How Music Makes Meditation Better : meditation music

Have you noticed how good music does wonders in all aspects, how it makes chores easier, time quicker, exercise less tiring, working more fun, and so on? We hear music wherever we go, especially in places where wellness is the primary concern and goal, like the gym, a spa, and Yoga classes. Research shows that music has a profound effect on the body and the mind. Music in general promotes ease, calmness, and freedom from sadness and mental and physical tensions.

But what has it got to do with meditating? Meditation is a personal devotion and mental excursion that serves to improve one’s over all wellness and spirituality. It is often understood as simply sitting for a really long time trying to get the mind on tabula rasa (blank). But for the sake of being able to concentrate, most people use mantras (chanting holy words) during the meditative process. Other practitioners use prayers beads similar to the Holy Rosary. Some meditation teachers think mantras are for cheaters, those who cannot relax their minds without having to use words as a distraction from other thoughts. But for those who do not have the luxury of sitting on a hilltop in front of a stunning view and meditating in “Buddha” position for hours, they use meditation music. To many, it’s considered instant meditation. But meditation music also has its own benefits.

Research shows that music arouses brainwaves causing them to sync with the rhythm. With faster beats, sharper concentration and alertness is promoted. With a slower tempo, calmness or a meditative state is being promoted. Music aids in the meditative process and helps you complete the whole practice, thereby allowing you to benefit from the activity.

Meditation music also promotes the whole brain functioning, wherein the left and right brain hemispheres are made to commune with each other. Meditation music also gives the brain the ability to withstand more and harder stresses. And by actively promoting optimism or a positive state of mind, depression and anxiety are kept at bay. Which type of music is good for meditation? There are a lot which you can download online, but you should pick audio programs that are really designed for deep meditative purposes.

Meditation Music helps you go through the steps of meditation slowly and attain a complete meditative experience visit

How Can You Benefit From Relaxation Meditation And Chakra Meditation : Forgiveness meditation

There have never been more ways for people to relax and enjoy their free time. The options go from relaxation meditation and chakra meditation to yoga classes. However, people are not familiar with these techniques and methods that are meant to help them relax and there are many different reasons for this. There are people who don’t have the time, there are those who don’t consider meditation to be helpful and there are people who would like to meditate, but don’t have enough information about how it is done. All of this is the result of the fact that meditation is not as widespread as it should be, in spite of the fact that there are many people who meditate on a regular basis.


Meditation is usually associated with an ascetic and spiritual lifestyle. Meditation connects body and soul and it helps people find a balance between these two. There are so many benefits to meditating and here are some of them. First and foremost, meditation is good for people’s mental health, as it helps them calm down and spend some much needed time quietly. There are usually CDs with music which helps people to concentrate on relaxing and this is why meditation is most commonly referred to as conscious relaxetion Meditation doesn’t require much – after you have decided to meditate, you need to find some time and a quiet place where no one will interrupt you. The next thing is turning on meditation music and devoting yourself to meditation.


Another benefit of meditation is the option of improving your health.

The key to successful meditation is to relax your body in order to empty your mind and start feeling relaxed. Some of the physical signs of meditation include relaxing your muscles and it is said that blood pressure is also decreased while meditating. All of this helps the body get rid of the stress levels of hormones in our bodies that are the main cause of stress are which are reduced significantly, but only after we manage to relax our whole body.


Relaxation meditation has been related to is the immune system. It is a well known fact that stress can affect one’s immune system. Owing to the fact that one of the main goals of meditation is to relieve stress, meditating can help people boost the immune system. Finally, meditation helps people feel energetic and full of energy.

Suzanne Eltink is a professional spiritual and personal development trainer. Her Angel Meditation has shown thousands of people the wonderful gifts of new information, re-connection, appreciation, clarity, acceptance and awareness which ultimately helped them to truly know themselves and to transcended these experiences and come to a place of Understanding and Higher Consciousness. Her aim is to focus on using your: inner feelings, Wisdom, Faith, Courage, self acceptance, confidence, Forgiveness and Unconditional Love through Guided Meditation.

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