Guided Meditation – A Free Mind Power Technique For a Better Life : free guided meditation

Many online sites offer free mind power techniques that allow people to concentrate better and improve their meditation. Thankfully enough, meditation has become a widely accepted method of relaxing the mind and the body. And why shouldn’t it be? Meditation is a blessed sanctuary when the rest of the modern world is barging in on your life. It is also a means of harnessing the powers of your mind to take the reins of your life and lead it to where you want to go.

One simple technique is the nature scene. Find yourself a peaceful and quiet place to stay where no rowdy children or nosy co-workers can disturb you. A nice, little nook at home or a cubicle in your office restroom should work just fine. Sit down in that corner, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Never mind the sound of the ice cream truck or the chatter of office girls as they enter the restroom. You are in your private little world. This will be difficult to begin with, but will become easier as you meditate more and more everyday.

Count backwards, starting from 100, and continue breathing deeply as you reach zero. By the time you finish counting, you will feel your mind and body slipping gently into a very relaxed state. Now, imagine yourself standing on a strip of soft, warm sand, looking out over a deep blue ocean with sea gulls swirling above. Continue breathing deeply as you hear the roar of the ocean as the waves come crashing. Feel the cold water swishing through your toes as the waves hit the shore. Smell the salty sea breeze as the wind ruffles up your hair.

Then sit or lie down on your back and let your body absorb the soothing rays of the golden sun. Let the power of the sun, wind, and water overwhelm you, invigorate your senses, refresh every single cell that exists in your body.

This will be your own little corner of the world. This is where all things are good, and you are safe and free from everything else that worries you. When you are beset with worries, simply take up this free mind power technique to give you the mental relaxation you much deserve. Of course you can re-invent the nature technique and re-create your own scene to suit your tastes. If you know a particular spot of nature that has left you with pleasant memories, you may use that scene, too.

You can also modify the first part of this meditation technique by visualizing the colors of the rainbow instead of counting backwards. Only, you have to make sure that you can actually see the colors in your mind’s eye. If you are having difficulty doing so, visualize objects of each color, such as a red apple, an orange t-shirt, a yellow star, and so on.

Now, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Imagine a light, each having the colors of the rainbow, emanating from your feet, passing through your abdomen, and ending up on the top part of your head. Start with the color violet, then indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. When you have visualized the red light on your head, lead your mind to your nature scene and bask in your private moments there. When you are ready to leave, visualize the rainbow-colored lights moving through your body again, this time starting with red and ending with violet. You will feel better and more relaxed when you open your eyes.

The nature scene is a free mind power technique well-known to many and known to be an effective way of reaching the mind’s alpha state and improving mind power.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Power to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at

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Healing Meditation Technique, Good For The Body, Mind And Soul : healing Meditation

This healing meditation is good for the soul, body and mind. First thing you want to do is sit in a comfortable position. This can be in a chair with your feet flat on the ground or in a crossed legged position on the floor. Once you are comfortable and feel like you are in a position that you can sit in for 20 minutes, it is time to begin the healing meditation.

Begin to imagine the body filling with a white energy light. It is best to start with the feet and slowly move up the body. Take your time with this, there is no rush. As you move up the body and this energy flows into you, feel the body relaxing. Continue this until the entire body has been encompassed in this energy. After this, the next step in healing meditation is to imagine any pain or diseased areas are surrounded by a dark energy mass. As you imagine this, see the white energy light taking over those areas and turning them into this energy.

Next step in healing meditation is to see this white energy shinning out from your eyes. As you imagine this have the light bend and target the areas that have been giving you troubles, pain or are sick. This white energy light penetrates these areas and transforms any remaining dark energy into shining white energy light. As you are doing this, fill your heart with love and send that love through the light to these areas also.

The last step is to feel this white energy warming the entire body. This warming sensation should feel like you are being wrapped in love. Sit for several minutes and feel this sensation of being wrapped in love.

Relax, open your eyes and remain seated for a couple minutes as you give thanks for the incredible white energy light that has been given to you for the purposes of healing.

A trained hypnotherapist for 13 years, practicing meditation since 1994. A trained yoga and meditation teacher, living on the road traveling the world since 2008.
View original article – Healing Meditation.
More information – Learn to Meditate

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Free Medicine For the Mind – Zen Meditation

“Perfect,” I said. “You can spend a lifetime learning all the subtleties about Zen meditation, but a beginner can learn how to do it in five minutes.”
Zen means simple and Zen meditation is the simplest form of meditation. Forest Zen is the simplest path of all the paths to Zen and that is the path of the Zen Forest.

“How do you meditate, here?” I asked on my first visit to the Zen Forest.
The monk who created the Zen retreat gave me a blank look.
“I’ve been taught different ways,” I said. “Some say to sit like this, hold your hands like that, with your fingertips touching and the tip of your tongue at the roof of your mouth.”

He laughed very hard and said, “That’s the way we teach beginners. It’s like telling a little kid that Santa Claus is real. Are you going to tell a very young person who believes in Santa Claus that Santa Claus isn’t real?”
“People new to meditation need to believe things like that will help them do it right,” he said.
“People new to vegetarianism like vegetable dishes that look and taste like chicken, fish, hamburgers, steak…. You can make mock duck, mock goose, mock chicken, and so on. Later, it isn’t necessary.”

A Step-By-Step Guide To Sitting Meditation

The goal is to still. How still? As still as the dead.
Meditation has been described as practicing being dead.

Step One: Sit on the floor in the full lotus position.

If you cannot sit in the full lotus position, don’t worry. Sit in the half lotus position.
If you cannot sit in the half lotus position, don’t worry. Sit cross-legged.
If you cannot sit cross-legged, don’t worry.
If you cannot sit on the floor, sit on a chair.

Most people sit on a pillow, on a mat, and use cushions to prop up their legs.

Some use a blanket to hold their hands comfortably in their laps.

If you choose to sit on a chair, sit on the front edge, keeping your back straight. If you cannot sit on a chair without leaning back for support, try meditating in a Muskoka chair. Use the cushions to get into a comfortable position so you don’t have to move for twenty minutes or so.

Step Two: Keep your eyes open and look at the floor about three feet in front of you.

Step Three: Try to keep your back straight. If you cannot find a way to sit comfortably on the floor, try leaning against a wall.

Step Four: Your left hand should rest in the cup of your right hand and your thumbs should touch lightly.

Step Five: Focus on your breath. Pay attention to your breathing.

Step Six: Count breaths. Breathe in and count “one” as you exhale. Breathe in and count “two” as you exhale.

Step Seven: Count to ten, breathing in and out, and start over again.

Step Eight: Thoughts arise naturally during meditation. Try not to follow your thoughts. Let them come and go. Focus on your breathing. Don’t engage with your thoughts. Watch them come and go as though you are watching a movie.

Step Nine: After meditating, massage your sore muscles and then do some exercises to get your energy going again.

Step Ten: This step is for advanced meditators. You don’t have to count your breaths. Just follow your breath as it goes in and out.

Put your awareness at the tip of your nose or on your belly. Stay aware of your breathing.

When we are aware that we are breathing, the mind and the body are one, and monkey mind ends. We’re not thinking about the future or the past – just the present moment.

If you are a very experienced meditator, focus on your true nature.

The Goal of Meditation

The goal of meditation is to still the mind. The mind is like a cup of water from the pond. We are sitting in Muskoka chairs, on the new field stone patio in front of the dining hall attached to the zendo, looking at the creek the monk turned into a pond at the Zen Forest.

“How many thoughts do we have each day?” Thay asks me.
“I studied with Deepak Chopra last summer and he quoted Wayne Dyer saying we have sixty thousand thoughts a day,” I say.
“Sixty thousand, they say?” the monk laughs. “Oh really? We have monkey mind, with six hundred thousand thoughts per day. Those are the big ones. Who knows how many small ones we have. They are like waves and ripples on the ocean and on a pond.
“Imagine taking a glass of water from the pond,” he says. “That glass of water from the pond may be muddy and cloudy.
“Let it settle.”
“The mud is heaviest and sinks to the bottom. Other impurities may settle on the mud. At the top is the purest water.”
“If you’re smart, you’ll siphon off that water.”
“That’s your mind and those are your thoughts.”
“Let the heavy thoughts sink to the bottom.”
“Siphon off the water at the top. That’s wise.”
“Meditation does for the mind what time and gravity does for the pond water.”
“Show me the siphon,” I say.
The monk says, “I can show you by teaching you Zen meditation.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is meditation?
A. Medicine for the mind, body, and spirit.

Q. Where does meditation come from?
A. The Far East. (I learned about Zen meditation in the far east of Ontario.)

Q. Will I need to make lifestyle changes in order to meditate?
A. No.

Q. Is Zen a religion?
A. No.

Q. Is Zen a branch of Buddhism?
A. No.

Q. Do I have to sit cross-legged? Do I have to sit on the floor? Do I have to sit like a statue for an hour?
A. No, no, no.

Q. Do I need a group or a guru?
A. No, but it helps, at times.

Q. Do I have to sit still for any period of time?
A. Yes, as still as a frog on a log.

Q. When should I meditate?
A. Sitting meditation in the morning and evening, sleeping meditation at night, reclining meditation and walking meditation, whenever.

Q. Do I need a mantra?
A. No. I went to a workshop with Deepak Chopra at the Omega Holistic Institute near Woodstock, New York, and he quoted his friend Wayne Dyer recommending you say to yourself “Ahhh” and “Om” as you breathe in and out, or “shalom”. But you don’t have to.

Q. What is meditation like?
A. At a recent Zen Power Hour I led, we did a check-in after meditation, and one woman said, “I spent the weekend at the cottage on one of our islands in Georgian Bay and it was relaxing but that twenty minutes of meditation in a Muskoka chair, or Adirondack chair, was even more relaxing and more of a holiday.”

Martin Avery is a Zen meditation teacher and Qi Gong instructor. He is the author of Simple Simon’s Guide To Zen Meditation and the creator of the Zen Power Hour with Zen meditation, solo massage, qi gong, and walking meditation.

If you’d like to learn more about Zen meditation, check out Simple Simon’s Guide To Zen Meditation at

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The Benefits Of Awakened Mind Meditation

You have no doubt read about the enormous benefits of meditation, you may have loved the idea and tried meditating but the chances are that you will have become frustrated by your efforts because it can actually be quite difficult. It is all very well trying to still your mind, but in this day and age, with everything that is going on in your life, it can seem to be near enough impossible to silence all of those voices that are spinning around in your head.


If you to have tried to meditate but have not been able to get it quite right, you may be interested in a technique of meditation which is known as Awakened Mind Meditation” Brainwave coaching and can be found at


If you are wondering what this Awakened Mind Meditation actually is, it would be fair to say that it is a form of mediation that is like no other in that it involves achieving the results that you crave over a far quicker period of time. Some people can meditate for years without achieving the results that this form of meditation can achieve in only a matter of days.


It is usually the case that your brain is hot wired to think in similar ways time and time again. So, if you have a problem in any area of your life, your brain will automatically react in exactly the same way towards it and it can be extremely difficult to think otherwise. The end result of this vicious circle is that someone’s problems can continue because the brain will go down the same pathway time and time again.


Awakened Mind Meditation rises above this problem by  concentrating on the Delta brain waves which are in fact, your subconscious mind.

These type of brain waves more or less act as a radar which seeks out information that will help you in your everyday life. Much of this information will be at a level that you just can’t understand but your mind will process it in a way that will help you to overcome any problems and ultimately, achieve your goals. It should be noted that these kind of brain waves are associated with energy healing.


By using Awakened Mind Meditation you will be bypassing information that is not really relevant to you and and concentrating on only the facts that will help you which is the reason that when you use this form of meditation you will start to see results far more quickly. For that reason, Awakened Mind Meditation is well worth further investigation in order for you to live the life that you have only so far dared to dream about.


I recommend that you visit Anna Wise Awakened Mind for fantastic information about awakening your mind. So why don’t you use Awakened Mind Meditation to improve your life.

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