Mindfulness Meditating Proven to Increase Neural Composition : mindfulness meditation

I do believe every person who may have practiced meditation significantly would likely verify the fantastic health benefits which meditating delivers. These types of health benefits, whether they are physiological or possibly intellectual, are usually the chief reason why meditating draws in brand new enthusiasts. The fact is that, most of these health benefits have traditionally been anecdotal. Recently, nevertheless, there has been significantly more systematic research into the benefits associated with meditating.

The newest investigation is found in Psychiatry Research:Neuroimaging. The investigation was completed in the Massachusetts General Hospital and supposedly it may be the first investigation to document that meditating can certainly provide changes in the brain’s grey matter after some time. This points too the excellent health benefits are caused by modifications to fundamental brain structure and therefore are not only because people feel better through lounging around and relaxing.

This very same team has been doing preceding scientific studies that examined the brains of seasoned practitioners of meditation to those that did not meditate whatsoever. These kinds of research projects reported variations in the cerebral cortex nonetheless it could not be identified that the differences were brought on by meditation.

In this particular new investigation, magnetic resonance pictures were taken of the brains of the research participants two weeks prior to and 2 weeks after getting involved in an eight week mindfulness meditating program. The program concentrated on weekly gatherings where these people practiced mindfulness meditating together, as well as individual meditation time using audio recordings for guided meditation. There were also a control group of people who could not meditate spanning a corresponding period of time.

The meditating crowd, as per self accounts, used mindfulness exercises for basically less than thirty minutes each day. The analysis of the brain tests identified improved grey matter denseness in places which are known to be connected with learning and memory, in addition to self-awareness, sympathy and introspection. The participants also recorded reduced anxiety scores. Not any of the above transformations happened to be noticed in the support group.

So it is an interesting time in which we can easily start to see the fundamental science of exactly how meditating is affecting your entire body. Hopefully we shall start to see even more scientific studies evaluating the restorative healing power that your brain can exert on the human body.

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Related Mindfulness Meditation Articles

The Benefits Of Awakened Mind Meditation

You have no doubt read about the enormous benefits of meditation, you may have loved the idea and tried meditating but the chances are that you will have become frustrated by your efforts because it can actually be quite difficult. It is all very well trying to still your mind, but in this day and age, with everything that is going on in your life, it can seem to be near enough impossible to silence all of those voices that are spinning around in your head.


If you to have tried to meditate but have not been able to get it quite right, you may be interested in a technique of meditation which is known as Awakened Mind Meditation” Brainwave coaching and can be found at annawiseawakenedmind.info.


If you are wondering what this Awakened Mind Meditation actually is, it would be fair to say that it is a form of mediation that is like no other in that it involves achieving the results that you crave over a far quicker period of time. Some people can meditate for years without achieving the results that this form of meditation can achieve in only a matter of days.


It is usually the case that your brain is hot wired to think in similar ways time and time again. So, if you have a problem in any area of your life, your brain will automatically react in exactly the same way towards it and it can be extremely difficult to think otherwise. The end result of this vicious circle is that someone’s problems can continue because the brain will go down the same pathway time and time again.


Awakened Mind Meditation rises above this problem by  concentrating on the Delta brain waves which are in fact, your subconscious mind.

These type of brain waves more or less act as a radar which seeks out information that will help you in your everyday life. Much of this information will be at a level that you just can’t understand but your mind will process it in a way that will help you to overcome any problems and ultimately, achieve your goals. It should be noted that these kind of brain waves are associated with energy healing.


By using Awakened Mind Meditation you will be bypassing information that is not really relevant to you and and concentrating on only the facts that will help you which is the reason that when you use this form of meditation you will start to see results far more quickly. For that reason, Awakened Mind Meditation is well worth further investigation in order for you to live the life that you have only so far dared to dream about.


I recommend that you visit Anna Wise Awakened Mind for fantastic information about awakening your mind. So why don’t you use Awakened Mind Meditation to improve your life.

More Mindfulness Meditation Articles

Heal Your Brain Using Mindful Meditation

Heal Your Brain Using Mindful Meditation

Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy has been shown to reduce anxiety in a broad range of clinical populations, as reported by the University of Ottawa. Meditation reduces stress and enhances forgiveness, according to a study published by the Journal of American College Health. Meditators have a greater ability to moderate the intensity of their emotional arousal during stressful situations, say the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Studies from Yale and Washington University have shown that mindful meditation increases your brain’s levels of GABA, DHEA, melatonin, serotonin, HGH, and endorphins. Meditation effectively combats the effects of depression by reducing your levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Because meditation increases these beneficial brain chemicals, it is a simple way to combat the effects of depression. It reduces stress, relieves depression and anxiety, and lowers your blood pressure, according to research published by the National Institute of Mental Health.

GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)

GABA is an important neurotransmitter found in the central nervous system. It inhibits the production of stress-producing hormones, such as cortisol.

Insufficient amounts of GABA in the body are linked to tension, anxiety, insomnia, and epilepsy. GABA supplements help to correct mood disorders.

Sufficient levels of the neurotransmitter are essential for proper brain function. In a Yale study, scientists found that people suffering from panic disorders or addictions have considerably lower amounts of GABA.

Studies show that people who meditate or use binaural entrainment on a daily basis have significantly increased levels of GABA. Researchers at the University of California hypothesize that meditation produces its anxiety-reducing effects by promoting GABA action in specific areas of the brain, via a mechanism similar to the effects of synthetic anti-anxiety and tranquilizing agents.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)

DHEA is a hormone found in the adrenal gland. Research suggests that DHEA can have a number of health benefits, including:

alleviating depression

regulating sleep

reducing stress

improving memory

increasing friendship drive

improving overall psychological health

DHEA deficiency has been linked to obesity and chronic fatigue, as well as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Meditation has been shown to dramatically increase levels of DHEA in the body. According to a study published in Biological Psychiatry, patients who were given DHEA experienced significant improvement in their depression, as well as improved memory performance.


Melatonin is an essential hormone produced by the pineal gland located in the brain. Levels of melatonin in the blood rise at night, allowing for restful sleep. It is also a very powerful antioxidant. Studies at the Washington School of Medicine have discovered that there is a significant link between low melatonin levels and weight gain, especially around the stomach area.

Low melatonin levels severely inhibit your ability to get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep increases the production of hormones such as leptin and cortisol. Too much of these hormones cause you to gain weight, in addition to making it difficult to lose weight.

Practitioners of mindful meditation have been found to have considerably above-average levels of melatonin, according to a study published in Biological Psychiatry.


Serotonin deficiency can lead to a variety of physical and psychological issues, such as:



mood disorders



sleep apnea

migraine headaches

premenstrual syndrome


Serotonin is a vital neurotransmitter which is needed for proper function of the brain. Serotonin elevates mood and increases energy.

Many medications for mood disorders work by boosting serotonin levels. People who meditate have significantly increased levels of serotonin in their body.


Endorphins are neurotransmitters created in the body to internally alleviate pain. Endorphins are responsible for increased pleasure and an overall sense of well-being. They also lower blood pressure and are believed to fight cancer.

People who consistently practice mindful meditation have been found to have considerably higher levels of endorphins. Aside from meditation, exercise boosts endorphin levels as well, causing the pleasurable feeling you get after exercise.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

HGH supplements are becoming increasingly popular, though the risks of taking HGH in supplement form are widely debated. HGH is responsible for facilitating growth during childhood, and it sustains your body’s organs and tissues throughout your life.

As we get older, our ability to produce HGH gradually diminishes. This in turn causes increased body fat, decreased motivation, decreased muscle mass and general body weakness. Research shows that meditation can cause increased HGH levels.


Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the kidneys. Overproduction of cortisol can accelerate the aging process, and over a long period of time has been linked to these ailments:

increased abdominal fat

chronic stress

high blood sugar

weakened brain function

decrease in muscle mass

decreased bone density

elevated blood pressure

suppressed thyroid function

heart attack


increase of bad cholesterol

decrease of good cholesterol

Mindful meditation has been proven to decrease cortisol levels in your body. A study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences in 2004 found that older women who regularly practice meditation may have a reduced cortisol response to stress, and that the longer the women have been practicing, the less likely they are to react to stress with high levels of blood cortisol. In another study conducted at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, 52 males experienced reduced cortisol levels as well as quicker reflexes after practicing Buddhist meditation.

Michael Locklear is a researcher and consultant with 30 years experience, studying health, nutrition, and human behavior. He has been president of the Global Peace Project since 1986, and he adminstrates the websites Natural Remedies for Depression and Quick Weight Loss Tips as part of the Global Peace Project educational outreach program.

Clinical Psychologist guided mindfulness meditation exercise titled “Acceptance of Thoughts and Feelings”.

Guided Meditation MP3 mindfulness meditation : mindfulness meditation

Life has become very hectic today and in this hectic life meditation is a very effective way to attain relaxation for both the body and the mind. Meditation is a very personal and spiritual experience. Meditation is practiced mainly to develop concentration and to focus on creative and positive ideas. Meditation helps in cleaning the mind of useless and negative thoughts The Guided Meditation MP3 mainly comprises of two approaches. In the first part a guide tells the practitioner how to meditate. This is done to keep your concentration intact. The guidance may be on topics such as supreme power or how to connect to this power and it will not let you mind get distracted. The Guided Meditation MP3 also consists of mantras. These MP3s are very easy to use and to follow. In the other part of the Guided Meditation MP3 you will find some music that will be very soothing and will help you in concentrating. If you follow this MP3 properly then you can get rid of your anxieties and will feel uplifted.

In the same way mindfulness meditation helps you to focus completely on the present. Many studies have been conducted that proves that mindfulness meditation enhances mood and help in getting rid of stress and this result in a boost to the immune function. Foe practicing mindfulness meditation you need to find a quiet place and then sit in a comfortable position. There is no need to think about the past or the future. One just needs to stay in the present. In this kind of meditation one mostly has to focus on their breathing so that they can avoid distractions and can keep the focus on one object.

This kind of meditation is very simple and hassle free. This meditation is very effective as well. After sometime you will notice that your body and mind will feel much more relaxed than before. With the help of this kind of meditation your mind will feel contented. In this kind of meditation people should try to come a back on the main object of concentration if they get distracted.

Simon Lee writes informative and unique articles about Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation. One thing that separates Simon Lee from others is the passion he puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

Related Mindfulness Meditation Articles

How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation

As you start the mindfulness meditation practice, you have a sense of your body and a sense of where you are, and then you start to notice the breathing. The entire feeling of the breath is imperative. The breath should not be forced, try to breath naturally. The breath is going in and out, in and out. With each breath you become relaxed.

During mindfulness meditation practice try to recognize the movements of the mind, which you experience as thoughts. As soon as you start thinking about something with emotions attached, try use the breath as the object of meditation; it is particularly helpful because it will relax you.

The objective of mindfulness meditation is not to distract your attention away from stressful thoughts, but rather to just observe the thoughts without responding to them. You have to be a neutral observer of everything that passes before your attention. Your goal is not to be focused, but rather to be mindful, that is, to be fully aware and awake of what is going on in the present moment.

Mindfulness is the condition of being fully engaged in the present moment, without analyzing or in other words without ‘overthinking’ the experience. Rather than worrying about the future or reflecting on the past, mindfulness meditation toggles the focus to what’s happening right now.

Everything is welcomed. You just pay attention to whatever is there. Try not to form an opinion or evaluate – just sit calmly and observe. Sooner or later, the mind will become calmer and incoherent thoughts will begin to slow, but try to keep away from the temptation to think about this understanding.

When ready slowly finish your practice.

Allow yourself a few seconds to just sit and feel the effects of your meditation. It is essential not to try to evaluate how you did and avoid labeling it as a good or bad practice, just allow it to be what it is. Mindfulness meditation is particularly effective at reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions. Practicing mindfulness meditation helps you to develop a skill to stay calm and not react to everyday stresses, but rather let them pass as events

Carole is the author of some web-blogs in Health category. You can find more interesting and useful information at Yoga and Meditation Blog and Ideal Weight Blog.

More Mindfulness Meditation Articles

Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a process that can help you get in touch with yourself and your mind. This practice, a series of meditation techniques and philosophy, descends from Buddhist teachings. Basically, mindfulness involves having a total awareness of one’s self, their mind and body and consciousness, as well as having a completely open and curious mindset. Most importantly, mindfulness involves slowing the mind down so as to be aware only of the immediate present. Before attaining this mindset, one must clear away all thoughts of distraction.

How can you start doing this? Start by finding a quiet and comfortable place to relax. You don’t have to lie down; in fact, you can sit in a chair or on the floor. Keep your head, neck and back straight, but do not tighten up. Now it’s time to try and relax. Remove all distractions from your mind, everything related to the past and future. Live in the present and let your mind become only aware of the immediate present.

It also helps to use what is called the “anchor.” This is an object that can be focused on, in order to help you clear your mind. Some doctors have used physical objects (remember the old swinging clock?) though a more modern anchor is a concentrated series of breaths. If you become aware of your breathing, and focus deeply on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body, as well as the rising and falling of your belly, and you really focus on all these physical processes, then this can be your anchor.

Do not try and ignore other thoughts and distractions because this will involve too much fighting. On the contrary, let the thought come and go and concentrate on remaining calm.

Eventually you will start to feel this completeness and calmness. After it passes, sit still for about two minutes and let yourself become aware of where you are. Return to routine gradually, slowing things down. Guided mindfulness meditation will help improve many aspects of your life.

When you experience Buddhism you experience…life. Visit BuddhaLogic.org | the ultimate tool for self discovery.

Guided Meditation by Tara Brach…. Music by Aeoliah….

Guided Meditation cd mindfulness meditation

In guided meditation a person is guided to follow steps and exercises to practice guided meditation. And for this guidance a Guided Meditation cd is made available to those who want to practice this kind of meditation. This CD helps in reducing level of stress and to achieve inner peace. These are designed in such a way that they can deal with stress, depression, addiction, anxiety and prevention of relapse. These will help a person to refocus. The Guided Meditation cd is extremely useful when some one feels agitated or worried. These CDs also contain videos that can help you in relaxing your body and mind. You will also find CDs designed as special solution to different problems. Like you will get a Guided Meditation cd to escape from stress, release fear and worry, balancing your energy, loving relationships and many other problems.

For those who want to get rid of any kind of anxiety related to their past or to their future for them mindfulness meditation is a good option. This kind of meditation is mostly divided in stages. In the starting stage a person have to raise his consciousness and become witness to his own thoughts and whatever other thoughts are passing through his mind. In the latter stage also one will have to be conscious and be a witness but will now become more aware of oneself. In this stage there is no direction of the focus. By following these steps a person will be able to live and concentrate in the present and all the worries from the past and future will not affect him. The mindfulness meditation is both very healing and restorative. This kind of meditation can give a boost to the insight of a person and also enhances clarity and empathy.

With the help of mindfulness meditation one can start to listen to their bodies. In this type of meditation one has to concentrate on their breath which will help in making them more aware of themselves. These methods not only help in increasing concentration but also to teach every one how to live in the present.

Simon Lee writes informative and unique articles about Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation. One thing that separates Simon Lee from others is the passion he puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

Mindful Meditation : mindfulness meditation

Mindful Meditation  : mindfulness meditation

There are lots of different types of meditation practice. Guided meditation is just one of many but has its roots in mindfulness meditation. But what is mindfulness meditation? It is a technique, a mental discipline by which with practice you learn to go beyond the reflexive thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Something that can be achieved quite easily through time and habit.

Mindfulness meditation practice can also help you to achieve different goals – from tuning into a higher state of consciousness to greater focus, creativity, self awareness or simply gaining a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind. What ever your aim the practice of mindfulness meditation can also help you achieve your targets quicker and with only a few minutes regular practice.

The meditator with a´no effort attitude´remains in the here and now, using focus as an anchor to bring everything back to the present. Concentrating on using the mind to gain access to a deeper level and to devote attention solely on what the meditator is seeing and experiencing.

Mindfulness meditation can also be practiced whilst walking – being aware of every step, giving your whole attention and focus on one thing at a time. Being aware of exactly what you are doing. The gentleness of the feeling and the grace of the body´s movement whilst walking helps breakdown the automatic mental responses and encourages the deeper state of awareness of the present moment.

Practicing mindfulness meditation slows the rapidness of the thinking mind down and allows for a different perspective.

A little bit about who we are… Belinda is a Reiki Master and Spiritual Life Coach and also Mum to two grown up children. “Meditation has personally helped me cope with stress, discover inner peace and progress my own spiritual journey”. Toby, born and raised in Ibiza has always been drawn to the spiritual life. Together we have founded GuidedMeditationsNow.com to enable us to share our Guided Meditations and knowledge through the Calma Club. You can visit us at https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.GuidedMeditationsNow.com

Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn

Jon Kabat-Zinn leads a session on Mindfulness at Google.