Healing Meditation

Allow your body to relax naturally and easily. As you begin to rest and drift into peace, image yourself in a beautiful white room with a white healing table in the center. Everything around you feels soft, warm, safe and nurturing. The room is lit with a soft, glowing white light, and the window is open bringing in a warm summer breeze. Everything smells fresh like nature. You can hear the gentle sounds of a waterfall outside and a stream moving nearby.

Lie down comfortably on the soft, fluffy cushions of the healing table, and start to anticipate a powerful healing. Open yourself to receive. The room fills slowly with a light mist carrying a minty scent. Breathe it in and be refreshed. As the minty green mist enters your lungs, it charges your blood, skin, heart and brain , and internal organs with oxygen and life-giving energy. Continue to breathe it in and feel the peace that it brings.

The body is malleable. That is it can be changed and reconstructed easily through the direction of the mind as well as its innate ability and nature of continuously shedding and constructing new cells. The mind can mold the body in its continuous process of change and renewal. Expect positive change!

Let go now, and place your body in the hands of the Divine spirit within you that can do miracles. Allow your body to be re-formed, re-patterned, and healed. Get a mental picture of yourself in excellent health. Rest in this picture and notice how natural it feels. Allow angelic healing hands to touch your body soothing, healing and instantly transforming areas of pain or congestion. Feel any discomfort reduce and gradually disappear.

Feel the light pressure of the angel’s fingers; feel them massaging your body, light in spots, deep in other areas.

Now feel detached from your body, and observe it being healed.

What’s taking place? These healers are real. The healing energy and power of the divine are real. Trust it to do its work. Intend for your body to be changed, healed. New colors are entering your body from above specifically to heal areas of stress and pain. Feel electrical currents sparking through your body and brain adjusting your nervous system to perfect balance and harmony. Allow your body’s chemistry to alter and change as toxins are removed, and your blood and body are cleansed. Experience this in your own unique way. New shapes and patterns are forming within your DNA, bringing you peace and strength. There are powerful symbols of healing coming into your awareness through these designs. Enjoy them.

Now, look up and see an angelic being holding a lit candle moving toward you. Look into that candle flame and see illuminated there a deep part of yourself. What do you see? What is it telling you? Listen to the meaning.

The angel sets the candle down on a table by your bedside. All is very quiet, and the flickering flame dances across the walls. Be still. Go deeper. Someone is calling your name. Who is it? She or he has healing words for you. Listen to them carefully. Now, a song begins to play. What is it? How does it apply to your healing?

A woman walks up to your bedside and places her hands on your head. She moves it gently from side to side, rolling it rhythmically. She touches the center of your forehead and says, “See what you need to see, understand what’s important now.” “Get your answers.” Be open and receptive to knowing. It will come naturally to you now.

Now feel a bright, shiny, glittering gold liquid come into the bottom of your feet and move up your legs, into your torso and arms, and higher into your neck and head. This liquid has an accelerated frequency and intelligence that brings you higher awareness, new insights, rejuvenation, elimination of the old, and deep healing change in your body and mind. Enjoy it as it penetrates your cells and DNA.

Realize that your cells, tissue, organs, are being made new and better, healed. Glow with the golden color of spirituality and triumph. Focus the gold on a particular part of your body that needs attention. Let it go deep, to the root of the problem. Experience the shift, the change.

Give thanks and return to this room when you’re ready.

Healing Meditation © by Carole Cravath

Carole Cravath (B.A.) is a counselor and teacher, and does private consultations on Somatic Visualizing. She teaches the Perceptive Awareness Technique Workshops which link the Intuitive and Conceptual Minds for rapid control of higher awareness in 3 days. Visit https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.perceptiveawareness.com and https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.tiptopwebsite.com/carolecravath She also teaches the powerful new healing technique called Soma Pi, originated by gifted spiritual teacher Consuella C. Newton. Call Carole at (507) 287-0884 for details.

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Christian Meditation Technique – Part 2

Lectio Divina (‘divine reading’) is only slightly more involved than the technique of contemplative prayer. The physical mechanics are almost identical to other meditation techniques. The primary difference is that in the previous exercise you have a single word that is repeated (to the point that any thought of meaning is lost and attention is focused on the simple act of repetition), but in lectio divina the meditator has chosen a phrase from the bible to read repeatedly while considering closely the meaning of that text.

Historically, the Psalms have provided much material for this Christian technique, but really any book in the Bible will have plenty of useful verses. Taking a well known Psalm as an example, we can look at Ps. 23: “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack. In green pastures You let me graze, to safe waters You lead me; You restore my strength. You guide me along the right path for the sake of Your name. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for You are at my side; Your rod and staff give me courage.”

Once the meditator has established a quiet space (as in contemplative prayer), he or she can quietly read through the chosen verse. Initially, the thoughts and impressions which arise as a result of mindfully going through the lines will be pretty generic, surface level material. That’s fine. It’s how our minds work.

But as the practitioner of this Christian meditation technique continues to read through and really begin to taste the meaning of the text, the message begins to morph from a general statement written to billions of people scattered over thousands of years into a message spoken just for the reader.

The message becomes a message of love from God sent directly to His child.

In that frame of mind, the meditator can begin to allow the words of the message to fade from awareness. However, instead of an absence, a simple sitting and resting with God can be experienced. When speaking of meditative experience we are often stuck using metaphorical language to describe it; in this case, the feeling engendered by lectio divina is not unlike the felt experience had by the small child who has been running around, laughing and playing (maybe even getting into a bit of trouble). Finally acknowledging his exhaustion and coming to his mother or father, he climbs into their lap, and simply rests in that secure embrace. In this case, we are the child and God is our loving parent who wraps His love around us.

Through both Christian meditation techniques of contemplative prayer and lectio divina, the expectation is that, over time, this repeated exposure to spending restful time in communion with our Father will produce wholesome changes in our spirit: unruly passions like anger and greed will wither, while healthy impulses toward compassion and a desire to fulfill God’s will in our lives grow. I address the usefulness of that assumption in other writings, but it is clear that either or both of these practices can make a powerful impact on the spiritual life of the Christian willing to explore them.

For more information on Christian meditation check out Christopher Boozell’s website https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.TantricChristianity.com. You can even sign up for a free mini-course on meditation!

Yoga Meditation For Phobias : yoga meditation

Is it possible to focus on positive thoughts, and train the mind to think rationally? In short, yes – It is possible. However, training the mind is more difficult than training the body. If we are overcome by irrational fear, or extreme misery, it is even more difficult to focus on reality and positive thoughts.

Training the mind is a daily ritual for mental maintenance and cultivation of positive energy. One method for training the mind is to focus on ideas that bring us to calmer states of mind. Each of us has something that gives us inner strength. Some Karma Yoga practitioners cultivate a greater sense of calm, by doing for others.

We all have friends, family, or a pet. If we help someone in need, this creates a state of inner calm, where we feel needed, and our problems appear to be smaller. Focusing on others is the polar opposite of focusing on our internal negative thoughts. When we focus on thoughts that overwhelm us with fear, we see our problems as larger than life itself.

If you are going to open the door to your mind, you can choose the direction to travel. For many people, it is easy to see themselves as helpless, to participate in worthless habits, and to see others in a negative light. The frame of mind we have is a choice.

It is true that none of us is perfect. At the same time, Yoga is a system which helps all of us train our minds through meditation, and use these practical applications in daily life. Yogic science is constantly evolving in many directions. Yoga continues to change with each century, but training the mind has always been an advanced Yogic practice.

Within the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali describes Eight Limbs. These are eight methods for improving life. Four of the eight are directly related to meditation. A novice does not attain Samadhi during the first practice. The novice does not know what Samadhi is, and an advanced practitioner may not be able to attain it.

To practice meditation with the purpose of purging irrational fear or extreme misery, will require some guidance from a competent guru or counselor. This allows one to feel the foundation of this mental exercise we call “meditation.” Once meditation is mastered, it should be practiced daily. The ultimate reward of meditation is when the mind becomes one’s best ally.

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/

Stress Relief Games

Stress Relief Games

MindBody Series provides you with a real alternative to phamraceuticals. Dr. Lawlis uses Imagery psychology to help “train” the brain to easily enter a state of restorative sleep. Juilliard graduate and sound engineer Gregori Palumbo composed the soundtrack using musical and audio techniques that have been demostrated to induce relaxation and lull the brain to sleep. For most people, it takes 21 days to create a new “habit”, but many people find that it works within the first few times they try Disk 1.

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Benefits include no dependency on pharmaceuticals, large long-term savings over medications, better quality of sleep, more effective restoration of brain functions, improved physical health and superior restful sleep.

Each disk is used at bed time for 21 days to create a habit. Each new disk builds upon the skills mastered from the previous disk.

Disk 1 – Imagery for General Relaxation
Disk 2 – Imagery for Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Disk 3 – Imagery for Restful Sleep
Disk 4 – Music for Restful Sleep

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Attention Deficit Disorder affects millions of children and adults. Many parents are concerned about treating this disorder with medication, and research has demonstrated that in many cases children are being over-medicated with negative side-effects. Although in some cases medication may be necessary, the MINDBody ADD Solution is non-invasive and will help many people overcome ADD in a natural and chemical-free way.

Dr. Frank Lawlis, author of the newly released best-selling book entitled The ADD Answer, brings to you practical tools to overcome ADD. Even for those who continue medication, the MINDBody ADD Solution is an effective addition to medical treatment.

The design of this CD is to provide a programmed process in which the individual can learn to sleep naturally, while the music is specifically programmed to help maintain a normal depth of sleep, making it easier to wake up refreshed.

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