Picking Up Girls – Motion Always Beats Meditation

Article by Willis Combse

The legendary businessman Gary Halbert once said motion beats meditation, what he meant was that when you’re running a business it is better to be an action than to think about your problems. This quote is just as applicable to picking up women.

You must get in motion. This means you must put yourself in environments, situations, and places where it is conducive to meet women. These activities can include: online dating, local single groups, going to the bars, going to the mall, spending time in coffee shops…

It also means you cannot just sit on your hands and wait to meet someone. Instead you must also take action to meet different girls. I assume that you probably suffer from the same issue I did which was fear of rejection and humiliation.

This fear is not entirely unfounded as many times I have walked away from an attempted pickup feeling incredibly humiliated and totally deflated. When you experience these rejections it makes it very difficult to portray that elusive and attractive confidence that women claim to be so attracted too.

If It Was Easy It Would Not Be Worth!

Yes, rejection will happen. In truth you are going to experience more rejection than ever before. The more women you talk to will directly cause more to women reject you. However the more women you talk to will also directly influence how many girls you are successful with.

A great tool to use if you’re concerned about potential rejection is what I call the smile test. This test can help you determine: if she is available, if she finds you attractive, and if she’s going to be receptive to you initiating a conversation.

This Is How It Works

When you see a pretty girl you look her in the eyes and give her a genuine smile. If she returns your smile then meet you should go ahead and introduce yourself to her. If she does not return it, then it doesn’t mean she isn’t interested but your potential for rejection increases.

Why This Works

When you smile at her you are creating an instant connection. She is going to see you as someone that is outgoing, optimistic, and energetic. In other words someone she wants to get to know. You also are going to be showing her the most attractive version of yourself, as everyone is more attractive when they are smiling.

If you don’t believe this pay attention to how much more attractive women are when they smile back at you. In addition pay attention to the way your thoughts about her will change if she smiles at you. Often you assume that she has a lot of positive characteristics such as: approachable, nice, friendly… is she smiles at you.

You also can make some assumptions based upon this test. You can assume that she is single because women with a significant other should not be smiling at random guys. This is because smiling is the most basic form of flirting and unavailable women shouldn’t be flirting with men. This test is not 100% reliable however it is incredibly effective. It is a very useful tool and can completely eliminate at least the risk of humiliation with a rejection.

If you meditate and hope that love is just going to find you, then you are almost guaranteed a future of being single. However if you go out and put yourself in the venues to meet women and engage girls in conversation you have a much higher likelihood of finding the right girl for you. I promise your success with women will outweigh and be worth any rejection you encounter.

About the Author

For more tips about picking up girls and enjoying success with them visit us at https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.pickupdater.com/ – you can sign up for a life transforming, 100% free guide called the NO B.S. Guide To Attraction – this is a video series and companion book.

Always Forgive And Never Give Up

Article by Paul W. Sutherland

Do you at any time wonder what is meant whenever somebody says that they have to find themselves? Is it just some type of cop out or escape from real life? Then you’ve got others who say that they have to find God or perhaps that they have discovered God, not necessarily in a burning bush naturally. These people are typically ridiculed and targeted by other people who don’t understand. Exactly what does it take to go to a mountain top and stay there for several days meditating and looking to find yourself?Anyways, returning to the finding yourself or finding God. Here is the key, or what I really should say many consider to be a secret. You won’t ever find yourself or God, not even in a burning bush by looking for the right answers beyond yourself. You’ve got the answers to everything that has ever been, ever is or ever will be inside.It is that little voice that you barely perceive or ever listen to that is constantly attempting and striving to be heard. It’s the whisper that guides you to accomplish the things that will allow you to progress and allow you deal more easily with obstacles. It is the intrinsic radar system that gives you the course to take and avoid the bad weather which you may be heading straight into.Now you will be wondering, precisely how do you know and what exactly makes you an authority on this. In reality, I’m not an authority on this and I don’t possess the solutions. The contrasts and difficulties we face in everyday life will vary for everyone. Just what I can tell you is this: I now pay attention to that internal voice this is my number one guidance system. Not so long ago I neglected to listen and brushed aside just about every warning indicator which was put before me. I figured I knew better, I made choices based on fear of the things others would probably think. In short, I got myself into a situation that was a living nightmare which I could find no respite from.This is broadly the base for my brand new book Within this book I might risk being exposed to ridicule, possibly due to the way I have elected to express the story or because of the content. I feel like I failed. I failed myself, I failed my children and I failed my family. That’s a tremendous amount of failing to handle. Failure which may have been prevented, had I taken some time to listen for that little voice with the good advice. Nevertheless, I write about all those parts, even the ones that have been uncomfortable with the intention that other folks may keep clear of the problems I found myself in. Allow me to make it crystal clear, I am not a casualty nor do I have a pity party for myself. I made some foolish choices and conclusions and had to pay a price for them.The other essential point in all this is ~ there is nobody else to blame except me personally. It is often simple to find somebody else to blame for your mistakes, misfortunes or ill advised decisions. However in most instances, when we’re really sincere with ourselves, we find that we create all that happens in our lives. We have to assume responsibilty for the choices we make even those choices we let other people to influence as a result of fear. The blame game is not an alternative for the progressive life.In the end, FORGIVENESS is the vital thing. Not only to forgive other people for their part in events but moreover to forgive yourself.All too often we forgive other folks but block out that we are permitted to forgive ourselves.

About the Author

Paul W. Sutherland is the author of the book Orion & The Wildcat. It’s a true story based on his experience of loss, a disasterous marriage and finding love again. It takes you on an incredible journey with valuable life lessons in relationships and fear. It might make you laugh it might may you cry it might even give you the answers your looking for in your own life. Take a few minutes to take a look – https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://orionandthewildcat.com