and let go of your other concerns. Staying focused here is the real challenge.

Meditating While Chanting

This is a good style of meditation for the beginners. It has often been a problem for the ones who are starting off on meditation to actually stay focused and not let thoughts wander into their heads. Chanting a mantra can be of much help for them. This helps to keep away other thoughts and lets you focus more. The chant should be chosen carefully so that it is easy for you to remember and say. You need not say it aloud and can just repeat it in your head. As long as you are able to stay focused you know it is working right for you.

To know more about Yoga Styles, please visit here –

Guided Meditation – An Overview : free guided meditation

Guided Meditation – An Overview  : free guided meditation

The concept of meditation has reached a stage of widespread popularity. Most people around the world know about its benefits, but only vaguely. Even as there are many CDs, books and magazines to provide ample information on the subject, the compatibility of different meditation techniques always varies from individual to individual and can be practiced only when the thing is tested by a professional.

The object of this article is never to turn your views against meditation. It would be foolish to try to do so, since meditation and its effects and the positives it can offer have been proven beyond any doubt. But the opportunity is taken here to let you know how wrong the choice of a meditation technique can be for you unless it really suits you. Possibilities are that without the help and guidance of an appropriate teacher, you might only be able to derive minimal advantages from it. Indeed, the objective instead should be to optimize meditation, to find out what suits you best and get the maximum advantages out of the same.

But there is another and a very serious problem involved. When you place yourself before the vast sea of information about the principles, basic philosophies and practices of meditation, chances are you might simply get bedazzled. After all, meditation, though it grew primarily out of the Pan-Hindu cult in greater parts of India, different sects (e.g. Buddhism) have molded it in different patterns to suit their individual needs. So you are likely to get confused regarding which path you should undertake for yourself.

Unless you are individually guided in this path, it is too tough for anyone to grasp the entire philosophy of the art he or she is practicing.

Some people contemplate joining a group to solve the problem, but really it helps little. The only solution that follows is to get a professional who can guide you individually in this business. During the course of the training be sure to let your instructor know your personal needs from meditation, so that he or she can alter his or her own schedule to optimize the learning for you so that you gain maximum benefits.

The following guidelines may help you somewhat before you prepare yourself for guided meditation:

a. Be very specific and objective about your meditation goals. For this, you first need to know what you really want from the process.

b. Find the suitable program of meditation. Choose the one that suits your lifestyle best.

c. Speak with the teachers of guided meditation and find out a suitable program for yourself.

d. Get to know clearly about the duration of the course, its calculated costs, and the clauses for refunding of initially paid money and the guarantees given by the course authorities.

e. Practice the techniques for a while and get to know if they are really working for you up to the satisfactory level. You are the one who would know best.

Please realize that this is a course offered to you by professionals so that you can improve your lifestyle, your living habits and your management skills. If, in any way, you are not satisfied with your progress, be bold enough to let your teacher know so that your money paid can be refunded back. It is never really just an ordinary set of exercise for you-even after you will have completed the course, the effects must guide you towards further, continuous practice and an improved state of living. So the phrases like “Nobody can teach you to meditate,” and “It’s all up to you,” are simply not to be paid heed to.

Here’s an excellent way to start enjoying the benefits of meditation today. The Deep Zen audio program is easy for anyone wanting to learn how to meditate offering a free demo, and helps advanced meditators achieve deeper levels of meditation too. Try another free demo here: Totally Tranquil

Let Go, Let God – a free guided meditation video by Lynn A. Robinson. For more videos and affirmations, please visit

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Buddhist Meditation: Lurking in Dark Blindness: Charlatan Buddhas

Buddhist Meditation: Lurking in Dark Blindness: Charlatan Buddhas

Buddhist Meditation: Lurking in Dark Blindness: Charlatan Buddhas


Buddhism claims enlightenment and illumination for its follower. It looks into the universe and inner self of the human being but understands nothing and comprehends nothing. It does not unveil the reason of our being, the reason of the universe and the ultimate reason for meditation.

Buddhists claim to look for truth. It purports for self-knowledge but blinds itself to the most real in the reality itself :God.

Buddhas, all these charlatans Buddhas have nothing understood, nothing comprehended, nothing seized, after all their efforts for meditation, they have missed on the most obvious truth: God.

Buddhists claim for the ‘destruction of selfish egotism’, but achieved nothing but immersed in their most egoist selfishness.

They aimed to depart from themselves and deny themselves to achieve absolute tranquility of the soul but they never departed from their own selves.

On the contrary they enhanced their egoist selfishness and strengthened their feelings of selfness. There is nothing more self centered than Buddhist meditation. Centering on point-object leads ultimately to center on ones’ own being for denying God means remaining in one’s own circle.

Denying God means centering on one’s own self as a God.

By denying God as they were instructed by their masters the charlatan Buddhas, Buddhists lurk in absolute darkness of their own cave of ignorance.

They cannot possibly be released and feed from their own prisons and achieve transcendence for they keep within their own selves.

How can a Buddhist be freed from his own cave if he cannot even acknowledge God, his creator and the creator of all his masters the blind Buddhas? How can Buddhists see into the universe while they are blind to God the creator? How can Buddhists look into themselves and no acknowledge their creator? What farce? What irony to take Buddha as a God while Buddha himself has denied God?

They make for Buddha shrines and temples, offerings on his altars, invoke his mercy and guidance, his help and assistance.

But they erect statues of stones that cannot speak to them, they cannot hear them and do not see them, and lesser still can answer their wishes and hopes.

How blind Buddhists are to look into the universe and not see God? They are not only blind and but are in utter ignorance of the cause creator of their object of meditation: the universe and themselves.

How can they be enlightened and awakened while they miss the light and guidance in their absolute un perishable forms God All Mighty?

But Buddhas in their darkness they lurk and so their followers, blind, ignorant souls of evil. ~ In this short teaching, Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche discusses the essence of meditation, and how learn…

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