Yoga Benefits: Hatha Yoga | Bikram Yoga | Hot Yoga | Health Benefits

Yoga Benefits: Hatha Yoga | Bikram Yoga | Hot Yoga | Health Benefits

The ancient science of Yoga has become increasingly popular all across the globe, in the recent years. This is because there are numerous benefits that are associated with the different disciplines of yoga. Yoga health benefits, not only include a persons physical health (internally and externally), but also comprise mental and emotional health. Some of the most common yoga health benefits are, increase in strength and immunity, better flexibility, improved focus and concentration, weight loss and stress reduction, to name a few.

Beneficial effects of Hatha yoga

Hatha Yoga refers to a style of Yoga which includes basic Yoga stretches, poses and techniques. In this style, the exercises are mainly referred to as postures, which are supposed to be performed in a slow and gentle manner, instead of repeatedly and energetically. It mainly consists of locks and postures, cleaning techniques and breathing exercises. The main benefits of Hatha Yoga are improved muscle tone, more flexibility, a reduction in pain, better posture, inner peace and an overall improvement in attitude. Even though this is an advanced form of Yoga, it is suitable for people of all fitness levels. It requires minimal equipment and can be performed in about 30 minutes or so. In order to maximize the effectiveness of Hatha Yoga, it is advisable to dress comfortably and find a quite, peaceful place to practice the postures for at least half an hour.

Beneficial effects of Bikram yoga

Bikram Yoga, more commonly known as Hot Yoga in the west, refers to that style of Yoga in which a series of 26 vigorous poses are performed continuously, in an environment or a room that has been preheated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. This form of yoga can be quite strenuous as it takes almost 90 minutes, to complete the series of poses. Moreover, all the poses have to be performed in the hot environment. Therefore, one of the main hot yoga benefits is weight loss, since the body sweats profusely. Other benefits of Bikram Yoga include increased flexibility, agility, concentration and strength. This style of Yoga is also great for reducing stress and getting rid of tension in the body.

However, before taking up any form of Yoga or practicing any Yoga exercise, it is important to consult a doctor.

Alex Dsouza manages sites related to lifestyle, yoga and fitness. He has profound authority on teaching yoga poses like Power yoga for weight loss, hatha yoga, and other benefits of yoga exercises.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

Getting To Know Hatha Yoga

Article by Na Finefrock

Getting To Know Hatha Yoga

Yoga has it beginnings in ancient India but this discipline has invaded the whole world due to the benefits it offers to people who take up yoga. A survey shows that there are more than sixteen million people who practice yoga in the United States alone.

There are various types of yoga and each type has its own methods and purposes. One type of yoga is the Hatha Yoga which literally means sun and moon, coming from two Sanskrit words Ha which means sun and Tha which means moon.

Hatha Yoga, which was first introduced in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama, was meant to help yoga practitioners start off with purifying their bodies before proceeding to a higher level of meditation. It is said that Hatha Yoga is similar to Raja Yoga which follows the principle of yama which refers to moral self discipline or control. However, there are sectors who believe that Hatha Yoga has its origins as early as the 10th century.

American yoga followers usually practice the Hatha Yoga to improve their physical and mental health. Most of the Western practitioners of the Hatha Yoga focus on the asanas or yoga poses and exercises but it is really a unified yoga discipline veering not only on the physical but also in Pranayama which consists of breathing and meditation techniques.

Both Hatha Yoga and Raja Yogi are known as Ashtanga Yoga because it follows the eight limbs which include the asana or the poses including the Lotus pose, easy pose, pelvic pose and easy pose. Some sectors however do not consider Hatha Yoga as Ashtanga Yoga since they believe it follows the six limbs.

The literal meaning of Hatha Yoga refers to the use of opposite forces or energies much like the sun and moon or the more familiar concept of yin and yang. This yoga discipline aims to achieve a balance between the physical and the mental powers of a person to achieve a higher level of existence. The body and mind is prepared for a higher level through the execution of the asanas.

Hatha Yoga makes use of Yama or moral control, the Asanas or the poses, Pranayama, Niyama, specific exercises known as Mudra which aims to improve the breathing technique and Nadanusandhana. All the six limbs work together to help the practitioner achieve a higher level of Kundalini or concentration and meditation.

Most Yoga practitioners strive to follow moral discipline or yama to live a virtuous life. According to the yoga discipline, a person can live a virtuous life by following the ten moral restraints primarily the ahimsa or veering away from causing harm to all living creations.

The other yamas include Satya or the ability to stick to the truth, Asteya which prohibits a person from stealing or incurring debt, Brachmacharya which requires celibacy for singles and faithfulness for those who are married, Kshma which refers to the virtue of patience, Dhriti or the principle of commitment, Daya which prohibits cruelty to all beings, Arjava or the promotion of honesty, Mitahara or keeping a moderate food intake and Shaucha or purity in thoughts and words. Yoga has been referred to as physical yoga because of the use of poses or exercises to achieve unity in body and mind. Some people equate yoga with Hinduism maybe because it started in ancient India but it should not really be identified or attached to any religion because it is a universal science that aims to achieve spiritual balance.

Hatha yoga is a very significant discipline that helps a yoga practitioner to achieve unity of body and mind in order for him to be elevated to spiritual perfection. While different yoga pose can also develop muscles and body form, they are however primarily aimed to achieve a balance in the body systems and internal organs.

Some people take up Hatha yoga to heal their physical and emotional illnesses. With constant execution of the asanas, the human body ultimately develops into a stable and enduring vessel for the human spirit.

Yoga disciples continue to execute the asanas not only to gain physical but also mental balance. The discipline one can gain from yoga will go a long way in helping the person lead a disciplined, happy and peaceful life.

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Raja Hatha yoga meditation

Article by Beyond-meditation

Raja yoga meditation is the real path of achieving success in yoga and establishing equilateral relationship between our mind, body and soul. Body is externally appearing, mind resides inside it and our spirit is in the deepest core. Soul has three subcategories and there are: consciousness, intellect and sub consciousness. Thoughts originate in our subconscious and flow into the conscious mind, during this phenomenon, feelings and emotions are created as byproducts. Feeling binds our thoughts. Intellect acts like a controller, so allows only positive and friendly thoughts to play in our mind and affect our body accordingly. Raja Yoga meditation is so highly practiced because it drives to the destination of enlightenment and directs control and mastery of the mind. This approach makes Raja Yoga an extremely challenging and difficult practice to involve in. Raja yoga aims to control the body and breathe to stabilize our prana that in turn calms the mind. Raja Yoga is often quoted as classical yoga or Hatha Raja yoga as it was the oldest system of yoga which finally developed into scientific and systematic culture. “Raja yoga” is initiated by Patanjali, who learn yoga for enlightenment in the fresh environment of Himalayas. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali break down the practice of Raja yogic meditation into eight limbs or sub-practices. The first four limbs are referred to as the external limbs and the remaining four are named as internal. Four external limbs are: Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama. Yama and Niyama are the yogic laws of right conduct and lifestyle. Yama includes truth speaking, feeling of non-violence, love and respects for others, honesty and non-covetousness. Niyama is for developing positive self-encouraged activities, and includes discipline, purity, contentment, self-study as well as devotion to supernatural being. According to raja yoga Vivekananda, the third limb, Asana means simply finding our comfortable yet stable sitting position before performing yoga practice. Forth limb of yoga is Pranayama, the science of yogic breathing. Patanjali suggests the Raja yogi to observe and slow the breath down to the point where one cannot distinguish between the inhalation and the exhalation. After preparing for external yoga, one proceeds towards the practice of internal limbs of yoga: Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Pratyahara is the drawing of the mind’s concentration away from the external senses to the inner sensations. When the mind draws inwards, Dharana is used to focus our mind on a single object, which is often breathing. This time the practice becomes challenging, keeping the mind focused and preventing attachment with thoughts. When one acquires the ability to focus the mind only on breathing to the point of being totally absorbed in it, then next limb called Dhyana or meditation begins. Finally, the uninterrupted practice of Dhyana leads to the last limb, Samadhi. Enlightenment, this means ultimate bliss or renunciation. At this stage of raja yoga meditation, yogi is completely free from all types of cosmic attachments.

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I am a Yogi (shaping my mind for enlightenment) and I blog about Yoga practice, Meditation, Memory sharpening tricks and sometimes my personal struggle. Yoga and meditation-plus memory tricks

Hatha Yoga

Article by Paul Wells

Getting To Know Hatha Yoga

Yoga has it beginnings in ancient India but this discipline has invaded the whole world due to the benefits it offers to people who take up yoga. A survey shows that there are more than sixteen million people who practice yoga in the United States alone.

There are various types of yoga and each type has its own methods and purposes. One type of yoga is the Hatha Yoga which literally means sun and moon, coming from two Sanskrit words Ha which means sun and Tha which means moon.

Hatha Yoga, which was first introduced in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama, was meant to help yoga practitioners start off with purifying their bodies before proceeding to a higher level of meditation. It is said that Hatha Yoga is similar to Raja Yoga which follows the principle of yama which refers to moral self discipline or control. However, there are sectors who believe that Hatha Yoga has its origins as early as the 10th century.

American yoga followers usually practice the Hatha Yoga to improve their physical and mental health. Most of the Western practitioners of the Hatha Yoga focus on the asanas or yoga poses and exercises but it is really a unified yoga discipline veering not only on the physical but also in Pranayama which consists of breathing and meditation techniques.

Both Hatha Yoga and Raja Yogi are known as Ashtanga Yoga because it follows the eight limbs which include the asana or the poses including the Lotus pose, easy pose, pelvic pose and easy pose. Some sectors however do not consider Hatha Yoga as Ashtanga Yoga since they believe it follows the six limbs.

The literal meaning of Hatha Yoga refers to the use of opposite forces or energies much like the sun and moon or the more familiar concept of yin and yang. This yoga discipline aims to achieve a balance between the physical and the mental powers of a person to achieve a higher level of existence. The body and mind is prepared for a higher level through the execution of the asanas.

Hatha Yoga makes use of Yama or moral control, the Asanas or the poses, Pranayama, Niyama, specific exercises known as Mudra which aims to improve the breathing technique and Nadanusandhana. All the six limbs work together to help the practitioner achieve a higher level of Kundalini or concentration and meditation.

Most Yoga practitioners strive to follow moral discipline or yama to live a virtuous life. According to the yoga discipline, a person can live a virtuous life by following the ten moral restraints primarily the ahimsa or veering away from causing harm to all living creations.

The other yamas include Satya or the ability to stick to the truth, Asteya which prohibits a person from stealing or incurring debt, Brachmacharya which requires celibacy for singles and faithfulness for those who are married, Kshma which refers to the virtue of patience, Dhriti or the principle of commitment, Daya which prohibits cruelty to all beings, Arjava or the promotion of honesty, Mitahara or keeping a moderate food intake and Shaucha or purity in thoughts and words.

Yoga has been referred to as physical yoga because of the use of poses or exercises to achieve unity in body and mind. Some people equate yoga with Hinduism maybe because it started in ancient India but it should not really be identified or attached to any religion because it is a universal science that aims to achieve spiritual balance.

Hatha yoga is a very significant discipline that helps a yoga practitioner to achieve unity of body and mind in order for him to be elevated to spiritual perfection. While different yoga pose can also develop muscles and body form, they are however primarily aimed to achieve a balance in the body systems and internal organs.

Some people take up Hatha yoga to heal their physical and emotional illnesses. With constant execution of the asanas, the human body ultimately develops into a stable and enduring vessel for the human spirit.

Yoga disciples continue to execute the asanas not only to gain physical but also mental balance. The discipline one can gain from yoga will go a long way in helping the person lead a disciplined, happy and peaceful life.

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Hatha Yoga Athens, Mantra Meditation Athens and Reiki Therapy Athens

Article by Hiram Rivas

&bull “Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit phrase “Yuj” – that means “unite or join” – and its living electricity is recognised as “prana”, a derivative of the Sanskrit word for “essential life or breath”. Despite the fact that Yoga has 8 limbs, it is most effective regarded for its use of poses, meditation, and breathing procedures to convey about a union between the soul and the Divine.&bull “Chakra” indicates “wheel” or “vortex” in Sanskrit. The therapeutic principles of both Yoga and Reiki are primarily based on the chakra method. Equivalent techniques have been regarded for centuries by distinctive cultures and are regarded by numerous other names. The chakras are centered along what western medication calls the spinal column and organs. When there is an imbalance in 1 of these places, it can have an impact on equally the subtle and bodily body.The Seven Key Chakras&bull The 1st, or root chakra is positioned at the base of the backbone. It is represented by the colour red and represents bodily safety.&bull The 2nd, or sacral chakra, is just down below the belly button. It is affiliated with the colour orange and is deemed “the seat of the soul.”&bull The 3rd chakra, positioned among the naval and the sternum, is recognised as the photo voltaic plexus and is represented by the shade yellow. It displays particular power, power, and self esteem.&bull The 4th, or heart, chakra radiates countless numbers of days additional magnetic strength than the brain. It is so easy, nonetheless so tough, because just as we start off to know this or catch a glimpse of it (sattori in Japanese), something blocks it from remaining evident and we are yet again shrouded in darkness and apprehension. The Buddha referred to enlightenment as the end of suffering for the reason that it is this perception of dis-connectedness that is the root of all struggling. Volumes have been published on this mysterious realization which do it substantially a lot more justice than I can in these a limited area… I would remarkably advocate the performs of Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, J. Krishnamurti and more a short while ago Eckhart Tolle for a extra comprehensive understanding.What is the Connection?Reiki and Yoga are both spiritual disciplines both of which will yield the sought just after final results, however as this sort of they demand determination and perseverance to grasp and reap the rewards. Disciplines this sort of as these may possibly seem to be challenging, but only if success are demanded instantly. If approached with persistence and willpower the finish of the street is achieved quickly plenty of, at which point one finds they have a decision to make… and a new journey to embark upon. The beneficial information is that each individual day far more and additional people today are reaching this realization (as opposed to 100 years ago when very number of observed accomplishment and even fewer were able to guidebook many others in its mastery) and assistance can be located almost everywhere. When you do obtain the important (which may perhaps incredibly nicely be exclusive for you) you will wonder how it was ever before feasible that you certainly not noticed it previous to… it was there all alongside, you just in no way appeared to connect the dots. Reiki and Yoga are both especially developed to enable you discover that critical… are you hunting for it?I mix them mainly because I believe that we are basically divine electricity vibrating at different frequencies.

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Kyveli gives you an oasis from the frantic and at times mind-boggling tempo of town daily life.Reiki Therapy Athens

Yoga Class, Full Length ~ Hatha Yoga Flow 2 with Diane ~ 55 Minutes : Yoga : Video

Yoga Class, Full Length ~ Hatha Yoga Flow 2 with Diane ~ 55 Minutes : Yoga  : Video

This is Yoga

Free download and DVD here: Direct Click for DVD – .95 for 2 great classes There is always a deeper or safer place to go in any yoga practice so there is something for yogis of every level in this Hatha Yoga class with Diane Jacobs. This class is great for beginners but more experienced yogis are encouraged to go deeper into the poses to make is a more challenging flow. With a calming sequence of backbends, heart opening postures and twists you will tone your nervous system and massage your internal organs. The opening postures will reduce the symptoms of PMS. Enjoy a special relaxation at the end as you are guided by Diane’s warm voice, deeping your experience of Savasana and leaving you feeling refreshed and open. This class will still be slightly challenging because of it’s duration. Duration: 55 minutes Benefits: opens heart chakra, lengthens the spine, increases lung capacity, reduces anxiety and PMS, tones the nervous system, improves digestion, increases body awareness Contraindictations: if you have any acute shoulder pain or lower back pain, be sure your spine and shoulders are safe at all times; always modify the poses so that you are comfortable Teacher: Diane Jacobs Poses in this Class: Seated Twist Side Stretch Cross Legged Forward Bend Cobblers Pose Lateral Inclined Plane Plank Butterfly Pose Downward Dog Cobra Crocodile Cat Cow (Angry Cat) Child’s Pose Hero Pose Lunge Pose Triangle Pose Wide Legged Forward Bend Wide Legged

42 min. full class ~ Hatha Yoga Flow 3 : Yoga : Video

42 min. full class ~ Hatha Yoga Flow 3 : Yoga  : Video

This is Yoga

Please help, donate at Click on for DVD – .95 for 2 fantastic courses Join Sarah via this gentle, vinyasa centered yoga movement, intended for all ability amounts. This class addresses a lot of of the basic postures discovered in any provided yoga class and is equally short and thorough. Sarah prospects you throw the postures with simple to comply with recommendations that leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. At only 42 min, this flow is perfect for a yoga class for the duration of a lunch break or any time during the day your physique desires a raise. Duration: 42 min We filmed this class at Trout Lake Park in Vancouver, BC it was the first filming session for and Sarahs very first time on camera. Benefits: tones and lengthens the whole human body, relieves pressure, improves posture, increases circulation, will increase properly getting Contraindications: this yoga movement is appropriate for all levels, nevertheless, if you have any continual pain, or are recovering from harm talk to your wellness practitioner just before starting any yoga apply Teacher: Sarah Holmes
Video Rating: four / 5