Meditation Tips for Beginners

Article by Jessica T

Meditation Tips for Beginners and Trained

Here are some different things you can use to make your meditation practice as successful as possible. For beginners it can be easier to meditate if you use some of the following tips.

The sound of water is one of the most relaxing sounds you can find. The great thing about water is the calming rhythm, which is extremely good for meditation. So if you live nearby a lake or river, you may want to try to meditate outside while listening to the water. But for most people in the city, there is no natural water in the neighbourhood. If so, you may want to get a water fountain, which is just as relaxing. A water fountain will create a calm atmosphere in your home.

A candle is a good thing to use to create a relaxing mood for your meditation. It is also a good thing to work with if you are practicing focal meditation. You probably want to choose a white candle to ensure positive thoughts and energies but you can also choose a colour that is appropriate for your meditation such as green for healing, etc.

Music and nature sounds can be a great tool to improve your meditation. If you choose some soothing pieces of classical music, it can help you relax. Personally I love listening to nature sounds, especially the sound of rain, which I find extremely calming and peaceful. But experiment with different sounds and music pieces till you find the ones that work for you and help you relax.

If you are a beginner, it can be really helpful to listen to a guided audio recording. You will then not have to memorize the steps in the meditation and you will also be more focused which will help you to get a really great experience with your meditation. But the great thing about audio guides is that you do not have to be a beginner to use it. It can also be very beneficial and a great help for trained or people who have meditated a couple of times before.

The nature can also be a great place to meditate as it helps you connect to the earth. It will be easier for you to ground yourself and feel balanced and peaceful in the nature, so if you live nearby a beautiful natural place where it is possible for you to do your meditation practice, you may want to try this.

These are just some tips you can try the next time you meditate to see if they can help you.

About the Author

Jessica T.I am no meditation or yoga expert but I am simply interested in these things and I am just sharing the knowledge that I have about meditation in hopes of helping you with your meditation practice.At my website, Positive Affirmations, you can find different meditation techniques that you may want to try.Learn more at:Guided Imagery