Stress Relief Tips : stress relief

MindBody Series provides you with a real alternative to phamraceuticals. Dr. Lawlis uses Imagery psychology to help “train” the brain to easily enter a state of restorative sleep. Juilliard graduate and sound engineer Gregori Palumbo composed the soundtrack using musical and audio techniques that have been demostrated to induce relaxation and lull the brain to sleep. For most people, it takes 21 days to create a new “habit”, but many people find that it works within the first few times they try Disk 1.Grab A Copy Click here
Benefits include no dependency on pharmaceuticals, large long-term savings over medications, better quality of sleep, more effective restoration of brain functions, improved physical health and superior restful sleep.
Each disk is used at bed time for 21 days to create a habit. Each new disk builds upon the skills mastered from the previous disk.
Disk 1 – Imagery for General Relaxation
Disk 2 – Imagery for Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Disk 3 – Imagery for Restful Sleep
Disk 4 – Music for Restful SleepGrab A Copy Click here
Attention Deficit Disorder affects millions of children and adults. Many parents are concerned about treating this disorder with medication, and research has demonstrated that in many cases children are being over-medicated with negative side-effects. Although in some cases medication may be necessary, the MINDBody ADD Solution is non-invasive and will help many people overcome ADD in a natural and chemical-free way. Dr. Frank Lawlis, author of the newly released best-selling book entitled The ADD Answer, brings to you practical tools to overcome ADD. Even for those who continue medication, the MINDBody ADD Solution is an effective addition to medical treatment.
The design of this CD is to provide a programmed process in which the individual can learn to sleep naturally, while the music is specifically programmed to help maintain a normal depth of sleep, making it easier to wake up refreshed.Grab A Copy Click here

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Meditation And Meditation Benefits

Broadly speaking meditation can be defined as a self induced change of state of mind for the purpose of heightening certain awareness or attention, or for emotional well being.

However, the narrower definitions vary according to the beliefs surrounding them.  As beliefs differ among different people, so the understanding and practice of meditation differ just as greatly.

Some of the more commonly known types of meditation tend to be the legacies of the Eastern religions, but there are aspects of it in many of the Western beliefs as well.

From prehistoric times, ritualistic repetitive movements and chants were discovered to induce a state of conscientiousness which was believed to appease the supernatural that they worshipped.  It usually went alongside offerings and sacrifices to the gods.

When it became apparent that these spiritual rituals seemed beneficial to the people who performed them, they began to change and develop them in order to realise the self, but generally still for religious purposes.

The Oriental religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism refined meditation as a means for achieving a higher state of spiritual growth and goodness.  The word for ‘meditate’ is ‘dhyana’ in Hinduism and Buddhism and is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘dhyai’.

The Western religions were divided in their approach to meditation.  Those that included repetitive words or actions formed one school of thought, while those that didn’t formed another.

The English meditation comes from the Latin ‘meditari’ which means ‘to think, contemplate, devise, ponder, meditate’.

The original Western Christian meditation was merely an aspect of worship that included reading, pondering, prayer and contemplation.  Although a deep calm and concentration was induced, no repetitions, specific postures or rituals were included.

Later in some branches of Christianity, there was a movement away from the more pragmatic type of Christianity towards an attempt at a mystic communion with God. This led to rituals, chanting, repetitive prayers and a euphoric state.

A modern and far more emotional approach in some churches has brought about deeply rhythmic music, clapping and swaying.  Supremely hypnotic states, such as ‘talking in tongues’ have emerged from the emotional states induced.

The Jewish and Islamic religions tended more towards the original Western style of prayer and meditation, but here also there were some groups such as the Jewish Kabbalah and Islamic Sufism that branched off towards the more Oriental form of mind control and meditation.

Today meditation is a world wide phenomenon and found in many forms.  It is practised less for religious purposes and more for the practical applications that it offers.

Most of us live in stressful environments.  In olden times stress came and went in small spurts throughout life.  Today it is just a steady day to day stream of stress pouring on most of us without let up.

This can be a disaster for our blood pressure, cardio-vascular systems, and just about everything else concerning our physical and mental health!   Wherever you find great stress pressures, there you find a desperate need for an island of peace and calm.

People are turning more and more towards meditation for a way to find that oasis in life.  There is ample medical evidence that prayer and meditation benefits have healing and soothing properties.

The tranquility and peace that you find in nature have much the same effect, but it is just not often available to people living in crowded cities, as most of us do.  The alternative as a newbie to meditation is to find out how to meditate for beginners, especially loving kindness meditation.  The world will be a better place for us and for everyone who knows us. includes sites related to meditation beneifts you can access from here and also How to Meditate For Beginners

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Yoga, Yoga Benefits, Yoga Types

Yoga is a health science being practiced since thousands of years by yogis as tool to unite the mind, body and spirit. It is a peaceful, energizing practice that will make an individual will feel more fit and energetic all the time. By practicing yoga a person gets more aware of his body posture, alignment and movement. It offers more flexibility to one’s body and helps to relax even in the midst of stressful environment.

To get the best of yoga one should practice the right yoga asanas to find harmony of mind and body and strength of body healing. When done with appropriate yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation, there are a number of psychological, physiological, health benefits of yoga.

There are different types of yoga which can either be practiced at home or at yoga centres providing yoga training for those who wish to learn different styles of yoga for bring in a positive energy in life. Learning yoga from experienced yoga teacher or yoga instructor can be the best way to learn yoga with perfection.

For intial yoga starters, Hatha yoga is the best. It is the foundation for all the other yoga styles. As yoga for beginners, it is easy to learn yoga exercise that requires people to go through a series of poses beginning with sun salutation for body warm up. The main aim of this yoga practice is to condition the body, so that mind can be prepared for its spiritual path. For building stamina and strength practicing power yoga or Ashtanga yoga is great as the pace involved with this will give you an intense aerobic workout as there will be no pausing between poses because each move flows into the next. More comprehensive form of this is Raja yoga which is today’s most complete, all-round yoga process for development of body, mind and soul. Based on the eight limbs called yama, niyama, yoga asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi this yoga leads one to “self-realisation. Every kind of yoga whether it is bikram yoga or vinyasa yoga or sivananda yoga has its own benefits and hence should be practiced regularly for all round body and mind fitness.

Himalayan Yoga Institute is a yoga and wellness institute offering yoga retreat holidays in India, yoga retreat holidays UK, yoga retreat holidays in Croatia for enjoying benefits of yoga while holidaying. It also offers yoga training certification and yoga teacher training to become certified yoga instructor. SEO services provided by Jigney Bhachech, CEO, Opal Infotech, India.

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