Which Meditation Program Is Right For You?

Article by Trevor Johnson

If you’re a beginner with meditation then there are probably a hundred and one things buzzing through your mind. After all, you want to not just make sure that meditation is right for you, but you also want to know that the meditation program you choose is the best choice you can make. Here are some things to look for to help you make the right decision.

Start with finding out how easy your chosen meditation process is to learn. Some meditation methods are almost second nature and don’t involve much (if any) learning on your part whilst others take years of practice to achieve the kind of perfection you’re probably striving for.

Most beginners start with some form of guided meditation. This takes the guesswork out of the process as you simply follow along to the MP3 that you’re playing. Guided meditations are a great way to start and also have the advantage that they’re cheap and also available for lots of different options. So you could choose one that helps with your overall health or one that will assist you with connecting to your higher self or one that will help you to use the law of attraction to bring abundance into your life. There are hundreds if not thousands of these guided meditation tracks available on the web – you simply need to choose ones that suit your current purpose and where the voice is one that you get along with. If there’s a sample of the track, listen to it before purchasing.

Another meditation program that’s often chosen by beginners is a breathing meditation. Again, this falls into the “simple to use” category as you already instinctively know the basics of the system – breathing.

Much like the guided meditations, a breathing meditation will have a set of instructions for you to follow. These could be in MP3 format or they could simply be a sheet of instructions that you need to read through and use. You’ll know which of these methods suits you best – some people prefer the speed of being able to skim down a PDF or Word document whereas others prefer to listen to the instructions on their iPad as they go along. Choose the method that you’re most likely to prefer.

A third meditation program that you may come across is one that uses binaural beats to recreate a meditative state in your mind. This is kind-of similar to a guided meditation except that there are normally no words, just a backing track of natural sounds or music to disguise the fairly ugly noise of the binaural beats themselves.

The beats are designed to be slightly different in tone – one tone played into one ear, the other played into your other ear. Your mind then tries to match up the two almost identical beats and, in doing so, takes itself into a deep meditative state. Whilst you can create this kind of program yourself, it’s better to use a system that’s been designed and recorded by professionals. These are simple to use and inexpensive. They’re also claimed to help you reach the same kind of deep meditative state achieved by Zen monks but without the years of practice.

About the Author

Take a look at this meditation program comparison and find out how to meditate properly.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Meditation and Qigong, Part 4

Article by Mark

And your life will improve, real results won’t take the long time!

Perhaps, the instructors should pay a great deal of attention to this matter and, if necessary, be strict to the student if he starts shifting towards the way of “spiritual jerking-off”. If a student starts practicing less and talking more about his visions and abilities it is not good both for him and for people around him…

I mean, there is no such a thing as red hot ball. And all the other things like red snake-like lines, shining blue bands of “microcosmic orbit” and spheres between the palms: they do not exist…

People say: “They do! They do exist! My instructor sees them, my friend sees them and when I am relaxed I also can see them!”…

There is a story… Some man who had been practicing all his life was walking along the road and suddenly saw in the dust on the side of the road a half-dead dog, with worms were already swarming in it…

The man felt sorry for the dog and wanted to relieve it from the worms… But suddenly he felt sorry for the worms, too, and did not know what to do…

And suddenly it flashed in front of his eyes… He gained an Enlightenment and saw laughing Buddha on the place of the dog…

He put Buddha on his shoulder and they walked together…

Soon they met a group of people sitting around a tree and listening reverently to their clairvoyant Guru, who was preaching about good and evil, about the clue of practicing, about morality, personal development and the structure of the Universe…

The man approached the group and started to listen too…

None of the disciples paid attention to him and the Guru exclaimed: “Brothers! Look at this man! Can’t you see what is on his shoulder?”…

The disciples looked at each other in surprise and shrugged their shoulders. They saw nothing.

After the sermon the disciples went away, but our character came to their Guru and said: “Now I understand that the Truth has not been hiding from me all these years, I have not been able to see it, I used to be as blind as your disciples today… The problem is not with God, Dao or Buddha… They do not hide their faces from us… The problem is our blindness!”…

– Yes, it is true!, – exclaimed the clairvoyant Guru, – But explain me why are you carrying on your shoulder a dog eaten by warms?


The level of your vision, the level of your understanding is only your level… 99 people of 100 delude themselves and the other people telling of their visions… But 1 of 100 does indeed see something…

Do not hurry to make conclusions… Your red hot ball, all your clairvoyance is only the dog eaten by worms…

The world resembles a giant… Once Shrek told the donkey: “Ogres are like onions… Onions have layers… Ogres have layers…” It seems to you that you can see, so you gather disciples around you… but everything you see is a dog…

Even the Enlightenment or enlightened vision has several levels… Do not get stuck on them… Relax and abstract your mind… Welcome to the World of Silence!..

Thousands of charlatans and those who believe in their hallucinations turn into spiritual “healers”. What Healers can they be if their Souls have not grown strong and have not grown their spiritual “instruments” (ability of real seeing-feeling-sensing- understanding-changing-creating)…

Image Therapy (Medical WCZ Qigong module) it is only an instrument, a tool… scalpel is also a tool… it may be in the hands of a genius doctor, saving people’s lives, but it may be in hands of Frankenstein or Hannibal Lecter… If you cut your patient with this scalpel… what will YOU see? Your own dogs with worms… What will YOU do then?.. So, we shouldn’t put our dogs onto the others shoulders… There are only a few of those who can really help… If you are reading these articles, you are not these people… for those who really Achieved… they are not reading anything especially in the Internet… they have left public places… They are Self-Sufficient…


From time to time we meet sick or twisted people who call themselves Gifted… or it happens that they are called Gifted. The same old mistake… the same old story… Have you noticed that they are practically always ill? Poor little things with their faces “split”… They’d better not be paying attention to those “spots around”, as seeing these “spots” is not the real Being’s ability to see… they should still be eating, just eating… Find the teat and suck the milk… Seems to be, seems not to be… They should come back to the practice of the first fundamental steps.

People are eager to deceive themselves and always ready to believe in their newly open talents. And they should be explained their misconceptions while they are only half-blind wolf-cubs, who instead of opening the new clinics should keep practicing Yang-Qi for next 5-10-20-50 years…

And while practicing, find an interesting and well-paid job (or launch your own business if there is some disposition toward it) and always be a balanced person. The fact is, that if you are a real master you do not generate attention. If people point the finger at you whispering at your back or grinning with the thought that you are odd… then you are not a qigong practitioner… and these people are not fools… Definitely, there is something wrong about you…

The True Vision criterion is rather simple. In this situation my teacher says: “Count how much money is in my wallet in the back pocket of my trousers… See real things… through the clothes… see the banknotes, read the bank numeration on them”….

Do reality check periodically. If you cannot see real world, do not invent visions in spiritual world…

For particularly stubborn ones the following interesting test is recommended. Consider this: if your sober brain in a normal state behaves like this… how can you trust your vision being in altered states…

…And you should not get upset if you realize that you are not ready yet…This is wrong, too… Your development is happening right at this moment. When this awareness comes, it is already a good result because this awareness triggers the work, giving a long-awaited relaxation, or at least helping to draw you away from constant reflecting on the practice and to remember that there is a great world around and some important business in it.


What else is important in meditation experience and the State practicing…

WCZ Qigong calls this State just “The State of Qigong” and is subdivided into 4 basic stages or phases: relaxation, silence, pause and stoppage.

Yoga calls this State “The State of Yoga”. Sometimes it is said that Yoga itself is the State. Sometimes they call this State cittavrirti nirodha.

To reach meditative states one should practice the process of meditation. Sometimes both the process of achieving this state (observing, meditation) and the result (silence, peace) are called the same -meditation, observing…

In Indian Buddhism it is dhyana (“observing”, Pali language).

Chán Buddhism calls it Chán (“observing”, Chinese).

Zen (Japanese variant of Chán Buddhism) calls this State Zazen (Zen also translates “observing” from Japanese).

Thus we can see that dhyana, chan, zen – are synonyms; they mean observing, meditation. And the states of chan, dhyana and zen – they are peace and silence, achieved by observing.

In Christian Hesychast Orthodoxy (Hesychast means “silence”) they call it Holy Spirit Eucharist. Entering this state Chtistian Saints achieve the Enlightenment, they call it Godness.About the development of Soul through this method you may read in the Life Thesises by Seraphim Sarovsky “About Holy Spirit Gaining”.

How to develop the State by the methods of Wu Chan Zhong Qigong?

The whole practice of WCZ Qigong is devoted to it. In exercise description you will read a bit more about it.

If we use the word meditation we mean two things: The State itself and the exercises helping to induce The State by means of different techniques for mind and consciousness.

Sometimes meditation is said to be the absence of thought and the switching off an inner dialogue. I would like to underline that The State is MUCH MORE then just an absence of thought. I would add to this an absence of emotion and any psychophysical tensions, of “wrong” energies and so on…Yes, I would express it this way, but it is again imprecise and incomplete…

That is why I would try to say it this way: Meditation as a State is the absence of everything that is not you. When everything “what is not you” is keeping silence, your True Nature may come into the light. Then, everything settles as it should be and there is no need any more in Yoga Sutras, the Korans, Bibles, Vedas, Tao Te Chings in order to BE, TO UNDERSTAND AND TO MOVE FURTHER.

All books like Yoga Sutras, Vedas, Bible, the holy Buddhist texts and so on, use different words to express one and the same thing – how to throw away the crutches and stand on your own two feet, how to achieve this particular State, that is called so differently in all the Great Spiritual Systems…

What the most people refer to as Yoga, in fact, often has no relation to Yoga. It is only practicing what could be called more correctly “Yogi exercise”.

The same case is with Qigong. It is usually perceived not as Qigong itself, as the State transforming our Being, but as workout or Shaolin Exercises…

It is not correct to understand exercises of any spiritual system – Yoga, Qigong, Hesychast, Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism – to be the system itself as well as practicing the State and Spiritual development.A Yogi makes his exercises (Hatha), say, for half an hour

Meditation and Qigong, Part 2

Article by Mark

When it happens, there may come the State of Pause itself and the “dissolving” I have described before. Dissolving, lightness, a slight disorientation, pause, vanishing of the object of meditation for it was needed for only one purpose – to lead to The State. When the goal is achieved, there is no need to continue the Mind effort. You do not have to concentrate on anything…

By the way, just to illustrate the analogy, – Christian Hesychast uses the method of Our Father prayer and the Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky used to say about it:

“To feel Grace we have to pray and keep vigil (read – mantra and devotion, in terms of Eastern mystics). When with the help of the prayer you brought the state of Spiritual Holiness, you must quit the prayer”. Use it! I may express it the following way: Just imagine, you invited me for a cup of tea to your place. I came and I am waiting for you to offer me a cup of tea… but you keep sitting and muttering as an idiot: “Come, oh, come!..”. The same goes for God. What are you – stupid? If Lord came to you, enjoy the fruit of your prayer, give up the means when the purpose is achieved by this means!”.

It goes something like this, or maybe a bit different. That’s the way I remembered it. Hope, Christians won’t take offence on me…

About Patanjali… Having achieved the State you should not do anything. On the contrary, action may hinder the State and constant agitation of mind won’t let you deepen the State.

There is the other statement in Patanjali describing the same thing: “Meditation is when the left becomes right and the right becomes left”.

All my Yogi associates have racked their brains, thinking over this definition and having no understanding what the legendary and long-dead creator of Yoga Sutri meant them to get…

But everything is not that complicated… I have already written about this: at first, organs of sense start misleading the practitioner and I may hear the sounds from the opposite direction or get surprised why it seems to me that I am sitting facing the wall though I know for sure that I started sitting with my back on it…

Well, it is just occurs in the beginning of the practice. In few years it usually gets settled.It seemed important the forefathers to clarify the starting processes for us; they knew we would be able to grasp the further aspects with practice as long as we have proper start, however partially or controversially they may have described it…With further personal practical experience, disorientation in the space is not the only phenomenon you may be faced with… sometimes you realize the more delicate things lose their shape and verge… Who are you? What are you? Where are you from? Is that you sitting on the sofa or you are a sofa that is occupied by…There is one story about a butterfly and Ch’uan Chi… Ch’uan Chi sees a butterfly in a dream and he wonders whether he is Ch’uan Chi who is seeing a butterfly in a dream, or whether he is a butterfly flitting over the sleeping person who is having a dream, in which he can’t understand who is flitting around… That is a fable about the intensity of the practice and about conscious meditation even during the sleep…

Well, what do you expect? Remember that childhood play when you interlace fingers on both hands and then turn your hands with palms facing out, and then you try to fiddle the finger your friend points at? That child’s play was enough to completely confuse your poor brain. And that confusion is nothing compared to deeper meditative states, with their sensations of heat or trembling of some parts of your body with activated Qi energy, or with visions produced by release of tension from our brain cells as our brain is still getting used to work properly under new conditions. There is only one thing to be advised: sometimes it takes years of patient waiting and you should not pay attention to all the phenomena and visions. Just practice the State…

And then … If you have been practicing the State regularly for quite a long period of time, then your breath stops. You just do not wish to breathe. From that moment on we may speak about more or less complete State. The practitioner experiences an awakening of new (extrasensory) organs of the world perception and he starts to see the world differently…

I would like to remind that WCZ Qigong calls this stage “The Pause”. To prevent suffocation, the 2nd stage practices special skin breath exercise. On one hand, it intensifies the natural skin function of absorbing the oxygen; on the other hand, it slows down your metabolism so you need less air.

With further practice and getting into deeper State eventually your heart stops beating – this is the fourth basic Wu Chan Zhong Qigong Stage and it is called “The Stoppage”. In several minutes after that the Soul may go out of the Body through Zhong-Mai channel. The body does not die, Qi “make the blood circulate” as Chinese Masters say. Temporarily energy assumes the cardiac function.

Soul also possesses its own organs of perception.

Thus, the State of Meditation is:

First of all, an instrument to develop understanding of the world and oneself, while the “Soul” is still within the body; and our perception and awareness expand due to the opening of extrasensory organs of perception, due to regeneration of Great Brain “pixels”, and due to training and development of consciousness…

During the States of “Pause” and “Stoppage” our Nature starts changing greatly.

Taoists attribute it to the development of the Immortal Embryo when what we call Soul or Spirit starts transforming into the higher and more complex energy and information structure.

At the same time our Mind clears itself from attachments, which are progenitors of all our agitations and anxious thoughts about the past or the future. And so, we find ourselves in the new place, we are coming to “here and now” and the clouded thoughts are replaced by the new enlightened Awareness. It may be the state of enlightenment “not yet for all times”, but just a satori – single, short illuminated blooming understanding, leaving the adept as soon as he quits meditating…

Second, when the Soul reaches certain level of development, it acquires the ability to consciously go out of the body and start getting to know the world and itself… it learns and develops; it remembers, for example, the skills learned during previous lives; and the person gets quite the different quality of awareness… It is the true liberation called by many cultures Salvation, because mastering the practice allows to achieve such levels of Soul development that after the body’s death the Soul consciously enters other worlds of existence, without losing self-identity or acquired knowledge.And that is the purpose of the development, the purpose of practicing the State and all the Great Systems, because our Soul is what we are.

The Soul development and its further transformations, training, and changes is called SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT.

You may be a good person, but it mainly reflects the Mind function, the effect of your upbringing, your affections and so on. Spiritual development is something completely different…


I can share my personal experience…

Once, few years since time I began practicing, I started to realize that I “see” (perceive) some Being inside of me. It started to come alive. You may call it whatever you wish – an Immortal Embryo, Soul or something else…

And I clearly felt that if It was living off my “silence”. And I understood it was wrong to say that spiritual practice (so called “real” Qigong) starts when the Soul goes out of the body and acquires the ability to develop and learn…

Spiritual practice starts from the first moment, once you relax and close your eyes. Even at that moment, even during your very first and timid meditation, you start the processes contributing to transformation of the Being within you.

Awareness, Consciousness, Soul… Where is the border between the one and the other?… How all these should be named, differentiated and categorised? In China they name “all these” with one word, one philosophic category: Shen.

Due to what sources does Soul develop? Due to energy development? Due to development of the perception sharpened by meditation practice? Due to gradual and consecutive replacement of an overshadowed mind by our True Nature?

Once, you will come across this phenomenon and find Something within you.You will feel as if this Something is feeding and growing. This is what spiritual growth is, the growth of the Soul, growth of the New Life inside of you. This Something lives on what is produced during the “quiet state”. For example, when we are doing the exercise Yang-Qi. That is why the Masters say Yang-Qi to be Rearing of Life and Qigong (or any higher practice) to be the skills (art) of Life Rearing (fostering). Everything is lucid, fair and simple. It can hardly be expressed better…

The statements like: “real practice will start only after we are able to drive our Soul out of the body”, – are simply harmful. They generate complexes, stress and an urge to speed up the events; they prevent us from appreciating our present quality true worth; they create the idea that now everything is difficult and bad and we do not have any progress, but some day in future there will be some result…

But it is not true! We already have everything in us. Since the very first moment of practicing we practice the good and proper thing. And in a proper way. When I realized that everything was going on in a right way for me at that very moment…I just calmed down.

Now I am confidently telling you: your Soul will go out when your Being grows stronger… When Zhong-Mai

Great Stress Relief Strategies

Article by R Bennett

Stress seems to be something that has worked its way into the life of millions of people throughout the world. We all have some experience of stress, whether on a minor level or chronic level. Not all encounters with stress will have damaging effects but stress becomes a problem to be seriously addressed when it is heading for what is known as chronic stress. Stress relief strategies can assist greatly in overcoming your stress well before it gets to the chronic level.

Ongoing stress hinders the nervous system in that it never really gets a chance to rest or recover. If undressed, chronic stress is likely to lead to poor health down the line. In addition to this, chronic stress can have a negative effect on your metabolism, which in turn can lead to a litany of additional health complications. This all being considered, it might be a good idea to invest in some stress relief strategies if you find yourself being over come with more and more stress each day.

Chronic StressOur bodies are setup to handle low levels of stress but when it gets to the chronic levels it can become quite serious. Chronic stress happens when the aspect you are focusing most of your worry on is an ongoing, seemingly unending situation as opposed to a temporary problem. Chronic stress prohibits your body from entering a healthy state of repair and over time will have adverse effects on your health.

So this being said, it is wise for us all to evaluate any stress we currently have in our lives and act on it as fast as possible. Take a look at some stress relief strategies and decide which methods work best for your lifestyle. Although it is completely normal to get stressed out from time to time it is still something to be monitored. The long-term effects of unattended chronic stress are nothing to joke about. Below are a few simple stress relief strategies.

Stress Relief Strategies1) Adequate sleep: You will benefit from 6-8 hours of sleep per night not only for your ability to handle stress but also for your over all well being..

2) Clean up the diet: The healthier you are, the more effective your body will be at handling stress that presents itself to you.

3) Exercise: It is a well known fact that exercising 2 – 4 times per week for at least 30 minutes will significantly lower your stress levels. The endorphins that your body release during and after exercise are an incredible natural painkiller.

4) Breathing Exercises: Practice deep breathing through out various times of the day, supplying the body with adequate clean oxygen helps your body deal with stress and helps remove old dead cells from your lymphatic system.

More stress relief strategies https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://bit.ly/aL2WEh

About the Author

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Soul of the Shaman Chill Meditation Music : Meditation Music : Video

Soul of the Shaman Chill Meditation Music : Meditation Music  : Video

Meditation Music :

‘Soul of The Shaman’ is chill meditation music, and was created with this purpose in mind. Using the latest studio techniques it is both relaxing and pleasing to the ear. It is perfect as an aid to meditation and inward reflection. It also has a ‘hook’, and ends with upbeat melodies to prepare you for what lays ahead in your exciting day! I hope you like my music, and I wish you peaceful and productive meditations. Let me know what you think, and I will do my best to answer your questions. www.pushatopendoors.com Dr. Stephen Simpson works as an Elite Performance Coach and uses the latest psychological techniques, including NLP, hypnosis and meditation, to unlock your hidden potential. These leading edge techniques form the foundation of his accelerated coaching system and have delivered outstanding results. His international bestselling books include Zen Hypnosis Confidence, Push at Open Doors, and Play Magic Golf. ‘Soul of the Shaman’ was composed by Mark Wickenden and Stephen Simpson. It was recorded at Academy Studios, Colchester, UK. Artwork was provided by Paula Hately.

Science Certifies The Ability Of Simple Meditation Techniques

Article by Jetty Kun

Latest scientific researches prove that meditation really helps in relieving stress and anxiety that helps one to have a sound mind and body. Medical professionals have found out that Simple Meditation Techniques are sufficient in comforting our drained mind and wear out body from our daily activities. Life will be only at its best when we have our most favorable health, and that is the reason why it is always right to take good care of ourselves. Having a well-taken cared body is manifested by our physical appearance, aside from the beneficial effects to our inner body of meditation. We can as well put optimistic approaches to all things that we do if we try releasing the power of meditation.

Start Out With Meditation Techniques For Beginners

The Meditation Techniques For Beginners are composed of so easy to follow steps for you to be able to get started with this health-giving activity. The first thing that must be put in consideration is to find a quiet place where you can do this activity without being disturbed by anyone or anything. That certain place must be away from all types of distractions like electronic gadgets and noise. The place must be well ventilated so that unlimited fresh air will be supplied. After finding a good location, free yourself from any activity, 20 – 30 minutes before meditating that might catch your attention during the whole process. Your thoughts will be then focused only on this activity that will clear your mind from anxiety surely. After doing all of that, you are now ready to do the next step which is as well important in achieving total relaxation. It is about the right meditation pose which has to be comfortable rather than showy. It is very simple and most likely to be performed easily sitting with crossed legs on the floor and that is why most people are enough with it. Breathing gives the body oxygen-rich air that the brain needs to function properly and be revitalized and that is the reason why it is an essential part in the entire process. For you to be able to have an effective breathing, take slow deliberate breaths and repeat it on a rhythmic pattern. However, there is another method that can help you in bringing together your thoughts and is by using guided meditation audios. The main goal of this activity, whichever method of meditation of meditation you use, is to stop all other thoughts from flooding your mind.

Download Meditation Audio Today And Try It

In the internet, there are a lot of guided meditation audios available that are sure to suit your needs. Certain meditation audios can give you a harmonious atmosphere and a blissful mood, also some other types that can empower its users and keep them motivated for maximum performance in various understandings. If you like to try these amazing things, just Download Meditation Audio from reputable websites that cater products committed in giving physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness to your body. To listen on these pre-recorded meditation audios will surely lighten up your mood, to give you much brighter outlook towards life. These stuffs already contain easy to follow steps in order that the entire process will be more efficient and worthwhile. These things that doctors, therapists, and other experts trust are wonderful way to free your stressed out body.

About the Author

Spiritual Downloads is the perfect source of different kinds of guided meditations. Teachers, students and anyone will benefit by simply downloading the audio guides like the Foundation Meditation, Breathing Meditation, Higher Self Channeling and more. Learn more about Simple Meditation Techniques by visiting https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://spiritualdownloads.com.

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