Techniques For Stress Relief – A Quick Guide

Article by terry rakings

Techniques For Stress Relief – A Quick Guide

You’re under a lot of stress and need stress relief techniques, pronto! You’ve come to the right place. Let’s look at several techniques for stress relief. Several may be new to you and be perfect for use in your situation.

Take Care Of Your Body

It may not seem obvious, but there is a mind-body connection. If you take better care of your body, and body will take better care of you. Your mind can relax and get to work solving any problems you have. The benefits of this stress relief technique you will enjoy every day.

Get the right amount of the right food. Eat properly. You haven’t had a nutrition class? You can’t hire a nutritionist to fix all your food for you? No need – and no excuses. We all know basic things about nutrition. Even following the basics will help your body do better.

So: what should you do? Eat more vegetables. Get more fiber. Limit the fried foods and processed foods. Cut back on white flour and sugar. Eat out less often. Get enough water, and cut back on sodas. Take a multi-vitamin. Get more exercise. You know the drill. Just do it.

Exercise will also help a lot – be sure you’re getting some every day. The endorphins you’ll feel when you finish will motivate you to do it again the next day, and the next.This exercise can be as simple as going for a walk or as intense as going to the gym or hiking the Grand Canyon. The idea is to just do more than you are now. We can all improve.

Get enough sleep! Many – if not most – of us are perpetually sleep deprived. While we think we’ll catch up on the weekend, usually we don’t. And it is hard for our body to run without enough “down time” to heal and grow, which is done primarily while we sleep.

Know Your Limits

A lot of us like to please others. That can be why we sometimes have time telling someone “no” when they ask us to do something. But saying “yes” to everything isn’t fair to us or our schedules. It just adds more stress and obligations. Adding the stress relief technique of saying “no” or “can I think about it?” (to buy more time instead of automatically agreeing to something) can make a difference in our level of overload.

Work Ahead, Not Behind

Rather than waiting until the last minute to do things, work ahead a bit. This stress relief technique can be implemented in our lives in many ways. Think about your own life. Maybe it means having your English term paper finished a day or two ahead of time, letting you relax the night before you turn it in. Or maybe it is leaving home ten minutes earlier than usual for church, so that you aren’t rushing in from the parking lot out of breath and trying to feel the spirit. Of course, there will be times where things don’t go as planned, but those should be the exception rather than the rule.

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Christian Hypnosis

Article by Ken Ericcson

Christian hypnosis may well refer to the salient points that some Christian practices employ in their own search for truth or God. In most religions, the search for truth in silence, in prayer, sacred texts and congregational assemblies seem to portray that of modern-day hypnosis. In the greater part of the Christianity, hypnosis has not met so much resistance. Pentecostals and born-again Christians who rely on biblical texts to justify the evil of hypnosis constitute a minority to the leading Christian denominations. Individuals who undergo deep prayer also go in a similar fashion into a trance much like that of hypnosis.

Christian hypnosis may well point to the exercise of prayer. In prayer, a period of silencing and relaxation is provided before the formal prayer period. Intense concentration and focus is expended during the whole course of deep

Progressive Christianity: A Progressive Way To Reach The Lord

Article by Tammy Schaefer

Progressive Christianity is an emerging movement within contemporary Protestant Christianity. Progressive Christians are characterized by their liberal theology, a deep concern for the oppressed and the poor, a desire to question traditions, a concern for social justice, and an acceptance of human diversity in issues relating to religion and culture.

Progressive Christians have a belief in the centrality of Jesus’ instruction to love one other, a message encapsulated in The Lord’s Prayer. This leads progressive Christians to promote mercy and justice, compassion, anti-discrimination, environmental issues, and ways to address poverty. This growing movement is attracting increased attention within the Christian community, especially among those who are disillusioned with the Christian right and rigid orthodox beliefs.

Progressive Christianity in recent years has been used interchangeably with the term Liberal Christianity. The differences are difficult to pinpoint because there is no codified set of beliefs within these movements. Progressive Christianity casts a wide net, and draws on many theological streams, such as twentieth century neo-orthodoxy, nineteenth century evangelicalism, twenty and twenty-first century liberal theology, Unitarian Universalism, and Christian mystic tradition.

A comprehensive investigation of modern Progressive Christianity is Progressive Christian Beliefs: An Introduction by Delwin Brown. This book, written by a reformed liberal theologian, describes how followers of this movement take stands frequently on the liberal side of ideological spectrum. At the same time, the author also highlights the fact that progressive Christianity is not a synonymous with traditional Christianity.

In Progressive Christianity, there is a spiritual vigor and expressiveness that includes the arts, lively worship, and participation in a great variety of spiritual practices like meditation. This movement is also characterized by an intellectual integrity among its members, one that encourages the questioning of long-standing beliefs.

This intellectual rigor has led to the development of SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious) Progressive Christianity. Core beliefs held among this progressive group include the belief that Jesus was a prophet whose divinity is one in which all people share, as Sons and Daughters of God; and a belief that Christians disillusioned with their churches should not abandon Christianity but reinterpret, refashion, and reinvent their religious traditions and iconography.

A notable example of how SBNR Christians approach the Gospels and the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth is The Lord’s Prayer for Daily Life, a free book produced by Prominent organizations in the Progressive Christianity movement include (The Center for Progressive Christianity) in Cambridge, which has established an “8 Points” guide for progressive Christians;, an activist group dedicated to organizing the Christian left; and The Progressive Christian Alliance, an affiliated group of progressive Christian ministries.

About the Author

Tammy Schaefer is a Progressive Christian writer with a special interest in the SBNR, spiritually progressive topics, and new interpretations of The Lord’s Prayer.

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The Benefits of Yoga for Sport

Article by Elizabeth J Pennington

Yoga has been practiced on Earth for a few thousand years but it is not just an ancient practice that helps people get in tune with their spiritual side. In recent years yoga has seen a surge in popularity and its many health benefits are often talked about. A little less well known is that the two worlds of yoga and sport are starting to mix with some great results coming out if it.

No longer is yoga restricted to professional intellectual types or actresses, rock stars and now sports stars. It is accessible by all, but these days even more so due to the number of new yoga studios that are appearing in all parts of the world.

The world now has a new form of occupation that goes by the name of Yoga Sports Scientist, (YSS), whose services can be called upon to train athletes of all kinds to incorporate certain yoga practices into their normal sport training regimes.

The benefits and advantages that sports people are reporting range from some fairly obvious ones to some less obvious ones.

For instance, if a YSS was working with a soccer player, it might be obvious to say that the exercises taught by the YSS are going to increase the agility of the soccer player, and that could well be one of their goals.

It might be slightly less obvious to realise that the exercises taught in yoga and incorporated in to the soccer players training, are going to make the player better able to focus their mind on their game and concentrate, which in turn may well result in the player pulling off some fantastic play during the weekly match. All from the benefits of doing some targeted yoga exercises along with their standard sports or team training regime.

An even less obvious of yoga’s wonderful benefits to the human body might be considered in the case of a boxer. The particular style of training for the average boxer is designed to bulk them up and make them balance somewhere between super strong and lightning fast.

This could have a tendency to shorten average muscle length in the boxer’s body and in turn that could result in the boxer’s overall reach being shorter than it could be, and short, tight muscles may be good for power in boxing but are not good for the state of your long term health.

Some of yoga’s postures are designed to stretch the muscles and increase their length and this would surely be incorporated by the YSS into the boxers training. The boxer would also benefit from increase agility and movement, increased awareness and ability to focus.

Tennis players can feel more agile and report being able to stretch further and reach more difficult longer balls. Runners strengthen their legs, feet and back while also increasing their ability to focus, especially in the longer distance running.

Professional sports men and women are lengthening their careers at the top level, and thus, increasing their lifetime earning potential at the same time, as in the case of Ryan Giggs, English premiership footballer who is still playing for Manchester United in the first team at the age of 38. Most professionals in that league finish in their early thirties, on average.

Archers can benefit from improved concentration levels and ice skaters can benefit from improved balance, thus proving that yoga and sports of all kinds really are a great mix.

Is yoga a sport? No, but as long as the Yoga Sports Scientists exists we can expect to see some great advances and achievements in our sports in the coming years. How much of it will be a direct result of yoga?

About the Author

Elizabeth J Pennington has over 15 years experince of practicing various forms of yoga. She has put together a great collection of articles on her new website at Yoga Body and Mind where she discusses the great benefits that yoga can bring. She offers advice for pregnant ladies, advice for those suffering from health problems such as back pain and asthma, and provides more information on Yoga and Sport and much more…..

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Increase Memory and Stress Relief – Brahmi or Bacopa Monnieri

Article by Mr. Parveen

Brahmi is known to increase memory and relieve stress naturally as the herb nourishes the neurons that in turn improve retention ability and to get rid of unwanted anxieties. The herb has soothing effects on brain and therefore is used in treatments of depression.

The alkaloids Brahmi contain are Bacoposides, the component that is considered to be responsible for Brahmi’s action to sharpen the memory and stress relief. Brahmi is also found very helpful in common forgetfulness because of the stressful lifestyle. It is quite safe to use every day and anyone can use it. Brahmi can also increase the concentrating power, stamina and provides headache relief. It can overcome mental fatigue as the herb is boasted as a complete natural remedy for the human brain.

Other properties of Bacopa are it helps to clarify the confused and cloudy state of the brain and give sooner relief from anxieties, stressful situation, hysterias, nervous breakdown, and insanity. Since Brahmi is medhya (nervine tonic), it can help improving the confidence, intelligence, and memory recalling capabilities and it also helps bringing an individual the mental lucidity and peace of mind.

The herb as described in Ayurvedic texts is powerful rejuvenator that assists in mental activity, brain superior function and overcoming nervous prostration. In ancient Ayurvedic literatures the herb has been reported as significant herb that was used by scholars and students for memorizing various tedious antediluvian Vedic hymns.

In ancient days, brahmi offered headaches relief and therefore, the herb was very much famous among people who worked mentally hard. The herb has a unique capability to provide with a newer energy to the brain to restore its equation in simultaneously reducing the consequences of distress and nervous anxieties.

Due to its calming and nurturing properties, Brahmi is very applicable in high stressful work loads or study environments, the states wherein clarity of brain is utmost and pioneer. Many people are blessed with the intelligence that help performing to strict standards, but if they lack the self-assurance to solve the problems and to make right decisions, Bacopa can certainly be helpful.

As a powerful nervine tonic, the herb can be used to help the people who have had strokes, nervous breakdowns or exhaustions due to one or the other reason. Many scholars believe that using brahmi can help you overcoming Attention Deficit Disorder wherein the individual is not capable to concentrate on any given task or project. It is also valued to assist the cases of mental retard-ness.

Study on Brahmi: – Research at the Department of Pediatrics, AIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) in New Delhi, India has revealed that herbal extracts of the Brahmi herb have even been shown improving the outlook of subnormal ties of the brain in children.

Bacopa can have a broad spectrum of indications such as it can give you stress relief and headaches relief. Stress-related memory problems can be cured very efficaciously using Brahmi for a longer duration.

About the Author

Taking Both Ashwagandha and Brahmi is Best for Increase Memory and Stress Relief. Also Visit for more Herbal Supplements

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