Meditation Techniques For Beginners:Deep Techniques For Real Guided Meditation Seekers

Article by Steve Bickley

The concept of meditation has reached a stage of widespread popularity. Most people around the world know about its benefits, but only vaguely. Even as there are many CDs, books and magazines to provide ample information on the subject, the compatibility of different meditation techniques always varies from individual to individual and can be practiced only when the thing is tested by a professional.

The object of this article is never to turn your views against meditation. It would be foolish to try to do so, since meditation and its effects and the positives it can offer have been proven beyond any doubt. But the opportunity is taken here to let you know how wrong the choice of a meditation technique can be for you unless it really suits you. Possibilities are that without the help and guidance of an appropriate teacher, you might only be able to derive minimal advantages from it. Indeed, the objective instead should be to optimize meditation, to find out what suits you best and get the maximum advantages out of the same.

It might appear contradictory but… Avoid Technique While Meditating.

Focusing on this one moment – with guided meditation you are brought more fully into this one moment, allowing you to arrive fully in the NOW, with less pull to the past or the future. Healing happens in the present.

Minimizing external distractions – since you seek a quiet place to listen to your guided meditation, you tend to minimize external distractions which supports you to focus within.

Be very specific and objective about your meditation goals. For this, you first need to know what you really want from the process.

Guided meditation is within you- look at yourself; you are guiding yourself… accept it. Read articles; consult a book find a teacher- there are many. Teacher will merely indicate, will show you the way– now ball is in your court.

Speak with the teachers of guided meditation and find out a suitable program for yourself.

Simply stated, when it comes to practicing a guided meditation on a daily basis what you will discover is that the benefits go well beyond the 3 benefits that you have heard about in this article. So what are you waiting for go ahead and begin your practice of meditation sooner rather than later.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

Please realize that this is a course offered to you by professionals so that you can improve your lifestyle, your living habits and your management skills. If, in any way, you are not satisfied with your progress, be bold enough to let your teacher know so that your money paid can be refunded back. It is never really just an ordinary set of exercise for you-even after you will have completed the course, the effects must guide you towards further, continuous practice and an improved state of living. So the phrases like “Nobody can teach you to meditate,” and “It’s all up to you,” are simply not to be paid heed to.

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About the Author

Guided meditation provides a fast, simple and effective way of uniting with your inner source of wisdom and well-being. Your mind and body are wise and capable of getting exactly what you need at any given time.