How To Meditate Using Music

Music and Meditation

Quietening the mind is what we do in meditation. By meditation, we basically mean going from ordinary, simple, mundane consciousness to a higher level, more peaceful state of mind. Music can help us achieve that state faster and in a more soothing way. At start, beginners might feel like it’s impossible to meditate by controlling your thought process. Through regular practice, tips and various techniques, it is possible.
Breath awareness and breathing meditations are one of the best ways to start meditation. it helps the mind to concentrate and relax. At times, when the mind is very restless; perhaps after a busy schedule, that is where Music can play a great role to help us reach that stage of meditation.

Tips to Music Meditation

Music can help you drown out unwanted noises which tend to disturb when you sit down for meditation. It’s not necessary to hike out over high hills to meditate; if you are focused enough, meditation can be done in the midst of a busy day. This hindrance can be easily overcome by meditative music. it cuts out the noise and helps you easily focus on your meditation..

Music plays a great role in controlling our state of mind by soothing our emotions. Choosing the right kind of music is also very important while doing meditation. The right kind of music for your meditation will rise your energy, aspirations and make you more receptive.
As said by Sri Chinmoy, “Each time we hear soulful music, we get inspiration and delight. In the twinkling of an eye, music can elevate our consciousness.”

Music, Meditation, and Obligations

In general,
Music touches and soothes people’s souls and improves moods. It also brings light into a dark life which is why music holds great importance in religious ceremonies, devotions, and meditations.

Today’s modern world has polluted the atmosphere with infinite frequencies and noises; way too much for a person to start meditating unless you are locked in a room away from all the outside noises.

How and Where to Meditate

Once you have gotten the taste of Musical Meditation and its benefits, you can soothe into it anytime, anywhere you want. But of course, just like any other thing in this world, dedication and discipline is required in everything.

The Lifesurfing Program at Inner Metamorphosis University (I M U) offers numerous ways and correct approaches to help you discover the right meditation technique and provide you inner peace of mind. Lifesurfing Program Meditation is a state of a vibrant, wakeful inner quietness, which is the basis for inner freedom, joy and celebration.

Helpful Meditation Techniques – Tools for Peaceful Meditation

Helpful Meditation Techniques – Tools for Peaceful Meditation

In this article, we are going to have an overview of a handful of helpful meditation techniques that could show you that consciousness can be changed easily and rapidly. In addition to that, these will also allow you to delve in the magical mystery there is with meditation.

There are several different techniques of meditation that promise all these great and amazing benefits and results, but truly, they just take various roads and end up into a same place. Several beginners in meditation will start by practicing Transcendental meditation – or mantra meditation to entrain the human brain to be in the repeated state of being in a focused state of mind. It will, in due course, open the opportunity to allow the individual to experience a revolutionary experience of self. Effective and viable ways for the beginner to get started with meditation quickly are associated with those of several Judeo/ Christian meditations models.

But of course, there are also models which present complexity of routine. A good example is the Vipassana meditation. The Vipassana meditation is a popular type of Buddhist meditation practice which was made to smooth the progress of Wisdom and Insight. It is practiced worldwide by novices and advanced mediators. The routine is very complicated that a newbie Vipassana practitioner will take several years to master the technique and would take a lot a lot of time before one could extract the benefits that this type of meditation entails. This is a very powerful technique that the mind is not easily prepared to observe a very intense state of the observation of self.

It is believed that the best way to attain a revolutionizing and peaceful way to practice meditation for a beginner is through the utilization of audio cues which may be in the form of guided meditation, or through the use of sound technologies intended to entrain the human brain into a changed state of mind.

These methods have been observed to be very popular for the power and concentration they give.

Regardless of your lifestyle, your health and personality, meditation is the best way of healing. Meditation will allow you to experience a better change in your life, only if you decide to begin.

To know more about meditation and its amazing benefits, or if you want to learn how to meditate – you can visit




Danial Hurley is an expert is a health care expert that specializes studies about alternative medicine like meditation, etc. – Guided Christian Meditation to help you to let go and let God by turning all your cares over to him. Video Response: W…

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Get a Tight Sleep with Sleep Meditation

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The human body always craves to stay miles from exhaustion. Whenever we return from work at the end of the day, our muscles seem to lose strength, and weariness spreads over the entire body. Therefore, sleep becomes highly mandatory to get going for the following day. However, many come up with sleep related complications and therefore land up in serious health consequences. Well, it’s the one and only slumber that offers ultimate relief to our mind and body. But what if sleep itself deceives us? Well, tossing and turning the whole night can never be fruitful. Therefore, it’s sleep meditation that can strengthen our slumber.


There are many who suffer from insomnia, a result of sleeplessness. It’s the psychological problems that are mostly responsible for this health issue. Often, inflammation or severe pain might lead to insomnia. Therefore, many health specialists prescribe sleeping pills to eradicate the uneasiness of the inmates. Now, if the complication gives rise owing to workloads or rather mental depression, pills will certainly be the wrong option. Therefore, sleep meditation will be highly effective in taking out an individual from an unending restlessness and providing him a tight sleep.


Meditation is an age old health development process. Even today, it’s considered to be one of the best techniques to get rid of all sorts of mental disorders. Doing meditation on a regular basis can undoubtedly gear one’s energy level and infest the human mind with positive and encouraging thoughts. Many think that meditation completely vacates the mind full of ideas. Rather, it’s a way to filter out all the negative thoughts wandering in the mind and fill it with positive ones. Sleep meditation might be a bit boring but doing it with concentration can fetch you fruitful results.


Sleep meditation might be a bit frustrating for beginners. It might be a little difficult for some to discard the worries and bring peace of mind. Therefore, the more you cool down, the more satisfactory is your result. So, try not to give up and instead close your eyes and imagine an object or recall any memorable incident. In the midst of it, always try to keep a restful mind and keep all worries away.


Since sleep meditation is not an easy task, it needs a lot of practice. The more you spend time, the better it is. There are several sleep meditation techniques for beginners. However, the result is not the same for all the techniques. Only if you can make it a habit to regularly practice it for at least an hour or two, you are bound to feel the difference. Make sure you don’t fall asleep while performing sleep meditation. In fact, kick start the day with some vitality.


There are several meditation techniques for stress. In fact, you can take advices and suggestions from an online health expert and accordingly go for the meditation techniques that can wipe off all your stresses. To know more about meditation techniques for stress, you can always explore the health sites.

Jonson Mak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on sleep meditation & meditation techniques for stress. For more information he always recommends to visit

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