Video : Guided Breathing Meditation (5 Minutes) by Diana Winston

Video : Guided Breathing Meditation (5 Minutes) by Diana Winston

Meditation Breathing : In 2011, I had the opportunity to work with and learn mindful awaren…

Meditation is one of the best known techniques for so many reasons. It is widely used because of the fact that it helps a person feel relieved from stress. Some use it for enlightenment to clear their minds, others to get the feeling of rejuvenation and many more others. There are actually a variety of ways to meditate and one of which is called Breathing Meditation. This very simple way of meditating is easy to do that even beginners can get a hold of it. Here are the steps on how it is done.

First of all you need to condition your mind when you do this. You must have that inner peace in order to fully appreciate the benefits that you can get out of it. Perhaps the best way to achieve inner peace is to relax. Clearing our minds can be quite a challenge as our thoughts naturally wander but when this happens allow your mind to ponder on them passively and just let things flow naturally.

In order to be able to place attention and focus to it, you need to look for a place where it is quiet and free from distraction. Because distractions are inevitable, you can acknowledge it but be passive of it so you can focus to meditating.

You make sure that when you are ready, you sit down on the floor or sit on a mat with your legs crossed and a straight back so as not to fall asleep. You now close your eyes and slowly focus on your breathing. Concentrate on how the fresh air enters your body starting from your nose feeling it towards your lungs and out of your body again.

Start by taking in slow and long deep breaths. Whenever you breathe out, think of it as how your body with the help of the air takes out all those negativity and cleanse you physically and spiritually. As you take in the air, hold it for a second or two and then release. After this, repeat the entire process again for about five to ten times. When you feel that you have done all that you need, you can slowly part your thoughts from meditating and go back to the real world. Do this by slowly allowing those things you ponder on to enter your mind and just listen to the things around you. When things are settled in your thoughts, open your eyes and just indulge over the feeling of being refreshed.

Notice how your body feels lighter and your thoughts much clearer. This only takes a few minutes and you can do it whenever you the need. You can do this whether you’re at home, at work, at your car or just about anywhere. It is so easy that even your kids can practice it too. The technique here is to make sure that you know the purpose of your meditation this way; you can really gauge its effectiveness. For sure, most of you would agree that breathing is one of the most essential tools to stay alive yet is taken for granted. With breathing meditation, you will be able to really appreciate it.

There are lots of other ways on how Meditation for Beginners can be done and followed. Breathing Meditation for beginners could be just what you are looking for.

Meditation Breathing

Meditation Breathing Video :

Video : Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Audiobook Review

Video : Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Audiobook Review

Spiritual Lessons :

Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Audiobook Review!-7-spiritual-lessons-on-female-power-positive-thinking-unabridged/ In this audiobook of womens wisdom, R…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Spiritual coaching is all about awakening your inner self and spirit. If you feel that you have lost your ‘self’ and want to regain it then seek spiritual teaching today. No wonder, hiring a spiritual teacher would certainly help you reach your ultimate goal. He will teach how to drive your life towards success and get back your lost self. In fact the coach will make you realize your existence on earth and help you create a new self through the spiritual teaching. No matter what, but hiring a specialized spiritual coach is of course one of the best steps of your life.

Spiritual lessons are taught by trained professionals who have years of experience and knowledge in such teachings. A trainer in fact lay out the principles and facts to the apprentice and accordingly trains him. First and foremost the coach would talk to you, observe you, know what you are lacking, analyze you and accordingly propose the ideal treatments. It is true that without an expert life coach you can never proceed with the practice of spirituality.

Always remember that spiritual lessons cannot be forced into unless the candidate or the learner is eager to imbibe it with belief. To be precise, a spiritual coach is needed when a person becomes a frictionless recipient of HIS grace. This is where another human is required, who is usually termed to be as a spiritual teacher. The coaches are in fact considered to be the mouthpiece of the Holy SPIRIT. They use their 3 primary tools to encourage you to practice spirituality.

We all know that there is a definite purpose behind everyone’s existence on this earth. To be honest, gifted are those humans who can realize their purpose and accordingly live towards accomplishing it.

However, if you feel that you are unable to realize your purpose behind your survival then seek a life coach today. Whatever problems you are going through, the coach would always be there by your side and help you nourish your spirit and lost self.

No matter what, but staying happy and contended in very important if you really care about yourself and of course others as well. If you are unable to achieve your goal, do hire a spiritual coach and learn the secret of happiness from him today. Truly, life has many things to offer but hardly people can realize it and then moves to a wrong direction. Spiritual coaching must be provided to people in order to make them realize how exactly life treats them. No wonder, this kind of initiative approach would certainly help you step forward to success.

In order to achieve your goals, it is very important to know the right way to success. Whether it is business or personal life, everywhere you ought to be balanced in order keep up with the pace. When you feel disgusted or go wrong, this is the place where you must seek spiritual coaches to deliver spiritual coaching.

There are lot more things to learn about spiritual coaching. To know what a life coach is, please visit

Spiritual Lessons

Spiritual Lessons Video :

Looking for the middle ground

If you are like most people, finding a balance among all the demands of life can be very challenging. The good news is that it is possible, once you understanding the process of finding balances. Work-life balance is about finding the critical balance point between work and personal commitments. This process looks different for each person, and it looks different at the various stages of life. The effects of work-life imbalance are well-documented : frustration, anxiety, depression, stress, illness brought on by lack of self-care and more. When out of balance, one is also more likely to use substances to compensate- more food, more sugar, more alcohol or more prescription drugs. How do you turn this around?

Be aware

As with all types of change, the first step is to know where you are. Are you aware of being out of whack but aren’t sure why? Perhaps you know in which area you are out of kilter but you don’t know what to do about it.

Find support

Second, you need to know who is there to support you in making changes. Do you need to enrol your boss and propose flexi-time or telecommuting? Do you need to ask your family to help out with responsibilities? Do you need a life coach to keep you motivated and focused?

Set limits.

Next, take a look at your personal boundaries. Are you a people pleaser who always says “yes” to every request? Do you offer to help others at the expense of your own time and stress? You may need to learn how to say “no” and disentangle yourself from obligations you agreed to for the wrong reasons. It is both your right and your responsibility to choose how you spend your time and energy.


The next step is to review all your current obligations as well as those things you would like to include in your life. The list may include self-care, hobbies, home and car maintenance, family obligations, time for yourself and others, social obligations ( as well as socialising for fun ), travel, classes , organisations, community and volunteer efforts, education, health, work and, of course, sleep. Now determine the actual time spent and the desired time spent on each of those activities. You may find quite a disparity between the two. Your goal is to begin working towards the desired time allotment instead of how you spend it now. Prioritise your activities and find ways to delegate, automate or deal with what is not essential. You may decide to lower your standards for house-cleaning, negotiate for flexi-time at work or find a new job altogether.

Create breathing space.

You need to find ways to build decompression space into your day. This will provide you with opportunities to regenerate, clear your mind and keep stress at manageable levels. Daily meditation has been found to have beneficial results in balancing both hemispheres of the brain. You can also de-stress by simply stepping away from your desk and changing your surroundings while taking deep breaths to calm yourself.


Meditation – How to Prepare : How to Meditate

Preparation is the key to so many things, meditation included. In order to get the best benefits from your guided meditation it is necessary to create the right environment.

* Choose a quiet place:

To get the most from your guided meditation choose a quiet place where you will be able to listen without any distracting noises.
You may choose to listen through headphones or speakers, which ever suits you best.
Remember get the volume right first before you settle down to your guided meditation.

* Ensure you will be comfortable:

Staying still in one place is much easier when you are totally comfortable.
Listening to guided meditations whilst lying down either flat, for example on a bed, or propped up slightly on your sofa is the best way to relax your body.
It is also important to be at a comfortable temperature for you.
You may want to heat the room, cover yourself with a blanket or pop some warm socks on.
Remember to wear something comfortable, nothing too tight or restricting.

* Do not disturb:

Organise your meditation time without disturbances. Maybe when you are on your own or when the kids are asleep.
You may also want to put a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door and let people know that you do not want to be disturbed and for how long.

* Lighting:

Make sure the lighting is suitable for you.
Close the curtains if you wish, light a candle or put on a soft table lamp. Experiment and get it right for you.

* Be in the right frame of mind:

Although guided meditations will calm and relax you it is still important to be in the right frame of mind when you begin.
You will not get the most from your guided meditation if you are angry, upset or rushed and constantly thinking other thoughts.
Maybe take a short walk first or shake each leg and arm several times and shake off those lingering negative emotions.

* Rehydrate:

Have a glass of water ready for when you finish your guided meditation.
Take a moment after opening your eyes to relax and drink the water slowly.

* When is a good time?:

Think about when is a good time to do your guided meditation.
You won’t want to be rushing around straight afterwards, maybe last thing at night is good for you or schedule in time when you get home from work.

How often is up to you.

What feels right for you and remember as with all habits this will all come naturally the more you practice.

A little bit about who we are…

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Video : Mindfulness Meditation Track 8 – The Three Minute Breathing Space : Meditation Breathing

Video : Mindfulness Meditation Track 8 – The Three Minute Breathing Space : Meditation Breathing

Meditation Breathing :

Mindfulness Meditation Track 8 - The Three Minute Breathing Space

The final track from the Mindfulness Meditation CD which accompanies this wonderful book. A very short track to be used in conjunction with the other tracks …
Video Rating: 5 / 5

While you sit and breathe, you must focus on each chakra individually. This means you should focus your attention and mind on the specific area of your body wherein the chakra is located. Do this for a few minutes while you breathe in and out normally.

After a few minutes, begin to visualize the chakra you are focusing on and begin to see it becoming brighter and brighter and more golden in color. Think of it as a jar that is being filled up with a golden bright nectar. Do this for each chakra individually.

It is important that you practice chakra breathing meditation at least once a month. The more frequently you practice it, the faster you will feel results in yourself. You will feel more energy and more love towards yourself and others. As you balance your chakras through the use of chakra breathing meditation and chakra meditation binaural beats, you’ll allow energy to flow freely inside of you, energy that has been stuck in different areas of your body for years.

Once you let go of those negative energies and allow positive, healthy, new energy to flow freely inside of you, you will see a huge change in your life, in yourself, and in the way you see life in general.

Doing chakra breathing meditation with binaural beats, you can attract health, success, prosperity, love, and a soul mate. You can also heal yourself of emotional wounds that you have been carrying around with you throughout the years. Go ahead and try it right now, I can tell you that personally, ever since I started doing chakra breathing meditation with binaural beats, it has been absolutely amazing.

I feel much more at peace, happier in general, have a more positive outlook on life, and have even made new friends! My husband and I could not be happier with each other either!

Sonia Gallagher is a recovering attorney who now publishes information on meditation in an easy to understand, plain English manner. After practicing in one of the most stressful professions in the US, she now shares her experience with everyone looking to find relaxation and tranquility through meditation. Make sure to read The Biggest List of Free Guided Meditation Videos Available on the Internet and to learn which type of meditation music is best to incorporate into your meditation practice.

Meditation Breathing

Meditation Breathing Video :

Meditation As Medication Medication Meditation : free guided meditation

Take a deep breath…
Inhale deeply and feel the air filling your lungs, expanding your abdomen…
Let your exhale be relaxed and slow…

How did that feel? If you noticed your shoulders dropping or your face muscles releasing, you’ve already started to reap the fruits of meditation.
We all know that sitting down, being silent, and breathing deeply can calm the mind. However, research shows that meditation can also powerfully enhance physical health. In a West Virginia University study on “mindfulness” – the meditative practice of bringing attention to the present moment – participants experienced an average 54 percent drop in psychological distress, and a 46 percent decrease in medical symptoms. Meditation can increase blood flow, slow heart rate, normalize blood pressure, improve sleep, and boost immunity. It’s even been shown to increase serotonin levels (which relieve depression), and to slow the progression of HIV. How is this possible? What exactly is happening in a body that meditates?
In meditation, healthy breathing is both a means and an end.
Many of us hold our breath or breathe shallowly when we’re stressed. Breath-holding deprives us of oxygen, a key player in the body’s production of ATP energy – the fuel we need to function in daily life. Without enough oxygen, we physically can’t produce energy.
Breathing also feeds our muscles and clears out carbon dioxide. Simply by resting our awareness on breathing, a meditator can regulate and slow the respiratory rate and give cells a plentiful supply of the air they need. As it calms the body and mind, meditation helps de-activate the sympathetic, “fight or flight” nervous system. The sympathetic mode is triggered by danger or stress. It doesn’t care if we’re being chased by a tiger or rushing to meet a deadline; it literally gets us ready to run. It pumps out adrenaline, speeds heart rate and breathing, raises blood pressure, and shuts down digestion and reproduction.
Because of our stress, many of us are stuck in perpetual fight-or-flight overdrive – making ourselves candidates for adrenal exhaustion, insomnia, infertility, stroke, and heart attack.
Meditation gives us a break from stress and allows the parasympathetic, “rest and digest” system to take its turn. Meditation also has the power to alter brain chemistry. Neuroscientist Richard Davidson conducted brain scan tests on Tibetan monks who were long-term meditators, and found “unusually powerful gamma waves” associated with higher levels of focus, memory and learning ability. “Longtime practitioners (of meditation) showed brain activation on a scale we have never seen before,” said Davidson, who detected a high level of activity in the monks’ left prefrontal cortex – the brain region associated with happiness and positive emotions. “Their mental practice is having an effect on the brain in the same way golf or tennis practice will enhance performance… the trained mind, or brain, is physically different from the untrained one.
Meditation shines a light on the body and its sensations.
“The goal of mindfulness is for you to be more aware, more in touch with life and whatever is happening in your own body and mind at the time it is happening – that is, the present moment,” explains psychologist Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center. Meditators are more likely to notice what’s happening in their bodies and more aware of illness as soon as it appears. Over time, meditation also helps to ease the fears and anxieties that tend to feed on disease, so a meditator may be able to handle illness and aging with more stability and calm. Whether our meditation rests on awareness of breathing, yogic movement, or visualizations of golden light, we are making an investment in our physical well-being. So take another deep breath. Consider it a deposit into your long-term health savings!

Joanne & Laurence Wright at Meditation As Medication offer an alternative to conventional means of self medication.
Meditation can literally be used as Medication for wide range of physical, emotional and spiritual problems. If you would like to learn to meditate but don’t know where to start? then …
START HERE !! http:/

We are giving away a FREE DOWNLOAD of a 20 minute guided meditation. This will teach you the basics of meditating FREE !

Meditation and Yoga Tips

There are many ways to improve the quality of your life, but one that you may not have thought of is that of meditation.  Some don’t believe it can offer them benefits but there is one thing that meditation and yoga can definitely provide to you:  the ability to relax.

Yoga is a great tool for both exercise and relaxation.  Both meditation and yoga have been shown to provide improvements for those that are in need of stress relief.  And, when you learn how to do them effectively, it takes minutes a day to wash away your stresses.

So, how does this fit into your lifestyle fitness plan?  It’s simple.  You need to spend ten minutes each day, usually before breakfast, quietly meditating or doing yoga.  Ten minutes per day is all that it takes to see significant improvement in your overall well being. 

When you take into account all the things that you are doing in the morning you may not think you have time.  But, again, invest the time for a couple of weeks and you are sure to see the improvements quickly and they will not be such a demanding time taker.

You can learn how to do either meditation or yoga (or both if you like) easily.  Some people are familiar with it enough that they can learn how to do is through at home study.  It’s often a better solution, though to learn with others through a professional. 

Get together with a friend and take a class at your local recreation center or your community college.  You’ll find that once you learn the technique you can do the process on your own, easily.

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Hobbies For Stress Relief : stress relief

Our lives are constantly full….work, children, household chores….it seems like we never have a chance to stop.  There does come a time when we should, though, for our own physical and emotional health.  Unfortunately most of us end up vegging out in front of the TV or computer for hours on end, which isn’t exactly healthy either.

What we all need is a hobby, a distraction from everyday life that we can lose ourselves in, something that we do well and can be proud of.  Something that we can turn to and tune out the stress and drama of everyday life.

For this author, I find solace in modeling, namely planes, ships, and classic science fiction spacecraft.  I always enjoyed it as a kid, but as an adult it takes on an additional challenge, namely learning how to create convincing paint finishes, weathering, and other nuances designed to create a sense of realism.  It is a hobby that I can easily end up spending hours and hours on before I realize the time has passed.

Of course there are other schools of thought, and you are limited only by your imagination.  There are no right or wrong hobbies, just that which appeals to you and gives you a sense of satisfaction.  Some of the more popular hobbies include…

Gardening.  I know it’s almost a cliché’, but gardening remains one of the most popular pastimes out there, allowing you to create beautiful surroundings or grow your own food, depending on the direction you decide to go.

Photography.  If I were going to take up a new hobby, it would be photography.  Once you get past the expense of buying a decent camera, it’s not an expensive endeavor.  You can do something as pedestrian as portrait shooting or you can really get into the artistic end of things and become the next Ansel Adams.  You may begin seeing the world through the eyes of a camera lens, which suddenly makes everything beautiful in its own way.

Puzzles.  While I have never been crazy about puzzles (anything beyond the Barney The Dinosaur four piece sets would drive me out of my skull in about fifteen minutes), many people see them as a nice relaxing way to spend an hour or so.  Buying one with enough pieces can serve to keep you distracted for days if you are so inclined.

Drawing/Painting.  These allow you to process emotions by putting them down on paper in a physical representation.  If you really have talent the end result may be something extraordinarily beautiful that you can call your own.

Scrapbooking.  This tends to be more of a ladies thing, but it does successfully combine artistry and journalism to create a wonderful representation of your life as it was.

Scrapbooking is  very much a social pastime, with entire clubs springing up in a given community where people can get together and indulge.

Collecting.  It doesn’t matter what.  Some people collect record albums, others collect stamps, pez dispensers, coins, sharks’ teeth, rocks, toys, dolls, Coke paraphernalia, whatever floats your boat is fair game to be collected.

Of course not every hobby has to be something normal or every day.  There are some truly odd hobbies out there that are decidedly out in left field.

Taphophilia.  This is the passion for and enjoyment of cemeteries.  This involves epitaphs, gravestone rubbing, photography, or the history of famous deaths.

Beetle Fighting.  Don’t laugh.  There are entire breeds of beetles that have bed tempers and will fight at a moment’s notice.  Some people enjoy catching such bugs and holding combat tournaments.

Carving egg shells.  This actually dates back several hundred years,  where egg shells may be painted or the egg emptied and the shell carved out to create something unusual and unique.

Noodling, also known as grabbling, involves going into a lake or river and poking around in holes looking for catfish.  Once one is located and it grabs onto your hand, the idea is to wrestle it to the surface and onto dry land.  Of course this hobby is rife with danger, as many a noodle has unwittingly grabbed onto a snapping turtle capable of inflicting serious injury.

So take time out to enjoy yourself.  Go find a hobby.


Billy D Ritchie is the Director Of Content for LeadsByFone, LLC, a lead generation company servicing the mold removal and water damage restoration industry.

When not writing and educating folks about the perils of water damage, he is also a freelance writer, sometime actor, and formerly professional musician.  He also enjoys spending his weekends building and flying model rockets.

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