
Article by Tommy Phung

Days seem to be getting busier and busier for people. Sometimes when people are doing a activity, they aren’t actually thinking about the activity. An example is when you are in class. You’re tired and you are writing something down, but then later when you look at it, you don’t remember at all writing it down. At times, this can be fatal because you might be doing something you don’t think is important, but later on when confronted about it, you are lost.

Being mindful is important. Awareness, attention and remembering are the three principles of being mindful. You have to be completely aware of what you are doing. Then make sure you focus on what you are doing and put forth all your attention on what you are doing. Lastly, make sure you remember what you did.

Being mindful can be very useful when you are about to perform or present something to a crowd of people. When you think about your performance or presentation, you get nervous, stressed or even excited. This will raise your breathing rate and blood flow. However, if you are mindful of this, you can calm yourself down and remain calm and controlled.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness means paying attention to what you are doing, being in the moment, being non reactive, being non-judgmental and performing everything openheartedly.

Paying attention is vital to being mindful. Pay attention to whatever that is you are doing.

Being in the moment is also important for being mindful. You need to be aware the things around you and that the most important moment is now. Don’t think of the past or future, think and live in the moment.

Being non reactive can be difficult, but it’s important if you wish to be more mindful. Many times, when you experience something, you react with thoughts. You should be non reactive and react to the experience. If you have work to do and are not finished, you might cloud yourself with thoughts on what would happen if you don’t finish or what happens if you do. You should not react with negative thoughts; rather you should just do it.

Being non-judgmental is also difficult. Whatever happens around us, we tend to judge it; good or bad. Whatever happens, you should let it be without judging it; because if you judge something, later on your judgments is going to affect your actions toward it.

Finally, you must be openhearted. Being opened hearted will bring compassion, friendliness, kindness and warmth to whatever you do. When you meditate, you might encounter negative thoughts about something of the past, present or future. However you must let go of this thought and focus your attention on what’s happening in the very moment (meditation).

Mindfulness Meditation?

There are different types of meditation and mindfulness is one of them. Many people think that meditation requires you to focus on nothing, however this is not true. When you meditate, you want to be aware of your thoughts. Listening to every thought and letting them go without judging them.

In mindfulness meditation, you focus on one thought. Usually, these are either:• Your body• Emotions, thoughts or feelings• One of your senses• Counting your breathThere are two forms of mindfulness meditation.

There is the informal meditation where you meditate during daily activities. This can be anything from walking to school, driving to work, doing the laundry, cooking and so forth. In other words, you are aware of what you are doing.

Then there is the formal meditation where you take time and find a quiet area to sit down, relax and precede with the typical meditation practice. This usually lasts much longer than informal meditation because you can meditate for as long as you want in formal meditation, however in informal meditation, something could happen and your thoughts could change in a second.

How can being Mindful Help Me?

You probably been through a situation where you are lost in your thoughts during a class or teaching lesson, then when someone asked you a question, you don’t know the answer to this. Being mindful is extremely helpful to you. Being mindful is being aware of what is happening.

If you encounter a problem, being mindful in this means accepting what is happening, and then acting accordingly. If you suffer from anxiety, being mindful can be beneficial to you. When you are mindful, you learn to relax and be in the moment rather than worrying about what’s going to happen.

Being mindful increases your ability to be calm, relaxed and your ability to concentrate. There has been scientific research on meditation, and mindfulness meditation and the many benefits of them. If you want to live a more healthy life, you should take up meditation. Even 10 minutes per day can be beneficial for you in the long run.

About the Author

Tommy is a writer who writes about the interesting topics in health. Not only does he write about health related material, but he also writes about baby play area products for busy parents.