Simple Meditation Techniques for De-Stressing for Beginners

Article by Rockeysheen01

Meditation has come up as a very successful means of curing stress and anxiety. It has become very popular among people who have a natural tendency to become anxious or have a very stressful life and/or work. There are a thousand meditation techniques and each has its specific use and advantages. But not all are recommended for the beginners. They do not have the agility and the flexibility to practice them all. Therefore, it is best for them to follow some simple meditation techniques for beginners. Three of the most simple meditation techniques are being discussed below.Concentration TechniqueThis is a very simple method of meditation. All you need to do here is to sit in a place where no one will disturb you at least for a couple of an hour. Sit quietly and try to free your mind of all the worldly concerns and focus all your attention on a specific object. It could be anything, a burning candle, or an image or even an object. Sometimes it might become difficult for a beginner to clear the mind of all the other things. In that case, you can close your eyes and try to recreate the image of the object in your mind.Breathing techniqueIf you think that an outside object will further distract you, then you can follow this method of meditation. For this you have to sit as described above. But instead of concentrating on an outside object, you have to focus your attention on your breathing. Take in a deep breath and then exhale slowly. As you exhale imagine yourself releasing all the bad energies in your body. Make sure that when you inhale your chest inflates and during exhaling the stomach deflates. Keep doing this as long as you do not feel your mind calming and relaxing. You can begin by doing it for 20 minutes and increasing it gradually.Guided meditationIf all else fails then you can take the help of a person or a meditational aid like a recorded CD. There are specially recorded CDs such as Hemi Sync which make use of sound waves to help you concentrate. But if you think that music will further distract you, then this is not for you. In that case, you can join a meditation class. There you will have a trained master to coach you about the best meditation techniques for beginners.

About the Author

This Article on Hemi Sync is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on meditation techniques for beginnersmeditation for beginners and different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

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