Benefits Of Power Yoga : benefits of Yoga

Yoga is becoming more and more popular with more people realizing all of the many benefits it offers. Though there are a few different types of yoga, and they all offer great benefits to the body, one very popular type is power yoga. However, exactly what is power yoga?

It is the form of yoga based on Ashtanga but incorporating a power aspect to it. The power is designed to increase the strength all over the body. With flowing postures, not only is strength and flexibility increased, but also a big cardiovascular component is incorporated. It is a great form of exercise for a complete workout.

Even with power yoga, there are focuses. For instance, core power yoga concentrates on strengthening the core, which means not only the abdominals, but also the back muscles. With this muscle toning workout, a long, lean, strong body will be the result.

Strength, endurance, and flexibility will also be increased with core power yoga.

Power yoga poses range from novice to advanced, and while some poses look like they can never be attained, with a good focused and consistent practice, people practicing yoga will continue to be amazed at how much better they continue to get. Things they thought they never could do may soon come easy.

Some beginner power yoga moves are things like the basic sun salutations, which begin with moves like forward bends and downward dog, moving into upward dog. These poses not only increase flexibility and strength, but also endurance and balance.

Other moves in power yoga are flows consisting of vinyasa poses, then warrior sequences, balance moves (like tree pose or awkward chair) and then triangle pose. Triangle pose has a lot of adaptations to work for the beginner to the advanced practice and is an excellent pose for strengthening the core as well as back and leg flexibility.

The balance poses are wonderful for mind body awareness, building muscle and focus. As each person gets more advanced, adaptations can be made like binding and holding the poses for longer.

Power yoga benefits are huge, and whether done as the only type of workout or in conjunction with other forms of exercise, these benefits range from body to spirit. One great benefit of power yoga is that it touches on all components of exercise – strength, endurance, flexibility and power.

People are continually surprised at how their bodies change when a yoga practice is started. Muscles develop and fat is shed with power yoga. Some people enjoy yoga in a class, others like doing it in the quiet of their own home. Whatever the case may be, it is a beneficial practice to begin and incorporate into daily life.

Jasmine Cummings is a 30 year old RN and fitness fanatic living in Alaska. I really enjoy reading, writing, and fitness. I currently maintain a website with hundreds of free fitness tips

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A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

The purpose of meditation is to relax and calm the mind and relax the body.  Choose a quiet time when you would not be disturbed at all, at least for 5 to 10 minutes. The idea behind keeping the time a little less, in the beginning, is to let you get comfortable with the principles of meditation- silence and concentration. The mind is so used to wandering and flitting about, that getting it to remain still needs some practice.  While it is possible to meditate while standing or walking, to begin with sit in a comfortable posture, keeping your eyes partially closed, so as to avoid getting distracted by your surroundings. If you are more comfortable keeping your eyes open, then try and focus on a single point in front of you, because if you keep looking around, you wouldn’t be able to calm the mind. Don’t be too conscious about your posture. Choose a place where you would feel relaxed and undisturbed. If you can, choose to meditate outdoors but indoors, too is good as long as the place is free of clutter. Try to make your meditation a ritual by lighting a candle, burning some incense, playing some soft, or soothing music and then begin.

Take in a deep breathe, fill your lungs with fresh, pure air and observe the passage of air through your body. Then exhale softly and again, focus on the passage of air leaving your lungs. You may choose a sound to focus on or simply, concentrate on the passage of your breath or play some music to focus on.  Continue this for 5-10 minutes, whatever is comfortable for you, and at the end of the session, rub your palms together and place them lightly on your eyes.

Open your eyes and smile gently as you get ready to face the world around you. Try and meditate at least once a day to begin with and gradually, you could meditate even twice and experience greater benefits.

Fedora is a natural health and beauty specialist. To read more of her tips and advice visit her at .

Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour : buddhist meditation

Referred as “Little Tibet”, Ladakh is dotted with numerous monasteries, where Buddhist monks and nun live. They play an important role in propagating and practicing Buddhism and Monasteries are the main centre for prayers. The monasteries are located in scenic locations, surrounded by picturesque hills. Admire the stunning architecture and have look on art collections.

Popular Pilgrimage Centres in Ladakh
Stok Palace
Stol Palace is located 15 km towards the south of Leh town. The beautiful sacred shrine was founded in 14th century by Lama Lhawang Lotus. Monks belonging to yellow hat sect are the resident of Stok Palace. The verandah are beautifully ornamented, depicting the Guardians of the four directions. The monastery houses a rich collection of Buddhist artifacts and Thankas.

Hemis Monastery
The Hemis monastery is the largest monastery of Ladakh, situated 45 km to the south of Leh. The monastery holds pride in housing the largest Thangka painting in Ladakh. It was built in 1630 and is resident to monks of Brokpa sect. The walls of the monastery are decorated with exquisite paintings.

Namgyal Tsemo Gompa
The ancient Gompa was built in the year 1430. Namgyal Tsemo Gompa treasures a three-storey high image of Lord Buddha and a fine collection of Buddhist manuscripts and art antiques. After seeking the blessings of Lord Buddha, visit an architectural wonder, a ruined fort from where you have a panoramic views of Leh.

Sankar Gompa
The amazing holy Buddhist shrine is located 2 km north of the city centre. Sankar Gompa houses a huge statue of Avalokiteshvara (The Buddhist deity of compassion). The image of deity is very impressive, depicting with 1,000 arms and 1,000 heads.

Shanti Stupa
One of the most impressive religious centre in Ladakh is Shanti Stupa. It is a white-domed structure built by a Japanese organization to commemorate 2500 years of Buddhism. The sole aim of the organization was to promote world peace and harmony. Visiting Stupa at night is more exciting as it gets illuminated with colorful lights, which makes the holy shrine more beautiful and appealing. Enjoy breath-taking view of sunset and sunrise from the Shanti Stupa.

For more information visit Ladakh Tourism

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