Jnana Yoga – Yoga For The Intelligent

Article by Sharon Hopkins

Jnana means the knowledge. This yoga is the yoga for the intelligent and selected people. This yoga is the ultimate goal of all the other varieties of yoga. This yoga teaches you to look at the world as it is without any ignorance and bias. You can achieve this state by practicing rigorous mental discipline and virtue. This yoga is also called Raja Yoga or the king of all the yogas, since it is of the highest variety and rules over all the other varieties. This is the Yoga that Patanjali has described in his Yoga Sutras.

This yoga is made up of eight parts of which five are external and the other three are internal. Two of its parts, viz yama and niyama deal with types of behaviour that the student of yoga should avoid like lying, cheating, stealing etc. and those behaviours that he should cultivate like cleanliness, non-collection etc. Asanas and Pranayama are the next two parts of this yoga. Asanas are the physical movements that help in developing the suppleness of the body and thus cure any diseases. You can control your breath by using pranayama which increases the capacity of the lungs to take in air and thus increases the vitality of the body. The next part Pratyahara denotes the withdrawal of the sense organs from objects of enjoyment. The remaining three parts deal with intense mental concentration.

Patanjali maintained that practicing these eight parts of yoga faithfully and intensely will, over a period of time, erase all the impurities of the body and mind and thus attain knowledge that will liberate the person from bondage and ignorance. This yoga is called Ashtanga Yoga since it is made of eight parts. It is also called as Dhyana yoga due to its stress on mental concentration. Hence, whenever there is any mention of yoga, it is usually implied that the person is talking about Jnana Yoga

About the Author

Sharon Hopkins is the webmaster for Yogawiz where you can find information on , yoga basics, different yoga asanas, poses, Jnana Yoga,Ashtanga yoga and much more . Jnana Yoga is the science of knowledge and helps one unite with the Supreme.

Yoga Twists : Yoga : Video

Yoga Twists : Yoga  : Video

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Yoga Twists are very important poses in the yoga. Not only do they make you flexible and is it good for the spine, they also release the toxins out of our body. Please subscribe to my channel here: bit.ly Go to my channel: www.youtube.com Follow me on facebook : www.facebook.com Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com Look me up on Google+ : www.gplus.to

Types of Yoga-Yoga Being a Living ?Philosophy?

Article by Rob Owens

Yoga is different methods to users, what this would mean to you personally would hinge tremendously on how you’re exposed to it and the way you enjoyed your first experiences by it. To a lot of users Yoga is just a type of exercising in which ensures they have got a well balanced supple body. For other individuals Yoga crosses a method of exercise and it is a spiritual journey allowing them to discover the rest as well as centring their everyday life require. Such a Yoga originates increasingly towards an daily life philosophy than any other.

One type of yoga is Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga can be placed in this last kind as you are considering it’s spot currently being a Yoga discipline. This descends with a record named Korunta Yoga which addresses the main eight spiritual actions that happens to be explained from Patanjali by means of Sutra Yoga. At present the majority of Hatha yoga principles are completely originated via the descriptions for Hatha yoga practices in these sutras, therefore most of the styles of Yoga are varieties of Ashtanga Vinyas.

Achieving entire idea of Ashtanga Yoga is important since it’s supporters treat it like more then a type of working out. While it’s root is present in physical movement it is advocated that it’s power in fact comes from the potency of essence which may be created via repeated and disciplined practice of the eight stages of Yoga. By way of the 8 stages of Yoga the human body in addition to psyche end up being pure, and so they are usually a suitable purifying method.

Additionally the discipline of Ashtanga Vinyasa manages a profound as well as deep strategy to when it comes to other people. The nearest word to describe this aspect of the Yoga discipline is behavior, but it surely really will exceed that. The types of Yoga is known as a discipline about stability, in addition to the physical balance having to achieve most of the exercises ought to be demonstrated by way of an integrated balance or harmony of the soul. It is actually said that an overactive person can not succeed with Yoga and this is valid on a couple of degrees. First they have no self-discipline to sit calmly throughout the practice, but they additionally don’t have any emotional calm to concentrate fully and entirely on just one endeavor. Yoga asks deep centering the simple act of breathing and also sensing such respiration transport chi to varied areas of your whole body.

The strength with Hatha yoga is located in it’s combination of such physical power and suppleness required to finalize movements along with the spiritual self-discipline that’s a must to preserve them. Hatha yoga is not just a form of exercise although frequently it is thought of as a style of meditation. Meditating efficiently using Yoga needs a clarity with thinking in addition to oneness of awareness that’s not present in most up-to-date work out programs. Yoga strives to bring the body into equilibrium and focus on keeping that balance.

This aspect of Yoga is typically misconstrued, however stability is a massive role in Oriental Medicinal treatments and the purpose of Yoga as well as comparable meditative techniques is often not more than to realize and maintain the volume of balance which keeps us healthy. Yoga teachers will usually discuss one-ness along with deep coherence, which may be mis-interpreted from individuals that miss a natural idea of the thing Hatha yoga strives to get. Simple such balance which may be realized by Meditation in addition to Hatha yoga may be a self-contentment or recognition for yourself. This indicates that this initial step of being comfortable and also wholesome might be pleased with yourself plus your ?existence?.

About the Author

Rob Owens is a entrepreneur and business owner who has a passion for Yoga and natural healing. He has a special interest in the types of yogaand how they relate to our lives. Check out his website to find out more info on the different types of yoga.

4 Yoga Poses for Strength : Yoga : Video

4 Yoga Poses for Strength : Yoga  : Video

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These 4 Yoga Poses for Strength are pretty tough on the muscles but after a week you will notice that you are getting stronger. Please subscribe to my channel here: bit.ly Go to my channel: www.youtube.com Follow me on facebook : www.facebook.com Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com Look me up on Google+ : www.gplus.to

Hatha Yoga

Article by Paul Wells

Getting To Know Hatha Yoga

Yoga has it beginnings in ancient India but this discipline has invaded the whole world due to the benefits it offers to people who take up yoga. A survey shows that there are more than sixteen million people who practice yoga in the United States alone.

There are various types of yoga and each type has its own methods and purposes. One type of yoga is the Hatha Yoga which literally means sun and moon, coming from two Sanskrit words Ha which means sun and Tha which means moon.

Hatha Yoga, which was first introduced in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama, was meant to help yoga practitioners start off with purifying their bodies before proceeding to a higher level of meditation. It is said that Hatha Yoga is similar to Raja Yoga which follows the principle of yama which refers to moral self discipline or control. However, there are sectors who believe that Hatha Yoga has its origins as early as the 10th century.

American yoga followers usually practice the Hatha Yoga to improve their physical and mental health. Most of the Western practitioners of the Hatha Yoga focus on the asanas or yoga poses and exercises but it is really a unified yoga discipline veering not only on the physical but also in Pranayama which consists of breathing and meditation techniques.

Both Hatha Yoga and Raja Yogi are known as Ashtanga Yoga because it follows the eight limbs which include the asana or the poses including the Lotus pose, easy pose, pelvic pose and easy pose. Some sectors however do not consider Hatha Yoga as Ashtanga Yoga since they believe it follows the six limbs.

The literal meaning of Hatha Yoga refers to the use of opposite forces or energies much like the sun and moon or the more familiar concept of yin and yang. This yoga discipline aims to achieve a balance between the physical and the mental powers of a person to achieve a higher level of existence. The body and mind is prepared for a higher level through the execution of the asanas.

Hatha Yoga makes use of Yama or moral control, the Asanas or the poses, Pranayama, Niyama, specific exercises known as Mudra which aims to improve the breathing technique and Nadanusandhana. All the six limbs work together to help the practitioner achieve a higher level of Kundalini or concentration and meditation.

Most Yoga practitioners strive to follow moral discipline or yama to live a virtuous life. According to the yoga discipline, a person can live a virtuous life by following the ten moral restraints primarily the ahimsa or veering away from causing harm to all living creations.

The other yamas include Satya or the ability to stick to the truth, Asteya which prohibits a person from stealing or incurring debt, Brachmacharya which requires celibacy for singles and faithfulness for those who are married, Kshma which refers to the virtue of patience, Dhriti or the principle of commitment, Daya which prohibits cruelty to all beings, Arjava or the promotion of honesty, Mitahara or keeping a moderate food intake and Shaucha or purity in thoughts and words.

Yoga has been referred to as physical yoga because of the use of poses or exercises to achieve unity in body and mind. Some people equate yoga with Hinduism maybe because it started in ancient India but it should not really be identified or attached to any religion because it is a universal science that aims to achieve spiritual balance.

Hatha yoga is a very significant discipline that helps a yoga practitioner to achieve unity of body and mind in order for him to be elevated to spiritual perfection. While different yoga pose can also develop muscles and body form, they are however primarily aimed to achieve a balance in the body systems and internal organs.

Some people take up Hatha yoga to heal their physical and emotional illnesses. With constant execution of the asanas, the human body ultimately develops into a stable and enduring vessel for the human spirit.

Yoga disciples continue to execute the asanas not only to gain physical but also mental balance. The discipline one can gain from yoga will go a long way in helping the person lead a disciplined, happy and peaceful life.https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.books4knowledge.co.uk/yoga-at-home-4256-p.asp

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What Does All This Yoga Jargon Mean?

Article by Andi Jackson

You may feel a bit like you have jumped in at the deep end. There are a lot of technical words in Yoga, many of which originate from Sanskrit so it can be difficult to understand and follow instructions as a beginner. This is a quick but detailed explanation of some of the more common Yoga terminologies to help you getting started.

AsanasNo doubt you will hear and read this word many times when researching Yoga or attending Yoga sessions. Asana means pose or posture and is the name given to all Yoga postures. This is why all of the yoga postures you will encounter end in asana. For example, Tadasana means Mountain Pose. When someone refers to a Yoga Asana, they are really just saying Yoga Pose. Yoga texts mention around 840,000 Yoga postures and up until recently only around 20-30 of these used in daily practice. Now over 200 Yoga postures are being used by Yoga students across the globe.

PatanjaliPatanjali is the legendary founder of Yoga teachings. Patanjali is said to have to lower body of a serpant and be the bringer of philosophy, language and medicine to India. Although mythological in appearance it is accepted that Patanjali was in fact a historical figure and it is estimated he lived around 220 BC. Patanjali developed the Yoga Sutras.

Yoga SutrasThe Yoga Sutras (otherwise known as the Yoga Aphorisms), is an authoritative work developed by Patanjali in which Yoga is said to consist of eight limbs. These eight aspects are all equally important and inter-related with each other.

1. Yama – Five Universal Commandments of not harming anyone, truth, non-stealing, godly, chaste life, greedless. 2. Niyama – Five Personal Disciplines of cleanliness, contentedness, self discipline, study, study of the scriptures and dedication to God.3. Asana – Devoted practice of the Yoga Postures.4. Pranayama – Practice of breathing control.5. Pratyahara – Detachment of worldly activities.6. Dharana – Concentration.7. Dhyana – Meditation.8. Samadhi – Trance or state of bliss.

IyegnarAlthough you may hear Iyegnar Yoga mentioned a lot with regards to Yoga, Iyegnar is not a terminology. B.K.S. Iyegnar was a revolutionary pioneer of Yoga who developed a series of Yoga techniques based on the traditional works of Patanjali with the added bonus of accessibility for people of all levels of Yoga. Iyegnar Yoga refers to Yoga postures that have been influenced or taken directly from Iyegnar’s works and are generally an indication that they are beginner friendly or have beginner friendly variations.

PranayamaPranayama is the advanced stages of Yoga mastery where Yoga postures are practices to control breathing. Pranayama is not to be attempted without first mastering the Yoga postures and many insist that it should only be carried out under expert supervision. Pranayama incorporates breathing techniques and exercises into your Yoga regime.

Yoga ToolsNo, you don’t need a spanner before you start to learn Yoga. Yoga tools are certain household props that may be required to help you complete certain postures. Thanks to the work of Iyegnar, many Yoga postures were developed with variations that use tools to help beginners complete the posture.

About the Author

Yoga can be integral part of the healing process. Make the decision to learn more about how you can do to improve your health and wellbeing today.