Using Full Chakra Meditation Techniques : grounding meditation

This is a full-on visualization, and with chakra, the benefits of meditation should leave you feeling highly energized. Sitting comfortably, close your eyes and start to focus in on your breathing.

When you are feeling calm and centered, begin to visualize a lustrous ruby chakra spinning at the base of your torso. You may find that what you see in your mind’s eye is not a perfect red – don’t worry.

Imagine this chakra for as long as you like, then move on to the sacral chakra. Do the same with each one, moving up the body and finishing with the crown chakra. Try to visualize each spinning freely. You may find that the chakras you imagine are rough or wobbly. Try getting them to run smoothly. Let your mind’s eye repair them.

After you have finished visualizing the crown chakra, try imagining all of your chakras spinning at once.

Imagine a clean current of violet light snaking down through your chakras from above the crown and straight into the ground.

Let any negative energy out through the root chakra. Feel positive energy coming in through your crown chakra.

When you are ready, open your eyes. You should feel fully relaxed and highly energized at the same time.

Now it’s time for grounding – this will help bring you back to earth and able to use that extra energy you just built up in your normal life. Choose the method that most suits you.

Ways Of Grounding

Drinking a glass of water.
Having something to eat,
Having a shower.
Stamping your feet.
Having a catnap.

Meditation is a wonderful way to find deep relaxation and inner peace. Learning how to meditate is something you can do pretty much anywhere. Discover the simple yet highly effective meditation techniques that can bring tranquility to your life today.

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Healing With Guided Chakra Meditation Techniques

Meditation is fast emerging as one of the most powerful source of positive energy and healing. You learn to relax your mind and body and reach a peaceful state where the daily stress doesn’t let you go. However, just like any other practice, meditation too has different techniques that have been made so they tailor suit your needs as an individual. One of the most peaceful and powerful ways of meditation is Chakra Meditation. Before understanding chakra meditation techniques, you need to know how to locate the chakras in your body:

· Root Chakra – Coccyx or Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. Health and security are linked to this chakra. Color-Red

· Naval Chakra – Located at the naval abdomen, this chakra is responsible for the physical feelings of sexuality, love, pleasure and passion. Color – Orange

· Solar Plexus Chakra – Located below the chest and above the navel. Responsible for control and concentration along with will power. This chakra can be used to strengthen your internal energy so it can control the external energy. Color – Yellow

· Heart Chakra – This chakra is located at the center of your chest and focuses on love, care and understanding. This is responsible for the feelings of compassion, forgiveness, balance and harmony as well as the rare feelings of divine and unconditional love. Color – Green

· Throat Chakra – This is located in your throat area, between the top of the sternum and chin. Responsible for the power of communication. Knowledge, wisdom, kindness and honesty generate from this chakra. Color – Sky Blue

· Brow Chakra – This one is located right above your eyes on the forehead, popularly known as the “Third Eye” region. This chakra generates energy that is beyond physical realm. Insight, clairvoyance, imagination and intuition are related to this chakra. Color – Indigo

· Crown Chakra – Located right at the top of your head. This is responsible for your very consciousness of time and space as well as your sense of higher self. Color – Violet

Guided meditation is the best way to meditate as the person or the voice guiding you will help relax your mind and body with expertise. But you can practice chakra meditation techniques at home. Here is how:

· Chakra meditation doesn’t require you to sit with legs crossed. You can either sit or lie down but your back must be straight at both positions.

· Breathe in and out deeply, but unlike other forms of meditation, you don’t have to focus on regulating your breathing.

· Inhale and feel your breath traveling up and then down your spine when you exhale. Repeat the process till you feel rejuvenated.

· Begin with root chakra. Imagine the specified color and feel its energy. When you’ve felt and visualized the energy of the root chakra, move on to the naval chakra, so on and so forth. Repeat this for each of the seven chakras.

· Separate chakra crystals are available. You can buy them and hold the crystals for focus while going through the chakras.

Chakra meditation techniques are age old and proven to take away the stress from your body and help you understand your body and energy points better than anyone else. Practice daily till you reach a state where your perception of life changes and strengthens your soul.

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.

All About Guided Chakra Meditation

Many people today think that meditation is not something that they can do regularly, or not at all. Even though millions of Americans meditate every single day, there are still millions of those who believe that meditation is something that only priests and monks do. The reason why they think this is the fact that many people cannot even imagine reaching a state of mind and a body so relaxed to start meditating. While it is true that beginners often have a tough time reaching this state of relaxation and concentration, it is also important to mention that chakra meditation and guided meditation in general can help you achieve this state of relaxation by taking you to it step by step and telling you a story that will take you where you need to go.


Guided meditation is a form of meditation which is the best for those people who really want to start meditating and start cleansing their chakras, but simply cannot picture themselves, reaching the level of relaxation and focus needed for meditation. Basically, what guided meditation offers is exactly what its name promises – a guidance throughout the process of meditation. This is exactly what most people need when they start meditating. Most people need someone to talk to them in a soothing voice, someone who will be there to tell them what to do, how to relax, when to do what and so on.


Owing to the fact that chakra meditation is a form of meditation that lets you cleanse your chakras to reach a state in which your body and mind will be perfectly relaxed and ready for any challenge that lies ahead, many people are beginning to take up this type of meditation.

Now, most of these people are not able to clean their chakras without significant help from others who are much more experienced with the word of meditation and guided meditation has proven to be the best choice for all beginners in this field.


Guided chakra meditation is definitely something everyone who feels like they need to relax and cleanse their body and mind should take up, because through this type of meditation everybody will be able to focus only on what is important and stay focused throughout the period of time needed to cleanse the chakras each and every day, or week. Therefore, if you are thinking about taking up meditation, guided chakra meditation is something you should always start with.


Suzanne Eltink is a professional spiritual and personal development trainer. Her Angel Meditation has shown thousands of people the wonderful gifts of new information, re-connection, appreciation, clarity, acceptance and awareness which ultimately helped them to truly know themselves and to transcended these experiences and come to a place of Understanding and Higher Consciousness. Her aim is to focus on using your: inner feelings, Wisdom, Faith, Courage, self acceptance, confidence, Forgiveness and Unconditional Love through Guided Meditation.

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How Can You Benefit From Relaxation Meditation And Chakra Meditation : Forgiveness meditation

There have never been more ways for people to relax and enjoy their free time. The options go from relaxation meditation and chakra meditation to yoga classes. However, people are not familiar with these techniques and methods that are meant to help them relax and there are many different reasons for this. There are people who don’t have the time, there are those who don’t consider meditation to be helpful and there are people who would like to meditate, but don’t have enough information about how it is done. All of this is the result of the fact that meditation is not as widespread as it should be, in spite of the fact that there are many people who meditate on a regular basis.


Meditation is usually associated with an ascetic and spiritual lifestyle. Meditation connects body and soul and it helps people find a balance between these two. There are so many benefits to meditating and here are some of them. First and foremost, meditation is good for people’s mental health, as it helps them calm down and spend some much needed time quietly. There are usually CDs with music which helps people to concentrate on relaxing and this is why meditation is most commonly referred to as conscious relaxetion Meditation doesn’t require much – after you have decided to meditate, you need to find some time and a quiet place where no one will interrupt you. The next thing is turning on meditation music and devoting yourself to meditation.


Another benefit of meditation is the option of improving your health.

The key to successful meditation is to relax your body in order to empty your mind and start feeling relaxed. Some of the physical signs of meditation include relaxing your muscles and it is said that blood pressure is also decreased while meditating. All of this helps the body get rid of the stress levels of hormones in our bodies that are the main cause of stress are which are reduced significantly, but only after we manage to relax our whole body.


Relaxation meditation has been related to is the immune system. It is a well known fact that stress can affect one’s immune system. Owing to the fact that one of the main goals of meditation is to relieve stress, meditating can help people boost the immune system. Finally, meditation helps people feel energetic and full of energy.

Suzanne Eltink is a professional spiritual and personal development trainer. Her Angel Meditation has shown thousands of people the wonderful gifts of new information, re-connection, appreciation, clarity, acceptance and awareness which ultimately helped them to truly know themselves and to transcended these experiences and come to a place of Understanding and Higher Consciousness. Her aim is to focus on using your: inner feelings, Wisdom, Faith, Courage, self acceptance, confidence, Forgiveness and Unconditional Love through Guided Meditation.

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