Meditation Music :

DOWNLOAD FREE RELAXING & MEDITATION MUSIC. DOWNLOAD SLEEPING MUSIC FROM OUR SITE. 15 MINUTES OF FREE MUSIC which took 6 months to engineer in our Peruvian Studio DOWNLOAD TWO FREE TRACKS SO A TOTAL OF 30MINUTES OF MUSIC This mid-tempo track is very influenced by classical music. It features a lush string section, violins, cello, oboe, harpsichord, acoustic guitar and grand piano. It’s based around an eight chords progression. This simple progression is constant through the song and it’s enhanced with lively string harmonies. Predominant frequencies are in the mid-range which provides relief from lost sleep. we are part of
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Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Review

Article by Mutu

“Are You FINALLY Ready To Claim Back Your Peace of Mind and Triumph Over The Battle Against Stress?
If Yes,Then Discover The One Simple Method That Could Change Everything!…”
So Get Ready To Rejuvenate and Re-Energise Your Mind & Body Through The Amazing Power of Music and Sound Therapy Today!!

Dear Friend,

If you’re feeling stressed-out,overworked and run-down and you feel like life’s trouble getting on top of you.You are not alone.There are so many things in life that can make you feel “stressed out”,and when you are constantly being pressured by everyday life,the world can feel like an overwhelming place to live in.

Feeling stressed often seems quite normal these days,but finding the time to relax and have a quiet moment is absolutely crucial to your health and wellbeing.

When you are mentally re-energised and relaxed,you work and play at your best,and any problem you face can be easily solved.But when you are exhausted,burnt-out and agitated,the tiniest molehill can seem like the biggest mountain!
But The Truth Is,Stress Doesn’t Need To Be Such A Big Part Of Your Life…

You could be stressed out right now and you may not even know it.And that’s probably because you’ve been experiencing it for so long that you dismiss it as entirely normal!And in order to overcome your stress and anxiety with the right strategies and techniques,you first need to identify your stressors.

Let me ask you a few questions….

Are you suffering from work stress or anxiety?
Do you feel emotionally burnt-out or overwhelmed?
Do you have caregiver stress?
Do you find it difficult to “switch off” and relax?
Do you suffer from mood swings?
Are you looking for simple stress management techniques?
Do you feel unable to deal with new challenges or situations?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Are you a student struggling with exam stress and anxiety?
Do you have sudden panic attacks?
Are you a struggling with parenting stress,and need practical techniques to help you deal with it effectively?
Do you have relationship stress and need a way to relieve your tensions?
Have you tried to tackle your stress before,but failed to keep it under control?
Do you suffer with depression?
Do you have post-traumatic stress disorder?
Do you have a problem managing your anger issues?
Have you developed negative stress habits and want to conquer stress positively?
Are you looking for different ways to learn how to improve your mental wellness?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above,then The Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Course is exactly what you need.

SSRS Premium Course
This Is The Only Guide To Stress Relief That You Will EVER Need,And It’s At Your Fingertips,RIGHT NOW!

By choosing to sign up today for the Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Premium Course,you’ll discover:

What sound therapy is,and how it’s being used to control,reduce,and even eliminate stress for millions of people all over the world!
All the stress-relief techniques and tricks needed to help you relax and remain stress-free,forever…
How sound therapy can make you less prone to illness and disease,such as heart attacks,cancer and many other health-related problems that can take years off your life…
How to get a great night’s sleep EVERY NIGHT,and wake up feeling refreshed,energized,and without a care in the world!
What it REALLY feels like to be more relaxed and care-free than you’ve ever been in your entire life?!
How music and sound therapy will help you regain control of your mind,and say goodbye to panic attacks,anxiety and insomnia once and for all…
Why so many of your health problems are caused by stress,and what you need to do to stop “the silent killer” taking hold of you and ruining your life…
How sound therapy can improve your health and keep illness at bay…

Discover positive ways to release your inner tensions right now,with a course that was specifically designed for someone just like you…
Finally Take Control of Your Stress,And Start Feeling Calmer and More Relaxed Right Now!

What you’ll receive with The Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Course…

This fantastic stress-busting package is choc-full of everything you’ll ever need to control and reduce your stress levels,soothe your soul and improve your health.

The course contains e-books on what music therapy is and how you should apply it,information and tips on implementing the best relaxation therapy techniques,workbooks so that you can track and document your progress.

In addition,listen to soothing sounds consisting of 43 tracks split into 4 MP3 album files,scientifically designed to reduce your stress levels and improve your mood.

And if that isn’t enough,you’ll also receive six amazing bonus MP3s too!

But only if you sign up TODAY…

If you do,you’ll receive all of this straight to your inbox,enabling you to begin your journey towards a happy,healthier and stress-free lifestyle.

Don’t delay…

Grab your copy of The Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Course TODAY,and give in to the incredible power of Soothing Sounds…

This amazing stress-busting package will give you all the tools to take control of your mind,soothe your soul and reduce the risk of stress-related health problems,both now and in the future.

Download Click here

So what are you waiting for?
Don’t You Think It’s Time To Capture Your Moment of Serenity?

Within The Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Course,you’ll discover the following:

How to identify what stress is,and how best to deal with it…
How to identify the type of stress YOU have,and how to get rid of it instantly!
The personality types that are most vulnerable to stress…
How to use music as a way of de-stressing…
What relaxation techniques are best suited to you and your personality…
How changing your brainwaves can alter your state of mind,helping you to reduce stress,anxiety,depression,sleep problems,and much more besides…
How to choose the right sound therapy technique that will work for YOU…
How to relax in the midst of chaos and disorder and be the envy of your friends and family!
How to overcome anxiety and panic attacks with positive relaxation habits…
How to relieve your stress naturally,with no medication…
The best and worst ways of relaxing…
The power of music therapy on your mind and body…
How to avoid negative habits that lead to increased stress levels,and ultimately,illness…
How to plan a successful stress relief strategy…
How to use sophisticated brainwave entrainment tools to relieve your stress…
How to create a relaxing environment at home and work…
How to recognise your personal stress triggers…
How to build a resilient mindset to combat the dangers of stress…
How to beat insomnia with the sound of music!..
How to cope with stress and anxiety positively..
How to create a stress free lifestyle with right relaxation techniques
And much more!

Reserve Your Copy of The Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Course Today And Get Ready To Start Living a Happier,Healthier Life!

Download Click here

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Sleep Music – Instrumental piano meditation music journey : Meditation Music : Video

Sleep Music – Instrumental piano meditation music journey : Meditation Music  : Video

Meditation Music : – Deep richly layered relaxation music that will coax and draw you inevitably into a state of inner calm. You will not be able to resist the subtle harmonics of the keyboard and piano. Unfortunately many people in this world find it hard to sleep. This 7 minute piece is a mantra or a meditation to the spirit of deep rest and inner peace. Sleep music to help you to find that most precious resource. Rest. The song, “Adrift” is from the album “Lunar Khandro” released on Astronomy Records. Composed and performed by the great Jai Larkan with wonderful angelic vocals by Simone Townsend. Questions or comments? Email us at Thanks to Brainy Quotes for the quotations used in this video. The quotations: “All men while they are awake are in one common world: but each of them when they are asleep is in a world of his own.” Plutarch “It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.” John Steinbeck “Laugh and the world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone.” Anthony Burgess “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctors book.” Irish Proverb “Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.” Author Unknown “Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep.” Mohandas Gandhi “Sleep is the best meditation.” Dalai Lama “A well spent day brings happy sleep.” Leonardo Da Vinci “A mothers arms are made of

Memory – Some Basic Guidelines

Article by Shamika Mota

Try to use all five of your sense when trying to remember things. By using as many of your senses that the situation calls for, you will have a better time remembering it. If it is a location you are trying to remember, picture the way it smelled and the sounds associated with the area.

Sleep is vital to maintaining mental clarity and memory. By avoiding sleep, you make your senses and mind foggier, hurting your ability to focus and piece together information. In addition, during sleep, your brain forges pathways that lead to memory. Getting good sleep (and a good amount of it) will improve your memory.

A great tip for improving your memory is to make sure that whatever it is you are trying to memorize is laid out in a clear and organized way. This is important because this organization will make for a smooth translation to your mind’s ability to organize thoughts. Try to group related items together.

Draw a picture! If you are having trouble remembering something – try doodling! Drawing relaxes your mind, opens it up. It doesn’t matter if you are a terrible artist. Just scribbling on a piece of scrap paper will do. Your thoughts will feel more organized and memories will come to you much easier.

Get plenty of high quality sleep to keep your memory as sharp as possible. Lack of sleep, or poor quality of sleep, can significantly reduce memory and make it difficult to retain information, especially if sleep deprivation is a pattern. Getting an adequate amount of high quality sleep goes a long way towards improving your memory.

When trying to commit something to memory, it is important to maintain low stress levels. This is because stress and anxiety can quickly cause you to lose your concentration. Concentration is necessary for acquiring new information. A good solution is to listen to soothing music. Music can help to keep your stress levels down, by keeping your mind off of the things that cause you to be anxious.

A memory technique that works for many people is the listen, write and read method. Basically what this entails is really listening to what is being said. While listening, make notes about the material that is being shared. At a later time, read the notes again. With this technique, you are actually reviewing the information three times which aids in cementing the information in your memory.

Saying what you’re trying to remember outloud is a fast and easy way to boost your memory. Though it may feel silly at first, saying things outloud is a great tool for memorization. When you re-read something over and over again to try to memorize it, you may start skimming. Saying it outloud forces you to read and listen to the whole thing each time.

Meditate a lot to reduce stress and improve brain functions. Meditation is known to improve several conditions such as depression, anxiety, sever pain or blood pressure. Persons who frequently meditate can focus better and have significantly better reasoning skills and concentration. Meditation improves the communication among brain cells which in return results in enhanced memory functions.

A great way to improve your memory is a physical exercise While you typically think of physical exercise as good for the body, it’s also an exceptional way to increase your memory. By increasing the supply of oxygen to your brain, exercise helps reduce your risk for diseases and disorders that eventually lead to memory loss.

Regularly challenging your brain can help you improve your memory. Learning new, complex tasks such as a foreign language or how to play a musical instrument will help your brain stay active. Remember the old saying “Use it or lose it?” The same thing’s true for your mind!

If you have a hard time remembering to do important things, you may want to leave yourself a voice message. Looking at your phone and seeing that you have a message will help to remind you that you have something important thing to do. Text messaging is another convenient reminder technique.

When trying to improve your memory, brain stimulation and using your mind is important. Schedule a weekly game night with your friends or family and make your brain exercise fun. The mental workout received from games such as chess, or Scrabble are very effective tools in boosting the power of your brain.

For one meal a day, feed yourself with your non-dominant hand. This action activates your brain’s memory center, strengthening your ability to retain information. Even if you are not very successful at this task, continue to try; the attempt itself is what is beneficial, not how well you are able to complete it.

As you can see from this article, there are a lot of things that you can be doing to keep your memory active and functioning well. It’s only natural to start getting a little bit forgetful as you get older, but that doesn’t mean that you have to deal with memory loss that prevents you from living your life to the fullest.

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Following Good Techniques Can Make Meditation Simpler

Article by Chandresh B

Meditation requires dedication and so there are available certain techniques to ease things for people. Chanting the Om mantra or concentrating in-between the eyes does help a lot.

Meditation brings a wave of change in people who practice this art. It helps people to overcome stress and tensions of life and concentrate better in their work. It is not so easy to execute the meditation process as it requires lot of concentration and will power. People have to be dedicated and sometimes also perform austerity to achieve higher results in meditation. But there are certain techniques that when adopted can make the mediation experience more thrilling.

Meditating With Aum Mantra – Here, a disciple has to concentrate on the position in between the eye-brows on the middle of forehead. He then has to chant the Om mantra. This will relax the body and at the same time will help the person to attain mental clarity. It also increases concentration and the person gains a moral boost.

Trataka Meditation – In this form of meditation what is done is a candle is lit in a dark room and the disciple has to look at it for a while. Then after some time as the practitioner closes his eyes, the image persists and it helps the person to meditate being more focused. This technique is mostly used for beginners who find it
difficult to concentrate.

Chanting the ‘So Hum’ Mantra – This meditation fills in the heart with love feelings and practicing this technique helps people to communicate better and socialize with people around. Chanting of the ‘So Hum’ mantra is the best technique to connect with higher energy levels. It brings big rewards in the form of energized body, strength to fight back, and to become strong as individuals.

Zen Meditation – In this meditation, one has to sit cross-legged with eyes slightly open. The alarm clock is set for 20 minutes and during this period one has to concentrate on his breath and do it before the alarm rings. It brings amazing results and the technique starts to work very soon.

Meditation is perhaps the best way to build in concentration and when practiced with the right technique it helps people to attain perfection at all levels. But then while practicing it is mandatory to follow certain basic norms. The person has to be regular and do his meditation in comfortable and silent environment. Slow
breathing is suggested for everyone and it is also good to play soothing music. Practicing meditation in morning hours is very beneficial as during this time nature remains vibrant and the mind is tranquil.

About the Author

Chamunda Swami Ji, is a great spiritual healer and meditation instructor in New York. Swami Ji instructs about meditation and gives spiritual healing in New Jersey,New York, LA and other cities of USA.

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Why Do You Need to Meditate and What Are the Different Types of Meditation?

Article by Jack Jenkins

Even though meditation is an essential spiritual component of major religions such Buddhism and Hinduism, it is actually utilized daily by millions of people today who meditate solely for the health advantages.

Modern medicine acknowledges meditation’s beneficial, comforting benefits, with physicians suggesting people who experience stress, hypertension and persistent soreness to add a couple of stress-free moments to each day to meditate.

It is similar to a workout for your brain, by concentrating the thoughts on a solo idea or image, even for just 10 or 20 minutes daily, your system de-stresses, the mind gets crystal clear, and stress filled issues grow to be less difficult to deal with.

The reason meditation has a considerable impact on body and soul.

To know how meditation functions, it will help to realize how the brain operates. The cortex is the most important portion of the brain, which has a right and left hemisphere.

The right side regulates creativeness, imagination and feelings. The left hemisphere is typically predominant, managing dialog, reasoning, computation and writing. Scientists think that we develop a link amongst the two side of the brain during meditation.

While people connected up to ECG machines meditate, experts can assess the depth of alpha waves and the brain waves while we are in tranquil, peaceful condition which can be generated during meditation. For the period of meditation, alpha waves appear much more powerful and steadier among both sides of the brain compared to other types of relaxation.

In the alpha state, the parasympathetic nervous system takes control over the portion of the nervous system that saves and re-establishes energy, reduces hypertension and pulse rate, and manages the digestive function and assimilation of nutrients.

As the parasympathetic nervous system takes control, the high-stress fight-or-flight effect which is followed by release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, as well as pressure in the head, neck and lower back is overturned, and the body secretes additional beneficial hormones that enhance relaxation and recovery.

Evidence that meditation is effective.

Medical scientists have performed a good deal of research into the advantages of meditation. Research shows it promotes improved brain performance, enhanced blood circulation in the arms and legs, improved cerebral blood circulation and reduced amounts of stress hormones.

In 1987 a study discovered that individuals who employed meditation visited the doctor less and expended 50 percent less time in hospitals than individuals who did not meditate.

There are actually numerous techniques to meditate, and it is possible to train oneself the way to do it through using books, tapes, or by the internet in no time at all. You can also often find classes accessible at nearby community centers, alternative health facilities and possibly local colleges.

This is a list of the different types of meditation you can practice:

1 – Breath awareness: You focus on breathing in rhythm, perhaps counting every breath out and in, frequently breathing through the nose in and exhaling through the mouth.

2 – Mantra meditation: A statement or word which is said again and either out loud or internally. You can select a key phrase that correlates to your individual values, that is an optimistic affirmation, or a simple sound like Om or Hum.

3 – Active meditation: Making use of rhythmic motions, such as walking, swimming, or yoga to concentrate the thoughts.

4 – Item meditation: You concentrate on a certain object, observing every single aspect of its appearance from shape, color, texture, etc.

A lot of folks who start out meditating discover they have difficulty encouraging themselves to meditate, and releasing their minds of the Western propensity to continually think about each and every minimal factor.

That is why you should look at getting into a class or using guided meditation cds or mp3. This can be very useful to possess a guide to look at as you meditate your first few times. As soon as you get accustomed to it, you are going to find meditation is effortless yet powerful. It is possible for you to even proceed to more complex methods as you see how easy and beneficial mediation can be.

About the Author

If you want to learn more about meditation, its benefits, tips, guides, and more great resources check out this site:

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