Meditation Postures

Article by Jessica T

Meditation Postures

If you are new to meditation and need to be taught the fundamental stuff about meditation like the benefits with meditation and the various meditation postures you can select to work with while you meditate. So go ahead and begin your meditation practice.

Why meditate?There are numerous significant benefits with meditation that can improve your physical and mental health. Meditation helps you experience balance, calmness and peacefulness and help you perceive things from another perspective, which can help you see things more clearly in your life.

Meditation PosturesYou have to choose a meditation position for your meditation and one that you are happy with. If you pick one that if excessively complex, it may hurt your legs and you will not be able to concentrate on your meditation and so you will not get a great experience. But there are more undemanding meditation postures as well, where you do not have to be that stretchy in your legs to do.

The Lotus PostureThis famous posture is hard to do for a lot of people, as you will have to sit cross-legged with your right foot lying on your left thigh and left foot on your right thigh. This is certainly not for everybody and if you are all new to meditation, I recommend that you start with one a bit simpler.

The Half LotusThis posture is very familiar to the lotus posture apart from you only have to fold one of your legs instead of both of them. This means that it is asymmetrical but easier to perform.

The Burmese PostureThe Burmese posture is a good and painless posture, since you will not have to actually cross your legs, which makes it incredibly physically possible for most people. You will just fold your legs in front so that your feet are close to your body yet still on the ground.

The Seiza PostureThis is too an awfully easy posture to sit in as it is within the capabilities for almost everyone. You will fold your legs backwards, identical to when you sit on your feet. This will leave you in a kneeling position, which is simple and painless for many. You also have to put a soft pillow between your feet and bottom, which makes it extra comfortable, as you will not be hurting your legs.

So pick the position you believe you are able to perform and then work with that in the beginning. The most essential thing is the meditation itself, so do not worry about the posture but focus on your meditation and enjoy your practice.

About the Author

Jessica T.I am no meditation or yoga expert but I am simply interested in these things and I am just sharing the knowledge that I have about meditation in hopes of helping you with your meditation practice.At my website, Positive Affirmations, you can find different meditation techniques that you may want to try.Learn more at:Guided Imagery