What is meditation ?

Article by Rata

Why Do People Meditate?

Meditation usually refers to a state in which the body is consciously relaxed and the mind is allowed to become calm and focused. Several major religions include ritual meditation; however, meditation itself need not be a religious or spiritual activity. Most of the more popular systems of meditation are of Eastern origin, though there exists also various forms of Christian, Jewish and Muslim meditation. Above we have three definitions that try to define what meditation is, and I could provably add several more in an attempt to truly convey the depth and breadth of what meditation is.For our purpose of learning here, meditation is a highly effective technique that helps us to relax our bodies and minds at a very deep level, which in turn has many physical, mental and emotional benefits as you will discover in the following chapters.Meditation is both a technique and an experience, for it also allows us to develop a deeper understanding of our lives and be on a path to a more meaningful, happy, balanced. and relaxed life. Meditation is an excellent tool for self-development and actualisation, raising our lives to higher levels of personal satisfaction. It also teaches us better ways of dealing with the myriad of problems and stresses of our daily lives.

Meditation is a totally natural technique, which has been passed down from generation to generation, over thousands of years, by many different cultures and spiritual practices.Made popular again in western culture during the 60’s and 70’s by the Beatles and visiting eastern mystics and guru’s, meditation has been scientifically studied and tested for the last 40 years, which in turn has led to a greater understanding and refining of many ofthe eastern techniques to suit a western culture and practice. More recently, this has led to an examination of the techniques and accompanying philosophy, making meditation even

It is not necessary to live a life of suffering and pain, to be trapped by dysfunctional behaviour from reaching your full potential. You can experience joy, love, inner calm peace, better health and a life of abundance where you truly are the creator of your life and master of your destiny.Meditation will take you on a journey like no other, the most exciting journey of them all. It is the key to a treasure chest of riches you can only just begin to imagine and you will discover the most exciting treasure of all – YOU!People meditate for many, many reasons and all of them are valid.They have read or heard about the benefits of meditation and would like to improve their lives.Because they are curious and would like to know more. They are unhappy, tense, worried, sad, depressed, tired, bored, lonely, confused or upset about something. To improve or maintain their physical health.To relieve stress and anxiety.To improve or cope better with daily life, family, work, money, friendship.To improve relationships with loved ones, work colleagues, friends.They have addiction problems. They have relationship problems They are grieving for a loved one or departed friend. They have suffered in life. They feel lonely or empty.Life has become meaningless For guidance and direction. To develop greater awareness. To increase creativity and spontaneity. To experience greater joy and happiness. To contemplate or develop a deeper understanding of their lives.

As you can see, there are as many reasons to meditate as they are people who meditate and we could add several more to the list here.Meditation is one of the most effective, safe and natural self help tools we can use to develop the true potential of our minds and correct our dysfunctional thinking and improve our mental and physical well being. Meditation is about having more life.Meditation is a celebration of life!

About the Author

Rata a professianl writer , it provides the high quality products, such as medical cushion, China medical crutch, finger splint@cervical collar suppliersc, and many more.