You Do Yoga September 2012 Newsletter Cincinnati OH Downtown Anderson

Article by Matt Eshleman, ERYT500

You Do Yoga September 2012 Newsletter Cincinnati OH

Be it summer or fall You Do Yoga always has a full schedule of great classes and special events, but please be aware that all classes Downtown are cancelled on Labor Day, and Anderson Township will only hold 5:30pm and 7pm classes. Also, on Saturday September 1st the community yoga class will not be held Downtown. All other classes are on for the holiday weekend. If ever you are in doubt, the most current schedule is always up on our website.

In addition to our ongoing weekly classes, we have some spectacular special events planned for the upcoming months!
We want to let you know about our Taoist Yoga Teacher Training Program. For those interested in learning more we will be holding an Open House/Informational Gathering at each of our studios. Please come to one or both sessions to meet the Director of Teacher Training as well as graduates of our program. We will be giving an overview of what makes our training different than most others, and allow time for questions from prospective trainees. Come and join us at our Anderson Township studio Saturday 9/22 5-6pm, or Sunday 9/23 6-7pm Downtown. The next round of 200 Hour certification begins January of 2013, and we have a Pre-registration deadline of November 1, 2012.
While you may be aware that our Taoist Yoga Teacher Training is different from most others, we are equally aware that many currently certified yoga instructors and other serious students are not able to commit to our entire 200 hour program. That is why we are offering two pieces of our training curriculum in a weekend workshop format this fall: Join Matt Eshleman, Director of You Do Yoga’s Teacher Training Programs, for a chance to learn more about Anatomy for Yoga and the Functional Approach to Instruction in our Functional Anatomy Intensive on Saturday 9/15 &  Sunday 9/16, Noon-6pm. In a separate event on October 13th, we will be examining a functional approach to Subtle Anatomy, Meridians, Chi, and Chakras and Meditation in our Subtle Anatomy Intensive. You Do Yoga is a Registered Yoga School with the Yoga Alliance, and can grant CEUs for attending these Anatomy Intensive events. Because of the intensive nature of these programs, enrollment is by acceptance only. Please contact us if you are interested. For more information go to
You Do Yoga is proud to be participating in the Yoga Aid Challenge! We will be joining yogis across the globe to raise funds for the Africa Yoga Project. ( Register for the Yoga Aid event to be held Saturday, 9/9 at 2pm in Ault Park. Registration can be done the day of the event, but online is much easier. This is totally FREE, no commitment to attend. We would like to encourage each of you to register now – in doing so, you will have your own fundraising page set up if you wish to do your own fundraising. When you register, there’s a box that says ‘I’d like to join/ create a team. Click on that and select You Do Yoga from the drop box. Pretty easy right? 

Continuing through September 29th Mike Spears is leading an 8-week meditation workshop at our Downtown Studio. Designed with the novice in mind, we began with fundamentals – but you can still drop-in to any session at our regular single class rate. The group meets on Saturdays, 11:30am-12:30pm.

Experiencing the beauty of nature is one of the best parts of summer, so we are extending our special series You Do Yoga in the Park through September! Bring your own mat and join us for an hour of FREE yoga at Beech Acres Park every Sunday from 10-11am with Seth Gehauf. We will meet at the stage area, but we cancel in the event of rain.

Monks have brewed beer since the dawn of time, and there’s a handful of yogis continuing that tradition. Friday 9/21 at 6:30pm we will host our first “Asanas and Ales” event. An all-levels yoga practice comes first, and then you can stick around to sample light appetizers and a variety of local home-brews! If you are a brewer too and want to show off your work, get in touch with us to arrange a donation. 
Fall is a great time for runners and other outdoor sports enthusiasts, and that’s why we are holding another Yoga for Runners workshop on Saturday 9/22, 2-4pm in Anderson Township. Anita Eshleman will lead two hours of deep stretching and core strengthening perfectly tailored to the needs of runners and walkers, spinners and cyclists.

On Saturday, 10/6, 1-2:30pm will be our Introduction to ZEN Meditation with Shane Coppage and will include introductory teachings on Zen Buddhism with a primary focus on zazen or seated meditation. This workshop is Pay by Donation.
Finally, although it seems like a long way off, Sweetest Day will be here before you know it! Lock in the perfect gift for your partner by signing up now for our “Love is All you Need” event on Saturday, 10/20! This FUN 3-hour workshop will begin with a Partner Yoga practice to encourage connection, and then move into led sessions of partnered Thai Massage. No previous experience necessary!
Well, that about covers it for this edition! Unless you reply to this address with the subject “remove” we will drop you a line again in October and remember – you can LIKE us on Facebook (You Do Yoga Cincinnati) and to follow us on Twitter @YouDoYoga. And be sure to visit our website regularly at for updates and schedules changes.



About the Author

Matt Eshleman, B.A., ERYT500, has many years of experience teaching yoga and meditation. Matt earned his 500 hour certification through his studies of Anatomy, Taoist Yoga and Meditation. Matt is a trained Thai Yoga Massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, a student of Martial Arts, and is an adjunct professor at Cincinnati State. He is the founder of You Do Yoga LLC, and is the director of teacher training.

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The Powerful Effect Of Doing Yoga

The Powerful Effect Of Doing Yoga

Article by Linda Adams

Yoga is one activity that’s good for both young and old.  A Sanskrit word meaning “union,” Yoga involves posture and breathing methods to achieve relaxation and gain strength; besides health benefits too many to enumerate.

Yoga has been confirmed to grant more body elasticity to its practitioners through the different postures which effect more lubrication of joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, including those usually ignored.

Several researches confirm the beneficial results of constant yoga.  Even so-called “non-strenuous” positions affect different sections of the body. The numerous positions all work in unison to flex the body, even bodies that at the start were firm.

Yoga is said to be the only activity that gets to massage all the body’s internal glands and organs thoroughly, even  glands, like the prostate, that are barely moved in an entire lifetime. Yoga affects the various body parts in a wholistic way.  Triggering and manipulating the organs help us keep away illnesses; and alert us to the beginnings of any possible ailment.

When the yoga positions stretch the muscles and joints and get to massage the different organs, the body gets the greatest achievable amount of blood. This aids the toxins being rinsed out up to the farthest points of the body, at the same time feeding the different parts.  All this detoxification only results in the advantages of more energy and enthusiasm for life and postponing the aging process.
Repeatedly doing the yoga positions likewise motivates removal of extra flab and limpness from muscles weakened and sluggish from inactivity.

Among the long-term benefits of yoga is the development of awareness of an oncoming health disorder, which can then help us correct it or avoid its advancement.
These are merely external benefits from consistent yoga practice. In the end, it is yoga that provides the overall actual advantage of body and mind working in concert. Nowadays we can get various accounts of mental strength behind astounding physical achievements and this confirms the mutual connection between mind and body.
Meditation urges mental and physical coordination and produces the body-mind union. We are usually unable to perform, or perform well,  our regular functions – at home or work, when our minds are focused on problems, concerns, anxieties.Yoga meditation reportedly heals the stress which puts our physical and emotional systems in chaos.

Yoga and meditation have been associated with each other.These two activities cooperate towards the aim of union of mind-body-spirit, a “state of eternal bliss.Meditation and yoga assist in stabilizing our emotional systems by training us to isolate ourselves from our environment.  When we do so, a significant calmness sets in and develops a positive perspective, which can only grant amazing benefits to our body’s physical condition.

The early yogis (practitioners of yoga) did yoga supported by meditation, in their ques towards the goal of self-realization or enlightenment.They meditated not for minutes but days or weeks. This demanded large amounts of energy and the ability to survive in austere conditions. Numerous asanas, yoga positions, gave them the greatest amount of power with the least strain and meditation provided the energy and the will to perform the asanas well. It is a good case of cause and effect.

The oneness of mind-body-spirit aim of yogis is realized through the interconnected benefits from the asanas and meditation.

About the Author

Linda Adams delights in all things that have to do with health.

One of the top health blogs Linda has found is Fitness Yoga Kamloops Boot Camp, which is a special mix of yoga and exercise.

You can watch a Free Video of the Kamloops Fitness Yoga Boot Camp for a powerful work out whenever.

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Introduction to Yoga

Article by Bodhi Tree Yoga International

Originated in ancient India, Yoga has now become famous for its effectiveness for mental and physical well-being. It is a generic term for physical, mental and spiritual discipline. Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years now. It is related to physical poses called “asana” and breathing techniques. Some “asanas” are designed for mere relaxation while some for weight loss, flexibility and strength. Practicing yoga is an art which needs dedication of body and mind for it to be as effective as it is designed to be.

Practicing Yoga
Practicing yoga is like a work out for inner and external fitness. It is not hard to go online and find millions and millions of readers who practice yoga and now swear by it. Many of the shared experiences will connect to you in some way or the other.

However there are a few things that need to be kept in mind while practicing yoga:-
1. The complete knowledge or yoga trainer
2. It is important to find out the physical demands of the “asanas” and talk to your instructor to be sure of what is best for your body.
3. Warm up the muscles properly before every session to avoid injury
4. Stay hydrated to avoid dehydration.
5. Wear proper outfits that are comfortable.
6. Avoid yoga during pregnancy as some parts of the body are not suppose to be stretched or worked out during this condition, it is best to avoid stressing certain muscles.

Training Courses
Widely spread across the globe yoga training courses has reached new dimensions. In ancient times yoga gurus always carried on training in the forests and camps amidst a naturally beautiful ambience of India. The country offers a large number of yoga training institutes across geographical habitats; however researchers say that Rishikesh is the most authentic place to learn yoga. It is located in the Himalayas and known to be the yoga capital of the world. Rishikesh is home for few of the greatest yoga instructors and yoga training courses registered with Yoga Alliance, USA.

A yoga teacher is the one who guides people about their “asanas” and teaches them the art of yoga. These instructors have to go through a special training.The training may vary from beginner to advance level. The training occurs both practically and theoretically. The training period is of 200 to 500 hours. After this period, the trainee is certified with a yoga alliance certificate and he can then impart his knowledge. Bodhi Tree Yoga International is one such institute which offers the best teacher training certified courses.

One of the most renowned organizations promoting yoga teacher training in India, based in the yoga capital of the world, Rishikesh and Goa. They offer a 200 hours yoga training course.
The institute has a team of dedicated and committed yoga teachers who have been sharing their knowledge for years. They have a strong believe that “Yoga can be practiced by everyone”
The trainees have a 30days intensive program, each day starting from 6:00am to 6:00pm, with Sundays free. The program includes a brief introduction about the history of yoga and its cultural background, singing and understanding mantras, meditation and asana techniques. They also provide the trainees with special techniques and accurate guidance about the “asanas”.

The Bodhi Tree Yoga International teachers training courses include activities like:-
1. Technique Training: – This includes techniques of practicing and teaching of various asanas, chants and meditation.
2. Teaching methodology: – which includes how a teacher must demonstrate, observe and assist the students.
3. Lifestyle and ethics of a yoga teacher.
4. Giving and receiving feedbacks.

Reviews state that The Bodhi Tree Yoga International is one of the best and affordable organizations in India for Yoga Teacher Training Courses.

About the Author

Bodhi Tree Yoga International is an organization promoting and teaching Yoga and Meditation. We offer Yoga courses and yoga teacher training courses in Goa and the Himalayas.

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YOGA Classes for uplifting body, mind and soul

Article by Vital Sign Fitness

Desire for staying fit and want a healthy lifestyle? Also you want to get rid of the life threatening diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity etc. Acidity, stomach problems, infertility, lack of concentration, asthma are the problems which you want to rule out from your life. Yoga is the ultimate solution, which can truly lend you exotic experiences of life.

Yoga, originated in India, is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline. The literal meaning of yoga is to unite or join. It is practiced with aim to attainment a state of perfect spiritual insights and tranquility. The word is related with several meditative practices in few religions.

Growing yoga retreat centers support the high inclination of people towards this discipline. Yoga classes in NYC supports the whole idea getting relaxed in the tinsel city. Daily’s hustle-bustle has made us to compromise with our peace of mind and soul. Personal training yoga in NYC is great way to discover oneself in the serene and calm ambience.

Our modern lifestyles make us and our daily routine stressed out. Fighting against stress and tensions is mandatory as it may otherwise make an individual house of several health problems. Yoga classes in NYC is weapon making you learn how to effectively resist high levels of stress. Practicing yoga not just takes you away from the health concerns like heart problems and blood pressures but prepare you for tedious tasks. Personal yoga training in nyc will make you relax and also make you more productive at work and also after work.

Once you have decided that you want to choose this alternative method of fitness program, browse online for the many yoga sites and compare notes. See which offers the most benefit for economical price and choose the right one accordingly. One very important point to be noted is that yoga should be practiced only under the guidance of a proper yoga teacher as it also involves some breathing techniques and need to be learnt properly.

Beginner yoga in nyc can be started after updating your trainer about medical records so that a training session can be drafted for you. One should not forget to tell the trainer about the medical history as all discomforting yoga posture can be avoided. Beginner yoga in nyc will begin with slow and subtle session which then be transformed into healthy pace. Suryanamaskar is the beginning of yoga session, which is conglomeration of 12 postures and complete exercises in itself.

Yoga is no just practiced for improving health but Yoga classes will make you achieve Moksha with continuous practice. Liberation from all worldly wise things, Moksha, is form of yoga sweep a normal away from birth and death cycle.

About the Author

Deb is a personal trainer of yoga, beginner yoga nyc, yoga classes in nyc, Personal Yoga Training, personal training yoga nyc, Yoga NYC , gentle yoga, Prenatal Yoga NYC, health yoga, private yoga, private yoga in NYC, corporate yoga, corporate yoga classes, health fitness and personal fitness at Vital sign fitness.

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The Fitness Advantages Of Including Yoga Training With Your Exercise Routines

Article by Corey Andalus

Over the past several years, yoga exercise instruction has encountered an increase in recognition. Because doing yoga has been studied for over 5,000 years, it could hardly be termed as a “trend” or “novelty.” Yoga is an age-old exercise which involves physical positions, breathing techniques, as well as relaxing techniques. Furthermore, those who participate in yoga exercises will certainly improve their overall flexibility, strength, and equilibrium.

Yoga instruction using a qualified yoga teacher also has several health benefits connected with it. In contrast to other kinds of workouts, yoga training may be accomplished by all age groups, and can be studied by people who suffer from health issues such as heart failure, most cancers, and hypertension. It’s also one of the few workout routines that may safely be done by expectant women throughout the entirety of their pregnancy and can usually alleviate some of the painfulness experienced during labor and giving birth.

The benefits of yoga exercises are incredible. There are many benefits of personal yoga as part of a women’s exercise program. Health benefits women will enjoy by doing yoga exercises include:

Healthy Posture

Added flexibility and also core strengthening exercises lead to improved posture. This too leads to elevated body recognition, which informs you the moment whenever you begin to slump.

Lower Blood Pressure Levels

Continually practicing yoga contributes to greater oxygenation along with the circulation of blood, which reduces blood pressure levels.

Improved Immune System

Research has shown the skill of yoga has been proven to produce a stronger immune system.

Balanced Metabolism

Yoga exercises regarding women of all ages has been shown to boost the metabolism that usually decreases as women age.

Weight Reduction

Women that engage in ashtanga yoga exercises discover they will use up more calories and lose weight.

Yoga Teachers are seasoned experts who develop personal training workouts, incorporating many varieties of yoga. Which one is the best for you? That would really depend on your existing level of skill, your general fitness, as well as your personal health objectives. In either case, a yoga instructor, is skilled at helping and teaching you how to integrate this kind of exercise program as part of your regular way of life.

Favorite Types of Yoga for Beginners

Prenatal Yoga is useful for a number of factors. It keeps you in shape while pregnant and also allows you to stretch and tone your muscles. Due to the fact yoga has very little influence on your joints, it’s an exercise that may safely be done in the third trimester of a pregnancy. Another advantage to prenatal yoga is that you will learn the art of deep breathing and relaxing. These methods will enable you to relax during labor and ease through the discomfort related to contractions, whenever they arise.

Hatha Yoga is a slow-paced stretching course with some easy breathing techniques and perhaps seated meditation. This is a great place to understand basic poses, relaxing techniques, and grow comfortable with yoga.

Vinyasa Yoga covers an extensive range of yoga classes. The word Vinyasa implies “breath-synchronized movement.” Basically, the teacher may advise you to move from one pose to the next on an inhale or an exhale. This procedure is sometimes also referred to as Vinyasa Flow, or simply Flow due to the smooth way that the positions work collectively and become just like a dance.

To conclude, including a few of the common yoga strategies to your normal training routine offers immediate and long lasting health and fitness benefits for individuals of all ages. Selecting a certified and experienced Yoga Teacher is crucial to starting a successful yoga routine.

About the Author

Read additional information on locating a skilled NYC Personal Trainer who specializes in starting programs for Yoga in NYC when you go to and get a NYC Yoga Instructor that can come to your home or meet you at your fitness center.

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Kerala Yoga Meditation – A Journey From Self-Realization to Divinity

Article by Caper

The word ‘Yoga’ has originated from the Sanskrit word, which means ‘Union’. It is a blend of physical and mental exercise that aims at one’s overall well-being. These ancient techniques of yoga and meditation found its routes in India for centuries. Kerala is the place where yoga and meditation have been practiced since ages. Linked with Kerala Ayurveda, these therapies focus on the overall well-being of people.

Yoga and meditation Kerala offers you a blissful experience and revitalizes you. Yoga is a total integrated system, which studies individual in his wholeness – mind, body and spirit. There are many yoga and meditation retreats in Kerala where tourists go to rejuvenate themselves.

Conceived by the great sages in their search for self-realization, it has gained international recognition now. Focusing on physical postures and unique breathing techniques, Yoga is an ancient systematic process that leads an individual to improve his physical and mental health. With Kerala yoga meditation tour, you can heal yourself amidst a tranquil ambiance and soothing natural beauty.

Our Vedas indicate that almost every type of disorder, be it physical, mental or any other, yoga can heal all. People from around the world have accepted this very fact. Meditation is the best way to self-analysis and self-realization. Starting yoga and meditation in Kerala with a positive approach leads you towards attaining growth in every sphere of the life.

Yoga meditation in Kerala focuses on the overall betterment of our health, moral values and social life. Let us learn about Yoga-Paddhiti, which includes the following 8 different stages:


It focuses on a disciplined behaviour through which you can learn self-control. This technique teaches us how to keep control on our desires.


It is the technique of self-purification. It is a type of self-exercise that one can attain through striving for purity. After learning Yama, we need to hone the skills of determination and introspection.


The third stage is all about practicing different bodily postures and physical exercises. This helps us to reach to that extent of concentration where we get mental peace as well as spiritual growth.


In simple words, Pranyama is the control of breathing. We develop control over bio energy via respiratory action that leads to regulate the vital energy of our body.


Related to study our inner parts, this padditi teaches us not to feel sad while detaching from the worldly objects. We practice to control the senses by talking to our inner self.


This technique encourages us to fix our mind on a chosen object. This phase awakens one’s mental powers and trains our mind to concentrate on a specific energy centre.


It is the process of learning meditation. Dhyana aims at making our concentration level reach infinity. It is the level of focus where nothing exists except infinity.


It is a state where you experience the total tranquility and well-being. In simple words, when concentration reaches its peak, it turns into Samadhi. This practice is like merging yourself with God.

About the Author

With Kerala Yoga Meditation, you can give yourself a chance to attain the overall well-being. Give rest to your agitated nerves with Kerala Ayurveda and soak yourself into the absolute bliss.

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Ayurveda And Yoga For Asperger’s, Nld, And High-functioning Autism
From The Mind-body Fields Of Ayurveda And Yoga, Learn Time-tested Tips And Natural Remedies To Create A Life That Works.
Ayurveda And Yoga For Asperger’s, Nld, And High-functioning Autism

Basic Techniques of Yoga & Meditation

Article by Sanki Linkon

Human body us made in such a way that it needs to get proper exercise, in order to remain fit and healthy. But in this present age of remote controls, everything is done just with the touch of a button. So as a result of which a lot of lifestyle diseases and aliments are alarming on a rise. To counter the effect of modern day stress and sluggish lifestyle, it is highly imperative for us to gear up for some good workouts. Here comes, yoga for the beginners, in to play. As it is an age old system of complete body cleansing and strengthening, it tested and safe for everyone. But before getting into it, one must learn the basics of yoga for the beginners from a reliable yoga teacher. Yoga doesn’t need any kind of expensive equipments; all it requires is a set of comfortable loose clothes and a mat.There are some very easy poses of yoga for the beginners; these are taken in from our everyday positions like, standing, sitting, lying down, etc. With proper guidance and poses, yoga for beginners can be really helpful and they can gain a lot of these exercises. Yoga is considered to be very therapeutic and hence can easily be a part of our daily lives. Start with a ten to fifteen minutes of warm up sessions; these are important for blood circulation and joint lubrication. This in turn helps in doing the poses better. Be careful to maintain a correct posture all the time. Simple asanas should be practiced first. As a yoga for beginners should not be taxing so, one can start with the standing pose, that can be followed by the sitting posture, Supine poses, twist poses, prone postures, balanced postures, back and forward bending poses and then the finishing poses.There is a very important relationship between yoga and breathing techniques. With simple breathing techniques in yoga like the Pranayama, one can do wonders to his or hers health. It has a great impact on improving the lung capacity of the person and eases away stress and hence relaxes us completely.Yoga and meditation are also very closely linked. Meditation provides a complete holistic experience to us. Like to begin anything new, one requires guidance; it is the same way for the meditation for beginners. This guidance actually acts like a prompter for the beginners as it will help them to look and explore their minds and hearts. Meditation for the beginners shall start with the commitment to oneself to meditate at least once a day. This can happen even when one is sitting quietly for some time, or is listening to some soothing musical notes or even with following the perfect rhythm in one’s own breath. Start now, where ever you are. Just draw your own standard, do follow others but listen to your inner voice also. Try to be at peace with yourself and adopt a positive mind.

About the Author

Sanki Linkon is a renowned yoga expert who offers yoga lessons online. In this article he discussed the various postures of Yoga For Children, especially the benefits of Bikram Yoga. To know more about his views on various yoga postures visit

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What Is Kundalini Yoga Meditation?

Article by

Kundalini Yoga meditation is a follow that is based on the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti energy. The Kundalini Shakti energy is alleged to be coiled like a serpent three and a half instances on the base of the spine. When the Kundalini energy is awakened, she ascends upwards alongside the backbone until it pierces the seventh chakra within the crown of the head. When this happens, nice bliss and information arises within the meditator’s area of awareness. Kundalini Yoga meditation practices each awaken the Kundalini Shakti power, whereas nourishing and supporting the awakened power because it ascends up by way of the chakras.

Kundalini meditation methods that awaken the inside Kundalini vitality are primarily based on ancient tantric practices from India. Classically, it is taught that only an enlightened master or Guru can awaken the internal power of the devotee. A few of the methods used to awaken the Kundalini Shakti are the glance or contact of a Guru, in addition to the bestowal of an enlivened mantra from that exact Guru’s lineage.

The technique of repeating a mantra to awaken the Kundalini Shakti can also be doable to do with no Guru, but the outcomes are much like touring down a slow, winding county highway, instead of flying down an excellent highway. For those who receive Shaktipat or the bestowal of divine grace from a living grasp, the power of awakening can be a lot stronger than when you attempt to arouse the sleeping Kundalini energy on your own.

As soon as the Kundalini Shakti has been awakened from its sleep and begins the journey up along the spine through each chakra, there are a variety of various meditation strategies that will assist the unfolding. One of the primary methods is the repetition of a sacred mantra, particularly the mantra that has awakened your interior Kundalini energy. The repetition of this mantra will carry you to a subtle and deep place of silence inside your personal being, where the Absolute realms of existence will become apparent to you.

There are also Kundalini Yoga meditation methods reminiscent of chakra visualizations that will nourish the Kundalini vitality as it purifies every vitality center. These beautiful visualizations focus on the mandalas or energetic patterns within each chakra, as well as paying homage to the residing deity of each chakra.

Because the Kundalini Shakti pierces each chakra, feelings and recollections may also be delivered to the surface, permitting the devotee to understand and integrate each experience from a extra loving perspective.”visit this blog to see all information about Kundalini Yoga”.

About the Author

”visit this blog to see all information about yoga”.