Mindfulness Meditation – How to Mine Your Past for Creative Gold

Article by Richard M. Frost

In our headlong rush to create a new, supposedly better reality for ourselves, there is a great danger of reinforcing a pervasive belief that what we have now isn’t good enough. Such an attitude is counter-productive and a sure recipe for unhappiness. But this constant focus on the future also causes us to ignore a potential source of creative gold: memories of happy experiences from our past. And those memories should not be overlooked, for their vividness in our minds gives them an extra creative potential that wishful thoughts about an imaginary future often lack.

The Past is Not Dead, But it Could be Killing Your Future

Once we have accepted the unconventional proposition that we create our reality with our thoughts, then the six-million dollar question inevitably becomes, “What are we setting ourselves up for by thinking what we’re thinking?” Through the cultivation of mindfulness, we must constantly observe our thoughts and emotions, and stand ready to police negativity that will cause problems if left unchecked.

What that mindfulness often reveals is that we spend a great deal of our time rehashing events from our past – usually bad ones. If just one little thing goes wrong with an otherwise decent day, you can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll be dwelling on that isolated incident, blowing it up out of all proportion and granting it a significance it almost certainly doesn’t deserve. Not only does this make you unhappy without good reason; it also sets in motion creative forces that will cause this poor quality of experience to expand. Think of it as a snowball effect or as a vicious circle, but you are going to get more of what you concentrate upon.

Sadly, we often end up using our creative power not to make the better future we want by concentrating on how things could be, but instead create a poorer future by focusing on the lousy things that have already been. This process is at work all the time, even for people who would laugh at the suggestion that their own thoughts and feelings affect their physical reality. Those of us who have made this breakthrough and perceived our own power ought to know better, but all too often fall into the same self-destructive traps as everyone else. It takes a tremendous degree of experienced mindfulness to learn this lesson.

Time to Turn the Tables

Most efforts to create better realities involve positive thoughts and images about a potential future. Those efforts are particularly difficult when we sabotage ourselves by allocating more time to complaints about the past and present. This tendency dooms many people to failure before they start, so it is no wonder that some say creative visualization doesn’t do any good. In a generally dark mental environment, a few rays of sunshine amount to little more than damage limitation.

There are two things we can do to give our future a better chance at working out the way we want, and both involve our past. The first, following on from what we have just discussed, is to stop dwelling on all the bad things we habitually churn up from our past, whether that past occurred earlier today or twenty years ago. (Memories of ancient harms don’t go away. In fact, the brain is hard-wired to hang on to them.)

The second thing we can do is to deliberately focus on all the good things that have happened in the past. And, no, it’s not acceptable for you to say, “What good things?” Unless you’ve been a prisoner of war all your life, there will have been some good along the way. And even if your life has been unusually hard, we should not forget what Viktor Frankl told us in Man’s Search for Meaning. The most resilient humans – those who survive against all odds – are somehow able to find something positive in the most hellish conditions imaginable.

Focusing on the best events from your past will encourage those better qualities of experience to reappear. No matter what else has happened since, or is happening right now, no one can ever take those memories away from you. They are always available to you, ready and willing to help you focus your attention and creative energy through a brighter prism, and to rekindle happier emotions.

Thus, instead of dredging up toxic mud from the murky depths of your past, only to dump it into the flow of your current consciousness, why not instead tap into your deep reserves of creative gold? The more you do this, the easier it will become. And if you persist long enough, you will start to detect those same happy qualities of experience occurring anew. The details will be different, but life will try to give you more of the same. Once again, the bottom line is this: What do you want more of – the worst things that have happened to you, or the best?

About the Author

The uses and limits of mindfulness practices are discussed in greater detail in this thoughtful and unique meditation blog.

What is enlightenment and how you can achieve it effectively through creative meditation ?

Article by TKS Datuk Seri Paduka Dr. Azam Zulkifli Al-Qadiri

I do not have explain further about what is meditation as it already grown popular around the world nowadays. People who practice meditation will notice that there are something unique about meditation. There are a lot of e-books on “how to meditation” and “meditation how to” that can easily be found in the search engines. You will learn step by step how to meditate and be able to meditate on your own.

To some people it may take years to achieve enlightenment through meditation. To be able to do this your chakra or energy gateway must be fully activated in order for you to gain benefits while you meditate. There are two type of meditation know to the world today, it is Silence Meditation (SM) and Creative Meditation (CM) when combined together will brings full result.

When you learn how to meditate you may be introduced to silence meditation. This method involve sitting down, stilling your mind, and focusing on breathing technique while you meditate. Silence meditation is the meditations method that only suitable for certain people who because some people whom are not use to this method may lost their interest while doing this ritual. To avoid this some people may play calming music for meditation to increase meditation transcendental. The relationship between meditation and yoga are closely related. Silence meditation also practiced in Buddhist meditation among Buddhist monks. In developed countries such as the United States meditation class and meditation course can easily be found.

In contrary, creative meditation offers a lot more freedom to their practitioner. Creative meditation is a from of meditation that involves body movement similar to movement in Xi Gong. If you looking for effective enlightenment and improving extra sensory perception (ESP) abilities and more then this is the most suitable method for you. Nobody can explain to you what is enlightenment nor describe how the enlightenment was. The enlightenment ideas that you might find in books are just a theory until you have experienced it for yourself.

Extra sensory perception such as psychic powers or psychic abilities are more likely to develop effectively by creative meditation because this method focuses on sensing the spiritual vibration generated by your inner soul.

In creative meditation your energy gateway will be open by experienced master compared to silence meditation, you have to wait years before your energy gateway are fully activated. This will slowing down your enlightenment process. You can test clairvoyance abilities whether it has improved or otherwise the soonest after your energy gateway were activated permanently. You will also notice that creative meditation is indeed the proper method to develop psychic intuition.

It does not matter what religion you follow, you have the opportunity to be connected with god. Spiritual journey usually started when somebody ask themselves what is god and where is god and if your determination are strong enough you will no longer have to ask “god, where are you ?”. The truth is all living being are connected with god whether they realize it or not. With creative meditation as a medium you can feel stronger connection to god. God channel His blessing in a form of energy through your soul based to your physical body. You can fully channel the energy according to your intention such as for healing purposes, creative protective energy shield against negative energy or as a weapon to disarm you enemy. There huge benefits of creative meditation for you to explore.

About the Author

TKS Datuk Seri Paduka Dr. Azam Zulkifli Al-Qadiri Supreme Grand Master of “The Secret of Ancient Malay Meditation” & Persatuan Seni Silat Gayong Ma’arifat Malaysia. Also CEO for Panji Alam Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur. Have more than 30 years of experience in Alternative Medicine & Spiritual Healing.For more info visit : https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.secretofmalaymeditation.com