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visit to download a free meditation and Shaktipat Seer’s ebook, how to unlock the power of your pineal gland. This is a sho…
“There is no secret here, towards the end of each note you hear (assuming your wearing earphones), upon the heightening of the frequency so too is your centr…
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Article by Jessica T
Third Eye Meditation – Activation Meditation
The 3rd eye chakra is our 6th chakra in the kundalini system. It is placed at the middle of our forehead right between the eyebrows. Stimulating meditation can help you activate your third eye and stimulate it, but first you want to learn some basic information about this chakra before practicing 3. eye meditation.
Basic Information
Colour: the colour of the 3. eye is purple. This can be a very useful information in your meditation so that you have a colour to imagine in your minds eye to help you connect with your third eye.
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Characteristics: This specific chakra is one of the chakras that is not connected to our physical body and the earth. This chakra is connected to our spirituality and the spiritual world. It is also connected to our psychic skills, so if you find it interesting working with your spirituality and psychic powers, you probably want to learn more about this chakra.
Third Eye Activation Meditation
Choose a calm place to practice your third eye meditation without being interrupted. Turn of all the different electrical gadgets and select a comfortable meditation posture. Sit with your back straight, and take a moment to calm your mind and body.
Step 1
Close your eyes and take a couple of deep slow cleansing breathes in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Allow yourself to totally relax. Let the air cleanse your body from all the frustration from your body. Feel how you become more and more relaxed and calm with every cleansing breath.
Step 2
Now, continue to breathe slowly and deeply but turn your focus to your third eye chakra in the middle of your forehead. Visualize that you are inhaling and exhaling through your third eye chakra. Inhale purple energy into your energy body. Notice the tingling sensation of the air as it enters your body through this chakra. Feel the energy that fills your body and energizes you with new and positive energy. breathe out the air through your forehead as a drained transparent air empty of energy.
Step 3
Don’t force yourself to feel anything, but notice if you are feeling any strange sensation on your forehead such as a tingling sensation, which could mean that your chakra is being stimulated. Do this guided meditation for 20 minutes.
There are many other types of meditation techniques you can try to help you activate your third eye chakra. I suggest that you try some different techniques and see which ones give you the best results. But you have to be patient and allow the chakra to open little by little. If you rush your meditation or become impatient it can ruin your practice and you may not get the wanted results. So give it time and practice your meditation regularly so that it will become a part of your natural routine, which will make it feel like a habit and something you want to do instead of something you have to do.
But remember that this third eye is just one chakra of the seven different chakras in the chakra system, which are all just as important, so remember to also work on the rest of the system to create balance between the chakras.
About the Author
Jessica T.
I am no meditation or yoga expert but I am simply interested in these things and I am just sharing the knowledge that I have about meditation in hopes of helping you with your meditation practice.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. Listen to this relaxing third eye meditation to help you activate your third eye, 6. chakra. Get a Meditation Guide on how to open your third eye on my website or http
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Download full version from The musical note A and sound wave LA is dedicated to Brow chakra (Third Eye) Ajna. The Om (Aum) symbol is a sacred syllable representing Brahman, the impersonal Absolute — omnipotent, omnipresent, and the source of all manifest existence. By sound and form, AUM symbolizes the infinite Brahman (ultimate reality) and the entire universe. A stands for Creation U stands for Preservation M stands for Destruction or dissolution Full version at http Suggestion of Meditation technique on Om: Retire to a quite place, sit down, close your eyes and completely relax your muscles and nerves. Concentrate on the space between your eyebrows and quieten and silence the conscious mind. Begin to repeat “Om” mentally with music while associating the ideas of infinity, eternity, immortality, etc. You must repeat Om with the feeling that you are the infinity. The difference in spelling [“Om” or “Aum”] is merely a matter of transliteration. Full version at – New Awakening Third Degree Reiki Healing distant Attunement. This Reiki Master attunement is provided free of charge. Use this attunement with our books ‘Reiki Healing First Degree’, ‘Reiki Healing Second Degree’, ‘Reiki Master and Teacher Handbook’, and ‘The Seekers Guide for a New Awakening’ for the New Awakening Spiritual System available from our website The book and the MP3 downloads work like a lock and key to open your inner consciousness to Divine healing in all aspects of your life; physical, emotional and spiritual. To gain the maximum effects of this spiritual attunement please study the book and the MP3 audio tutorials first. You can download the MP3 audios set and order the book from our website at The New Awakening multimedia system consists of three parts which are the Book, the audio CD set and the spiritual attunement. These three parts of The New Awakening Spiritual System work like a lock and key. The Book is like the lock which contains the knowledge that will empower you. The audio CD sets and the Free Attunements are like the key which transforms the knowledge in the mind to become a heartfelt spiritual experience, awakening you to a higher state of consciousness. Please enjoy your experience and have fun – Namaste This third eye meditation is one that can help you activate your third eye. In third eye breathing meditation you will imagine that you are berthing through your third eye chakra and charging it with energy. Third eye breathing meditation is just one technique you can use, though there are other third eye meditation exercises out there. So find one that you like and that gives you the results you want. Learn more about third eye meditation at http
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This is Meditation
the third eye chakra medtation. taken from Karma channel.