Spirit Science 1 – Thoughts (Original) : Spiritual Lessons : Video

Spirit Science 1 – Thoughts (Original) : Spiritual Lessons  : Video

Spiritual Lessons :

Check out the revised Lesson 1 here – www.youtube.com In Lesson 1, Patchman begins your journey into the unknown with the basics. Thoughts, Emotions, and the power that they bestow upon you. I’m planning on making this into a weekly series (I did this in 1 week), but for the next 2 or 3 weeks or so I’m going to be a bit tied up, so lesson 2 and onwards should hit the web around the end of the month. I also want to focus my time on this and exploring this topic, so I’m interested in finding a sponsor or something like that to help spread and share the videos further.

Yoga Stories: Meditation Can Improve Your Brain Function

Article by Thomon Wardle

If you’ve already tried your hand at yoga, then you may also have dipped your toe into the world of meditation. It’s powerful stuff and not just for people who grow pot and eat nothing but raw fruits. It’s something that I try to do everyday as it’s something that keeps me grounded and calm. It also helps with my intuition and inner confidence.

Recently, somebody in the academic world – namely the University of Wisconsin – noticed that meditation isn’t just some ‘new fangled’ practice, but it has great potential. A scientific study concluded that meditation can reduce stress, help with immunity and even help your brain to work better. Who would have thought that just by meditating for a few minutes every day, you’d be able to benefit from so many outcomes.

How to do it. It’s not difficult to do and if you want to try it for yourself, then all you need to do is to sit comfortably. Next, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Feel the air as it passes up your nostrils and into your lungs. Do it again and concentrate so that you can do it slower and deeper. Whatever thoughts you get, then notice them but let them pass. Keep your focus on your breathing. When your mind wanders, bring it back and refocus on your breath. Once you’ve done this for 10 to 15 minutes – then you’ve successfully meditated.

Find other programs for variety There is plenty of information online about how to meditate. For example, there are websites, blogs and even podcasts that provide guidance on alternative ways to meditate. Some of the styles will take you on an inner visualised journey that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Try looking at the podcasts for iPhone for this type of content.

Let’s just go back to that research for a moment, as there’s something else in there that’s very interesting. Apparently one of the outcomes from this research that was undertaken by the University of Wisconsin, was that meditation is as good for your brain as your body. The researchers up there studied some experienced meditators and found that they had more production of gamma brain waves. These waves have an association with clearer and more focused thinking. These gamma waves weren’t just in action during the time the meditation was taking taking place – they were there around the clock. They also discovered that there was not the typical age related thinning in the area of the brain that is used for attention and sensory perception.

This is all good news for all of us. It means that we can keep active mentally and physically for longer and this can go towards prolonging our health into our later years.

Oh and one more thing that you should know too. Apparently just 40 minutes of meditation can do a lot more for you mentally when it comes to being alert than a 40 minute catnap can. Having a nap can make you feel groggy for up to an hour afterwards, but you won’t need to suffer that if you replace the ZZZs with some meditation.

So with all of that evidence, it looks like meditation is finally being recognised for it’s powers. It will protect you against the negative outcomes of being stressed and tense, and it will support your immune system. It will even protect you against the ravages of time – what’s not to like about this ‘new fangled’ practice!

About the Author

Thomon Wardle is an experienced practitioner of yoga and pilates. Visit https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.getfitwithpilates.com and view the range of yoga DVDs and pilates DVDs to get started with your weight loss with yoga. There is a free eBook worth £9.95 for immediate download while you are there.

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Utilizing Tai Chi Chuan Meditation to Rule the Globe

Article by Al Case

I had been studying Karate for a while, and I was curious about tai chi chuan meditation. I had read of esoteric meditation concepts in such arts as Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan, and it definitely did seem like something I wished to do. Heck, one book I browsed stated that if an individual can focus on simply one thing for as little as 3 minutes he could rule the planet!

3 minutes? Heck, that was absolutely nothing!

And if I did it I would undoubtedly be the most effective martial artist in the planet! I could well knock over walls, be a wafting, disembodied intelligence. No wall could control me! No changing booth could be immune from my kung fu powers!

At the time I was working in a plastics factory in San Jose. Being rather burnt out with making heat shrinkable tubes, I determined that the day had actually come when I would certainly understand martial arts concentration and command the planet.

Lunchtime, and I walked out to the parking lot and into the orchard next door. I chose a round stone for my one thing, and sat down on the curb. My thoughts filled with plans for exactly what I would most likely do when I had actually controlled the globe, I consumed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and psychologically equipped myself.

Done with sandwich, I positioned the round stone on the ground and sat cross-legged just before it. I could not do a zazen sitting posture, or a yoga lotus asana, or anything like that, so I figured sitting Indian fashion might probably need to do it.

I gave myself a shake, lowered my gaze, and concentrated on the stone.

It was round. Probably I touched on that, however I did observe that it was round. And the colour dirt. Well, of course, I had actually gotten it from an orchard and… I psychologically shook myself and required myself to cease thinking. I needed to concentrate, be a laser, command the planet. My eyes stared at the rock.

A short time passed. I speculated precisely how I was expected to realize when 3 seconds passed. It sure was a very long time. I tossed that thought out of the way and stared at the stone once again.

After a while, I was sure 2 minutes had actually passed. I proceeded, awaiting the heavens to open, anticipating God to bow down, awaiting the cosmos to open and enjoy me as their rightful ruler.

And, 3 minutes… at least I think it was 3 minutes… I was bored. Absolutely nothing was taking place.

I picked up the rock, tossed it over my shoulder and back into the orchard and… I instantly recognized something. The rock had not been dull… I was boring. The rock was merely sitting there, doing nothing, it was me that had actually made it, and reality, and life… boring.

I stood then, and life was never ever the same after that. I was never ever bored ever again. I often speculate where that round stone is. Heck, if I could possibly locate it I would certainly be up for one more 3 minutes of tai chi chuan meditation… the things I could possibly discover!

About the Author

Learn more about tai chi chuan meditation and true martial arts spirituality. Come over to ChurchofMartialArts.com

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Learn Mindfulness Meditation to Attain Self Realization

Article by Kip Mazuy

Mindfulness meditation is really the essence of meditation and yoga. And if you practice this Zen technique given below not only in your sitting meditation but in your day-to-day life, it will help lead you into deep states of meditation and even self realization. Your natural experience of life will be one of unconditional peace and bliss.

Mindfulness meditation means to allow everything to come and go while remaining resting in the present moment. So first, allow yourself to breathe. Allow the breath to move in and out as it wants without trying to control it in any way.

And while you are consciously allowing yourself to breath, also allow whatever sensations you are feeling to be as they are. Do not concentrate on a sensation and do not resist any sensations, just allow whatever sensations you feel to be as they are.

Try this for now. Just allowing breathing to happen and allow feeling to happen. You should not describe the sensations, analyze them or think about them in any way. Just allow them while remaining resting in this moment.

Now the deeper part of mindfulness meditation deals with thinking. As you are sitting, now practice allowing thoughts to come and go. Do not try and control the thinking in any way. Just allow the thoughts to come and go. Experience the flow of thoughts coming and going rather than getting caught up in the content of the thoughts.

The challenging part in mindfulness meditation is to not get caught up in the thoughts. Allow the thoughts to come and go without getting involved with them.

It may help to passively let go of the thoughts as they come. Don’t try and push them away, there should be no trying to control the thoughts but rather as thoughts arise, let them pass by. Do not hold on to any thought.

This is a very important part of mindfulness meditation, especially if you are interested in self realization. Self realization means fully realizing yourself to be that which is beyond thinking, beyond the body and mind.

So give your full attention to allowing thoughts to come and go in this way. When the thought arises that you have to pick up the dry cleaning tomorrow, just see it as a thought arising and let it go. Don’t make it important or special, just see it as a thought arising just like any thought arising and let it go. Don’t worry about the dry cleaning.

Same with desires: if the thought comes up in meditation that you would really like some ice cream, let that thought go. Don’t grab hold of it and get lost in thinking about ice cream, just allow the thought to come and go. Surrender the thought into the silence of this moment.

When you identify with thoughts, there is an action of contraction, of gripping, of holding on to the thought. But in mindfulness meditation, there is no holding, no action at all; it is just allowing everything to pass without getting involved in any way. You are aware of the happening but not involved with it.

Then more and more you will begin to feel yourself not as the thinking mind, but as awareness, as presence itself. You will see you are not separate from this moment. You will see that thoughts are arising by themselves out of this moment and they disappear back into the silence of this moment. It is all one flow of energy. And the nature of this energy, the nature of this moment is unconditional peace and bliss.

In practicing this Zen mindfulness meditation technique, you will begin to experience this bliss, the bliss of being presence itself of being awareness itself. And in this you will even feel the bliss of thoughts arising and disappearing.

And it is this bliss that draws you into this moment more and more and leads you to self realization. The bliss begins to reveal itself in every part of your life. Walking will be bliss, driving will be bliss, working will be bliss, doing yoga will be bliss. Any action in which you are mindful will be experienced as bliss.

If you want to attain self realization then awakening this bliss is most important. And the most effective way to awaken this bliss is by receiving it from someone who has already attained self realization and radiates bliss. Simply by sitting with such a master, this bliss which is also called Shakti, Deeksha or Grace is awakened in you and deep states of meditation become effortless.

There is some amazing new sound technology available where with special recording equipment, this Shakti/bliss has been recorded and turned into sound. So simply by listening to some very unique meditation music, this Shakti/bliss energy is awakened in you.

And if you practice this mindfulness meditation technique while listening to this Shakti CD, then you will automatically begin to experience deep states of meditation, bliss and even self realization in a fraction of the time as it would trying to meditate without the CD.

You can listen to free samples of this Shakti sound technology music by visiting the “Self Realization CD” link below.

About the Author

Listen to Free Samples of a Shakti Sound Technology Proven to Awaken You into Deep Meditation & BlissVisit The Self Realization CD Website

For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Self RealizationPlease Visit The Spirituality & Enlightenment Website

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Meditation and Qigong, Part 3

Article by Mark

But some things of the other sort, especially connected with exacerbations and mental disorders, ambitious people sometimes prefer to flaunt in public as some kind of achievement.

One girl, for instance, complains that no one in her town is able to explain to her what has happened to her. She apparently saw herself from some distance, she was hanging under the ceiling and then had some strange visions through the third eye… she saw a dream that she would become the brightest and the most gifted student of the Greatest Teacher… and then on a Web she saw the portrait of the Teacher… and what an odd coincidence! – “It was the Master So-And -So!.. That’s why I came to School Such-And Such! But my instructor seems to have no qualification. And he does not let me go to Shaolin! But I need it, I need it desperately! I must become his personal student!..”.

There are two ways…

The first one is called spiritual development.It is carried out through the start of the basic fundamental WCZ Qigong exercises regularly practice (it not necessarily to be Wu Chan Zhong Qigong, there are other good systems), through nourishing your spirit, rearing and developing it paying no attention to some side effects and not bothering oneself with some accompanying “boos” and visions, and through being occupied with an interesting job, family, friends…

One day you will understand it all yourself.The mind development through the intellect upgrading, discourses, arguments, reading, has no relation to spiritual development.The Being growing within is not a mind or logic chains in your brain neurons…This Being is different energy and information substance…

It simply takes time…

Imagine a newborn wolf-cub in a den…It is born blind… It has no muscles on his legs yet… It needs to develop… It has long way to go. But the development has already started and goes according to the Decree of Nature. And it demands it to start crowling and searching… Wolf-cub crowls and comes upon something warm, something wet… something tasty… Or it is not tasty? Got to try… It fumbles for this warm thing with its nose… feels it with its not yet strong organs of sense… it seems to little cub that this Is… and it seems that this Is Not… And so, – “seems to be, seems not to be” – baby wolf starts to suck milk out of his mothers teats… Now tell me, what books or disputes can substitute THIS?!

The time goes quickly and soon the wolf-cub starts to see something… some spots… but what is it? Is it worth wasting the effort and staring into the darkness? Baby should just feed and grow… Just grow and wait. And it will come, it will come its natural way. If this little silly-billy wolf-cob suddenly got the eyes of an adult wolf, it would have its little face split! The eye is something more then simply an eye… it is bunch of nerve fibres coming from an eye to the little immature brain. This little brain will simply die of not being prepared to such an untimely information and to development of alien physiological tissues…And there would be simply no room in that little skull for all the new, foreign, adult toolbox and apparatus… No, no… The face will definitely split, no doubt!

The wolf-cub should just keep sucking… And it will grow stronger one day…One day, it will timidly crawl out of the den following its mother who would watch baby’s first steps… And then… we know what happens then. We are not the first and not the last. Yesterday’s wolf-cub turns into an adult wolf and it has been going on this way for millions of years…

Everything in this world goes on this way, including spiritual development.When your little Being starts growing, the same story happens. Feed it, take care of it, help it develop… If you suddenly see some spots, some dots and obscure motion… Just ignore it… When you really come into the light, there won’t be any silly questions like: What has it been? Why no one is able to explain?

If these questions arise, then nothing has happened yet! Do not hurry to consider yourself unique and grown up… There is yet nothing that can leave your body yet. Was it a hallucination or was it sudden flow of some inadequate part of energy and information system? It makes no difference… If we get caught in an endless loop discussing IT over and over again, wasting our time and efforts analyzing IT – then we find ourselves following the second (and the most wide-spread) way which I call spiritual jerk-off.


Osho Rajneesh clearly said about this: “…There are persons who come to me. I can see that I am in front of them and they cannot see me. But they say they have visions, spiritual visions. Beautiful colours float in their minds. Kundalini arises, the snake-power, the serpent-power. It rushes towards the last chakra.

I am in front of them and I can see they are blind; they can’t see me. Their kundalini is arising, and they have tremendous light in their third eye. And they have come, so that I can confirm: ‘Yes, that’s so.’

If I say: ‘Yes, that’s so,’ they are very happy and fulfilled. If I say: ‘No,’ they are very angry. They become my enemies. And they cannot see me – but they can count the legs of the ants crawling on the moon. They are stone-blind. To hide their blindness, they create many fictions around themselves.

A man came to me. He said: ‘Just as it happened in Mohammed’s life, it is happening in my life. I receive messages in the night. God Himself, Allah – He gives me messages. But the trouble is that in the morning, I always forget what the message was.’ It happened in Ahmedabad.

I told him: ‘Do one thing. Keep a pad and a pencil just near your bed, and while you go to sleep,continuously go on remembering that whenever God reveals anything, your sleep will be immediately broken, and you will be able to write. And write it, whatsoever it is.’

He said: ‘These messages are tremendous truths. They can transform the whole world. The trouble is – I always forget in the morning.’

So I said: ‘You do it – and whatsoever it is, you bring it.’

Next day he came. He was very much worried and sad, and depressed, and frustrated. I said: ‘What happened?’ He said: ‘I cannot believe what happened. Whatsoever you have said, I have followed.I went on remembering while I was falling asleep that whenever the message is delivered, I will be able to get up immediately and write the message down. And it happened as you said.’

‘But then,’ I said,’why are you so sad?’

He said: ‘But the message makes me very sad.’

‘What was the message?’

He was feeling a little embarrassed. The message was: ‘Live a little hot. Sip a Gold Spot.’ The advertisement board was just in front OF his house. He must have been passing and…

So he said: ‘Please don’t say this to anybody, because I am very much frustrated. How did it happen? Is it some kind of joke God is playing on me?’

Your dreams are bound to be your dreams: ‘Live a little hot. Sip a Gold Spot.’ They cannot go beyond it! Your visions are your visions; they cannot be more than you. Your experiences are your experiences. They are bound to be below you; they cannot be beyond you. Your kundalini is going to be your kundalini; it cannot be a Buddha’s kundalini.

Ninety-nine percent is the possibility that you have been imagining. Man is so poor, he imagines in millions of ways to convince himself: ‘I am rich.’

If you have not been able to attain to the worldly things, then you start attaining to the non-worldly things. If you don’t have a bank balance here on the earth, then you have a bank balance there in heaven – but you have a bank balance.

Remember always: your mind is stupid. Mind as such is tupidity. Mind cannot be intelligence.Intelligence happens only when the mind has gone. Intelligence is not the function of the mind; it is the function of the whole. Mind is stupid, repetitive. It cannot know the unknown, it can only go on repeating the known – ‘Live a little hot. Sip a Gold Spot.’ Continuously looking at the advertisement board, it has become settled.

If you are born a Hindu, your kundalini will rise. If you are born a Jain, never – because Jain scriptures don’t advertise for kundalini. If you are a Christian, you will see Christ and the cross. But if you are a Hindu, Christ never bothers to come on your path. And the cross – never. You will see Krishna playing on the flute, because Krishna is advertised and Christ is not advertised.

All your spiritual experiences are nothing but conditionings that the society has given to you. Don’t rely too much on them, because death will force you to realize the fact that you lived a fictitious life – the opportunity lost.

Become aware that you have nothing. Once you feel that you have nothing, fear disappears, because fear is always part of the feeling that you possess something which can be lost – hence fear.

When you realize the fact that you don’t know anything, that you are blind, that you cannot see….

All that you have been seeing is your own projection. You create it and you see it. You are the director in the drama that you call your life. And you are the story-writer also. And you are the actor. And you are all that is happening. And you are the audience. There is nobody else. You are looking at it. You are creating it. You are directing it. You are playing a role in it.

Once this is seen – and this can be seen in a flash of light, just by listening to me rightly, it can be seen – then the whole drama disappears. This is what Hindus call MAYA, the world that you have created around yourself, which is not real, which is not there – your own creation.

When it drops, then for the first time, you are not blind; your eyes open. Then you

Relaxation – REIKI – Mind Body Soul : Reiki : Video

Relaxation – REIKI – Mind Body Soul : Reiki  : Video

Reiki :

The first in a set of videos I’m putting together for relaxtion meditation and stress relief. Beautiful music from Llewellyn and a collection of beautiful pictures all combine to give a relaxing ambience. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Sit back and relax.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Meditation and Qigong, Part 5

Article by Mark

The Master in Peking mentally imagined his assistant and – like a bat oriented by the reflection of its own produced ultrasound – started to locate the assistant emitting his Qi at him and accepting its reflection, he managed to repeat the movements seen by his mental vision. The scientists were staggered by the exactitude of the Master’s movements. But the most shocking was the fact that after the end of the experiment the Master fetched out of his pants pocket… several chestnuts…

There are no secrets in Qigong. Only a daily meditation practice.

If some people due to their misbelieve or greed think that the more “sophisticated” movements they do the better effect it would bring… or the more energy channels they know and practice the better it would be for them… the better stretching, the higher jumps, the more… the more… the more… – what can I do! This comes from not knowing the core… and an incredible greed…

If there are people who believe in exertion but not relaxation, if there are people who do not know the tremendous scope of meditation in mastering the body, mind and soul,- it is not new. It does not mean that the phenomenon of meditation does not correspond to everything written here. There always have been the majority of those who do not believe in practicing silence, and no explanations of Buddha, Lao Tsu or Jesus Christ can help them… When the greatest Teachers advocated meditation these people most often laughed at it demanding a “miracle” or “proof”, or they even condemned those saints and prophets who came to them with Truth… in case some of them finally accepted the Teaching, 99 of a hundred failing to get the clue fell into formalism, worshipping the external and paying no heed to the main, and got interested in the issues of minor importance like how long you must sleep to solve your problems, when and what must a person eat… what is there in a large intestine and how it has to be cleared by some special techniques… whether there are some top secret (because of their “extra power”) exercises to cause “supernatural” states… and so on… and so on… and so forth… This explains why for all the history of humanity there have been only few of the True Masters, and much more of “gymnasts” and “mechanics”, people practicing some rituals or gymnastic exercises with no purpose or sense, following some half-clear and half-forgotten rules of behavior or celebrating some religious holidays…

I will repeat myself: there are no secret techniques and no secrets at all. There are no special conditions. There are no any restrictions to place, time of day, to diet or religion… It is all so simple. And all makes sense.

I personally know useful, safe and effective exercises on meditation. I am practicing them, my colleagues are practicing them and we have positive effect and good results. I can assure you, practicing meditation not with books but with the guidance of full-blooded method and in proper fashion,is not only a safe activity; moreover, it is without a doubt a useful practice, it is the core of practice, and it is what person should be doing for good health and personal growth. The methods of achieving the State of Silence may turn out to be different, depending on a practitioner,- but it’s entirely different matter…

Of course, I have no intention and no desire to describe all the schools and physical training systems. I simply use an opportunity to share my personal experience, and it happens to be connected with the method of WCZ Qigong System practice. I do not doubt meditation in general sense, also I am sure there are many schools where meditation is taught successfully and competently… but I have a right to speak only about what I know personally and, looking back to the way I and like-minded people have come, I can recommend the methods of WCZ Qigong System.

There is the second objection. They say there is a “feedback”.Practicing some physical forms, some magic “body geometries”, apparently you can cause psychophysical states appropriate to these forms; they say, it is possible to come to the State only through exercising, for instance, through Hatha-Yoga physical exercise…

For such “adepts” I would recommend to consult the greatest Yogin Sri Aurobindo. Let him disillusion the misbelievers, for he possesses the greater authority than I do.

About me I will say the following: I am not looking for some “super-extra-cool” workouts. It is very useful and very pleasant to take care about the Body and all these physical aspects. Not to have any motion and movement is, of course, wrong. But I do not accept extremes. Zhong Yuan Qigong is the Middle Path.

You may go to the swimming-pool or gym, jog in the morning, if you wish…It is useful and pleasant, not better and not worse then Hatha-Yoga or Tai-Chi.Besides, some physical fatigue contributes to the further deep relaxation and helps when practicing The State.

Qigong masters recommend: “If you practice meditation for a long time and have a sedentary life-style as well, you have to add some dynamic training or sport activity. Tai-Chi or other Kung fu style will do. Hatha-Yoga may also be added”…

Once, Patanjali came to me during my meditation.

He said: “Relax! There is no “super workouts”! All of them are the same and all have no relation to what you and me need… When I made the description of my Yoga, it used to have only Lotus Position… no other asana or exercise… But… you see… Lotus will come to you… some day… when something changes in your Mind… Those know-alls decided to stretch and show off… invented three thousand asana. I am telling you: all these asana are coming from the greed and misunderstanding… that means from the Evil One. Where there is the Evil One there is no you. Where there is no you nothing helps. Where you appear nothing else is required! Practice meditation. There is no sense in relieving the tension in your body if the tensed mind governs it. When you dethrone the power of Mind, the New Reign of Relaxation will come then. And Lotus will come. If you still need it!… Your Sharpened in meditation and Liberated Mind will mold your body in any required form, shape and state!.. My Yoga and Qigong of your Teacher are just the same, You have all in you. Want to practice asana – go ahead. If not asana but Taola (Ushu movements) – let it be… But do remember Sisyphus, who was left with nothing every night. This “feedback” of theirs is so slow!.. it may give a beginner some benefit, some knowledge of what is worth being longing for… But when they come back home from the training and quarrel with the wives… slam the door and lock themselves in their rooms… they resemble Sisyphus to me… because the stone again is in the starting point… and the tension comes back…».

All the great systems teach one and the same.Simple things are so difficult to understand without practicing the State.

Hinduism unites Atman and Brahman.Christianity unites God-Father, God-Son and Holy Spirit.

What does it mean?

For two millennia the Christians have been waiting for Christ to come back.For five millennia the Krishnaits have been waiting for the promised return of Krishna.For three millennia the American Indians have been waiting for Ketsalcoattle.

Who will come and when?

They all, Great Teachers, were speaking about self-transformation and the State of Meditation in allegory of models, parables and relative concepts.

They told us that going the way of spiritual development during meditations, when we become Bigger and Wiser due to reinstatement of the Great Brain and our Being, when we are able to transform ourselves out of the terrestrial human into the True Cosmic Being… when we first become God-Son, then we will comprehend the Absolute… Atman will unite with Brahman.

When, during the deepest State, everything what is not true us, gets quiet, we will have a chance to hear glorious music and the Voice of our Real Nature out of the settled Silence.

Quietly following this Voice and being straight and enabled, you may see the light. There, in this light, you will find yourself and so the transformation, for the sake of which this incarnate world was created, will be complete.

This way Buddha, Christ, Krishna and Ketsalcoattle will enter this word again…

The Second Advent comes from Within! All the Teachers and the Holy Texts try to tell us about this. This is so simple – they have shown the Way, have given us the Method.

There is a clever (no joking!) objection of reflective intellectuals. They are those who believe no event is possible to be urged, those who do not believe in the existence of methods and the use of any systems, they suppose that everything is unique, individual and any action can only postpone the result, they say there is no way to achieve Enlightenment, It comes on its own, suddenly and spontaneously…

My opinion is: there are very many conditions in the Universe that must fit into a Planet Parade to trigger one certain Realization or the Great Encounter.

But if you are practicing the State of Silence, you will have good chances, for you will always be on the spot of this possible Encounter. And that is all that can de done and needs to be done.


About the Author

Mark Freeman.Wu Chan Zhong Qigong

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