Success Secrets of Christian Meditation–You Will Meditate as God Meant

All you need to try and do to succeed is to update your life with the thoughts of God by meditating on the word of God. There is no method you’ll fail incubating the same intellectually artistic and productive thoughts that fashioned the universe. “Tell me the mind of God and all different things are details,” says Albert Einstein.
“The secret of being a wise person is to meditate on God’s word daily, not simply scan it. Through meditation on God’s Word, I learned God’s answers to life’s most vital queries: Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What did God design me for? It’s all in the Word.” –Dr. Rick Warren
Biblical meditation is what creates non secular knowledge and knowledge is the foundation of wealth, witty inventions and addressing all affairs of life. Yes, the laws of life are laws of success. You cannot divorce a lifetime of inspiration from aspiration in life. “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. however thou shall mediate therein day and night; that thou could observe to do consistent with what is written therein; for then thou shall make your approach prosperous and thou shall have sensible success” –Joshua 1:eight
This is often the success recommendation that God gave Joshua and subsequent generation of Christians. You notice that this verse on meditation is the only place prosperity and success is mentioned together in the whole Bible.
To many Christians, when they hear regarding meditation, their mind is closed as a result of they suppose of what they see on TV and also the secular media. The image they have of meditation is Eastern mysticism and new age garbage. It’s higher to lightweight the candle of Christian meditation than to quench the fireplace of New Age meditation.

Little question, the God kind of meditation is Biblical meditation. And also the bedrock or entry point of Biblical meditation is that the word of God. Yes, the Christian mantra is taken from the Scriptures and not a meaningless phrase from an eccentric guru.
Biblical meditation is the flexibility to plant, and cultivate the word of God within the garden of your heart for inventive and productive living. Because life is measured in thoughts, no matter you meditate is what you manifest. what you visualize, is what you materialize. Thus, biblical meditation is the most powerful approach to manifest and possess your divine inheritance.
Words manufacture images and therefore the soul must assume in pictures. To manifest God’s promises, the Word should become flesh. It’s not enough to dream; you must convert the dream into reality through meditation. The method of meditation is to dream, visualize, incubate and hatch.
I’ve got devised an acronym to help you meditate and manifest any promise in the word of God. Call it MR. AM (Meditation, Revelation, Application, Manifestation).
So using the Word of God as the mantra or focus phrase of Biblical Meditation, let’s breakdown the higher than meditation process into 7 parts of Christian meditation:
Localization, Personalization, memorization, verbalization, visualization, Internalization and materialization (manifestation).
My next discourse can make a case for, expound, and expose the 7 components of Christian meditation.

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Christian Meditation and Hearing God’s Voice : christian meditation

One of the number one questions Christians ask today is, “How do we hear God’s voice? How do we know when God is speaking to us or when it’s just our own thinking?” Christians desperately want to hear from God and know Him in an intimate and personal way. They want to know His voice from amongst their own mental clanging and clutter. Some believers get discouraged and believe that God has nothing to say to them which makes them feel unloved or inferior.

The good news is that God does speak to His children. He did throughout the Old Testament, the New Testament, and He does today. How do we know this for sure? Because the scriptures tell us that God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. However, as the years progress it appears that God’s voice has become more subtle. Rarely do you hear people saying that God spoke to them in an audible voice, like he did with Noah and Moses. We don’t seem to have as many anointed prophets that impart God’s heart to use as with Samuel, Elisha, and Elijah.

For these days and times, God generally speaks to his children through the Holy Spirit deep inside the intricate parts of their heart. Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice. If you have ever been to a sheep farm, you can see the sheep grazing quietly as they move from one spot to the next.

Yes, God does talk to us but the real problem is that many of us are hard of hearing. We can’t hear God because our own mental chatter, mindset, and incessant thinking crowds out what God may be trying to say to us. If our minds are filled up with mental mind stuff, is there any room for the quiet yearnings of God.

Therefore the first step to hearing God more clearly is to quiet our minds and the only way to do this is through practicing some form of meditation.

Now don’t stop reading or get scared because meditation is just a tool used to quiet our minds and Christian meditation fills our quiet minds with God.

Whenever God spoke to his people, it was generally through a still small voice or a whisper. In fact, when God speaks, people say it’s often like a knowing in your heart and mind. It’s not always words. I believe it’s through the unity of the spirit that we connect with God in a personal way. Jesus said, I only do what I hear the Father telling me to do. That means there was a constant fellowshipping going on between Jesus and the Father.

God wants us to have that constant communication as well, but first we must learn to become still and quiet our minds so we can hear God speaking to us. It’s generally not going to happen during the hustle and bustle of daily living. We must make an effort to stop and spend some time regularly just hanging out with the Lord.

The more control you get over your own thoughts, the more you will be able to differentiate them from God’s. Also, God’s thoughts will always line up with is Word so it is equally important to spend time reading the scriptures. Little by little begin to act upon the unctions in your heart. If your heart tells you to do something good or that will bless someone and then a few seconds later you try and talk yourself out of it, that’s you talking. Often, it is the first thought that seems to come out of nowhere that is God speaking to us. After that, we begin to rationalize our way out of being obedient or responding.

Practicing Christ-centered or Biblical meditation can help you to bring stillness to your thoughts so you can begin to discern God’s voice more clearly.

Rhonda Jones is the author of a series of Christian meditation and relaxation CDs that encourages listeners to relax, spend more quality time with God, and learn to live more consciously and in the present. Please visit her website at for additional information.

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Focus On Christian Meditation For Relaxation : christian meditation

People used to assume that Christian Meditation is similar to the other traditional methods of meditation practically but when you go in to it in detail then you will realize that it is quite different from others. This meditation method focuses on filling the soul from inside with the name of God and in traditional methods aims to empty the soul with the purpose of gaining the desired state of mind. In this kind of meditation you will come to know how to learn and practice the preaching of God to be a good hearted human being while in other methods people just keep on taking the help of mantras to be in a good state of mind. In Christian Meditation it happens generally three times when you can feel the presence of God around you and you can remember good thoughts such as when you sleep in night, when you wake up in the morning and last but not the least in your free time of peace.

If you want to enrich your soul then choose to adopt the techniques of Christian Meditation because it can simply take you to the world of God and fulfill your soul with positive thoughts and if you will go for any other kind of meditation then it can only bring your mind in a desired state but it can not make you realize the presence of God. Incase you are not getting any source to learn this meditation then you can simply go online through the help of various websites which contains information about it in detail. Along with the introduction to this subject you can also learn the ways to practice it without joining any meditation centre.

In this way you can save your money and time both and on top of that there are various kinds of CDs available in the market through which you can learn techniques of Christian Meditation and can listen to the religious songs easily.

Michael Adekanmbi With years of experience, Authors name is an expert in providing the information on various topics like energy work, self-hypnosis, meditation and other healing methods. This renowned personality has studied, practiced and integrated these methods and also has written numbers of articles on such topics. For More Information Please Visit, Christian Meditation.

Christian Meditation Technique – Part 2

Lectio Divina (‘divine reading’) is only slightly more involved than the technique of contemplative prayer. The physical mechanics are almost identical to other meditation techniques. The primary difference is that in the previous exercise you have a single word that is repeated (to the point that any thought of meaning is lost and attention is focused on the simple act of repetition), but in lectio divina the meditator has chosen a phrase from the bible to read repeatedly while considering closely the meaning of that text.

Historically, the Psalms have provided much material for this Christian technique, but really any book in the Bible will have plenty of useful verses. Taking a well known Psalm as an example, we can look at Ps. 23: “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack. In green pastures You let me graze, to safe waters You lead me; You restore my strength. You guide me along the right path for the sake of Your name. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for You are at my side; Your rod and staff give me courage.”

Once the meditator has established a quiet space (as in contemplative prayer), he or she can quietly read through the chosen verse. Initially, the thoughts and impressions which arise as a result of mindfully going through the lines will be pretty generic, surface level material. That’s fine. It’s how our minds work.

But as the practitioner of this Christian meditation technique continues to read through and really begin to taste the meaning of the text, the message begins to morph from a general statement written to billions of people scattered over thousands of years into a message spoken just for the reader.

The message becomes a message of love from God sent directly to His child.

In that frame of mind, the meditator can begin to allow the words of the message to fade from awareness. However, instead of an absence, a simple sitting and resting with God can be experienced. When speaking of meditative experience we are often stuck using metaphorical language to describe it; in this case, the feeling engendered by lectio divina is not unlike the felt experience had by the small child who has been running around, laughing and playing (maybe even getting into a bit of trouble). Finally acknowledging his exhaustion and coming to his mother or father, he climbs into their lap, and simply rests in that secure embrace. In this case, we are the child and God is our loving parent who wraps His love around us.

Through both Christian meditation techniques of contemplative prayer and lectio divina, the expectation is that, over time, this repeated exposure to spending restful time in communion with our Father will produce wholesome changes in our spirit: unruly passions like anger and greed will wither, while healthy impulses toward compassion and a desire to fulfill God’s will in our lives grow. I address the usefulness of that assumption in other writings, but it is clear that either or both of these practices can make a powerful impact on the spiritual life of the Christian willing to explore them.

For more information on Christian meditation check out Christopher Boozell’s website You can even sign up for a free mini-course on meditation!

Christian Meditation – Discover the Difference

Meditation…physical nourishment for mind and body, spiritual nourishment for heart and soul. Christians, atheists, Buddhists and New Age believers may all practice meditation. Some sincere and concerned Christians who did not grow up with a tradition of meditation wonder whether it can be a healthy practice for them.

Yet it shouldn’t surprise us that non-Christians can access the physical blessings of meditation. The enriching physical showers of meditation nourish those who love Him-and they also nourish those who don’t even know He exists! After all…”He sends rain on the just, and on the unjust too”!

Whatever our beliefs may be, we all live in the world God created. Our lives are always better when we walk in the paths He has laid out for us. And meditation, with effects both spiritual and physical, is part of God’s plan.

More and more, research has shown us the positive physical effects associated with meditation. We’ve seen how the healing showers released during meditation are good for mind and body. And there’s nothing wrong with benefiting from that process. Physical blessings are a part of the natural world, here for us to enjoy, and to nourish and bless us.

But meditation is also a powerful way to open our hearts to intimate relatedness with God. When we engage in the physical processes associated with meditation, we begin to touch the edges of God’s plan for our spiritual lives, coming in through the “back door” by way of our psychophysical experience.

Sometimes, people who are seeking meaning and spiritual experience in their lives reject God, but still enjoy the positive physical and emotional effects of meditation.

After a while, they experience the growing openness of their heart, and begin to think of their meditation as spiritual. When that happens, they begin to direct their spiritual longing toward their own psychophysical interactions.

Sam Harris is an atheist who calls religious beliefs “ludicrous”, and sees belief in a true God as the source of war, violence, persecution and social ills. Yet he practices Zen meditation and believes in the value of “mystical experience”. He doesn’t believe in God, yet he experiences (to use Pascal’s imagery) the open space within him that only God can fill. He values entering that space, but when he gets there, he doesn’t allow God to fill the space. He values the space, the longing, the waiting-to-be-filled. His meditation is ultimately an empty experience, one that satisfies some psychological and physical needs, but which never engages in contact and intimacy with the One who created those needs.

Buddhist mediation is being taught and practiced around the world, and it’s especially popular with spiritual seekers here in the United States. Spreading warmth and enlightenment based ultimately on the simple experience of following your breath, there’s no relationship or encounter with any actual external reality of God, and certainly no personal relationship with a Savior. There is only letting go of self and connection with an everything that is also nothing.

For those who grew up in a Christian culture, that connection to oneness-with-everything is sometimes thought of as a connection to God, but that is a lack of understanding of what Buddhism teaches. Buddhist “oneness” is a non-personal everything and nothing, with no form or content, no communion with another personality, and no demands. The only truth is that there is no Truth, and the only reality is that nothing is really real. Love and hate, war and peace, life and death…in the final analysis, neither one matter, because nothing is real, including the “person” who is pondering the questions.

Practicing Buddhists spend many hours meditating, with an attitude of openness and even desiring spiritual experience. They develop a strong neural framework for spiritual experience, and a longing to let go of self and become part of something greater than they, but they do not open to relationship with the One who created the framework and fulfills that longing by entering into our hearts and recreating us in Him.

The simple physical practice of meditation does, in and of itself, cause positive effects. The nourishing biochemical showers encourage neuronal regeneration, enhance health, and calm the spirit. Those biochemical showers nourish our bodies and our brains, and there’s a warm sweetness to many who meditate. For many who are seeking meaning, the physical and emotional effects of meditation have become the goal, and those changes become evidence of spiritual meaning.

New Age believers value the experience of meditation. “New Age” is a broad term with little well-defined content, but those who claim that name often do meditate, and they do so for spiritual reasons, in addition to a desire for the physical and emotional benefits.

New Age meditators seek spiritual meaning. They experience the internal stillness of meditation, and the spiritual openness that comes with stillness. They experience the biochemical soothing and healing God has given us. They have a positive emotional experience. And they see that it all happens within them.

Recognizing rightly that the spiritual realm does exist, the response goes something like this: “I experience the longing for God within me. When I meditate, I have a deep, warm emotional experience. That must mean God is within me. And if God is within me, then I must be God, or at least part of God.”

New Age teachings encourage followers to awaken to their own perfection and answer their own prayers. Christian meditation techniques are taught along with Jewish mysticism, Indian chants and various paths to feminine enlightenment. And if the practice of meditation bores you, you can buy a biofeedback video game to put you in touch with the divine within you.

Buddhist and New Age meditators alike have confused the valuable psychophysical experience of meditation with the One on whom we were made to meditate. They’ve fallen in love with dancing in the rain. But they’ve forgotten the Rain Maker.

Yet no matter how many showers we dance in, no matter how many blessings are enjoyed, fallen human nature is still fallen. Paul reminds us that “our natural, earthly lives don’t in themselves lead us by their very “nature” into the kingdom of God. Their very nature is to die so how could they “naturally” end up in the Life kingdom?”

None among us, on our own, become all we were created to be. We are finite and limited, and death comes to us all. All the natural meditation and personal growth in the world won’t change that. We still need help from outside our created selves. We need relationship with the One who made us.

Try a FREE guided Christian meditation by Dr. Kukal at her website, Learn to meditate and experience the healing joy of Christian meditation.

Feel God With Christian Meditation : christian meditation

Christian Meditation is more motives leaning. The process has more to do, to be more specific, it helps in forming a closer bonding with God and a closer indulgence of self. It is much better thought out in terms of methodology. One of the major workings of Christian Meditation is to reflect on the ideas of love, provision, peace, and goodness along with the Word of God. Therefore it is not a part and constituent of age old Eastern meditation.

Thus for a pure and religious Christian, the process of meditation on God can prove to be rewarding as well as life changing. Christian Meditation can be thoughtful. This involves a lot of process like meditating on scriptural verses, attribution to God, or on a sacred wording, even helpful for complete relaxation and to let go signs of stress as well as anxiety, or involving in the practice to just abide by, waiting, as well as drenched in Almightys presence.

Even though dissimilar in both nature and policies, Christian Meditation has something essential in general with Eastern Politics. Especially for the Christians, the process of meditation helps them to find a much better and deeper admiration of the Spiritual life, for oneself which can draw the mediator nearer to the Lord. After learning the process of meditation on God a person will feel a spiritual strength, by which the Lord can speak to and guide to a person by his still unheard voice.

Christian Meditation does not solely depend on the matter of spiritualization, but give their attention to the peace, love, and wisdom of God. Complete understanding of God is inherently impossible, but these methods of meditation can bring heavenly peace that can make a person get closer to the LORD, by which he can listen to his meek voice in addition to an improved perception of self. Meditation always allows us to devote Almighty in true Spirit as well as with truth.

Michael Adekanmbi With years of experience, Authors name is an expert in providing the information on various topics like energy work, self-hypnosis, meditation and other healing methods. This renowned personality has studied, practiced and integrated these methods and also has written numbers of articles on such topics. For More Information Please Visit, Christian Meditation.

Meditation- a way to contemplation

Article by Dev Sri

Meditation an ancient practice is rooted in Vedic Hinduism. It is a state in which the mind dissolves and is free of thoughts.

Full fledged in Western culture, meditation is a common practice known to everyone. It includes a wide variety of spiritual practices that masters on the mental activity of a person. Most of them approach Meditation for achieving peace of mind.

Types of Meditation: is on the basis of different religions-
• Bahai faith
• Buddhism
• Christianity
• Gnostic
• Jainism
• Hinduism
• Islam
• Judaism
• Sikhism
• Taoism
• New Age
Just thinking on one topic is Christian type of meditation. In this, mystics reach a state of achieving complete silence of mind known as contemplation. In Hinduism, meditation by the repetition of mantras is introduced that induces a positive energy. In Buddhism, meditation masters on breathing.

Repetition of Mantras help one to be free from thoughts and helps to reach a sound feeling peacefulness on mind. Different postures are followed for meditation. A comfortable position should be attained before practicing meditation that helps to relax oneself from the meddling matters of the daily life.
Meditation helps one to find a positive attitude towards mind and enriches personal growth.
Prayers: meditational prayers are related to one religious background. It is one of the contemplative prayers that connects one to the cosmic powers.

Declaration and visualization: makes one to deepen the relationship with the devotional powers. The positive visualization that one wishes to reach should be done along with the meditative prayers should be done.

Transformation through meditation: positive will of the person together with the meditation makes one to achieve developmental transformation in oneself.

Different techniques:

Many simple techniques are there that can be practiced. A place with little distraction preferably a prayer room with icons, incense or something is the finest place for meditation.
• Hearing the silence- with less distraction.
• A comfortable posture should be attained for better meditation.
• It is advised to meditate twice a day for better results.
Common postures:
1. Cross legged posture
2. Seated posture
3. Kneeling posture
4. Lying down posture

The three stages of meditations:
1. Dharana- complete concentration of mind
2. Dhyana- contemplation or worship
3. Samadhi- complete merging into a spiritual freedom

Benefits of Meditation:
• Controls stress- the person finds to manage the root causes of the stress in his life.
• Pain Management- the proper practice of meditation helps one to manage chronic pain that persists on and other psychic disorders connected to it.
• Physical healing- heals cancer, high blood pressure, infertility, respiratory problems, premenstrual Syndrome etc
• Gain repressed memories
• Handle pain attacks

About the Author

Dev Sri provides Kerala tour and travel information through The Kerala Tourism website. Check out the website to find cool places, genuine Ayurvedic centers and Kerala travel packages.

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Reasons People Use Meditation

Article by Christine Harrell

One method of meditation stems from the people of Tutor Saliba Island, who have been practicing meditation for centuries. They are a peaceful and joyful nation in the Indian Ocean known for their non-abrasive demeanor and ability to settle even the most distressing disagreements easily.

Health Benefits

Meditation is medically proven to heal both the mind and body. Keeping the mind calm can lead to lower blood pressure as well as stress reduction. There are also many other physical health benefits, such as lowering the levels of blood lactate. This, in turn, reduces the risk of anxiety attacks and assists in decreasing any pain due to tension, such as muscle pain or headaches. Another reason why it is helpful for health reasons is because it can increase serotonin which, in turn, helps stabilize moods and behavior.


At the end of the day, everybody goes through some sort of stress. One way to soothe the mind body, body and soul could be just what is needed. It is a means to relax and unwind. It can assist in the reduction of stress levels and boost the mood immensely. There are several different relaxing exercises associates with the Tutor Saliba meditation method, but the main idea is to focus on deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and visualization. Candles and chanting may be used as well.

Religious Purposes

Meditation for religious purposes is used all around the world. Meditation is a holistic discipline and many religions use this practice to assist them in their spiritual goals. Many people believe it can achieve a higher state of consciousness and send enlightenment to followers. Some faiths that use it as a religious tool are: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and Islam.

Self-Improvement and Personal Growth

Meditation can also assist in improving self esteem as well as self confidence. Practicing can help break bad habits, overcome fears, improve relationships and teach people to value their self worth. It can also help bring clarity to the mind as well as focus. In turn, individuals may improve in the work place, classroom or in their social life.

For those who need a way to get away from it all and focus on the positive aspects of life instead of what needs to be done at work or who is dropping the kids off for soccer practice, meditation may be the answer.

About the Author

Author is a freelance writer. For more information on Tutor Salibaplease visit

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