Meditation and Qigong, Part 1

Article by Mark

MEDITATION – is not quite a proper term. It became widespread in the West when the champions of eastern self-development methods (Svami Vivecananda, Shri Chin Moy, and others) just borrowed this word from the vocabulary of European theosophical community.

As homage to western mentality, it was done to ease understanding of some terminology for western people.

Although the word “meditation” may be used to describe psychophysical “medium” between sleep and being awake, it reflects the main point not to the whole extent. Besides, psychophysical states practiced by theosophists of the 19th century, Europe did not have much in common with the states practiced by Eastern Masters.

The word meditation originates from the words medium and media that mean “the middle” and “something or somebody who stands between”. In this connection we may remember the mythical sorceress Medea.

This way theosophists and mystics of Europe used to stress their ability to contact the supernatural during their trance and to be the mediators between that “weird” world and “this”.

Later, the Chinese Qigong Masters used the word meditation as a term while teaching western students.

Often meditation is understood as concentration, in other words – exertion of mind and attention.

But here, the proper state is total and complete relaxation.


So, what state do I mean now?

This article is written in the first person. Formerly, I had read many books on meditation to understand what on earth it was, but failed to understand anything; besides, different sources used to describe it differently.

Some said meditation was concentration. Some – as if it were “dissipated attention” when you are trying to keep an eye in both hands at the same time…

Only after some years of regular Wu Chan Zhong Qigong practicing I found the interpretation of my own and now I have some experience of the discussed psychophysical states.

Now I would like to share my experience.

There is a special state in which all of the above mentioned positive processes start. It is when invigoration and recovery starts automatically; when a huge amount of positive Qi is generated; when the Great Brain restores itself and when consciousness and ability to understand broaden… this is when Satori… Samadhi… Enlightenment… may come.

All the great spiritual systems and schools have taught only this; the State itself… Only this state is really important, everything else is just vanity…

The problem is that such things are impossible to be expressed with the words, they can be grasped only while in a deep inner practice of the State itself.

How can you explain to the blind what a sunset is? You can only suggest that he practice special exercises and wait until he regains his sight and sees the sunset.

When special brain zones open, then these particular states come and bring particular sensations, understanding, comprehension; when attachments of the tensed mind vanish and you find yourself here and now in the field of the heightened awareness not overshadowed by any relative interpretations that have become “real” for people only due to their habit and some events of evolution; when your clear vision displays the Genuine Reality — it is impossible to explain to someone who has never experienced these states and have his Brain Zones sleeping… Alas!

Take for example my student and myself… we get stimulation through these or those sensory organs; each stimulation is perceived and understood by both of us provided that we both have common organs of sense and some common experience. This is why we can share this experience, i.e. words, opinions, delight we both felt… we may share impressions hoping for understanding; although even in this case, people sometimes are not ready to understand each other, are they?

But the stimulation of organs which none of us possess… there is no way to express it… If your student has never had fingers on his hands and he wants to know what it feels like to caress a woman’s nipples… When he grows fingers and when he is bestowed by nipples… then let him touch – he will understand the sensation…

Here is another example: everybody knows what Love is, but nobody succeeded in its definition.

Doesn’t it seem to you, that whatever we have tried to say about Love seems dim and incomplete… There are so many things devoted to love… there are poignant, poetic, artistic, philosophic or even medical quotations, proverbs and sayings, compositions and thesises, rhymes and poems, and even novels… But none has been able to give a definition completely reflecting the subject.

That is why definitions are not worth taking as gospel… Even the texts of Holy Scripture are only conditional models.

The truth cannot be depicted by words, it can be only felt and experienced… as love.

Here is the main difference between priests and masters-practitioners: Priests, whatever confession they belong to, if, having never been in love, when asked about Love; will describe the subject, trying to give you more or less apt, live and wise definition based on the feelings of their prophets and teachers who used to feel Love…

Masters will act differently. They won’t be telling us about Love… what’s the use of telling about Love to someone who has never felt this… Whatever you say is not Love… What’s the use in any definition for the one who is only looking for Love?.. A tale about bread won’t appease hunger! In comparison to the priest, the Master will somehow create the situation where you fall in love yourself… It is the mission of Master not to tell us about the truth, but to give it to us… No tales and stories would never explain why the hell you, a ninth-grade schoolboy, have been wondering near a girl’s porch till five in the morning in December wearing light shoes!.. Even you do not understand it yourself already… This is like Satori.

What is this State about which I am trying to tell you about, when I have already written that it cannot be described?

OK, I will describe in detail, stage by stage, how it goes with me. But, please, remember, it will be a poor and incomplete description, and the understanding you may get from the reading will not completely correspond to the State itself.


When I am practicing this or that exercise in order to get the State (as an instrument for the further “work”) it starts with the “stage” of relaxation.

All the “stages” are, of course, only some generally agreed sections, phases, milestones. These milestones are needed for the only purpose, – to understand processes starting in you. The State and its stages are characterized by certain accompanying psychophysical phenomena and by these phenomena manifestation it is possible to notice these generally agreed stages or sections of the State coming…

Well, first, there is relaxation in still and comfortable position which has nothing in common with “meditative” yoga postures as these postures are not important here.

When I was beginning to practice, – in one and a half or two years I got some next to acceptable results, – it took me from 5 to 40 minutes, depending on various circumstances, to cover this stage.
Then comfortable state starts: I do not have any desire to move ( and if the exercise is dynamic I stop it).

I will repeat again, this Stage is called relaxation in Wu Chan Zhong Qigong, and when practicing the first step of WCZ Qigong, we have to come to this basic state. The whole purpose of first step is to learn to relax properly. Only then moving forward makes sense.

To get deeper into the State you just should be sitting and waiting. Not even “waiting”, for waiting to some extent can be classified an action. Just “be sitting”, – it requires some time. You should not even be trying, – regular Qigong practicing provides conditions for coming to the certain States.

After some time I feel some kind of enlargement within my head and the pressure increases.

The Master says that sooner or later this will be gone and all the sensations produced by our body come from some problems that still exist and have not yet been cured by the practice…

I see the bright light, sometimes flashing, sometimes steady… This moment my organs of sense may mislead or trick me; for instance, I hear the sounds from the left though I know for sure that the source of the sound is placed to the right of me (switched radio next door, in granpa’s room)…

This is the deeper phase of the State; we are trying to develop it using “tools” of the 1st and 2nd steps of WCZ Qigong. This basic phase is called the State of “silence”.

The length of this period varies too…

Then it comes lightness and I am dissolving… can’t express it in better words…
This Stage, this phase, is called “the Pause”.
I lose the sense of my body, forget about its existence.… To say that this State is the absence of thought is just saying nothing. It would be better to follow the words of the founder of Patanjali Yoga in defining what cannot be this State…

Never mind, I will do my best to give you the picture…

During this State time stops. You are not able to imagine how long you have been in this State unless you by chance consult your watch before entering The State and after going out of it. If you hear somebody say: “I have been practicing “State of Pause” for 6 minutes” – it means that it was not “State of Pause”; except the person checked his watch of course. But, seriously, who would do it in such a moment!

During State of Pause our mind starts to free itself from its pretexts, clear itself from self-imposed and strained standards of the world

Enhancing Wellness In Basic Techniques

Enhancing Wellness In Basic Techniques

Article by Trent Le Blond

Deep down, we all know what we should be doing to improve our health. Yet far too many people still look for miracle cures, quick-fix supplements and ways to cheat the things they know they’re avoiding. To gain the positive results that can be achieved through exercise and such; is not as difficult as most think. When you begin thinking about healthy options, you’ll find you have more energy throughout the day. You’ll feel happier within yourself and you’ll find your health is no longer such a big problem.

We can help you set your goals in motion.

Nutrient Levels: Instead of thinking about trying to fix your health problems with expensive chemically-made nutrients, why not think about ways to get these naturally? Make sure that dinner has a vegetable included. You’ll be increasing your vitamin and mineral intake and reducing the need to take vitamin pills. Not only will you be spending less on vitamins, but you may notice a little weight reduction when you include vegetables into your diet. If you are a little overweight and would like to lose a few pounds, this is right up your alley. Energetic Walking: Walking is usually the primary point in weight loss. The profits of walking are far reaching and should not be forgotten. Walking frequently can greatly improve your joint functions and help exacerbate pains associated with arthritis. Walking enhances your respiratory and heart functions. Walking avails you of the discharge of endorphins; which is a substance that enhances your feelings. This will support your contented disposition for awhile. When you opt to take a stroll, you are receiving Vitamin D, whether the sun is out or not. All of these are beneficial in controlling your weight and contributing to your health.

Daily Meditation: By meditating every day, you will not become a Buddhist monk that sits in a cross-legged position every day for hours, but you will feel some subtle benefits. Yet it’s possible to meditate and get enormous benefits out of just a few minutes a day. Learning to meditate can help to reduce stress levels. High stress levels have been positively linked to many health problems, including high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, anger, headaches, insomnia, reflux and constipation. Meditation is not that hard; all you have to do is find a quiet place that is comfy. Concentrate on your breathing, and the motion of your chest with every breath. You will definitely feel much calmer and at ease with yourself and the world as you meditate and deal with things that bother you. The best thing of all is that by meditating, the physical symptoms that you once had will start to diminish. Even though there is a place for prescribed drugs and supplements to help you physically, following these techniques will help you even more. By doing these things, you will have more physical exercise, eat better, and relax more.

A lot of these useful tips will be really beneficial in many medical issues, including ovarian cysts. If you among those women who are afflicted by ovarian cysts and you simply searching for natural cure for your problem, then take a look at this post on Ovarian Cyst Miracle or this youtube video about Ovarian Cyst Miracle and discover about one of the most popular systems to get rid of cysts on ovaries naturally and safely.

About the Author

Listed below are a couple of recommended tips and tricks which will help you to boost your overall health

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A Quick Review of the Main Categories of Stress Relief Products

Article by Sharen Turney

Stress, in its generic form, is viewed as one of the worst possible health enemies of the modern society and its implications go far beyond the psychological effects. Although stress has developed as the normal response of the body to potentially dangerous situations, nowadays even the least critical problems of day to day life cause the same reactions. What is even worse, the body is subjected to a continuous state of stress which cannot be turned off even when the conditions that have caused it have succumbed. Therefore, it is easy to understand why being in a continuous state of alertness has devastating effects on the normal functioning of the organs.

Manufacturers immediately recognized the possibility to capitalize on the expense of stressed individuals and have developed a wide variety of stress relief products, some more effective than others. This is not necessarily a bad thing, considering the high number of individuals affected by stress at different intensities. However, while a category of stress relief products are more suitable for some people, others do not respond equally well to it. But what are the most commonly used stress relief products and methods nowadays? Let’s take a quick look.

Certain individuals can obtain stress relief easier via physical effort. In this situation, something as simple as a stress ball can constitute a far better remedy than meditation or aroma therapy, as their personality traits recommend them as active people. Alternatively, the treadmill or the punching bag are not only great ways to get rid of the stressful sensation, but also help the user improve his muscles develop and promote an active, healthy lifestyle. Within just a few minutes of exercise, the stress response diminishes and the individual can carry out with his day to day routine. Physical exercise is generally advised for individuals that experience stress response as a manifestation anger.

The stress relief products that are considered superior when stress manifests in the form of anxiety are meditation tapes and books depicting the techniques used to achieve inner peace. Visualizing the person’s favorite peaceful place, using the subliminal message programming or relaxation music are all excellent choices. The relief from stress via these methods is typically achieved by reprogramming at the subconscious level of the brain and regulating the secretion of various chemicals. In fact, these techniques have the advantage of an extended effectiveness duration.

At the same time, aromatherapy in combination with a relaxation massage has proven quite effective over the years. The stress relief technique implies the use of essential oils to evocate happy scenes from an individual’s life via his sense of smell. The essential oils can be added to a warm soothing bath or the stressed individuals can be massaged with them. In the case of powerfully scented teas, the aroma is both inhaled and ingested.

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All in all, it is necessary to point out that under certain circumstances; the stress response of a person is so intense that it can only be treated using anxiety medication. However, stress management medication should only be regarded as a last resort, when all other stress relief products have failed to produce the proper results.

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The Delights and Benefits of Meditation for the Modern Age

Article by Greg Riccobelli

A lot more people, perhaps unsurprisingly, are seeking ways to get away from the demands of modern life. We certainly have different options offered to us in choosing different ways to relax. Meditation is an option that is certainly growing in attraction. The reasons for this are straightforward. Yoga is an intricate component of meditation and many people who thought of yoga to generally be beyond them physically are turning to the meditation aspect as this demands considerably less of your body. Added to this is the continued scientific fascination with meditation. Studies have been carried out for many years and continue to at the present time. It’s been confirmed many times that meditation has a substantial beneficial effect on the body and mind of those that practice it.

And what exactly are these benefits of meditation? Everyone has an elementary comprehension of what meditation is. But as with lots of things in life, the simple truth is never so straightforward.

Meditation is numerous things to different individuals but we shall go through the basics that are expected regardless of the sort of meditation you opt for and also the types of effects one would wish to experience.

Meditation concerns the quietening of the mind. In Vidic and Buddhist cultures, this is to get rid of out impurities of one’s mind, allowing for effortless connection to a greater or greater source of power or energy. It is within this realm of consciousness that people can truly encounter serenity and calm that cannot be achieved by any other methods.

Our minds are normally rushing at 100mph. Try to think of nothing for the following half a minute. Just empty your mind of thought. Try not to visualize a pink elephant. How did you get on? It was near impossible to fail to think about a pink elephant, let’s be truthful. If you’re truly to think of nothing, know now it’s a learned skill that takes time and effort and significant spoonful of patience.

Being on this level of conscious awareness brings physical and psychological benefits that can’t be undervalued.

Nonetheless it warrants noting that it’s not a requirement of meditation to have a vacant mind. The mind just needs to stop going so fast processing a lot information. This is when guided meditation comes in.

Guided meditations work for those with apparently hyperactive minds. They function by helping the listener focus and lower the level of brain activity to a point that’s synonymous with daydreaming. This is what’s called the “Theta” state and brain wave functions are much slower than usual alert brain wave functions.

The Theta state is a level we reach on a daily basis just before we fall into deep sleep or, if like many people, you daydream or “zone out” during the day whenever you lock into a certain trail of thought and temporarily become unaware of your surroundings, this is the point at which our unconscious becomes ready to accept suggestion. This really is certainly totally natural and simple to attain. And it also is usually good for everyone.

If you would like a means to relax and unwind, perhaps you could try the benefits of meditation yourself.

About the Author

Life nowadays gets more fast paced by the day. The demands of living in the western world is generally unyielding and unforgiving on occasions. The expense of living is on the rise just about everywhere. Thousands of people have jobs that demands more and more from us yet we get paid less. We now have to be thankful we have a job because quite a few are out of work and cannot find any employment. We’re raising little ones with limited budgets, the daily commute, no end of bills to pay, possibly a employer constantly leaning over us.

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Seven Simple Steps To Meditation

Article by Jack Jenkins

These are just some basic steps to any mediation routine. Easy enough for beginners, yet can be modified as you gain more experience with meditation.

1- Make time for 10 to 20 minutes, maybe once or twice daily.

2- Go to a quiet area in which you’re not going to be interrupted, and take a seat. You don’t have to sit with your legs crossed or sit in any other weird position. A comfy lounge chair is great. Dress in comfy attire, and put your arms and legs in a comfortable position

3- So that you don’t need to be concerned about always keeping track of time, set a timer. In case you are worried that it might make you jump, put it in a different area or beneath a pillow, this way the noise will be less startling.

4- Breathe in and out slowly, gradually and in a rhythmic pattern. Relax your feet, legs, core, and all they way up your body to loosen all of your muscles.

5- Select a phrase or word to say over and over again to yourself. The traditional mantra is “Om”, which is means perfection. You might also want to pick a very simple word which mirrors whatever you desire to accomplish, such as serenity and contentment. As an alternative to words you could count out your breaths from one to ten and repeat. If ideas drift easily into your head, let them flow slowly out once again as you revert focus back to your breathing.

6- When the timer goes off and you are done, never get immediately up. Give yourself some time to gradually open your eyes, and take in a couple of heavy breaths.

7- Stretch out your arms, legs, and body before you get up slowly and gradually.

Follow these simple steps to mediation and you will feel refreshed, relaxed, and ready to face the stressful world we live in.

A lot of people who start out with meditation discover they have issues motivating themselves to continue, and releasing themselves of the Western mindset to continually think about each and every minor issue.

This is the reason you should think about getting into a training course or utilizing guided meditation. It could be useful to possess a manual to help guide you through meditation during your first few sessions. After you get accustomed to it, you will discover meditation is effortless and powerful. You may even move ahead towards much more sophisticated methods as you see yourself growing.

About the Author

For more meditation tips and advice visit

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Valeria Lukyanova Amatue 21- My opinion of the Guru, Spiritual teachers and spiritual mentors : Spiritual Lessons  : Video

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