Meditation techniques that you can use today

Article by Snookie hogward}

A visionary experience that allows you to access various plains of consciousness.8. Vipassana Meditation: Usually done in a 10-day silent retreat Vipassna is the true act of know thyself. With no books, TV or anyone to talk to, thus Buddhists state this as the fastest way to peace. To truly understand your own nature.9. Loving Kindness Meditation: Originally a Buddhist form of meditation, this focuses on seeing the world around you as a loving place. Benefits include peace of mind, and change of perception toward your everyday interaction between yourself and the world.10. Buddhist meditation: Focusing on breathing, most Buddhist meditations have various techniques. Scared they assure one on the path toward peace. Most are very visual.Meditation is about staying with the moment, being in touch with your surroundings and your inner world, much of which is more easily accessible when in the meditative state. Practicing meditation techniques on a regular basis (ideally daily or at least 3 or 4 times a week) can be a good way of just taking time out, and allowing yourself to tune into and appreciate the moment: whether you are walking along the seashore, or sitting by a stream, or just noticing the intensity of silence in a still room and enjoying it.Meditation is perhaps most closely linked with Buddhism, and indeed it was the main practice through which its founder, Gautama, finally gamed enlightenment. Buddhism has defined many stages of meditation that are practiced in order to achieve the ultimate level of purifying the mind and clearing away of all thoughts and mental images.However, one of the best-known meditation techniques is yoga, the yoking or harnessing of mental and physical powers, which is very much in the Hindu tradition. Most of us think in terms of “hatha” or royal yoga, which is a series of physical exercises and postures performed to gain physical, and therefore mental, control.Less well-known is “bhakti” yoga, which is focusing of the mind, and is akin to the style of meditation practiced in the Christian faith. According to this discipline, the practitioner sits and focuses his or her attention upon an aspect of their god. In so doing, they gain insights into their own responses to the knowledge they have of that god’s powers and the lessons to be drawn from stories told of him or her.It has long been a tradition in Christian religious communities, such as convents and monasteries, for monks or nuns to spend a period of time each day in quiet contemplation, often focusing upon a crucifix and contemplating the passion of Christ and all that it means for the believer. This is, of course, one of many meditation techniques, and has all the benefits of helping the individual come to an understanding of his inner beliefs and response to his faith. The practice has also become increasingly popular among lay Christians in recent years.To start meditating, choose a time and a place where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of your meditation session.When you are starting out, you may decide to set aside 10 or 15 minutes for your meditation session. This is plenty of time when you are beginning to meditate and in our hectic daily lives it may well be that this is the maximum amount of time that you feel you can devote to meditating.

About the Author

I like to master about nearly anything linked to our mind and brain.I have been studying meditation techniques for quite a few a long time and i still feel like a beginner!meditation techniques