Benefits of yoga for asthma patients

Article by Vidiyasharma

Benefits of yoga for asthma patients: Asthma is a disease that causes inflammation and swelling of the air passage. Those who are suffering from asthma experience coughing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing and wheezing. Symptoms may be more severe in the morning or evening and are usually worsened by allergens, stress and illness. Conventional medical treatment includes medications or steroids. For those who prefer natural treatments, certain postures of yoga for asthma patients and breathing exercises may help in relieving the asthma symptoms and also help in the prevention of recurring attacks.# Yoga BreathingDifferent types of yoga exercises may help in opening the airways and strengthening the lungs. First, there are breathing exercises called pranayama. They are specially designed for helping in retaining breathing. # Yoga PosesYoga postures or asanas such as Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist) and Pavanamuktasana (wind relieving pose) can help in strengthening the inter-costal muscles that are used for loosening the muscles and relieving tension in the spine. Bhujangasana, or the cobra pose, helps in opening and expanding the chest, and Padmasana, or the lotus pose, is used for meditation and can help in correcting the posture. Savasana, or the corpse pose, helps in providing a deep relaxation before and after a yoga session. Each of these poses can be combined with yogic breathing for great results.# BenefitsThe benefits of yoga are immense and go beyond the improvement of health. The word “yoga” means to unite or yoke. It implies to bring a balance and harmony to the body. Regular yoga practice can help in alleviating stress, improving focus and concentration, and increasing flexibility and overall physical fitness. Though corticosteroids provide a quick relief during an asthma attack, they have various negative side effects. Another benefit of yoga is that it’s a holistic and a natural practice with no or little side effects. # Expert InsightThere have been several studies that have validated the use of yoga for asthma patients. According to a study done at the India Institute of Medical Science in New Delhi from 1996, researchers have found that there is a comprehensive yogic program for bronchial asthma patients and provides significant benefits, even within a short period. They felt that it improved the pulmonary function of the patients who experienced due to relaxation of voluntary aspiratory and expiratory muscles.Thus, yoga for asthma patients has great benefits. it can help in providing a physical as well as mental balance.

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You can get good information in this article about benefits of yoga for asthma patients. Also read more about asthma by visiting Onlymyhealth.