Christian Meditation – Discover the Difference

Meditation…physical nourishment for mind and body, spiritual nourishment for heart and soul. Christians, atheists, Buddhists and New Age believers may all practice meditation. Some sincere and concerned Christians who did not grow up with a tradition of meditation wonder whether it can be a healthy practice for them.

Yet it shouldn’t surprise us that non-Christians can access the physical blessings of meditation. The enriching physical showers of meditation nourish those who love Him-and they also nourish those who don’t even know He exists! After all…”He sends rain on the just, and on the unjust too”!

Whatever our beliefs may be, we all live in the world God created. Our lives are always better when we walk in the paths He has laid out for us. And meditation, with effects both spiritual and physical, is part of God’s plan.

More and more, research has shown us the positive physical effects associated with meditation. We’ve seen how the healing showers released during meditation are good for mind and body. And there’s nothing wrong with benefiting from that process. Physical blessings are a part of the natural world, here for us to enjoy, and to nourish and bless us.

But meditation is also a powerful way to open our hearts to intimate relatedness with God. When we engage in the physical processes associated with meditation, we begin to touch the edges of God’s plan for our spiritual lives, coming in through the “back door” by way of our psychophysical experience.

Sometimes, people who are seeking meaning and spiritual experience in their lives reject God, but still enjoy the positive physical and emotional effects of meditation.

After a while, they experience the growing openness of their heart, and begin to think of their meditation as spiritual. When that happens, they begin to direct their spiritual longing toward their own psychophysical interactions.

Sam Harris is an atheist who calls religious beliefs “ludicrous”, and sees belief in a true God as the source of war, violence, persecution and social ills. Yet he practices Zen meditation and believes in the value of “mystical experience”. He doesn’t believe in God, yet he experiences (to use Pascal’s imagery) the open space within him that only God can fill. He values entering that space, but when he gets there, he doesn’t allow God to fill the space. He values the space, the longing, the waiting-to-be-filled. His meditation is ultimately an empty experience, one that satisfies some psychological and physical needs, but which never engages in contact and intimacy with the One who created those needs.

Buddhist mediation is being taught and practiced around the world, and it’s especially popular with spiritual seekers here in the United States. Spreading warmth and enlightenment based ultimately on the simple experience of following your breath, there’s no relationship or encounter with any actual external reality of God, and certainly no personal relationship with a Savior. There is only letting go of self and connection with an everything that is also nothing.

For those who grew up in a Christian culture, that connection to oneness-with-everything is sometimes thought of as a connection to God, but that is a lack of understanding of what Buddhism teaches. Buddhist “oneness” is a non-personal everything and nothing, with no form or content, no communion with another personality, and no demands. The only truth is that there is no Truth, and the only reality is that nothing is really real. Love and hate, war and peace, life and death…in the final analysis, neither one matter, because nothing is real, including the “person” who is pondering the questions.

Practicing Buddhists spend many hours meditating, with an attitude of openness and even desiring spiritual experience. They develop a strong neural framework for spiritual experience, and a longing to let go of self and become part of something greater than they, but they do not open to relationship with the One who created the framework and fulfills that longing by entering into our hearts and recreating us in Him.

The simple physical practice of meditation does, in and of itself, cause positive effects. The nourishing biochemical showers encourage neuronal regeneration, enhance health, and calm the spirit. Those biochemical showers nourish our bodies and our brains, and there’s a warm sweetness to many who meditate. For many who are seeking meaning, the physical and emotional effects of meditation have become the goal, and those changes become evidence of spiritual meaning.

New Age believers value the experience of meditation. “New Age” is a broad term with little well-defined content, but those who claim that name often do meditate, and they do so for spiritual reasons, in addition to a desire for the physical and emotional benefits.

New Age meditators seek spiritual meaning. They experience the internal stillness of meditation, and the spiritual openness that comes with stillness. They experience the biochemical soothing and healing God has given us. They have a positive emotional experience. And they see that it all happens within them.

Recognizing rightly that the spiritual realm does exist, the response goes something like this: “I experience the longing for God within me. When I meditate, I have a deep, warm emotional experience. That must mean God is within me. And if God is within me, then I must be God, or at least part of God.”

New Age teachings encourage followers to awaken to their own perfection and answer their own prayers. Christian meditation techniques are taught along with Jewish mysticism, Indian chants and various paths to feminine enlightenment. And if the practice of meditation bores you, you can buy a biofeedback video game to put you in touch with the divine within you.

Buddhist and New Age meditators alike have confused the valuable psychophysical experience of meditation with the One on whom we were made to meditate. They’ve fallen in love with dancing in the rain. But they’ve forgotten the Rain Maker.

Yet no matter how many showers we dance in, no matter how many blessings are enjoyed, fallen human nature is still fallen. Paul reminds us that “our natural, earthly lives don’t in themselves lead us by their very “nature” into the kingdom of God. Their very nature is to die so how could they “naturally” end up in the Life kingdom?”

None among us, on our own, become all we were created to be. We are finite and limited, and death comes to us all. All the natural meditation and personal growth in the world won’t change that. We still need help from outside our created selves. We need relationship with the One who made us.

Try a FREE guided Christian meditation by Dr. Kukal at her website, Learn to meditate and experience the healing joy of Christian meditation.

Practice Theta Meditation & See the Difference

Article by Jonsonmak

Due to the worries of personal and professional life, most of the individuals fall prey to the restlessness of mind. As a result, their facial expression always reflects their depression. With the help of meditation techniques, the individuals get a chance to relax and gain a peaceful mental status. Theta meditation falls under this category of meditation techniques. Practicing this will make sure that an individual attains a meditated state where he is free from all worries and tensions. Binaural beats are the basic elements which help to make the theta technique effective enough for the practitioners so that they could achieve their goal for which they are practicing the technique.

With theta meditation, the yogi enters into a state where he feels drowsy because of extreme relaxation. This is the best technique for the ones who suffer from the problem of insomnia and sleepless nights. This technique helps the individuals to sleep tight and due to the lack of body awareness start dreaming of some good things that could enhance the positivity inside them. If you have heard from someone that theta meditation does not work properly, then instead of believing the person, you should try it yourself. This is because the ineffectiveness of the meditation techniques is the result of its improper and irregular practice.

If you are regular and practice the techniques properly, theta meditation is the best alternative for you to attain utmost relaxation.

Some of the benefits of practicing this technique are as follows:

Theta meditation enhances the level of creativity in a person. Therefore, the ones who are engaged in the profession of producing something creative, this type of meditation could be a great help for them.
The beta waves in your body block the capacity of intuition in you. Practicing this meditation will ensure heightened intuition.
Theta meditation will help you to get an insight of your subconscious mind, thereby keeping the conscious one aside.
With the help of this meditation, you get a chance to remould the thinking direction of your subconscious mind. If it

What is the Difference Between Eastern and Christian Meditation?

Post by Rhonda Jones

With meditation getting prescribed by medical doctors to minimize pressure and non secular leaders touting meditation as a way of spiritual progress, much more and more Christians are turning out to be fascinated in this apply but are involved as to whether or not it goes against their Christian faith. However, Christian and eastern meditation is quite different in both their aims and strategies.

Eastern meditation is truly a lot more widespread through the planet than Christian meditation. Eastern meditation isn’t really just a thing Buddhists do, it needs no belief in any type of god, it does not demand that you follow any specific perception system. Eastern meditation is a lot far more of a personal encounter than it is a spiritual encounter.

Eastern meditation is typically utilised as a path to non secular enlightenment, but does not automatically prescribe to any specific affiliation. Irregardless of your religious or non-spiritual custom, people can attain the exact same personal benefits from meditation even though embracing their individual paths of spirituality.

The strategy of meditation is where the two varieties vary most. In Eastern meditation, one particular empties the thoughts. You empty your mind, you consider nothing, essentially, and permit oneself to just be, to just exist. Western lifestyle is very objective oriented, and this is mirrored in everything from meditation to religion to artwork. Appear at Asian movies, paintings, songs and comic books, and there is more target on “getting” instead than “doing”.

This can be beneficial for anyone of Eastern or Western descent alike, as it enables you to take a minute to just value existence for what it is, to recognize simply being, the gift of acquiring been born or just becoming a kid of God. For a Christian, this can even aid 1 become closer to God by just taking in the presents God has laid out for us, not attempting to figure it out or comprehend it, but just to value it and encounter it, to enable the expertise to flow by means of you rather than to be analyzed and studied and contemplated.

Christian meditation is much more aim-oriented. It has to do with, exclusively, locating a nearer comprehension of God and a nearer knowing of self. It’s much far more structured in terms of method.

A main element of Christian meditation is to reflect on the love, peace, provision, and goodness as effectively as the Term of God. This is also not a element of Eastern meditation.

For a Christian, meditating on God can be rewarding and living changing. Meditation can be contemplative (meditating on scripture, attributes of God, or a sacred phrase), for rest (to allow go of pressure and stress and anxiety), or the practice of just abiding, waiting, and soaking in God’s presence.

Despite the fact that various in equally nature and apply, they have one thing integral in typical. For the Christian, meditation assists you to find a deeper appreciation of the waking lifestyle, of by yourself and can draw you nearer to the Lord. By learning to meditate on God and peaceful your head, you give the Lord higher possibility to talk to and manual you by his nevertheless modest voice. Christians never empty their thoughts in meditation, but give their interest to the really like, peace, and wisdom of God. Comprehensive comprehension of God is inherently not possible, but these methods of meditation can provide you actually closer to Him and to a far better comprehending of oneself. Meditation makes it possible for us to worship God in Spirit and in fact.

About the Author

Is your lifestyle out of stability? Do you need a Biblical makeover? Experience disconnected from God? Learn about the Detox Your Living Now &amp Awaken Your Internal Spirit System at

Rhonda Jones is the author of 22 Christian meditation &amp affirmation CDs, visit to discover CDs and MP3s on stress-relief, healing, nutritious dwelling, peace,&amp a lot more.