The Benefits of Reiki : Reiki meditation

Reiki is the Japanese form of meditation technique that was popularized in Japan in the early 20th Century. The Reiki technique is completely dependent on the Energy that is available in this universe. Reiki is based on the principle of Chi, which means universal energy.

Reiki is a relaxation technique that is very similar to yoga and meditation techniques that originated from India. In this technique, the person giving the treatment will place their hands on various points of the person’s body who is receiving the treatment.  When placing their hands the person giving the Reiki Treatment passes some energy to the person receiving the treatment. This is very much similar to acupuncture in which the practitioners use a needle to activate energy points in the body. The person receiving the treatment will actually feel tingling sensations at certain points where the person giving the treatment touches with their hand.

The people receiving the treatment will often get to experience three important things. The first thing that they will experience is deep relaxation. The person’s mind will completely become at peace after nearly half an hour of this treatment. At this stage the person can actually feel their breathing process very intensely inside them. The next thing the person feels is the extreme heat that gets generated at the points where the Reiki specialist touches. This extreme heat is nothing but energy that is being released from the certain blocked points in the body. While the heating process continues, the person’s mind continues to be in a silent state and sometimes some people may even go into sleep. Such is the relaxation effect of this Reiki treatment.

The third thing the user experiences is the presence of colors in front of their eyes. While they continue to receive the treatment, they often see some rainbow-like colors in front of their eyes.

After receiving the treatment, the person feels completely calm and will be in a relaxed frame of mind. Once they get into this relaxed frame of mind, they can think with more clarity and act correctly in response to various situations. Another important benefit is their positive outlook. The person begins to have a positive outlook on the various aspects of life. They will be able to handle pressure situations better than ever before. Stressful situations will not bother them and they will be able to handle those situations with a calm mentality.

We recommend CM International Body & Soul Healing for Reiki Bristol and Reiki courses Bristol

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Yoga Benefits: Hatha Yoga | Bikram Yoga | Hot Yoga | Health Benefits

Yoga Benefits: Hatha Yoga | Bikram Yoga | Hot Yoga | Health Benefits

The ancient science of Yoga has become increasingly popular all across the globe, in the recent years. This is because there are numerous benefits that are associated with the different disciplines of yoga. Yoga health benefits, not only include a persons physical health (internally and externally), but also comprise mental and emotional health. Some of the most common yoga health benefits are, increase in strength and immunity, better flexibility, improved focus and concentration, weight loss and stress reduction, to name a few.

Beneficial effects of Hatha yoga

Hatha Yoga refers to a style of Yoga which includes basic Yoga stretches, poses and techniques. In this style, the exercises are mainly referred to as postures, which are supposed to be performed in a slow and gentle manner, instead of repeatedly and energetically. It mainly consists of locks and postures, cleaning techniques and breathing exercises. The main benefits of Hatha Yoga are improved muscle tone, more flexibility, a reduction in pain, better posture, inner peace and an overall improvement in attitude. Even though this is an advanced form of Yoga, it is suitable for people of all fitness levels. It requires minimal equipment and can be performed in about 30 minutes or so. In order to maximize the effectiveness of Hatha Yoga, it is advisable to dress comfortably and find a quite, peaceful place to practice the postures for at least half an hour.

Beneficial effects of Bikram yoga

Bikram Yoga, more commonly known as Hot Yoga in the west, refers to that style of Yoga in which a series of 26 vigorous poses are performed continuously, in an environment or a room that has been preheated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. This form of yoga can be quite strenuous as it takes almost 90 minutes, to complete the series of poses. Moreover, all the poses have to be performed in the hot environment. Therefore, one of the main hot yoga benefits is weight loss, since the body sweats profusely. Other benefits of Bikram Yoga include increased flexibility, agility, concentration and strength. This style of Yoga is also great for reducing stress and getting rid of tension in the body.

However, before taking up any form of Yoga or practicing any Yoga exercise, it is important to consult a doctor.

Alex Dsouza manages sites related to lifestyle, yoga and fitness. He has profound authority on teaching yoga poses like Power yoga for weight loss, hatha yoga, and other benefits of yoga exercises.

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Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is the technique of performing exercises under a certain set of rules along with a synchronized controlling of breath and meditation. Benefits of yoga are immense and you would come to know about them when you are actually carrying out the exercises on a regular basis. It will help you to get rid of the stresses of urban complex life and enhance the quality of life. The benefits of Yoga also include the process of anti-aging. The aging of the body is actually an auto-intoxication or self poisoning. By proper yoga you would be able to purify your mind and soul and lower down the rate of aging.

The following are the benefits of yoga.

Physiological Benefits

Yoga helps to keep the body disease free. Many fatal and painful diseases can be healed by performing various postures of yoga. Since yoga deals with the concept of controlling of breath, the attacks of asthma can be reduced to a great extent without consuming drugs. The practice of pranayama with simple postures is highly useful in getting rid of asthma.

With the aid of proper breathing techniques one can get cured from severe respiratory ailments as well. The alternate exercise and relaxation along with perfect yogic breathing would also help you reduce the level of hypertension and controlling of the blood pressure level.

You will also be able to bring control over physical pain with the help of yoga. The working out and relaxation of the muscles calm down the breathing and one feels stress free. The area of the sensation of pain in the brain regulates the spinal chord to secrete natural pain killers that manages the intensity of pain efficiently. Other physical ailments like back pain, arthritis and such can be cured by yoga. Yoga can also be an effective method of weight regulation.

Psychological Benefits

The psychological benefits include attaining of mental calmness and clarity of mind. Yogic exercises would help you in self-awareness and assessment of your both physical and psychological balance level. You will be able to overcome the feeling of anxiety and depression.

Studies have also revealed that yoga increases the concentration capacity of the brain. In fact the practice of breathing in through one nostril and breathing out of the other actually helps to build up a link between the two parts of the brain, the left and the right.

Through the art of yoga you are also able to direct the usage of your vital energy of you body and soul towards the right way.

Yoga also helps you to attain spiritual enlightenment. You will learn to dominate your sense of pride and encourage your willingness to acquire knowledge.

Isha in an expert in the field of yoga. She has keen interest in learning the art of yoga. You may search for a good Indian health aid guide to know the benefits of yoga.

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Meditation And Meditation Benefits

Broadly speaking meditation can be defined as a self induced change of state of mind for the purpose of heightening certain awareness or attention, or for emotional well being.

However, the narrower definitions vary according to the beliefs surrounding them.  As beliefs differ among different people, so the understanding and practice of meditation differ just as greatly.

Some of the more commonly known types of meditation tend to be the legacies of the Eastern religions, but there are aspects of it in many of the Western beliefs as well.

From prehistoric times, ritualistic repetitive movements and chants were discovered to induce a state of conscientiousness which was believed to appease the supernatural that they worshipped.  It usually went alongside offerings and sacrifices to the gods.

When it became apparent that these spiritual rituals seemed beneficial to the people who performed them, they began to change and develop them in order to realise the self, but generally still for religious purposes.

The Oriental religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism refined meditation as a means for achieving a higher state of spiritual growth and goodness.  The word for ‘meditate’ is ‘dhyana’ in Hinduism and Buddhism and is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘dhyai’.

The Western religions were divided in their approach to meditation.  Those that included repetitive words or actions formed one school of thought, while those that didn’t formed another.

The English meditation comes from the Latin ‘meditari’ which means ‘to think, contemplate, devise, ponder, meditate’.

The original Western Christian meditation was merely an aspect of worship that included reading, pondering, prayer and contemplation.  Although a deep calm and concentration was induced, no repetitions, specific postures or rituals were included.

Later in some branches of Christianity, there was a movement away from the more pragmatic type of Christianity towards an attempt at a mystic communion with God. This led to rituals, chanting, repetitive prayers and a euphoric state.

A modern and far more emotional approach in some churches has brought about deeply rhythmic music, clapping and swaying.  Supremely hypnotic states, such as ‘talking in tongues’ have emerged from the emotional states induced.

The Jewish and Islamic religions tended more towards the original Western style of prayer and meditation, but here also there were some groups such as the Jewish Kabbalah and Islamic Sufism that branched off towards the more Oriental form of mind control and meditation.

Today meditation is a world wide phenomenon and found in many forms.  It is practised less for religious purposes and more for the practical applications that it offers.

Most of us live in stressful environments.  In olden times stress came and went in small spurts throughout life.  Today it is just a steady day to day stream of stress pouring on most of us without let up.

This can be a disaster for our blood pressure, cardio-vascular systems, and just about everything else concerning our physical and mental health!   Wherever you find great stress pressures, there you find a desperate need for an island of peace and calm.

People are turning more and more towards meditation for a way to find that oasis in life.  There is ample medical evidence that prayer and meditation benefits have healing and soothing properties.

The tranquility and peace that you find in nature have much the same effect, but it is just not often available to people living in crowded cities, as most of us do.  The alternative as a newbie to meditation is to find out how to meditate for beginners, especially loving kindness meditation.  The world will be a better place for us and for everyone who knows us. includes sites related to meditation beneifts you can access from here and also How to Meditate For Beginners

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Yoga, Yoga Benefits, Yoga Types

Yoga is a health science being practiced since thousands of years by yogis as tool to unite the mind, body and spirit. It is a peaceful, energizing practice that will make an individual will feel more fit and energetic all the time. By practicing yoga a person gets more aware of his body posture, alignment and movement. It offers more flexibility to one’s body and helps to relax even in the midst of stressful environment.

To get the best of yoga one should practice the right yoga asanas to find harmony of mind and body and strength of body healing. When done with appropriate yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation, there are a number of psychological, physiological, health benefits of yoga.

There are different types of yoga which can either be practiced at home or at yoga centres providing yoga training for those who wish to learn different styles of yoga for bring in a positive energy in life. Learning yoga from experienced yoga teacher or yoga instructor can be the best way to learn yoga with perfection.

For intial yoga starters, Hatha yoga is the best. It is the foundation for all the other yoga styles. As yoga for beginners, it is easy to learn yoga exercise that requires people to go through a series of poses beginning with sun salutation for body warm up. The main aim of this yoga practice is to condition the body, so that mind can be prepared for its spiritual path. For building stamina and strength practicing power yoga or Ashtanga yoga is great as the pace involved with this will give you an intense aerobic workout as there will be no pausing between poses because each move flows into the next. More comprehensive form of this is Raja yoga which is today’s most complete, all-round yoga process for development of body, mind and soul. Based on the eight limbs called yama, niyama, yoga asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi this yoga leads one to “self-realisation. Every kind of yoga whether it is bikram yoga or vinyasa yoga or sivananda yoga has its own benefits and hence should be practiced regularly for all round body and mind fitness.

Himalayan Yoga Institute is a yoga and wellness institute offering yoga retreat holidays in India, yoga retreat holidays UK, yoga retreat holidays in Croatia for enjoying benefits of yoga while holidaying. It also offers yoga training certification and yoga teacher training to become certified yoga instructor. SEO services provided by Jigney Bhachech, CEO, Opal Infotech, India.

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Benefits Of Yoga

Stress is the number one suspect affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal and emotional system. And with the help of yoga this things can be corrected.

At the physical level, yoga and its cleansing practices have proven to be extremely effective for various disorders.

Listed below are just some of the benefits of yoga that you can get.

Benefits of Yoga 1: Yoga is known to increase flexibility; yoga has postures that
trigger the different joints of the body. Including those joints that are not acted upon with regular exercises routines.

Benefits of Yoga 2: Yoga also increases the lubrication of joints, ligament and
tendons. The well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and
ligaments of the body.

It has also been found that the body which may have started doing yoga being a rigid one may experience a quite remarkable flexibility in the end on those parts of the body which have not been consciously worked upon.

Benefits of Yoga 3: yoga also massages all organs of the body. Yoga is perhaps the only exercise that can work on through your internal organs in a thorough manner, including those that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime.

Benefits of Yoga 4: Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body parts. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder.

One of the far-reaching benefits of yoga is the uncanny sense of awareness that it develops in the practitioner of an impending health disorder or infection.

This in turn enables the person to take pre-emptive corrective action

Benefits of Yoga 5: yoga offers a complete detoxification of the body. It gently
stretches the muscles and joints as we;; as massaging the various organs, yoga
ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body.

This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny of your body as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed aging, energy and a remarkable zest for life.

Benefits of Yoga 6: yoga is also an excellent way to tone your muscles. Muscles
which have been flaccid and weak are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess fats and flaccidity.

But these enormous physical benefits are just a side effect of this powerful
practice. What yoga does is harmonize the mind with the body and these results in real quantum benefits.

It is now an open secret that the will of the mind has enabled people to achieve
extraordinary physical feats, which proves beyond doubt the mind and body

In fact yoga = meditation, because both work together in achieving the common
goal of unity of mind, body and spirit which can lead to an experience of eternal bliss that you can only feel through yoga.

The meditative practices through yoga help in achieving an emotional balance
through detachment.

This in turn creates a remarkable calmness and a positive outlook, which also has tremendous benefits on the physical health of the body.

More benefits of Yoga can be found here.

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Meditation | Benefits of Meditation

Meditation usually refers to a state in which the body is consciously relaxed and the mind is allowed to become calm and focused. Meditation is a highly effective technique that helps us to relax our bodies and minds at a very deep level, which in turn has many physical, mental and emotional benefits.

Benefits of Meditation:

we can relax and relieve from tension and stress.
we can improve health, boost the immune system and promote recovery.
we can improve our focus and concentration.
we can increase our creativity and cognitive function
we can develop self-awareness and promote personal growth

Meditation is a totally natural technique, which has been passed down from generation to generation, over thousands of years, by many different cultures and spiritual practices.

Meditation will take you on a journey like no other, the most exciting journey of them all. Benefits of meditaion is really amazing.  It is the key to a treasure chest of riches you can only just begin to imagine and you will discover  the most exciting treasure of all – YOU!

Why Do People Meditate?

People who are meditating will have many reasons and all of them are valid.

They have read or heard about the benefits of meditation and would like to improve their lives.
They are unhappy, tense, worried, sad, depressed, tired, bored, lonely, confused or upset about something.
To maintain or improve their physical health.
To relieve anxiety and stress.
To cope or improve better with daily life, family, work, money, friendship.
They have addiction problems.
They have suffered in life.
They feel lonely or empty.
Life has become meaningless.
For guidance and direction.
To increase spontaneity and creativity.
To experience greater joy and happiness.
To contemplate or develop a deeper understanding of their lives.
Because they are motivated by the continued benefits of meditation.
It is a part of their spiritual practice.
To find inner peace and contentment.
Because meditation is beautiful and relaxing.

Meditation is really a celebration of life.  provides healthy living tips for men, women and for some health care problem. Yoga postures to practice and get to healthy body, mind and soul.

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Health Benefits of Yoga

Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is meant to unite mind, body and soul. The benefits of yoga are extensive. Not only does yoga affect the physical aspect of the body, it addresses the mind and spirit as well. Daily exercises are a great way to help relieve the stress of your day and can bring a sense of well-being to your life. There are many types or asanas or mudras of yoga. Surya namaskar is one of them, and benefits of surya namaskar are many. There are various mudras in surya namaskar one of them is shashtanga mudra which increases flexibility in body.

Here are some of the benefits of yoga:
•  By gently stretching muscles and joints as well as massaging the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body. This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life.
•  We live in a world which is full of stress. This stress not only affects our body but mind too. Yoga can help reduce the effects of stress on body. One of the benefits of yoga is that it encourages relaxation and can lower the amount of cortisol in your body. Yoga rejuvenates your body and mind making you feel refreshed.
•  Performing yoga daily will increase your metabolism and hence will help in burning more fat deposits of body making you fitter and slimmer.
•  Yoga will help to lower your resting heart rate and increase your overall endurance. This is one of the important benefits of yoga to help improve the amount of oxygen taken in during the daily exercises.

•  If you have suffered from some kind of injury then yoga can help to gain strength especially in physical injury.
•  Meditation in yoga makes you feel calm and relaxed.

It helps in introspection and increases your ability to asses various problems that arises daily in personal and professional life.
•  Yoga involves deep, mindful breathing which can help lung capacity to improve. This in turn can improve sports performance and endurance.
•  Yoga can slow the aging process, increase a person’s sense of self-acceptance, or improve energy levels. If you get tired by the end of the day then yoga is just the thing for you, it will help in increasing your body endurance and will keep you fresh and rejuvenated throughout the day.

•  Yoga can help in curing chronic medical conditions, relieving symptoms of asthma, back pain, and arthritis, insomnia and multiple sclerosis.
Yoga has endless benefits but to gain more out of it you must perform yoga or at least take training first from a professional yoga instructor about the right postures and how to perform them. By doing this you won’t injure yourself while performing yoga.


The writer of this article is having a long term experience in the health, beauty and personal fitness, the writer is providing information about various Shashtanga Mudra and writes so many articles on Surya Namaskar Mudra, the writer is also answering the questions like Surya Namaskar Benefits.

Benefits Of Doing YOGA

Hey everyone! Today I was lucky enough to spend some time with Jessa, a yoga instructor, and she was sweet enough to answer some questions I had about yoga, …
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