Use Free Online Guided Meditations For Communicating With God and to Attract More Support From Life : free guided meditation

Use Free Online Guided Meditations For Communicating With God and to Attract More Support From Life  : free guided meditation

Integrating your divinity into your everyday life means that you bring into wholeness all aspects of your Being. Using meditation helps you with communicating with God within because meditation helps you to clear mental clutter, release emotional baggage and balance and heal energy blocks.

The process of integrating your mind, body and spirit begins when you start the journey of paying more attention to your inner Guidance from your Divine, Soul Self instead of listening to and living from your mind’s constant chatter.

This process of learning to trust your inner Guidance cannot be rushed because you have learned to pay more attention to the outer and to be more mind-centered than Soul-directed.

Every problem experienced by you in your daily life and every problem faced by humanity in its evolution of how life is organised on Earth can be addressed by the Divinity that exists within all of Life.  If you choose to allow full integration of your Divine Self, you allow in Grace and benefit from solutions that would otherwise elude you.

This quotation from Deepak Chopra says it all:

Every person is a God in embryo. Its only desire is to be born.

Your choice today and for the rest of your life is to allow yourself to hold the hand of your Soul Self and to consciously build an effective and complete partnership. Your Cosmic Soul Self is your best friend that is tuned into and fully aligned with the support of Life Itself. Aligning with your Soul’s Guidance on a daily basis ushers in Life’s support in a new, vaster and more predictable way.

Will you allow and fully embrace the birth and complete integration of your God Self within?  If your answer is ‘Yes’, you can use online guided meditations to help you proceed more smoothly on this life changing journey.  You do not have to travel this new road alone – getting help from others who are fully committed to the integration of divinity process is smart and a powerful way to speed your own personal development journey.

And to practice Being tuned in to your Inner Guidance and Life Itself, join me in my monthly Communicating With God Inner Power Hour. Access and experience a FREE 1-hour LIVE recorded IPH Tele-Healing Circle here:

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Yoga Exercises : Yoga

Yoga is a combination of exercises, postures, and meditation that have been practiced for many years. It is spiritual practice in Hinduism whereas in the western world it is in the form of physical exercise.

In the western world, people are more concerned about being fit and healthy. Hence, yoga has become a very popular form of physical exercise in the western countries.

Yoga exercises can be done by all the individuals from young to old. Yoga exercises can also be utilized for treating diseases. There are yoga exercises especially for the people with heart problems or with some other health condition. These exercises can be utilized as supplementary therapy for diseases such as cancer, asthma, and AIDS.

The exercise system which is a blend of yoga and pilates is known as yoga pilates. This system was created by Jonathan Urla, who is a certified pilates instructor and yoga practitioner. In this exercise system, practice of hatha yoga is integrated with Pilates methodology in order to design this complete exercise system.

While performing yoga exercises, you can experiment with the different yoga poses. You can stop doing the poses, when you feel that you are not comfortable doing it.

There are different types of yoga poses. They are enlisted below:

Arm balances
Restorative and relaxation poses
Seating and standing poses
Mudra and bandha
Counter poses
Balancing poses
Forward Bends
Backbends core standing

Tips to be considered while doing yoga and pilates practice are enlisted below:

Wear comfortable clothes that will assist you to perform the exercises properly
Use either yoga mat or rug for performing the different asanas for yoga
Avoid doing yoga poses in full stomach
Perform the exercises in well ventilated rooms
While performing any pose, if you feel uncomfortable then immediately come out it

Yoga exercises are a very useful defensive and remedial therapy. It helps in attaining peace of mind, increases concentration power, and brings about harmony in relationships. These exercises would help you in attaining physiological benefits, pain management, or as a remedy for psychological problems.

Radek Isner sharing informations about health and wellness. It will be quite Useful for those people who are very much conscious about their health.

Christian Meditation Promotes Peace of Mind and Reduces Stress and Worry

Do you find it hard to just stop thinking? If you don’t, you are an exception and truly blessed. In fact, if your mind isn’t constantly wandering, I would bet to say that you practice some technique on a regular basis that helps you to quiet your thoughts.

Unfortunately for the majority of the population and that includes Christians, have a difficult time turning off the flow of minutia in your brains. Even when we want to stop thinking and embrace the peace and quiet we can’t. I believe that our thoughts can literally drive us crazy sometimes, especially when they interfere with our sleep, create worry, and steal our peace of mind.

There is really only one way to quiet our minds and that is through meditation. But as Christians, we have been taught that meditation is something evil and to be avoided. Yet if you looked up meditation in the dictionary you would find that it means to ponder, to pray, to contemplate, and to muse over.

In addition, if you did an internet search on Christian meditation you would find that Christians have been meditating for centuries. In fact, Jesus is our greatest example of why we need to meditate. The scriptures tell us that it was Jesus’ daily custom to find a solitary place and spend time with the Father. Also, when Jesus was in the desert those 40 days and night, what do you think he was doing? He was communing with God.

It is in the stillness and quietness that we truly come to know God. Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Therefore, as believers, we don’t have to believe the lie that all meditation is bad. It’s just a matter of what you are meditating on. If your meditations are on loving God, proclaiming is goodness, and abiding in his presence, how can that be a bad thing? Joshua 1:8 admonishes us to meditate on God day and night if we want success in life.

Christians that have not learned to abide in God’s presence and be still with Him spend most of their time doing for God.

They go to church and attend many meetings and Bible studies but that is not where intimacy with God is created. You can get that from going to church. It comes only from spending time with the Father. Jesus said they that worship me must worship me in spirit and in truth for these are the types of worshipers the Father desires.

Through Christian meditation not only will our relationship with God grow, but our peace of mind and joy also increases as well. That is because practicing Biblical meditation we learn how to live for the moment and leave everything else in God’s hands. Through learning to quiet our minds and abide in God’s presence we also begin to lose our attachment to things or beings and God takes a more preeminent role in our life.

Meditating on God can be as simple as sitting in a quiet area just focusing on the Lord. It can encompass meditating on a sacred word (part of scripture) or your breathing to anchor your mind and keep it from wandering, or it can be simply listening to a guided Christian meditation that takes you through a progressive relaxation and scriptural narrative.

The truth is that once you spend time just abiding in God’s presence you won’t want to stop. Dwelling in the sweet presence of God will draw you like bees to honey. We can’t be in God’s presence and not be changed. We can’t meditate on God and not feel is love. We must learn to be still and quiet our thoughts so we can truly hear from God, embrace His Word and be transformed into his likeness.

Rhonda Jones is the author of a series of Christian meditation and relaxation CDs that encourages listeners to relax, spend more quality time with God, and learn to live more consciously and in the present. Please visit her website at for additional information.

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